4,863 research outputs found

    More women in informatics research and education

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    The booklet is a compact source of clear and simple best practices to deans and heads of departments that aim to increase the participation of women as both students and employees in their institutions. Many tips included were also inspired by colleagues already in leading positions who have already implemented actions in their institutions to attract more women and ensure their continued participation in the organization at commensurate ratios with their male colleagues. The booklet is endorsed by the European Commission and features a foreword by Neelie Kroes, Vice-President of the European Commission, responsible for the Digital Agenda

    Resilience of green roofs to climate change

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    The successful management of cities growth rely in part on the maximization of the benefits delivered by the built environment while minimizing the environmental degradation. Circular and resourceful cites are the mainstream for climate change resilience. Green roofs, as a nature-based solution, contribute to climate change adaptation and mitigation through the provision of several ecosystem services. Value of green roofs can be achieved at the level of environmental (e.g., air quality enhancement, carbon sequestration, biodiversity promotion stormwater management, acoustic insulation, and noise reduction), social (e.g., esthetic integration, well-being and life quality, rooftop gardens), and economic (e.g., life span extension, energetic efficiency, energy production, real-state valorization, business development) spheres. Buildup green roof resilience maybe underpinned by the selection of efficient and sustainable components for its installation. This chapter aims at giving an overview on the role of green roofs resilience to climate change, highlighting the provision of services and the mitigation and adaption capacity.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Mathematica in the classroom: new tools for exploring precalculus and differential calculus

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    Prémio de Melhor Artigo de Jovem Investigador atribuído pela empresa Timberlake, apresentado na 1ª Conferência Nacional sobre Computação Simbólica no Ensino e na Investigação - CSEI2012, que decorreu no IST nos dias 2 e 3 de Abril.The main goal of this paper is to present some interactive tools, F-Tools, designed by us and implemented with the computer algebra system Mathematica, which we hope will improve the teaching-and-learning process by providing teachers and students alike with new ways to explore some of the main mathematical subjects, at the secondary and university levels, speci cally in the areas of precalculus and di erential calculus. We believe that these new tools are an important contribution to Mathematical Education, providing new ways for teaching and learning. We intend to make available several F-Tools, such as F-Linear, F-Quadratic, F-Exponential, F-Logarithm, and F-Trigonometric, at the Wolfram Demonstrations Project site


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    The article (see http://hdl.handle.net/10400.1/1105) was first presented in the 1st National Conference on Symbolic Computation in Education and Research, IST Portugal 2012, where distinguished with the Timberlake Award for Best Article by a Young Researcher. On how to work with the CDF format please see http://www.wolfram.com/cdf-player/.F-Quadratic is a F-Tool (see http://hdl.handle.net/10400.1/1105), that is, a visual, dynamic, and interactive teaching tool that allow to explore in an innovate fashion some of the main concepts within precalculus and differential calculus at the secondary and university levels (available in the CDF format)

    Relationships between body symmetry during weight-bearing and functional reach among chronic hemiparetic patients

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    Contextualização: O controle postural está freqüentemente prejudicado nas condições de hemiparesias. Quando na posição em pé, sujeitos hemiparéticos oscilam mais do que sujeitos sem hemicorpo afetado, adotando posturas assimétricas com maior descarga de peso na perna não afetada. Objetivo: Analisar o alcance funcional e a dependência por dispositivo de apoio em hemiparéticos crônicos, verificando correlações entre deslocamentos de alcance funcional e valores de simetria de descarga de peso durante a posição em pé. Métodos: Quatorze hemiparéticos classificados em dependentes ou independentes de dispositivo de apoio foram incluídos nos procedimentos experimentais para registro de deslocamento de alcance funcional e valores de simetria. Resultados: Nenhuma diferença significativa foi obtida entre os dependentes e os independentes de dispositivo de apoio para todas as variáveis. Porém, quando a descarga de peso ocorreu no lado não afetado, os mais altos deslocamentos foram significativamente correlacionados com os hemiparéticos mais assimétricos. Conclusão: A simetria não favorece o alcance funcional nem a independência de dispositivo de apoio em hemiparéticos.Background: Postural control is often impaired in hemiparetic patients. During upright stance, hemiparetic subjects sway more than subjects with an unaffected hemibody, and they assume asymmetrical postures to place less weight on the affected side. Objective: To analyze functional reach and dependence on support devices among people with chronic hemiparesis and to investigate the relationships between displacements of functional reach and weight-bearing symmetry during upright stance. Methods: Fourteen participants with hemiparesis, classifed as dependent on support devices or independent from them, were included in experimental procedures to record functional reach displacements and symmetry values. Results: No signifcant differences were found between the dependent and independent participants for any variable. However, when weight-bearing occurred on the unaffected side, the greatest displacements were signifcantly correlated with the most asymmetrical hemiparetic participants. Conclusion: Symmetry did not contribute to functional reach or independence from support devices among participants with hemiparesis


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    The article (see http://hdl.handle.net/10400.1/1105) was first presented in the 1st National Conference on Symbolic Computation in Education and Research, IST Portugal 2012, where distinguished with the Timberlake Award for Best Article by a Young Researcher. On how to work with the CDF format please see http://www.wolfram.com/cdf-player/.F-Linear is a F-Tool (see http://hdl.handle.net/10400.1/1105), that is, a visual, dynamic, and interactive teaching tool that allow to explore in an innovate fashion some of the main concepts within precalculus and differential calculus at the secondary and university levels (available in the CDF format)


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    The article (see http://hdl.handle.net/10400.1/1105) was first presented in the 1st National Conference on Symbolic Computation in Education and Research, IST Portugal 2012, where distinguished with the Timberlake Award for Best Article by a Young Researcher. On how to work with the CDF format please see http://www.wolfram.com/cdf-player/.F-Exponential is a F-Tool (see http://hdl.handle.net/10400.1/1105), that is, a visual, dynamic, and interactive teaching tool that allow to explore in an innovate fashion some of the main concepts within precalculus and differential calculus at the secondary and university levels (available in the CDF format)

    Olive mill wastewater as a renewable resource

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    The olive mill wastewater (OMW) is a stable emulsion composed by water, olive pulp and residual oil. An approach for using this waste as a renewable resource is of greater interest. Several authors have been studding physicochemical treatment methods. However, the biological treatments allow not only the treatment, but also the effluent valorization, by producing several valuable products. This effluent is also a source of natural antioxidants and its extraction is economically attractive. The ideal OMW valorization process could be achieved by the combination of methods, for instance the use of physical-chemical methods as pretreatment can highly reduce the pollutants concentrations and allows better production efficiency by microorganisms


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    The article (see http://hdl.handle.net/10400.1/1105) was first presented in the 1st National Conference on Symbolic Computation in Education and Research, IST Portugal 2012, where distinguished with the Timberlake Award for Best Article by a Young Researcher. On how to work with the CDF format please see http://www.wolfram.com/cdf-player/.F-Logarithm is a F-Tool (see http://hdl.handle.net/10400.1/1105), that is, a visual, dynamic, and interactive teaching tool that allow to explore in an innovate fashion some of the main concepts within precalculus and differential calculus at the secondary and university levels (available in the CDF format)
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