100 research outputs found


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    We report on 230 GHz (1.3 mm) very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) observations of M87 with the Event Horizon Telescope using antennas on Mauna Kea in Hawaii, Mt. Graham in Arizona, and Cedar Flat in California. For the first time, we have acquired 230 GHz VLBI interferometric phase information on M87 through measurement of the closure phase on the triangle of long baselines. Most of the measured closure phases are consistent with 0° as expected by physically motivated models for 230 GHz structure such as jet models and accretion disk models. The brightness temperature of the event-horizon-scale structure is ~1 X 10[superscript 10] K derived from the compact flux density of ~1 Jy and the angular size of ~40 µas ~ 5.5 R[subscript s], which is broadly consistent with the peak brightness of the radio cores at 1–86 GHz located within ~10[superscript 2] R[subscript s]. Our observations occurred in the middle of an enhancement in very-high-energy (VHE) γ-ray flux, presumably originating in the vicinity of the central black hole. Our measurements, combined with results of multi-wavelength observations, favor a scenario in which the VHE region has an extended size of ~20–60 R[subscript s]

    The X-ray Afterglows of GRB 020813 and GRB 021004 with Chandra HETGS: Possible Evidence for a Supernova Prior to GRB 020813

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    We report on the detection of an emission line near 1.3 keV, which we associate with blue-shifted hydrogen-like sulfur (S XVI), in a 76.8 ksec Chandra HETGS spectrum of the afterglow of GRB 020813. The line is detected at 3.3 sigma significance. We also find marginal evidence for a line possibly due to hydrogen-like silicon (Si XIV) with the same blue-shift. A line from Fe is not detected, though a very low significance Ni feature may be present. A thermal model fits the data adequately, but a reflection model may provide a better fit. There is marginal evidence that the equivalent width of the S XVI line decrease as the burst fades. We infer from these results that a supernova likely occurred >~ 2 months prior to the GRB. We find no discrete or variable spectral features in the Chandra HETGS spectrum of the GRB 021004 afterglow.Comment: 26 pages, 11 figures, submitted to Ap


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    The Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) spacecraft is providing the first all-sky maps of the energetic neutral atoms (ENAs) produced by charge exchange between interstellar neutral Ho atoms and heliospheric solar wind and pickup ions in the heliosphere boundary regions. The "edge" of the interstellar cloud presently surrounding the heliosphere extends less than 0.1 pc in the upwind direction, terminating at an unknown distance, indicating that the outer boundary conditions of the heliosphere could change during the lifetime of the IBEX satellite. Using reasonable values for future outer heliosphere boundary conditions, ENA fluxes are predicted for one possible source of ENAs coming from outside of the heliopause. The ENA-production simulations use three-dimensional MHD plasma models of the heliosphere that include a kinetic description of neutrals and a Lorentzian distribution for ions. Based on this ENA-production model, it is then shown that the sensitivities of the IBEX 1.1 keV skymaps are sufficient to detect the variations in ENA fluxes that are expected to accompany the solar transition into the next upwind cloud. Approximately 20% of the IBEX 1.1 keV pixels appear capable of detecting the predicted model differences at the 3σ level, with these pixels concentrated in the Ribbon region. Regardless of the detailed ENA production model, the success of the modeled B centerdot R ~ 0 directions in reproducing the Ribbon locus, together with our results, indicates that the Ribbon phenomenon traces the variations in the heliosphere distortion caused by the relative pressures of the interstellar magnetic and gaseous components.United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA IBEX mission, Explorer Program, grant NNX09AG63G

    Detection of intrinsic source structure at ~3 Schwarzschild radii with Millimeter-VLBI observations of SAGITTARIUS A*

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    We report results from very long baseline interferometric (VLBI) observations of the supermassive black hole in the Galactic center, Sgr A*, at 1.3 mm (230 GHz). The observations were performed in 2013 March using six VLBI stations in Hawaii, California, Arizona, and Chile. Compared to earlier observations, the addition of the APEX telescope in Chile almost doubles the longest baseline length in the array, provides additional {\it uv} coverage in the N-S direction, and leads to a spatial resolution of \sim30 μ\muas (\sim3 Schwarzschild radii) for Sgr A*. The source is detected even at the longest baselines with visibility amplitudes of \sim4-13% of the total flux density. We argue that such flux densities cannot result from interstellar refractive scattering alone, but indicate the presence of compact intrinsic source structure on scales of \sim3 Schwarzschild radii. The measured nonzero closure phases rule out point-symmetric emission. We discuss our results in the context of simple geometric models that capture the basic characteristics and brightness distributions of disk- and jet-dominated models and show that both can reproduce the observed data. Common to these models are the brightness asymmetry, the orientation, and characteristic sizes, which are comparable to the expected size of the black hole shadow. Future 1.3 mm VLBI observations with an expanded array and better sensitivity will allow a more detailed imaging of the horizon-scale structure and bear the potential for a deep insight into the physical processes at the black hole boundary.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, accepted to Ap

    EHT-HOPS pipeline for millimeter VLBI data reduction

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    We present the design and implementation of an automated data calibration and reduction pipeline for very-long-baseline interferometric (VLBI) observations taken at millimeter wavelengths. These short radio-wavelengths provide the best imaging resolution available from ground-based VLBI networks such as the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) and the Global Millimeter VLBI Array (GMVA), but require specialized processing due to the strong effects from atmospheric opacity and turbulence as well as the heterogeneous nature of existing global arrays. The pipeline builds upon a calibration suite (HOPS) originally designed for precision geodetic VLBI. To support the reduction of data for astronomical observations, we have developed an additional framework for global phase and amplitude calibration which provides output in a standard data format for astronomical imaging and analysis. We test the pipeline on observations taken at 3.5 mm (86 GHz) by the GMVA joined by the phased Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array in April 2017, and demonstrate the benefits from the specialized processing of high frequency VLBI data with respect to classical analysis techniques