69 research outputs found

    4R\u27s of Irrigation Management

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    This fact sheet introduces the concept of the 4\u27R\u27s of irrigation management and discusses some factors to consider in each of the 4R\u27s, right source, right rate. right time, and right place

    Herbicide Strategies to Maximize Yield in Glyphosate-Resistant Corn

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    Water, nutrients, space, and sunlight are critical resources for the growth and development of all crops. Over the years, recommendations for inputs such as fertilizer, irrigation, and seeding rate have been fine-tuned to maximize yields while minimizing cost. Weeds compete with crops for this limited pool of resources. As resource availability shrinks, crop yields almost immediately begin to declin

    Effects of a one-time compost addition on soil health in a rainfed dryland organic wheat system

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    Maintaining adequate soil fertility and health is a challenge in dryland organic wheat systems. This research examines the short-term impact of a one-time addition of compost on the soil health in a rainfed dryland organic winter-wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) fallow system. Field plot experiments were established in 2015 in a semiarid dryland organic wheat field in Snowville, Utah with the following treatments: control (C), compost at 12.5 Mg/ha dry weight (CM1), 25 Mg/ha (CM2), 50 Mg/ha (CM3), positive control 25 Mg compost + 40 lb N feather meal (PC), and 2 Mg chicken manure (CMU). Soil samples were taken in May 2016 at a depth of 0-10 cm from the plots in the wheat phase of the rotation. Indicators of soil health and fertility were determined such as microbial biomass C, enzyme activities involved in the cycling of C and P, total organic carbon and nitrogen determined. The application of compost appeared to promote microbial activities with the greatest effect at CM3. Acid and alkaline phosphatase enzyme activities significantly increased by as much as 61 % and 47 % respectively. Microbial biomass carbon, dehydrogenase enzyme activity, readily mineralizable carbon, total organic carbon and total nitrogen were highest at CM3. Based on our findings so far, compost addition stimulated soil microbial activities and boosted organic C and N in the surface layers of the soil. Outcomes of this study will contribute to the overall goal of enhancing productivity and sustainability of rainfed dryland organic winter-wheat

    Measuring and Building Soil Health

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    This fact sheet provide facts about soil health and will help land managers understand what soil health is, how to measure it, and how to potentially build it on their soils

    Considerations for Crop Rotation from Alfalfa to Corn

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    The importance of rotating out of a declining alfalfa stand is well established. As the alfalfa stand ages, forage yield and quality decline, while weed, insect, and disease pressures increase. Terminating the stand and growing one or more other crops for several (2–3) years allows a grower to press the reset button on a piece of ground. These years of growing another crop will result in more productive alfalfa when a new stand is planted again

    Easy Calibration for Backpack and Canister (Handheld) Sprayers

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    When applying pesticides, fertilizers, and other chemicals, the applicator should know the amount of chemical applied to the treated area. Calibration is a method an applicator can use to measure and set the application rate. If sprayers are not properly calibrated, it can result in over or under application of chemicals, causing damage, reduced pest control, and potential safety concerns. Making the effort to properly mix chemicals and calibrate sprayers can save money and increase treatment effectiveness. This fact sheet provides simple guidelines for calibrating backpack and canister sprayers

    Three Options for Mixing and Loading Spray Tanks

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    Correctly mixing a tank for chemical applications is something most farmers, ranchers, and home gardeners do regularly. However, understanding how to properly mix and calculate rates can be complicated. Follow one of the three options outlined in this fact sheet to accurately obtain application rates and mix chemical products safely and effectively

    Easy Calibration for Boom Sprayers

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    Calibrating spray equipment is an important first step when applying pesticides, fertilizers, and other chemicals. If nozzles are not properly calibrated, it can result in over or under application of chemicals, causing crop damage, reduced pest control, and potential safety concerns. Making the effort to properly mix chemicals and calibrate sprayers can save money and headaches in the long run. This fact sheet provides simple guidelines for calibrating boom sprayers

    Speeding Snowmelt to Control Snow Mold

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    The high level of snowpack in the winter of 2022–2023 created a renewed interest in speed-melting snow to prevent snow mold on winter wheat crops, golf courses, and homeowners’ lawns. Snow molds are diseases caused by fungi growing under snow cover or in cool, wet weather. Winter wheat can be infected by three types of snow molds, while turf grasses can be infected by two kinds of snow molds. Plants will have a bleached color for pink snow mold or a thin layer of white or gray mycelium leaving the plants gray or white after they dry out for gray snow mold. This fact sheet will discuss ongoing research in Utah aimed at using soil amendments to speed the melting of snow to reduce snow mold pressure for small grains

    Ten Reasons Why Alfalfa is Highly Suitable for the West

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    This fact sheet gives ten key reasons why alfalfa is suitable in western regions
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