125 research outputs found

    Paleo-landscapes along the Ionian coast of Salento

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    Monitoring and conservation of archaeological wooden elements from ship wrecks using 3D digital imaging

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    In marine archaeology, many artifacts made of metallic or organic material are found in different state of conservation depending of the environment in which they are discovered. Once brought to the surface for study or display purposes, the artifacts need to be treated properly otherwise they deteriorate in a short lapse of time. The fragility of organic artifacts and the volumetric variation caused by the marine life on or surrounding them and water lead to the need for measuring the physical dimensions soon after an artifact is extracted from the sea. In an ideal context, it would be appropriate to preserve and restore the archaeological elements rapidly and with the latest methods but due to the large number of artifacts, the cost of complete restoration activities becomes prohibitive for the funding available in public institutions. For this reason, many public laboratories are resorting to digital technologies for documentation, restoration, display and conservation. In this paper, we illustrate the experience of the University of Salento in this area of archaeology using 3D imaging technology. The interest sprang from the need to develop a protocol for documentation and digital restoration of archaeological finds discovered along the coast of Torre S. Sabina (BR) Italy

    Capturing impacts of Leader and of measures to improve Quality of Life in rural areas

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    The Helpdesk of European Evaluation Network for Rural Development supported by a group of external experts has prepared a Working Paper on ”Capturing the impacts of Leader and measures to improve the Quality of life (QoL) in rural areas”. The working paper provides methodological support for evaluators, managing authorities and other interested parties. The main evaluation challenges include: assessing the “double scope” of Leader (it is both a process and generates impacts); the need to adequately define what is QoL in the context of Rural Development Programmes (RDPs); tackling the qualitative nature of the effects; identifying contributions from small-scale interventions; and the fact that the EU’s Common Monitoring and Evaluation Framework (CMEF) requires assessment of impacts ultimately at programme level. The working paper is targeted primarily at practitioners involved in the evaluation of the current RDPs (2007-2013). It proposes a framework of reference which provides a conceptual model in order to assess Quality of Life around four dimensions – environment, socio-culture, economy and governance.Rural development, impact evaluation, leader, quality of life, Agricultural and Food Policy, Q18,

    Produção de erva-mate consorciada com cinamomo e louro-pardo

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    The objective of this research was to evaluate the yield of Paraguay tea (Ilex paraguariensis St. Hil.),a South American native tree of the Aquifoliaceae family, planted in different intercropping densities with chinaberry tree (Melia azedarach L.) and “louro-pardo” (Cordia trichotoma Vellozo Arrabida ex Steudel.). Six different plant spacing arrangements were used for chinaberry tree and “louro-pardo”, while he Paraguay teawas planted in the rows by using two, three or four seedlings depending on the inter-row space. The Paraguay tea was evaluated in August 2002 and December 2003 by quantifying the total plots production. In July 2005 an individual evaluation of all plants in the plots was carried out. The chinaberry tree and the “louro-pardo” wereevaluated only once (July 2005) by taking measures of the diameter at breast height (DBH), height and diameter of plant canopy. It was possible to observe that the shade produced by the chinaberry tree affected the production of Paraguay tea. The spacing for the plantation of chinaberry tree and “louro-pardo” affected the yield of Paraguaytea due to the variation of its population. The highest yield of Paraguay tea was obtained with “louro-pardo” in the density of 941 plants/ha.O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar a produtividade da erva-mate (Ilex paraguariensis St. Hil.) plantada em diferentes densidades em dois consórcios: um com cinamomo (Melia azedarach L.), e outro com louro-pardo (Cordia trichotoma Vellozo Arrabida ex Steudel.). Foram utilizados seis espaçamentos no plantio do cinamomo e louro-pardo, sendo que a erva-mate foi plantada com duas, três ou quatro mudas entre as plantas de cinamomo e louro-pardo, na linha de plantio. A erva-mate foi avaliada em agosto de 2002 e dezembro de 2003, medindo-se a produção total das parcelas, e na avaliação de junho de 2005 foi realizada a avaliação individual para todas as plantas da parcela. O cinamomo e o louro-pardo foram avaliados apenas uma vez (junho de 2005), medindo-se odiâmetro à altura do peito, altura e diâmetro de copa das plantas. Observou-se que o sombreamento provocado pelo cinamomo reduz a produção de erva-mate. Independentemente da espécie em consórcio, a produtividade de erva-mate cresce com o aumento na sua densidade de plantio, com menor incremento no consórcio com cinamomo.Nas condições do experimento, obtém-se a maior produtividade de erva-mate no consórcio com louro-pardo no espaçamento de 8,5 x 5m entre plantas, com erva-mate na densidade de 941 plantas/ha

    Rendimento diário por tarefeiro na colheita de erva-mate

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    The aim of this work was to evaluate the average daily yield of the yerba mate harvesting activity per employee in cultivated and non-cultivated herbs. Initially, the herb stores in the region were asked to cut their employees' controls with individual productivity records (kg/man/day) in the last months. With these data, considered 'pilot sample', the mean and standard deviation were calculated according to the type of herb (cultivated and not cultivated), determining the minimum number of employees to be evaluated. Workers from 11 main herbaceous plants in the West and Midwest of Santa Catarina were sampled. By availability at the time of evaluations, 46 and 44 employees were evaluated in the non-cultivated and cultivated systems, respectively. With 95% confidence, it was estimated that the average yield sampled has a maximum error of 6.36% and 4.05% for non-cultivated and cultivated herbs, respectively. The average pruning yield of 734. 5kg man-1 day-1 for cultivated herbs was significantly higher compared to non-cultivated, 535.8kg man-1 day-1.O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar o rendimento médio diário da atividade de colheita da erva-mate por funcionário (tarefeiro) em ervais cultivados e não cultivados. Inicialmente foram solicitados às ervateiras da região os controles de corte dos seus colaboradores com registro da produtividade individual (kg/homem/dia) nos últimos meses. Com estes dados, considerados ‘amostra piloto', calculou-se a média e o desvio padrão em função do tipo de erval (cultivado e não cultivado), determinando-se o número mínimo de colaboradores a serem avaliados. Foram amostrados tarefeiros de 11 principais ervateiras do Oeste e Meio Oeste de Santa Catarina. Por disponibilidade no momento das avaliações, foram avaliados 46 e 44 colaboradores nos sistemas não cultivado e cultivado, respectivamente. Com 95% de confiança, estimou-se que o rendimento médio amostrado tem um erro máximo de 6,36% e 4,05% para os ervais não cultivados e cultivados, respectivamente. O rendimento médio de poda de 734,5kg/homem/dia para os ervais cultivados foi significativamente maior em relação aos não cultivados, 535,8kg/homem/dia

    Diabetes and erectile dysfunction: The relationships with health literacy, treatment adherence, unrealistic optimism, and glycaemic control

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    Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationships between health literacy, unrealistic optimism, and adherence to glycometabolic disease management related to erectile dysfunction (ED) in male patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D) or preDM. Materials and methods: This prospective observational study enroled 167 consecutive patients with T2D and ED. All patients underwent the following examinations: (a) medical history collection; (b) Body Mass Index (BMI) determination; (c) hormonal and biochemical assessment; (d) duration of T2D, complications and treatment; (e) International Index of Erectile Function-5 questionnaire to assess ED; and (f) validated questionnaire to evaluate health literacy, unrealistic optimism, and treatment adherence. Results: Overall, mean age was 62.5 ± 9.4 years (range: 20-75) and mean BMI was 28.4 ± 4.8 kg/m2 (range: 18.4-46.6). The mean IIEF-5 score was 15.4 ± 5.2 (range: 5-25). The majority of patients showed high health literacy. However, low health literacy was found in patients with higher IIEF-5 scores and high BMI. Unrealistic optimism was low in most patients. Higher adherence to treatment was found in patients who reported regular physical activity, who followed a diet, and in patients with a family history of T2D. Regarding anti-diabetic treatment, patients treated with insulin showed higher health literacy than patients not treated with other medications, whereas higher adherence was found in patients using SGLT2-i. Conclusions: This study highlighted the close relationship between metabolic compensation, BMI, ED, and psychological attitudes, including health literacy and unrealistic optimism

    Diabetes and erectile dysfunction. The relationships with health literacy, treatment adherence, unrealistic optimism, and glycaemic control

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    Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationships between health literacy, unrealistic optimism, and adherence to glycometabolic disease management related to erectile dysfunction (ED) in male patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D) or preDM.Materials and Methods: This prospective observational study enroled 167 consecutive patients with T2D and ED. All patients underwent the following examinations: (a) medical history collection; (b) Body Mass Index (BMI) determination; (c) hormonal and biochemical assessment; (d) duration of T2D, complications and treatment; (e) International Index of Erectile Function-5 questionnaire to assess ED; and (f) validated questionnaire to evaluate health literacy, unrealistic optimism, and treatment adherence.Results: Overall, mean age was 62.5 +/- 9.4 years (range: 20-75) and mean BMI was 28.4 +/- 4.8 kg/m(2) (range: 18.4-46.6). The mean IIEF-5 score was 15.4 +/- 5.2 (range: 5-25). The majority of patients showed high health literacy. However, low health literacy was found in patients with higher IIEF-5 scores and high BMI. Unrealistic optimism was low in most patients. Higher adherence to treatment was found in patients who reported regular physical activity, who followed a diet, and in patients with a family history of T2D. Regarding anti-diabetic treatment, patients treated with insulin showed higher health literacy than patients not treated with other medications, whereas higher adherence was found in patients using SGLT2-i.Conclusions: This study highlighted the close relationship between metabolic compensation, BMI, ED, and psychological attitudes, including health literacy and unrealistic optimism

    Robotic-Assisted Epicardial Hybrid Ablation and Left Appendage Closure in Persistent Atrial Fibrillation:First European Experience

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    Background: Pulmonary vein isolation is currently considered to be the gold standard for ablating paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. However, its efficacy is limited in patients with persistent atrial fibrillation. The convergent procedure has emerged as a hybrid ablation. This study aims, for the first time in the literature, to introduce a hybrid approach that includes epicardial ablation with cutting-edge robotic technology and subsequent electrophysiological study to verify and an endocardial ablation to complete the ablation lines. Methods: We present 18 cases of robotic-assisted epicardial hybrid ablation performed between April and December 2023 on patients with long-standing persistent atrial fibrillation (mean age: 64 ± 5 years; mean duration: 4 ± 2 years). All of the procedures were performed at “Humanitas Gavazzeni Hospital”, Bergamo, Italy. Robot-assisted epicardial ablation performed using the “Epi-Sense AtriCure” device was guided by monitoring electrogram morphology and point-by-point impedance drop. This approach also included left atrial appendage occlusion and the disconnection of the ligament of Marshall. An electrophysiological study and endocardial ablation were planned three months after the procedure.Results: The procedure was successfully executed in all patients with no major complications and a mean operative time of 142 ± 22 min. None of the cases required conversion to full sternotomy or minithoracotomy. The procedure was performed in all cases without extracorporeal circulation and on a beating heart. Fifteen patients (83%) were extubated in the operating room. The length of stay in the intensive care unit was less than 24 h. Acute restoration of sinus rhythm was achieved in 12 out of the 18 patients (67%); the median duration of their hospital stay was two days. In the electrophysiological study, seven pts had sinus rhythm, two had atrial fibrillation, and one patient developed atrial flutter at 3-month follow-up. Patients underwent transcatheter ablation to complete the lesion set and, at the time of discharge, were all in sinus rhythm.Conclusions: In our initial experience, surgical atrial fibrillation ablation consisting of a unilateral thoracoscopic technique facilitated by a robotic platform and continuous EGM monitoring has proven to be safe and feasible. For the electrophysiological study at 3 months, completing the gaps in the surgical ablation lines could improve the clinical results of the technique in terms of sinus rhythm stability. However, mid- and long-term follow-up is required to demonstrate this.</p

    The Bay of Savudrija: Harbour and the Coastal Landscape in the Roman Age

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    U uvali Savudrija, u svibnju 2011. g., započela su istraživanja antičke lučke arhitekture čiji je cilj rekonstrukcija antičkog krajolika i pokušaj evaluacije obalne linije u rimsko vrijeme na području Savudrije. istraživanja su pokrenuta u sklopu istraživačkog projekta Storie del mare, u suradnji triju supotpisnika – nositelja projekta Dipartimento di Storia e Culture dall’Antichità al Mondo Contemporaneo (DiSCAM), pri Sveučilištu u Trstu (Italija), Arheološkog muzeja Istre iz Pule i Muzeja grada Umaga – Museo civico di Umago (Hrvatska).As a part of the main Project Storie dal mare which has been carried by Department of Humanistic Studies, University of Trieste and in collaboration between Archeological Museum of Istria in Pula and Umag Municipal Museum in Croatia the research has been conducted in the Bay of Savudrija. The main aim of this project was the reconstruction of the ancient landscape and the evaluation of the shoreline during Roman Age. The goal of archaeological campaign in 2011 was to make a complete documentation of southern breakwater and pier (using the multibeam technique and total station) and to try to make topography of all roman architectural structures, visible along the coast. The ancient port basin in the bay of Savudrija includes a complex consisting of different structures, some of which are visible along the bay. The basin was triangular in shape, and was closed by two symmetrically placed breakwaters. The other archaeological structures as pier and walls on the coast extend themselves along the southern line of the bay. The area containing the Roman structures belonged to a section of the first lowest terrace of a Roman structure which during Roman Age should be extended towards the sea. A preliminary analysis of the archaeological materials excavated in the bay indicates that the area was used since the beginnings of the Empire until the Late Roman period, that is from the 1st to the 6th century