86 research outputs found
MS 630 Ministry and Evangelism in the Small Church
Required texts: 1. Lyle Schaller, Small Congregation, Big Potential, Abingdon (2003)—190 pages 2. Anthony Pappas, ed. Inside the Small Church, Alban (2002)—230 pages. 3. Steve Bierly, How to Thrive as a Small Church Pastor, Zondervan (1998)—190 pages. 4. Ron Crandall, Turnaround Strategies for the Small Church, Abingdon (1995)—160 pages. 5. Peter Steinke, Healthy Congregations: A Systems Approach, Alban (1996)—110 pages.https://place.asburyseminary.edu/syllabi/2974/thumbnail.jp
ME 630 Planting New Churches
1. Planting Growing Churches, 2nd ed., Aubrey Malphurs, 1998 (400 pages). 2. Next Church.Now: Creating New Faith Communities, Craig Miller, 2000 (175 pages) 3. The Purpose Driven Church, Rick Warren, 1995 (390 pages).https://place.asburyseminary.edu/syllabi/2282/thumbnail.jp
Finding the Way Forward: George Gill Hunter, III
Ron Crandall recounts some of the significant personal transitions, achievements, and contributions to evangelism and church growth made by his long time colleague. This brief “inside story” captures some of both the professional and personal life of this world-class scholar, and reveals his passionate pursuit to help thousands of churches and millions of secular and disenchanted peoples “find the way forward.” Never content to only talk about evangelism, George Hunter is portrayed as employing every gift available to equip the Church for its apostolic mission to spread the power of “Christ in us, the hope of glory.
MS 630 Ministry and Evangelsim in the Small Church
Required texts: 1. Lyle Schaller, Small Congregation, Big Potential, Abingdon (2003)—190 pages 2. Anthony Pappas, ed. Inside the Small Church, Alban (2002)—230 pages. 3. Steve Bierly, How to Thrive as a Small Church Pastor, Zondervan (1998)—190 pages. 4. Ron Crandall, Turnaround Strategies for the Small Church, Abingdon (1995)—160 pages. 5. Bill Kemp, The Church Transition Workbook: Getting Your Church in Gear, Discipleship Resources (2004)—140 pages.https://place.asburyseminary.edu/syllabi/3950/thumbnail.jp
ME 760 Evangelism in the Small Church
1.Lyle Schaller, Small Congregation, Big Potential (2003)—190 pages 2.Anthony Pappas, ed. Inside the Small Church (2002)—230 pages. 3.Steve Bierly, How to Thrive as a Small Church Pastor (1998)—190 pages. 4.Ron Crandall, Turnaround Strategies for the Small Church (1995)—160 pages. 5.Jeff Patton, If It Could Happen Here (2002)—115 pages.https://place.asburyseminary.edu/syllabi/1959/thumbnail.jp
MS 625 Principles of Interpersonal Evangelism
All students are required to complete the following texts: 1. Communication Theory for Christian Witness: Revised Edition, Charles Kraft, Orbis, 1991. 2. Christian Witness in a Postmodern World, Harry Poe, Abingdon, 2001. 3. More Ready Than You Realize, Brian McLaren, Zondervan, 2002. 4. The Contagious Witness: Exploring Christian Conversion, Ron Crandall, Abingdon, 1999. 5. Out of the Salt Shaker: Revised Edition, Rebecca Pippert, IVP, 1999.https://place.asburyseminary.edu/syllabi/2930/thumbnail.jp
ME 730 Planting New Churches
1. Tom Jones, ed., Church Planting from the Ground Up, 2004 (350 pages). Reading report due on October 5th. 2. Ed Stetzer, Planting New Churches in a Postmodern Age, 2003, (340 pages). Reading report due on October 26th. 3. Dan Kimball, The Emerging Church, 2003, (240 pages). Reading report due on November 9th.https://place.asburyseminary.edu/syllabi/2506/thumbnail.jp
Finding the Way Forward: George Gill Hunter, III
Ron Crandall recounts some of the significant personal transitions, achievements, and contributions to evangelism and church growth made by his long time colleague. This brief “inside story” captures some of both the professional and personal life of this world-class scholar, and reveals his passionate pursuit to help thousands of churches and millions of secular and disenchanted peoples “find the way forward.” Never content to only talk about evangelism, George Hunter is portrayed as employing every gift available to equip the Church for its apostolic mission to spread the power of “Christ in us, the hope of glory.
MS 615 Foundations of Church Growth
1. Donovan, Vincent J. Christianity Rediscovered. 2. McGavran, Donald A. Understanding Church Growth, Third Edition. 3. Hunter, George G. III. To Spread the Power: Church Growth in the Wesleyan Spirit. 4. Arn, Win and Charles. The Master’s Plan for Making Disciples, second edition. 5. Schaller, Lyle E. 44 Steps Up Off the Plateau. 6. Winter, Ralph D. and Steven C. Hawthorne, eds. Perspectives on the World Christian Movement, Third Edition. 7. Acquire, from the ATS bookstore, a packet of readings. The following books are also required reading for students taking ME700. *8. Donald A. McGavran. The Bridges of God. *9. Donald A. McGavran. How Churches Grow. *10. Read one of the field studies in which McGavran was a principal writer, such as the following: Multiplying Churches in the Philippines; Church Growth in Jamaica; Ethnic Realities and the Church: Lessons from India; Church Growth in Mexico; Zaire: Midday in Missions.https://place.asburyseminary.edu/syllabi/2013/thumbnail.jp
ME 730 New Church Extension
1. Planting Growing Churches, 2nd ed., Aubrey Malphurs, 1998 (400 pages). 2. Next Church.Now: Creating New Faith Communities, Craig Miller, 2000 (175 pages) 3. The Purpose Driven Church, Rick Warren, 1995 (390 pages).https://place.asburyseminary.edu/syllabi/2011/thumbnail.jp
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