2,995 research outputs found

    Poesia luso-brasileira contemporânea: do verbo ao pixel

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    Artigo realizado no âmbito do projecto "PO.EX'70-80 Arquivo Digital da Literatura Experimental Portuguesa", com a Refª PTDC/CLE-LLI/098270/2008, financiado por fundos nacionais através da FCT/MCTES (PIDDAC) e co-financiado pelo Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional (FEDER) através do COMPETE – Programa Operacional Factores de Competitividade (POFC).Este artigo propõe uma reflexão sobre lugar da poesia no ensino de literatura e na formação do leitor, tendo em vista as metáforas e imagens recorrentes nas interfaces do discurso das hipermídias, entre as linguagens propiciadas pelas Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TIC) na sociedade contemporânea. Busca demonstrar as vivências possíveis de leitura e apreciação estética que estas oferecem ao utente/leitor para o exercício da criatividade e da autonomia na construção da inteligência coletiva. Para isso, focaliza a produção em hipermídia da literatura luso-brasileira, destacando a presença marcante da poesia experimental portuguesa na construção da poesia digital e da ciberliteratura brasileira na atualidade

    International application of the "Multidimensional Intervention for Social Anxiety" (MISA) program: II. Treatment effectiveness for social anxiety-related problems

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    This study is part of the I+D+i project with reference RTI2018-093916-B-I00, funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/and FEDER "A way of doing Europe". Support from the Foundation for the Advancement of Clinical Behavioral Psychology (FUNVECA) is also acknowledged.In a previous work (Caballo et al., 2021) we tested the effectiveness of the Multidimensional Intervention for Social Anxiety (MISA) program in reducing social anxiety symptoms. In this quasi-experimental study, with pre/post-treatment and follow-up measures, we examined the impact of the MISA program on other problems related to social anxiety. 57 people diagnosed with social anxiety disorder (SAD), according to DSM-5, were assessed with a diagnostic interview and questionnaires measuring social skills, depression, avoidant personality disorder symptoms, alcoholism, self-esteem, personal sensitivity, worries, and quality of life. Different therapists carried out the treatment in Ecuador, Spain, and Paraguay. The results showed significant improvements at post-treatment in virtually all measures assessing the above variables, improvements that were maintained at six months. Effect sizes on treatment effectiveness ranged from medium to large. The MISA program was also compared with individual cognitive behavioral therapy and pharmacological treatment, with favorable results for the MISA program. In conclusion, this new program for the treatment of social anxiety has a significant impact on other problems usually related to SAD.In a previous work (Caballo et al., 2021) we tested the effectiveness of the Multidimensional Intervention for Social Anxiety (MISA) program in reducing social anxiety symptoms. In this quasi-experimental study, with pre/post-treatment and follow-up measures, we examined the impact of the MISA program on other problems related to social anxiety. 57 people diagnosed with social anxiety disorder (SAD), according to DSM-5, were assessed with a diagnostic interview and questionnaires measuring social skills, depression, avoidant personality disorder symptoms, alcoholism, self-esteem, personal sensitivity, worries, and quality of life. Different therapists carried out the treatment in Ecuador, Spain, and Paraguay. The results showed significant improvements at post-treatment in virtually all measures assessing the above variables, improvements that were maintained at six months. Effect sizes on treatment effectiveness ranged from medium to large. The MISA program was also compared with individual cognitive behavioral therapy and pharmacological treatment, with favorable results for the MISA program. In conclusion, this new program for the treatment of social anxiety has a significant impact on other problems usually related to SAD.I+D+i project RTI2018-093916-B-I00Foundation for the Advancement of Clinical Behavioral Psychology (FUNVECA)FEDER "A way of doing Europe" MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033

    Health and Gross National Happiness: review of current status in Bhutan

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    Worldwide, contemporary measures of the success of health development programs have been mostly in terms of the reduction of mortality and morbidity as well as increasing longevity. While these goals have yielded much-needed health improvements, the subjective outcomes of these improvements, as experienced by individuals and the communities, have not been considered. Bhutan, under the overarching policy of Gross National Happiness, has provided due consideration to these subjective indicators. Here, we report on the current status of health and happiness in Bhutan as revealed by conventional objective indicators and subjective Gross National Happiness indicators. The current literature on health in Bhutan in relation to the Gross National Happiness Survey conducted by the Centre of Bhutan Studies has been reviewed. Bhutan has made great strides within a short period of modernization, as shown by both objective and subjective indicators. Tremendous challenges lie ahead to achieve the ultimate goal of health and happiness, and how Bhutan articulates its path to modernization may be a lesson for the rest of the world

    Representações sociais da violência entre parceiros íntimos numa amostra de enfermeiros e assistentes sociais:estudo exploratório

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Psicologia Clínica e da Saúde (Psicoterapia Sistémica e Familiar), apresentada à Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade de Coimbra.O presente estudo tem como objetivos primordiais analisar as representações sociais da violência entre parceiros íntimos numa amostra de enfermeiros e assistentes sociais e investigar a influência da idade, do estado civil, dos anos de serviço, bem como o impacto das formações em torno da presente problemática na elaboração das suas crenças. Neste sentido, administrámos um protocolo de investigação a uma amostra de 139 sujeitos (63% enfermeiros e 37% assistentes sociais), que contemplava um Questionário Sociodemográfico e Dados Complementares, as Escalas de Táticas de Conflito Revisadas (The Revised Conflict Tactics Scales - CTS-2), versão portuguesa de Alexandra e Figueiredo (2006), o Questionário de Violência Conjugal – Histórias (QRVC-HIS) (Alarcão, Alberto, Correia & Camelo, 2007) e o Questionário de Violência Conjugal – Causas, Manutenção e Resolução (QVC-CMR) (Alarcão, Alberto, Correia & Camelo, 2007).Os resultados obtidos espelham uma baixa legitimação dos profissionais de saúde em relação à violência nas relações íntimas. Relativamente à formação acerca da violência nas relações íntimas, verificámos que 60.4% nunca teve formação sobre esta problemática embora 89.9% considere a mesma importante. Em síntese, os resultados obtidos remetem para a necessidade de investir na formação dos profissionais de saúde, no âmbito da violência nas relações íntimas, desmistificando as crenças que legitimam e/ou banalizam a violência, ao mesmo tempo que se aumenta a prevenção a fim de que, na sua prática, estes profissionais possam atuar de forma adequada em termos da intervenção.This study has as main objectives to analyze the social representations of intimate partner violence in a sample of nurses and social workers and investigate the influence of age, marital status, years of service, as well as the impact of formations around this problem in drawing up their beliefs. In this sense, we administered a research protocol to a sample of 139 subjects (63% nurses and social workers 37%), which included the Sociodemographic Questionnaire and Supplemental Data, the Revised Conflict Tactic Scales (CTS-2), portuguese version of Alexandra and Figueiredo (2006), the Conjugal Violence Questionnaire - Stories (QRVS-HIST) (Alarcão, Alberto, Correia & Camelo 2007) and the Conjugal Violence Questionnaire - Causes, Maintenance and Resolutions (QVC – CMR) (Alarcão, Alberto, Correia & Camelo 2007). The results reflect a low legitimacy of health professionals in relation to violence in intimate relationships. As regards the education on violence in intimate relationships, we found that 60.4% never had training on this issue while 89.9% consider it important. In summary, the results indicate the need to invest in the education of health professionals, on violence in intimate relationships, demystifying beliefs that legitimize and / or trivialize violence, while increasing the prevention to that, in its practice, these professionals can act appropriately in terms of intervention

    Community-directed educational intervention for malaria elimination in Bhutan: quasi-experimental study in malaria endemic areas of Sarpang district

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    BACKGROUND: As per the World Malaria Report 2011, there was a 17% reduction in morbidity and 26% reduction in mortality in 2010, compared to 2000. In Bhutan, there were only 194 malaria cases in 2011 as compared to 5,935 cases in 2000. As the country moves towards an elimination phase, educating the community and empowering them on malaria prevention and control is imperative. Hence, this study was conducted to elucidate the effectiveness of the community-directed educational intervention on malaria prevention and control in malaria-endemic areas of Sarpang district, Bhutan. METHODS: This quasi-experimental study design was conducted using both qualitative and quantitative data collection methods. In-depth interviews and focus group discussions were carried out in addition to household survey using a structured questionnaire conducted before and after the intervention. Intervention was conducted using community action groups, who were provided with training and which then developed action plans for implementation of interventions within their communities. RESULTS: The study resulted in a significant improvement in knowledge and attitude in intervention as compared to control during the post-intervention survey (p < 0.001). The practice score was higher in the control group both during pre- and post-intervention, however, the mean ( ±sd) score of practice in intervention group increased from 6.84 ± 1.26 in pre-intervention to 8.35 ± 1.14 in post-intervention (p < 0.001), where as it decreased from 9.19 ± 1.78 to 9.10 ± 1.98 in the control group (p = 0. 68). When comparing pre- and post- in the intervention group, there was significant improvement during post-intervention in knowledge, attitude and practice (p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: The findings from this study corroborate that community-directed interventions can be utilized as an effective means for improving knowledge, attitude and practice in the malaria-endemic areas of Bhutan. Further studies are needed to see the long-term effect and sustainability of such interventions

    Water diffusion in rough carbon nanotubes

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    We use molecular dynamics simulations to study the diffusion of water inside deformed carbon nanotubes with different degrees of deformation at 300 K. We found that the number of hydrogen bonds that water forms depends on nanotube topology, leading to enhancement or suppression of water diffusion. The simulation results reveal that more realistic nanotubes should be considered to understand the confined water diffusion behavior, at least for the narrowest nanotubes, when the interaction between water molecules and carbon atoms is relevant

    Understanding Unique Employability Skill Sets of Autistic Individuals: A Systematic Review

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    In recent years, several publications and media outlets have highlighted how the skills and interests of autistic individuals may benefit organizations. However, there is scant empirical research on the topic. The present study\u27s authors conducted a systematic review to find which potential employability skills, strengths, and interests of autistic individuals available research has highlighted. Data extraction methods identified 51 papers related to skills in this population. The skill sets autistic individuals may possess and the research behind these findings were organized, evaluated, and summarized. Based on these findings, investigators discuss implications for employment counseling and future research

    Water diffusion in carbon nanotubes : Interplay between confinement, surface deformation, and temperature

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    In this article, we investigate, through molecular dynamics simulations, the diffusion behavior of the TIP4P/2005 water confined in pristine and deformed carbon nanotubes (armchair and zigzag). To analyze different diffusive mechanisms, the water temperature was varied as 210 ≤ T ≤ 380 K. The results of our simulations reveal that water presents a non-Arrhenius to Arrhenius diffusion crossover. The confinement shifts the diffusion transition to higher temperatures when compared with the bulk system. In addition, for narrower nanotubes, water diffuses in a single line, which leads to its mobility independent of the activation energy
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