785 research outputs found

    On Non-Canonical Kinetic Terms and the Tilt of the Power Spectrum

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    We argue that in models of inflation with two scalar fields and non-canonical kinetic terms there is a possibility of obtaining a red tilt of the power spectrum of curvature perturbations from noncanonicality-induced interactions between the curvature and isocurvature perturbations. We describe an extremely simple model realizing this idea, study numerically its predictions for the perturbations and discuss applications in realistic scenarios of inflation. We discuss to what extent in this model the scale of the inflationary potential can be decoupled from the amplitude of the density fluctuations.Comment: typos corrected, discussion slightly modified, matches published versio

    Reduced recognition of facial emotional expressions in global burnout and burnout depersonalization in healthcare providers

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    The healthcare provider profession strongly relies on the ability to care for others' emotional experiences. To what extent burnout may relate to an actual alteration of this key professional ability has been little investigated. In an experimentally controlled setting, we investigated whether subjective experiences of global burnout or burnout depersonalization (the interpersonal component of burnout) relate to objectively measured alterations in emotion recognition and to what extent such alterations are emotion specific. Healthcare workers (n = 90) completed the Maslach Burnout Inventory and a dynamic emotion recognition task in which faces with neutral emotional expressions gradually changed to display a specific basic emotion (happiness, anger, fear, or sadness). Participants were asked to identify and then classify each displayed emotion. Before the task, a subsample of 46 participants underwent two salivary cortisol assessments. Individuals with global burnout were less accurate at recognizing others' emotional expressions of anger and fear, tending to misclassify these as happiness, compared to individuals without global burnout. Individuals with high burnout depersonalization were more accurate in recognizing happiness and less accurate in recognizing all negative emotions, with a tendency to misclassify the latter as positive ones, compared to healthcare workers with moderate/low depersonalization. Moreover, individuals with high depersonalization-but not participants with global burnout-were characterized by higher cortisol levels. These results suggest that the subjective burnout experience relates to an actual, but selective, reduction in the recognition of facial emotional expressions, characterized by a tendency to misclassify negative emotional expressions as positive ones, perhaps due to an enhanced seeking of positive social cues. This study adds to the understanding of emotional processing in burnout and paves the way for more nuanced studies on the role of altered processing of threat signals in the development and/or persistence of burnout

    The use of sodium bicarbonate for marination of broiler breast meat

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    This study aimed at evaluating marination performances and effect on meat quality traits of sodium bicarbonate, used alone or in combination with sodium chloride, when compared with sodium trypolyphosphate by using advanced analytical tools including low-field nuclear magnetic resonance (LF-NMR) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). A total of 140 samples (cylindrical shape of 1×4 cm size) were obtained from a batch of 24h post mortem broiler breast meat (Ross 708, females, 47 day-old). Six of the groups were used for subsequent marination treatments, while the last group was kept as non-marinated control (C). Samples were subjected to vacuum tumbling in a special equipped laboratory rotary evaporator with a 12% (w/w) water:meat ratio using 6 marinade solutions: 7.7% (w/w) NaCl (S); 2.3% Na4O7P2 (w/w) (P); 2.3% (w/w) NaHCO3 (B); 7.7% (w/w) NaCl and 2.3% Na4O7P2 (w/w) (SP); 7.7% (w/w) NaCl and 2.3% (w/w) NaHCO3 (SB); 7.7% (w/w) NaCl, 2.3% Na4O7P2 (w/w) and 2.3% (w/w) NaHCO3 (SPB). Samples marinated with bicarbonate alone or in combination (B, SB and SPB) significantly increased (P<0.05) meat pH by approximately 0.7 units compared to the control, whilst phosphate alone or in combination with salt increased (P<0.05) the pH by 0.2 units. Combination containing all ingredients (SPB) produced the highest marinade performances, however sodium bicarbonate with salt (SB) was able to guarantee a better marinade uptake and water retention ability in respect to phosphates (SP). According to LR-NMR, the combined use of bicarbonate and/or phosphate with sodium chloride determined a remarkable increase of proportion of entrapped water into myofibrillar spaces, while extra-myofibrillar water fraction was not modified. Moreover water gain following marination does not correspond to an increase of freezable water amount as detected by DSC. In conclusion, bicarbonate is a very promising marinating agent and it can be exploited to develop processed poultry products with no added phosphates in order to match the request to avoid the nutritional drawbacks recently indicated with the use of phosphates

    Facing up to bias in healthcare: The influence of familiarity appearance on hiring decisions

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    Associations between facial appearance and hiring decisions are well-documented within job literature as a source of decision misjudgment with economic and human costs. Notwithstanding, this aspect is yet to be investigated in healthcare. We collected 90 pictures of new-graduates nurses faces to be judged on different facial appearance-based traits by an independent sample. Six months after graduation, the same new-graduates were interviewed about their job situation. Binomial logistic regression was conducted to examine whether facial appearance ratings would predict the probability to be hired as nurse. Results showed that applicants with a face conveying a feeling of familiarity were more likely to be hired. Considering that people might be inclined to these biases during societal crises and the exceptional need to quickly recruit health professionals during COVID-19 pandemic, our study recommends special attention to prevent the influence of facial appearance-based evaluations not reflecting real skills to limit potentially adverse consequences

    A general condition of inflationary cosmology on trans-Planckian physics

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    We consider a more general initial condition satisfying the minimal uncertainty relationship. We calculate the power spectrum of a simple model in inflationary cosmology. The results depend on perturbations generated below a fundamental scale, e.g. the Planck scale.Comment: 7 pages, References adde

    Peat soil burning in the Mezzano lowland (Po Plain, Italy): triggering mechanisms and environmental consequences.

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    The effects of peat burning on organic-rich agricultural soils of the Mezzano Lowland (NE Italy) were evaluated on soil profiles variously affected by smoldering. Profiles were investigated for pH, electrical conductivity, bulk density, elemental and isotopic composition of distinct carbon (and nitrogen) fractions. The results suggest that the horizons affected by carbon loss lie at depths 10–70 cm, where the highest temperatures are developed. We suggest that the exothermal oxidation of methane (mediated by biological activity) plays a significant role in the triggering mechanism. In the interested soils we estimated a potential loss of Soil Organic Carbon of approximately 110 kg m−2 within the first meter, corresponding to 580 kg CO2 m−3. The released greenhouse gas is coupled with a loss of soil structure and nutrients. Moreover, the process plausibly triggers mobility of metals bound in organometallic complexes. All these consequences negatively affect the environment, the agricultural activities and possibly also health of the local people

    molecular and chromosomal characterization of repeated and single copy dna sequences in the genome of dasypyrum villosum

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    Restriction fragment length polymorphism of ribosomal DNA repeated unit and single-copy DNA fragments and chromosomal distribution of a highly repeated sequence, have been studied to assess molecular markers and the extent of their heterogeneity in Dasypyrum villosum. Substantial variation has been found for the length of the intergenic spacer of ribosomal genes clustered in different alleles at Nor- VI locus of heterozygous individuals, but not within the cluster of rDNA of homozygous individuals. After Southern blots and hybridization to an intergenic spacer probe, each cluster of rDNA was detected as a single band with at least four variants differing for the number of 130 bp subrepeats in the intergenic spacer. One recombinant plasmid contained a 2270 bp DNA insert from the D. villosum genome that upon Sph I restriction endonuclease digestion was cleaved in three 380 bp repeat elements and one 1090 bp fragment. When Southern blots of Sph 1 digested D. villosum DNAs of different genotypes were hybridized to the 32P-labelled 380 bp repeat, a distinct ladder consisting of multiples of a basic repeat unit of about 380 bp in length was revealed on autoradiograms. The in situ hybridization of the 3H-labelled 380 bp repeat element showed that one chromosome pair (7V) was not labelled. In the other pairs, silver grains remained clustered at or near the telomeres. Dot-blot hybridization analysis of DNAs from a range of diploid, tetraploid, and hexaploid Triticeae species indicated that the 380 bp repeated element was a specific feature of the D. villosum genome. Other cloned DNA sequences of D. villosum showed a large restriction length polymorphism and one was located on V chromosomes

    Viscosity Bound and Causality in Superfluid Plasma

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    It was argued by Brigante et.al that the lower bound on the ratio of the shear viscosity to the entropy density in strongly coupled plasma is translated into microcausality violation in the dual gravitational description. Since transport properties of the system characterize its infrared dynamics, while the causality of the theory is determined by its ultraviolet behavior, the viscosity bound/microcausality link should not be applicable to theories that undergo low temperature phase transitions. We present an explicit model of AdS/CFT correspondence that confirms this fact.Comment: 27 pages, 5 figures. References added, typos fixe

    The effect of higher derivative correction on η/s\eta /s and conductivities in STU model

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    In this paper we study the ratio of shear viscosity to entropy, electrical and thermal conductivities for the R-charged black hole in STU model. We generalize previous works to the case of a black hole with three different charges. Actually we use diffusion constant to obtain ratio of shear viscosity to entropy. By applying the thermodynamical stability we recover previous results. Also we investigate the effect of higher derivative corrections.Comment: revised versio
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