212 research outputs found

    Design of a tri-axial surface micromachined MEMS vibrating gyroscope

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    Gyroscopes are one of the next killer applications for the MEMS (Micro-Electro-Mechanical-Systems) sensors industry. Many mature applications have already been developed and produced in limited volumes for the automotive, consumer, industrial, medical, and military markets. Plenty of high-volume applications, over 100 million per year, have been calling for low-cost gyroscopes. Bulk silicon is a promising candidate for low-cost gyroscopes due to its large scale availability and maturity of its manufacturing industry. Nevertheless, it is not suitable for a real monolithic IC integration and requires a dedicated packaging. New designs are supposed to eliminate the need for magnets and metal case package, and allow for a real monolithic MEMS-IC (Integrated Circuit) electronic system. In addition, a drastic cost reduction could be achieved by utilizing off-the-shelf plastic packaging with lead frames for the final assembly. The present paper puts forward the design of a novel tri-axial gyroscope based on rotating comb-drives acting as both capacitive sensors and actuators. The comb-drives are comprised of a single monolithic moving component (rotor) and fixed parts (stators). The former is made out of different concentrated masses connected by curved silicon beams in order to decouple the motion signals. The sensor was devised to be fabricated through the PolyMUMPs® process and it is intended for working in air in order to semplify the MEMS-IC monolithic integration

    Corybag e Corypack tecniche di conservazione delle nocciole

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    Il progetto CORYBAG e CORYPACK ha sviluppato una nuova metodica per la conservazione in atmosfera protetta delle Nocciole cultivar Tonda Gentile Romana. Nel mese di novembre ’18, le nocciole, raccolto 2018, sono state preparate con guscio, senza guscio, tostate in forma intera e in forma di granella. Per ogni confezione si è proceduto nella seguente tecnica di conservazione: la confezione è stata avvolta da una pellicola composta da PET, Alluminio e Resina quindi inserita all’interno di una busta vacuum e creato il sottovuoto. Per il controllo sono state preparate le nocciole alla stessa maniera con guscio, senza guscio, tostate in forma intera e in forma di granella e inserite in sacchetti per alimenti. È stata preparata una confezione di un sacco CORYBAG con nocciole con guscio avvolta con la pellicola composta da PET, Alluminio e Resina. Per il controllo le nocciole sono state inserite in un sacco di yuta

    validation of a decision making strategy for systolic anterior motion following mitral valve repair

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    Low cardiac output syndrome and hypotension are dreadful consequences of systolic anterior motion (SAM) after a mitral valve (MV) repair. The management of SAM in the operating room remains controversial. We validate a recently suggested two-step management method and classification of this complication. This was a teaching hospital-based observational study. We validated a novel two-step conservative management method, consisting in intravascular volume expansion and discontinuation of inotropic drugs (step 1), and increasing the afterload by ascending aorta manual compression while administering esmolol e.v. (step 2). We also validate a novel classification of SAM: easy-to-revert (responding to step 1), difficult-to-revert (responding to step 2), or persistent. Fifty patients had an easy-to-revert while 26 had a difficult-to-revert SAM; 4 patients had a persistent condition (promptly diagnosed through our decisional algorithm) and underwent an immediate second pump run to repeat the mitral repair surgery. We confirmed that SAM after a repair of a degenerative MV is common and validated a simple two-step conservative management method that allows to clearly identify those few patients who require immediate surgical revision

    Detection rate of FNA cytology in medullary thyroid carcinoma. a meta-analysis

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    Background: The early detection of medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC) can improve patient prognosis, because histological stage and patient age at diagnosis are highly relevant prognostic factors. As a consequence, delay in the diagnosis and/or incomplete surgical treatment should correlate with a poorer prognosis for patients. Few papers have evaluated the specific capability of fine-needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) to detect MTC, and small series have been reported. This study conducts a meta-analysis of published data on the diagnostic performance of FNAC in MTC to provide more robust estimates. Research Design and Methods: A comprehensive computer literature search of the PubMed/MEDLINE, Embase and Scopus databases was conducted by searching for the terms 'medullary thyroid' AND 'cytology', 'FNA', 'FNAB', 'FNAC', 'fine needle' or 'fine-needle'. The search was updated until 21 March 2014, and no language restrictions were used. Results: Fifteen relevant studies and 641 MTC lesions that had undergone FNAC were included. The detection rate (DR) of FNAC in patients with MTC (diagnosed as 'MTC' or 'suspicious for MTC') on a per lesion-based analysis ranged from 12·5% to 88·2%, with a pooled estimate of 56·4% (95% CI: 52·6-60·1%). The included studies were statistically heterogeneous in their estimates of DR (I-square >50%). Egger's regression intercept for DR pooling was 0·03 (95% CI: -3·1 to 3·2, P = 0·9). The study that reported the largest MTC series had a DR of 45%. Data on immunohistochemistry for calcitonin in diagnosing MTC were inconsistent for the meta-analysis. Conclusions: The presented meta-analysis demonstrates that FNAC is able to detect approximately one-half of MTC lesions. These findings suggest that other techniques may be needed in combination with FNAC to diagnose MTC and avoid false negative results. © 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd

    Gastric cancer is the leading cause of death in Italian adult patients with common variable immunodeficiency

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    An increased prevalence of malignant lymphoma and of gastric cancer has been observed in large cohorts of patients with common variable immunodeficiency (CVID), the most frequently symptomatic primary immunodeficiency. Surveillance strategies for cancers in CVID should be defined based on epidemiological data. Risks and mortality for cancers among 455 Italian patients with CVID were compared to cancer incidence data from the Italian Cancer Registry database. CVID patients showed an increased cancer incidence for all sites combined (Obs = 133, SIR = 2.4; 95%CI = 1.7\u20133.5), due to an excess of non-Hodgkin lymphoma (Obs = 33, SIR = 14.3; 95%CI = 8.4\u201322.6) and of gastric cancer (Obs = 25; SIR = 6.4; 95%CI = 3.2\u201312.5). CVID patients with gastric cancer and lymphoma had a worse survival in comparison to cancer-free CVID (HR: 4.8, 95%CI: 4.2\u201344.4 and HR: 4.2, 95%CI: 2.8\u201344.4). Similar to what observed in other series, CVID-associated lymphomas were more likely to be of B cell origin and often occurred at extra-nodal sites. We collected the largest case-series of gastric cancers in CVID subjects. In contrast to other reports, gastric cancer was the leading cause of death in CVID. Standardized mortality ratio indicated a 10.1-fold excess mortality among CVID patients with gastric cancer. CVID developed gastric cancer 15 years earlier than the normative population, but they had a similar overall survival. Only CVID diagnosed at early stage gastric cancer survived >24 months. Stomach histology from upper endoscopy performed before cancer onset showed areas of atrophic gastritis, intestinal metaplasia or dysplasia. CVID patients might progress rapidly to an advanced cancer stage as shown by patients developing a III-IV stage gastric cancer within 1 year from an endoscopy without signs of dysplasia. Based on high rate of mortality due to gastric cancer in Italian CVID patients, we hereby suggest a strategy aimed at early diagnosis, based on regular upper endoscopy and on Helicobacter pylori infection treatment, recommending an implementation of national guidelines

    Health-Related Quality of Life in Patients with CVID Under Different Schedules of Immunoglobulin Administration: Prospective Multicenter Study

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    We assessed the health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in CVID adults receiving different schedules of immunoglobulin replacement therapy (IgRT) by intravenous (IVIG), subcutaneous (SCIG), and facilitated (fSCIG) preparations. For these patients, IgRT schedule was chosen after a period focused on identifying the most suitable individual option

    Polyphenolic profile and targeted bioactivity of methanolic extracts from mediterranean ethnomedicinal plants on human cancer cell lines

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    The methanol extracts of the aerial part of four ethnomedicinal plants of Mediterranean region, two non-seed vascular plants, Equisetum hyemale L. and Phyllitis scolopendrium (L.) Newman, and two Spermatophyta, Juniperus communis L. (J. communis) and Cotinus coggygria Scop. (C. coggygria), were screened against four human cells lines (A549, MCF7, TK6 and U937). Only the extracts of J. communis and C. coggygria showed marked cytotoxic effects, affecting both cell morphology and growth. A dose-dependent effect of these two extracts was also observed on the cell cycle distribution. Incubation of all the cell lines in a medium containing J. communis extract determined a remarkable accumulation of cells in the G2/M phase, whereas the C. coggygria extract induced a significant increase in the percentage of G1 cells. The novelty of our findings stands on the observation that the two extracts, consistently, elicited coherent effects on the cell cycle in four cell lines, independently from their phenotype, as two of them have epithelial origin and grow adherent and two are lymphoblastoid and grow in suspension. Even the expression profiles of several proteins regulating cell cycle progression and cell death were affected by both extracts. LC-MS investigation of methanol extract of C. coggygria led to the identification of twelve flavonoids (compounds 1–11, 19) and eight polyphenols derivatives (12–18, 20), while in J. communis extract, eight flavonoids (21–28), a α-ionone glycoside (29) and a lignin (30) were found. Although many of these compounds have interesting individual biological activities, their natural blends seem to exert specific effects on the proliferation of cell lines either growing adherent or in suspension, suggesting potential use in fighting cancer

    Modelos multivariantes para clasificar aceites de oliva vírgenes Toscanos por zona

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    In order to study and classify Tuscan virgin olive oils, 179 samples were collected. They were obtained from drupes harvested during the first half of November, from three different zones of the Region. The sampling was repeated for 5 years. Fatty acids, phytol, aliphatic and triterpenic alcohols, triterpenic dialcohols, sterols, squalene and tocopherols were analyzed. A subset of variables was considered. They were selected in a preceding work as the most effective and reliable, from the univariate point of view. The analytical data were transformed (except for the cycloartenol) to compensate annual variations, the mean related to the East zone was subtracted from each value, within each year. Univariate three-class models were calculated and further variables discarded. Then multivariate three-zone models were evaluated, including phytol (that was always selected) and all the combinations of palmitic, palmitoleic and oleic acid, tetracosanol, cycloartenol and squalene. Models including from two to seven variables were studied. The best model shows by-zone classification errors less than 40%, by-zone within-year classification errors that are less than 45% and a global classification error equal to 30%. This model includes phytol, palmitic acid, tetracosanol and cycloartenol.Para estudiar y clasificar aceites de oliva vírgenes Toscanos, se utilizaron 179 muestras, que fueron obtenidas de frutos recolectados durante la primera mitad de Noviembre, de tres zonas diferentes de la Región. El muestreo fue repetido durante 5 años. Se analizaron ácidos grasos, fitol, alcoholes alifáticos y triterpénicos, dialcoholes triterpénicos, esteroles, escualeno y tocoferoles. Se consideró un subconjunto de variables que fueron seleccionadas en un trabajo anterior como el más efectivo y fiable, desde el punto de vista univariado. Los datos analíticos se transformaron (excepto para el cicloartenol) para compensar las variaciones anuales, restándose la media de la zona Este de los demás valores, dentro de cada año. Se calcularon los modelos de tres clases univariados y además se desecharon variables. Posteriormente, se evaluaron modelos de tres zonas incluyendo fitol (que siempre fue seleccionado) y todas las combinaciones de ácidos palmítico, palmitoleico y oleico, tetracosanol, cicloartenol y escualeno. Se estudiaron modelos incluyendo desde dos a siete variables. El modelo mejor mostró errores de clasificación por zona inferiores al 40%, errores de clasificación por zona dentro del año menores del 45% y errores de clasificación global igual al 30%. Este modelo incluye fitol, ácido palmítico, tetracosanol y cicloartenol

    Improvement in accuracy of diagnosis of carotid artery stenosis with duplex ultrasound scanning with combined use of linear array 7.5 MHz and convex array 3.5 MHz probes: validation versus 489 arteriographic procedures1 1Competition of interest: none.Published online Mar 6, 2003.

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    AbstractObjective: Validity of a method to improve the accuracy of carotid artery duplex scanning was tested in comparison with arteriography.Study Design: In 489 patients who had not previously undergone arteriography, 978 carotid arteries were examined with duplex ultrasound scanning. In method A, a linear array 7.5 MHz transducer with pulsed-wave 4.7 MHz Doppler scanning was used. For the diagnosis and grading of carotid stenosis, peak systolic and end-diastolic velocity of the Doppler waves were recorded. Method B consisted of complete ultrasound imaging and color-flow mapping with a convex array 3.5 MHz transducer with pulsed-wave 2.8 MHz Doppler scanning in all patients who had previously undergone method A. Further velocity measurements were performed at the sites of stenosis. The results of methods A and B were compared with data from neurologic assessment and arteriographic studies.Results: Method B showed significantly higher diagnostic agreement with arteriography than did method A (K 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.87–0.93 vs 0.79–0.85; P < .05), and the number of mistakes in grading stenosis was significantly lower (primarily because of decreased overestimation) in patients with internal carotid kinking (>60 degrees of angulation) (P < .05), distal stenosis (>20 mm from bifurcation) (P < .01), or wide acoustic shadowing (>1 cm) (P < .01) and in those without these conditions (P < .05). Compared with arteriography, diagnostic accuracy with the new method proved higher for carotid stenoses 50% or greater, 60% or greater, 70% or greater, and 80% or greater; no statistically significant difference was found for carotid stenosis 96% or greater or for carotid occlusion. Compared with data from neurologic assessment and arteriography, method B proved more accurate than method A in designating patients for carotid endarterectomy (P = .014).Conclusions: The new method significantly improved diagnostic reliability of duplex ultrasound scanning, especially in carotid arteries with kinking, distal stenosis, or wide acoustic shadowing (32.2% of all arteries studied). In clinical practice, we suggest additional use of a lower frequency transducer in cases in which these three conditions are found or suspected at first scanning

    Prevalence and Correlates of Vitamin D Deficiency in a Sample of 290 Inpatients With Mental Illness

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    Introduction: Vitamin D inadequacy or deficiency (VDID) has been reported in a high percentage of otherwise healthy individuals. Factors that may contribute to the high prevalence of VDID in people with mental disorders include diet low in vitamin D, poor sunlight exposure, decrease in cutaneous vitamin D synthesis, intake of certain medications, poor mobility, excessive alcohol intake, and tobacco smoking. VDID has been correlated to a host of adverse conditions, including rickets, osteoporosis, osteomalacia, muscle diseases, depression, cognitive dysfunction, and even certain cancers.Objectives: The purpose of this study was to report the prevalence and correlates of vitamin D inadequacy in a sample of 290 psychiatric patients admitted to inpatient or day hospital treatment at the University of Siena Medical Center.Methods: We retrospectively evaluated the prevalence of VDID in 290 psychiatric inpatients' medical records during the year 2017 and evaluated the correlates of VDID in patients with mental illness.Results: Two hundred and seventy two out of two hundred and ninety patients (94%) showed VDID. Physical activity and regular diet were positively correlated with vitamin D levels whereas age, tobacco smoking, PTH, alkaline phosphatase levels were negatively correlated. Statistically significant differences were found among smokers and non-smokers in all study groups.Conclusions: VDID was highly prevalent in our sample. In addition to vitamin D supplementation, psychosocial intervention able to promote and help sustain physical activity, appropriate diet, quitting smoking and sensible sun exposure to prevent and treat VDID in patients with mental health should be implemented, tested, and introduced in our clinical practice
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