8 research outputs found

    Extended reality in the automotive sector: A bibliometric analysis of publications from 2012 to 2022

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    The present study aims to present a bibliometric analysis of publications related to “Extended Reality” (XR) in the automotive sector. XR is revolutionizing the industry in all fields, and the automotive is one of the sectors that has had much to gain from this technology and its components (Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality). Articles on XR in the automotive field that were published from 2012 to 2022 were retrieved from the Scopus database. Extracted items were analysed in terms of the document type, document language, year of publication, country, authors, affiliations, sources, citations, keywords, and research domains. The open-source tool VOSviewer was used to visualize trends in research on XR applied to automotive. The analyses of 1584 documents revealed that the total number of publications has continually increased over the last 11 years. The country producing most of the articles in this field was Germany, followed by the United States and China. The most productive journal is Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour and the institution that issued most of the articles is Technical University of Munich. From the analysis of author keywords, the prominent research areas currently involving the use of XR technologies in automotive can be highlighted: virtual prototyping, design, manufacturing, sales, training, driver or pedestrian behaviour analysis, and ergonomics. More recently, terms like artificial intelligence and autonomous vehicles have started to be used more frequently in studies in the field. The current study reveals an expanding corpus of literature on XR-based applications for the automotive sector using bibliometric methods. Researchers and stakeholders can use this study as a useful reference to comprehend the big picture and the state-of-the-art in this area

    An interactive digital storytelling approach to explore books in virtual environments

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    This paper presents the design and the architecture of an educational 3D application enabling reading books in Virtual Environments exploiting an Interactive Digital Storytelling paradigm, in order to disseminate culture using an entertaining approach particularly suitable for young people. We also present two case studies using this approach: the first one is related to the Lonicer's Kreuterbuch, a XVI century medicine manuscript; the second one is a book composed by three fables written by Lev Tolstoy. The paper presents also a preliminary usability test in order to evaluate the suitability of such an approach in terms of engagement and comprehension

    Control Interfaces for a Collaborative System Using LabView Package

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    Part 2: Collaborative SystemsInternational audienceIn-robotics functions, performed by the software, include data acquisition, motor control, sensor signals processing, perception of objects and navigation through environment. LabView provides a solution to the limited skills and the limited time problem that appears when we use programming environments like C++ or Java. This document introduces the implementation of a communicative mobile robotic system that is based on two collaborative Pioneer robots controlled by user friendly interfaces developed in LabView. The purpose of developing this type of interfaces was to allow a complex collaborative system to adapt to any platform and be used by any type of user, without depending on his robotics knowledge level

    Evaluation of a P300-Based Interface for Smart Home Control

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    Part 7: Smart SystemsInternational audienceThis paper evaluates a hybrid neurophysiological interface for controlling a virtual smart home. Electrooculography (EOG) and Electroencephalography (EEG) techniques are used for recording biosignals from the user’s body. The signals are further analyzed and translated into commands for controlling a virtual smart home. The purpose of the study was the evaluation of the implemented interface and the rejection of a set of possible erroneous commands generated by the interface. From a main menu the user is able to select a mask that will reveal a second menu with supplementary commands. The user has the option to cancel the propagation of an erroneous selected mask in the system by selecting another item from the main menu

    Mobile augmented reality for cultural heritage: Following the footsteps of Ovid among different locations in Europe

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    There are many examples of cultural events that distinguish people nationally. Celebrating this can bring people closer, as inhabitants of different countries share similar cultural values. This study investigates a sustainable way to enhance these types of events. On the occasion of the 2000-year anniversary of the death of the Roman poet Ovid, we propose a mobile augmented reality (MAR) application that contains historical information related to his life. As Ovid often stated in his last poems, he feared his work would be forgotten after his exile from Rome. This paper focuses on assessing whether this is the case, while also disseminating factual, historic data to people who tested the application. Experiments were conducted in Italy and Romania, in three different cities: Sulmona, Rome, and Constanta. Based on the results collected, four constructs were investigated: comprehensibility, manipulability, enjoyment, and usefulness. The results revealed that the usability of the MAR application, and the interaction metaphor, are appropriate for the general public. The MAR application provided a positive experience, and thus, increased the extent of the occasion

    Study of Social Presence While Interacting in Metaverse with an Augmented Avatar during Autonomous Driving

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    In this paper, we studied the effects of using Microsoft HoloLens 2 in a Metaverse-based collaborative mixed reality environment on the driver’s social presence while using an autonomous driving system. In (semi-) autonomous vehicles the driver is the system’s monitor, and the driving process becomes a secondary task. Our approach is motivated by the advent of Microsoft Mesh XR technology that enables immersion in multi-person, shared mixed reality environments. We conducted a user study comparing the effects on social presence in two scenarios: baseline and mixed reality collaboration. During the baseline condition, participants communicated and interacted with another person using Skype/Meet which was installed on a mobile tablet. In the second scenario the participants used the Microsoft Mesh application installed on HoloLens 2 to collaborate in a mixed reality environment where each user is represented by an augmented 3D avatar. During the experiment, the participant had to perform a social interaction tell-a-lie task and a remote collaborative tic-tac-toe game, while also monitoring the vehicle’s behavior. The social presence was measured using the Harms and Biocca questionnaire, one of the most widely used tools for evaluating the user’s experience. We found that there are significant statistical differences for Co-presence, Perceived Emotional Interdependence, and Perceived Behavioral Interdependence, and participants were able to easily interact with the avatar in the mixed reality scenario. The proposed study procedure could be taken further to assess the driver’s performance during handover procedures, especially when the autonomous driving system encounters a critical situation

    Study of Social Presence While Interacting in Metaverse with an Augmented Avatar during Autonomous Driving

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    In this paper, we studied the effects of using Microsoft HoloLens 2 in a Metaverse-based collaborative mixed reality environment on the driver’s social presence while using an autonomous driving system. In (semi-) autonomous vehicles the driver is the system’s monitor, and the driving process becomes a secondary task. Our approach is motivated by the advent of Microsoft Mesh XR technology that enables immersion in multi-person, shared mixed reality environments. We conducted a user study comparing the effects on social presence in two scenarios: baseline and mixed reality collaboration. During the baseline condition, participants communicated and interacted with another person using Skype/Meet which was installed on a mobile tablet. In the second scenario the participants used the Microsoft Mesh application installed on HoloLens 2 to collaborate in a mixed reality environment where each user is represented by an augmented 3D avatar. During the experiment, the participant had to perform a social interaction tell-a-lie task and a remote collaborative tic-tac-toe game, while also monitoring the vehicle’s behavior. The social presence was measured using the Harms and Biocca questionnaire, one of the most widely used tools for evaluating the user’s experience. We found that there are significant statistical differences for Co-presence, Perceived Emotional Interdependence, and Perceived Behavioral Interdependence, and participants were able to easily interact with the avatar in the mixed reality scenario. The proposed study procedure could be taken further to assess the driver’s performance during handover procedures, especially when the autonomous driving system encounters a critical situation