478 research outputs found

    Visual claudicatio: diagnosis with 64-slice computed tomography

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    Evaluation of clinicopathological features in cats with chronic gastrointestinal signs

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    Food-responsive enteropathy (FRE), idiopathic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and alimentary tract lymphoma (AL) are often the remaining differentials for cats presenting with chronic gastrointestinal (GI) signs. Differential diagnosis is further complicated by overlapping clinicopathological features and histopathological changes, however. In this study we describe the clinical presentation of cats with chronic GI signs secondary to FRE, IBD, and AL, and evaluate possible associations between clinical, clinicopathological, ultrasonographic findings and diagnosis. The medical records of client-owned cats with chronic GI signs secondary to FRE, IBD, and AL were reviewed. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression models and receiver-operating characteristic curve (ROC) analysis were used for testing the data. Of the 56 cats included in the study, 22 were diagnosed with FRE (mean age, 70 months ± 49), 17 with IBD (mean age, 101 months ± 40), and 17 with AL (mean age, 122 months ± 45). Cats with FRE were younger and presented more often with diarrhea and less frequently with muscle wasting than cats with IBD or AL. In cats with AL, serum cobalamin levels were lower than in those with FRE or IBD (239 ± 190 ng/L vs. 762 ± 408 ng/L and 625 ± 443 ng/L, respectively) and folate levels were higher than in cats with IBD (18.2 ± 4.2 μg/L vs. 9.1 ± 4.7 μg/L, respectively). Multivariate/ROC curve analysis showed increased values of BUN (sensitivity 100, specificity 29.4, criterion >37 mg/dl) and serum folate (sensitivity 80, specificity 100, criterion >15.6 μg/L) and reduced values of cobalamin (sensitivity 100, specificity 62.5, criterion â¤540 ng/L), which suggested a diagnosis of AL versus IBD. Some clinicopathological features evaluated at diagnosis might suggest AL; however, because differentiating AL from IBD is often difficult, definitive diagnosis should be based on invasive diagnostic workup

    Increased Functional Connectivity in the Default Mode Network in Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Maladaptive Compensatory Mechanism Associated with Poor Semantic Memory Performance

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    Semantic memory decline and changes of default mode network (DMN) connectivity have been reported in mild cognitive impairment (MCI). Only a few studies, however, have investigated the role of changes of activity in the DMN on semantic memory in this clinical condition. The present study aimed to investigate more extensively the relationship between semantic memory impairment and DMN intrinsic connectivity in MCI. Twenty-one MCI patients and 21 healthy elderly controls matched for demographic variables took part in this study. All participants underwent a comprehensive semantic battery including tasks of category fluency, visual naming and naming from definition for objects, actions and famous people, word-association for early and late acquired words and reading. A subgroup of the original sample (16 MCI patients and 20 healthy elderly controls) was also scanned with resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging and DMN connectivity was estimated using a seed-based approach. Compared with healthy elderly, patients showed an extensive semantic memory decline in category fluency, visual naming, naming from definition, words-association, and reading tasks. Patients presented increased DMN connectivity between the medial prefrontal regions and the posterior cingulate and between the posterior cingulate and the parahippocampus and anterior hippocampus. MCI patients also showed a significant negative correlation of medial prefrontal gyrus connectivity with parahippocampus and posterior hippocampus and visual naming performance. Our findings suggest that increasing DMN connectivity may contribute to semantic memory deficits in MCI, specifically in visual naming. Increased DMN connectivity with posterior cingulate and medio-temporal regions seems to represent a maladaptive reorganization of brain functions in MCI, which detrimentally contributes to cognitive impairment in this clinical population

    Detection of serum allergen-specific IgE in atopic dogs tested in northern Italy: Preliminary study

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    Canine atopic dermatitis (CAD) is a pruritic allergic skin disease associated with IgE-mediated hypersensitivity. IgE is detected using Serum Allergen-Specific IgE test (SAT) in order to identify allergens. The present study aims to identify the environmental allergens in atopic dogs living in Northern Italy using SAT. The screening SAT (sSAT), using a monoclonal antibody cocktail-based ELISA to identify indoor and outdoor allergens, was performed. In all positive samples, an anti-IgE monoclonal antibody ELISA test was performed to extend panel of allergens. Out of 117 selected dogs, 69 were included in the study; 71% were positive and 29% were negative to sSAT. Among the 49 positive sSAT, 53% were positive for both indoor and outdoor, 38.8% only for indoor, and 8.2% only for outdoor allergens. This is the first study on the frequency of allergens involved in CAD in Italy using SAT. IgE hypersensitivity in atopic dogs of Northern Italy is usually associated with indoor allergens, primarily house dust mites. Among the outdoor allergens, an important role was played by Rumex acetosa. Polysensitization also commonly occurs. Therefore, since the numerous factors affect the IgE positivity in CAD, specific panels for geographical areas should be considered and re-evaluated at time intervals

    Explicit Motor Imagery for Grasping Actions in Children With Spastic Unilateral Cerebral Palsy

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    Background: Motor Imagery (MI) refers to mental simulation of a motor action without producing any overt movement. Previous studies showed that children with Unilateral Cerebral Palsy (UCP) are impaired in implicit MI, as demonstrated by the performance of Hand Laterality Judgment tasks. The aim of this study was to examine the specificity of explicit MI deficits in UCP children.Methods: A group of UCP children (n = 10; aged 9-14) performed a mental chronometry task consisting in grasping an object and placing it into a container, or in imagining to perform the same action. As control, a group of typically developing (TD) children, matched by age, performed the same task. Movement durations for executed and imagined trials were recorded. A subgroup of 7 UCP children and 10 TD children also underwent a session of functional MRI to examine the activation of parieto-frontal areas typically associated to MI processes, during the imagination of reaching-grasping actions performed with the paretic hand.Results: Behavioral results revealed the existence of a correlation between executed and imaginedmovement durations both in TD and UCP groups. Moreover, the regression analysis in TD children showed that higher scores in mental chronometry tasks were positively correlated to increased bilateral activation of the intraparietal sulcus (IPS), superior parietal lobule (SPL), and dorsal premotor (PMd) cortex. A similar analysis revealed in the UCP group a positive correlation between a higher score in the mental chronometry task and bilateral activations of IPS, and to activation of contralesional, right PMd, and putamen during imagination of grasping movements.Conclusions: These results provide new insights on the relationship between MI capacity and motor deficits in UCP children, suggesting the possibility of the use of explicit MI training to improve patient's upper limb motor functions

    Frequency of Blood Types A, B and AB in a Population of Non-Pedigree Domestic Cats from Central Italy

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    Blood transfusion reactions and neonatal isoerythrolysis are common events in the feline population due to the presence of natural alloantibodies in the AB blood group system. It is known that the frequency of feline blood types varies according to the geographic region and breed. Therefore, the aims of this study were to investigate the frequency of AB blood groups in non-pedigree domestic cats in Central Italy and estimate the risk of a life-threatening transfusion reaction and neonatal isoerythrolysis, caused by mismatched transfusion or incompatible random mating, respectively. The AB blood group was determined on non-pedigree domestic feline patients and potential blood donors submitted at the Veterinary Teaching Hospitals of the Universities of Teramo (Abruzzo Region, Teramo, Italy) and Perugia (Umbria Region, Teramo, Italy), and visited at veterinary practitioners in Rome (Lazio Region, Teramo, Italy) using commercial immunochromatographic cartridges and commercial agglutination cards. There were four hundred and eighty-three cats included in the study. The frequencies of the blood types were: 89.9% type A, 7.0% type B, and 3.1% type AB. The probability of an acute hemolytic transfusion reaction or a neonatal isoerythrolysis was 6.5%. Although the frequency of type B in non-pedigree domestic cats living in Central Italy was relatively low, to reduce the risk of fatal transfusion reactions, blood group typing is recommended before each transfusion

    Comparison of the therapeutic effect of treatment with antibiotics or nutraceuticals on clinical activity and the fecal microbiome of dogs with acute diarrhea

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    Dogs with acute diarrhea are often presented to clinical practice and, although this generally represents a self-limiting condition, antibiotics are still frequently used as treatment. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects in dogs with acute non-hemorrhagic diarrhea of the administration of an antibiotic combination in comparison to a nutraceutical product. Thirty dogs were enrolled and randomly assigned to two groups: 15 dogs (group A) received a nutraceutical commercial product while 15 dogs (group B) received an antimicrobial combination of metronidazole and spiramycin. For each dog, the Canine Acute Diarrhea Severity Index, the fecal microbiota and the Dysbiosis Index were assessed. Both stool consistency and frequency decreased on day 2 in the dogs of group A compared to baseline, while in group B, these parameters significantly decreased at days 3 and 4. The global concern for rising antibiotic resistance associated with indiscriminate use of antimicrobials, in both humans and animals, suggests the necessity of avoiding empirical and injudicious use of these molecules in diarrheic dogs. These results suggest that the nutraceutical treatment had a similar clinical effect compared to the antibiotic formulation, representing a valid antibiotic-sparing therapeutic approach in canine acute diarrhea

    Two-Port Laparoscopic Adrenalectomy in Dogs

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    SIMPLE SUMMARY: An adrenal mass represents the primary indication for adrenalectomy. Laparoscopic adrenalectomy is a minimally invasive surgical technique that minimizes pain and improves patient recovery. The traditional technique involves the use of a single or multiple port (three or four). The objective of the study was to evaluate the feasibility and complication rate of two-port laparoscopic adrenalectomy to remove adrenal masses smaller than 4 cm in diameter. In total, 16 dogs with adrenal masses were enrolled in the study and clinicopathologic data were harvested from the medical records. The dogs were placed in sternal recumbency with cushions positioned under the sternum and pubis to simulate the quadrupedal station and displace the abdominal viscera. In all cases, the procedures were feasible with two ports. In five cases, capsule rupture occurred, and all were adrenal gland carcinomas. ABSTRACT: The gold-standard treatment for functional tumors is adrenalectomy, and the procedure can be either open or laparoscopic. Laparoscopic adrenalectomy (LA) is a minimally invasive technique designated for small–medium-sized adrenal tumors without vascular invasion. LA is routinely performed using three or four ports with the patient in sternal or lateral recumbency. The aim of the study was to evaluate the feasibility of LA with two ports in order to reduce invasiveness and improve patient recovery. In total, 16 dogs with adrenal tumors were included in the study and the two-port technique was performed. Adrenalectomy was performed based on the presence of hypercortisolism in thirteen cases, whereas, in three cases, adrenalectomy was performed in the absence of evidence of cortisol production. Thirteen cases were carcinomas and three were adenomas of the adrenal gland; furthermore, twelve were on the left side and four were on the right side. Capsule rupture occurred in five cases. After performing the technique in all cases, no additional ports or laparotomy conversion occurred. Based on the authors’ experience, laparoscopic adrenalectomy can be performed with two ports
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