8,008 research outputs found

    Data Augmentation for Skin Lesion Analysis

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    Deep learning models show remarkable results in automated skin lesion analysis. However, these models demand considerable amounts of data, while the availability of annotated skin lesion images is often limited. Data augmentation can expand the training dataset by transforming input images. In this work, we investigate the impact of 13 data augmentation scenarios for melanoma classification trained on three CNNs (Inception-v4, ResNet, and DenseNet). Scenarios include traditional color and geometric transforms, and more unusual augmentations such as elastic transforms, random erasing and a novel augmentation that mixes different lesions. We also explore the use of data augmentation at test-time and the impact of data augmentation on various dataset sizes. Our results confirm the importance of data augmentation in both training and testing and show that it can lead to more performance gains than obtaining new images. The best scenario results in an AUC of 0.882 for melanoma classification without using external data, outperforming the top-ranked submission (0.874) for the ISIC Challenge 2017, which was trained with additional data.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, to be presented on ISIC Skin Image Analysis Worksho

    Perceptions of Gender Roles in the Advertising Industry

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    The advertising industry since its inception has been saturated with male views and opinions, consequently manifesting in the sexual objectification of women. However, with more career opportunities for women in recent years, more women are choosing to engage in non-traditional careers, such as the fields of advertising and marketing. Yet, despite the growing female population within the advertising industry, the content of advertising still continues to be filled with gender stereotypes. To understand how female advertisers negotiate their gender role and their role as a media producer, I surveyed female advertising students of S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications (N=100) to examine the interaction amongst items, such as media consumption, gender identification, sex role ideology and behavior, general self-efficacy, and their attitudes toward the advertising industry. Findings based on the 63 female advertising students who fully completed the online survey demonstrate that for the majority of them, being a woman is a very important aspect of their identity (n=50, 76.9%). Furthermore, female advertising students lean toward a moderate profeminist stance with egalitarian attitudes toward the female gender roles. However, their strong gender identification does not have a significant interaction with their attitudes toward the advertising industry. They understand that the media does have an impact on how they feel about themselves, but they overall are not able to perceive their potential parcitipation in a medium that persists to objectify their gender. Thus, the importance of this study is that since gender does not bear a significant role in how females advertise, there is a great need to teach future advertising professionals to recognize their power role as media producers and to value creating inclusive, diverse perspectives in the media

    Analysis of B1 Listening Tasks in UPV CertAcles Certification Exams

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    [EN] Test tasks development needs to take into consideration not only the process from the point of view of applied linguistics but also the basis principles of language assessment and the framing of such principles within a model of linguistic competence. University-based language centres have made a great contribution to the development of language learning since their emergence and have played a major role in the development and implementation of language policies and language education. The function of language centres can be defined as the need for the development of more reliable systems for the accreditation or certification of language competence which will provide a basis for comparability of levels of assessment at European level. ACLES (The Spanish Association of Higher Education Language Centres) has recently launched a certification, called CertAcles based on a consensus among Spanish universities. The Language Centre (CDL) of the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV) has been closely involved and actively collaborating in the development of CertAcles certification scheme. In this paper I describe and analyse the different tasks developed for the CertAcles B1 listening paper as I have checked that it is the weakest skill for Spanish students. The results will be used for the design of more specific courses for the preparation of this kind of papers and as feedback for the exam developersPerez-Guillot, C. (2016). Analysis of B1 Listening Tasks in UPV CertAcles Certification Exams. International Journal of Modern Education Research. 3(4):20-27. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/9904220273

    Interpretacos Sobre as Jornadas de Junho de 2013

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    This article addresses certain interpretations about the origins character istics and legacies of the protests that took place in mid-June 2013 in Brazil The qualitative research systematized 55 academic publications about the Journeys of June The results show that in general the Journeys are associated with the protests that took place in the city of Sao Paulo against the increase in bus fares The Journeys would have expressed popular dissatisfaction with the political system and its ineffectiveness in fulfilling social demands In addition to presenting such interpretations the text problematizes some of them pointing to the diversity of actors agendas and repertoires of the protests avoiding certain generalizations present in the researched texts The research contributes to the knowledge about the 2013 June Journeys in Brazil based on the conception that these are interpretations and therefore are subject to problematizatio

    Ensemble decision systems for general video game playing

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    Ensemble Decision Systems offer a unique form of decision making that allows a collection of algorithms to reason together about a problem. Each individual algorithm has its own inherent strengths and weaknesses, and often it is difficult to overcome the weaknesses while retaining the strengths. Instead of altering the properties of the algorithm, the Ensemble Decision System augments the performance with other algorithms that have complementing strengths. This work outlines different options for building an Ensemble Decision System as well as providing analysis on its performance compared to the individual components of the system with interesting results, showing an increase in the generality of the algorithms without significantly impeding performance.Comment: 8 Pages, Accepted at COG201

    Trayectoria escolar y género : Un recorrido por las representaciones sociales

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    Three-dimensional measurements with a novel technique combination of confocal and focus variation with a simultaneous scan

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    The most common optical measurement technologies used today for the three dimensional measurement of technical surfaces are Coherence Scanning Interferometry (CSI), Imaging Confocal Microscopy (IC), and Focus Variation (FV). Each one has its benefits and its drawbacks. FV will be the ideal technology for the measurement of those regions where the slopes are high and where the surface is very rough, while CSI and IC will provide better results for smoother and flatter surface regions. In this work we investigated the benefits and drawbacks of combining Interferometry, Confocal and focus variation to get better measurement of technical surfaces. We investigated a way of using Microdisplay Scanning type of Confocal Microscope to acquire on a simultaneous scan confocal and focus Variation information to reconstruct a three dimensional measurement. Several methods are presented to fuse the optical sectioning properties of both techniques as well as the topographical information. This work shows the benefit of this combination technique on several industrial samples where neither confocal nor focus variation is able to provide optimal results.Postprint (author's final draft

    A model development for reconstruction of three-dimensional defects based on MFL signals

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    Corrosion has been statistically placed as the primary cause for pipeline failures well beyond other factors. The inability to accurately size corrosion defects located in pipelines can result in erroneous integrity strategies with fatal consequences, even when appropriate inspection processes have been conducted. Underestimation or overestimation of the defect size causes on one hand pipeline failures and on the other unnecessary assessments. Several strategies for defect sizing based on MFL signals have been developed in recent years. However, the industry still urges for reliability improvements. The current thesis develops a model based on calibration curves for the reconstruction of defects, based on MFL signals. A thorough study of different parameters involved allows for the understanding of the relationships between defect dimensions and MFL signal features. The methodology of this research includes theoretical, numerical and experimental assessments resulting in the development of a reliable three-dimensional model. Calibration curves are reported for inner as well as for outer defect configuration. Such curves permit the accurate establishment of the defect length and depth by means of the signal duration and amplitude. The results of this study for a single defect can be further implemented in order to investigate the superposition of MFL signals coming from adjacent defects. The MFL signal superposition is demonstrated through simulations and experiments.Nach der Statistik ist Korrosion, neben anderen Faktoren, die primäre Ursache für Rohrleitungsversagen. Die Unfähigkeit, Korrosionsfehler in Rohrleitungen genau zu dimensionieren, kann zu fehlerhaften Integritätsstrategien mit fatalen Folgen führen, selbst wenn geeignete Prüfprozesse angewendet werden. Eine Unterschätzung oder Überschätzung der Fehlergröße führt einerseits zu Pipelineversagen und andererseits zu unnötigen Untersuchungen. In den letzten Jahren wurden verschiedene Strategien zur Fehlergrößenbestimmung basierend auf Signalen des magnetischen Streuflusses entwickelt. Die Industrie drängt jedoch weiterhin auf eine Verbesserung der Zuverlässigkeit durch diese Technik. In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden Kalibrierkurven für die Rekonstruktion von Fehlstellen basierend auf Signalen des magnetischen Streuflusses beschrieben. Eine gründliche Untersuchung der verschiedenen Einflussparameter ermöglicht die Beziehungen zwischen den Dimensionen der Fehlstellen und Signalmerkmalen des magnetischen Streuflusses zu verstehen. Die Methodik dieser Forschung umfasst theoretische, numerische und experimentelle Bewertungen, die zur Entwicklung eines zuverlässigen dreidimensionalen Modells führen. Kalibrierkurven werden sowohl für Innen- als auch für Außenfehler angegeben. Solche Kurven ermöglichen die genaue Ermittlung der Fehlstellenlänge und -tiefe anhand der Signallänge und -amplitude. Die Ergebnisse, die in dieser Studie für Einzelfehler gewonnen wurden können verwendet werden, um Untersuchungen an benachbarten Fehlstellen durchzuführen, bei denen sich die Signale des magnetischen Streuflusses überlagern

    Inovação aberta: um estudo sobre as empresas 3M e Natura - Brasil

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    Objective: The general aim of this study is to verify how Natura and 3M businesses included open innovation in their everyday practices.Methodology: The chosen method is qualitative research of exploratory nature. The strategy adopted for the collection and analysis of data is based on the Grounded Theory approach guided by Charmaz's (2009) study in three distinct stages. At each stage of collection and analysis, the data was openly encoded (at first), followed by a more focused and theoretical coding to obtain the theoretical coding categories.Originality: This study sought to enrich the knowledge on open innovation through research in 3M Brazil and Natura's companies, which allowed relating open innovation with organizational strategy and as a complement to the innovative process.Main results: The results show that open innovation is understood by companies like a strategy that permeates the ecosystem to the complement of resources, skills, technology, and valuable knowledge in their relationships in the innovation process.Theoretical Contributions: This research contributes empirically to broaden the understanding of open innovation as a company strategy. The results reveal open innovation as a strategy that permeates the ecosystem, in addition to complement resources, capacities, technologies, and knowledge that add value to the innovation process.Objetivo del trabajo: El objetivo general de este estudio es constatar cómo las empresas 3M Brasil y Natura entienden la innovación abierta en sus prácticas diarias.Metodología: El método utilizado fue la investigación exploratoria cualitativa. La estrategia adoptada para la recopilación y el análisis de datos se basó en el enfoque de la teoría fundamentada guiado por el trabajo de Charmaz (2009) en tres etapas distintas. En cada fase de recopilación y análisis, los datos se codificaron abiertamente (inicial), seguidos de codificación focalizada y codificación.Originalidad: Este estudio buscó enriquecer el conocimiento sobre el tema innovación abierta, a través de la investigación en las empresas 3M Brasil y Natura, permitido relacionar la innovación abierta con la estrategia organizacional y como complemento del proceso innovador.Principales resultados: Los resultados indican que las empresas entienden la innovación abierta como la estrategia que impregna el ecosistema para complementar recursos valiosos, capacidades, tecnología y conocimiento en sus relaciones en el proceso de innovación.Contribuciones teóricas: Esta investigación contribuye empíricamente a ampliar la comprensión de la innovación abierta como estrategia de la empresa. Los resultados revelan la innovación abierta como una estrategia que impregna el ecosistema, a fin de aportar como complemento, recursos, capacidades, tecnologías y conocimientos que agregan valor al proceso de innovación.Objetivo do Trabalho: O objetivo geral deste estudo consiste em verificar como as empresas 3M Brasil e Natura compreendem a inovação aberta em suas práticas cotidianas.Metodologia: O método utilizado foi a pesquisa qualitativa de caráter exploratório. A estratégia adotada para coleta e análise dos dados baseou-se na abordagem da Grounded Theory orientados pelo trabalho de Charmaz (2009) em três etapas distintas. Em cada fase da coleta e análise, os dados foram codificados de forma aberta (inicial), seguida de codificação focalizada e codificação teórica.Originalidade: Neste estudo buscou-se enriquecer o conhecimento sobre o tema inovação aberta, por meio de pesquisa nas empresas 3M Brasil e Natura, permitindo relacionar Inovação aberta com estratégia organizacional e como complemento para o processo inovativo.Principais Resultados:Os resultados apontam que a inovação aberta é compreendida pelas empresas como a estratégia que permeia o ecossistema para o complemento de recursos, capacidades, tecnologia e conhecimento valiosos em seus relacionamentos no processo de inovação.  Contribuições Teóricas: Esta pesquisa contribui empiricamente no sentido de ampliar o entendimento de inovação aberta como estratégia da empresa. Os resultados revelam a inovação aberta enquanto estratégia que permeia o ecossistema, no intuito de trazer como complemento, recursos, capacidades, tecnologias e conhecimentos que agreguem valor ao processo de inovação