467 research outputs found

    Jacobi structures and Spencer operators

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    Deformations of Lie brackets: cohomological aspects

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    We introduce a new cohomology for Lie algebroids, and prove that it provides a differential graded Lie algebra which ``controls'' deformations of the structure bracket of the algebroid. We also have a closer look at various special cases such as Lie algebras, Poisson manifolds, foliations, Lie algebra actions on manifolds.Comment: 17 pages, Revised version: small corrections, more references adde

    Foliation groupoids and their cyclic homology

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    In this paper we study the Lie groupoids which appear in foliation theory. A foliation groupoid is a Lie groupoid which integrates a foliation, or, equivalently, whose anchor map is injective. The first theorem shows that, for a Lie groupoid G, the following are equivalent: - G is a foliation groupoid, - G has discrete isotropy groups, - G is Morita equivalent to an etale groupoid. Moreover, we show that among the Lie groupoids integrating a given foliation, the holonomy and the monodromy groupoids are extreme examples. The second theorem shows that the cyclic homology of convolution algebras of foliation groupoids is invariant under Morita equivalence of groupoids, and we give explicit formulas. Combined with the previous results of Brylinski, Nistor and the authors, this theorem completes the computation of cyclic homology for various foliation groupoids, like the (full) holonomy/monodromy groupoid, Lie groupoids modeling orbifolds, and crossed products by actions of Lie groups with finite stabilizers. Some parts of the proof, such as the H-unitality of convolution algebras, apply to general Lie groupoids. Since one of our motivation is a better understanding of various approaches to longitudinal index theorems for foliations, we have added a few brief comments at the end of the second section.Comment: 18 page

    Orbispaces as differentiable stratified spaces

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    Cyclic cohomology of Hopf algebras

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    We give a construction of ConnesMoscovicis cyclic cohomology for any Hopf algebra equipped with a character Furthermore we introduce a noncommutative Weil complex which connects the work of Gelfand and Smirnov with cyclic cohomology We show how the Weil complex arises naturally when looking at Hopf algebra actions and invariant higher traces to give a noncommutative version of the usual ChernWeil theor

    Integration of Dirac-Jacobi structures

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    We study precontact groupoids whose infinitesimal counterparts are Dirac-Jacobi structures. These geometric objects generalize contact groupoids. We also explain the relationship between precontact groupoids and homogeneous presymplectic groupoids. Finally, we present some examples of precontact groupoids.Comment: 10 pages. Brief changes in the introduction. References update

    Integration of twisted Dirac brackets

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    The correspondence between Poisson structures and symplectic groupoids, analogous to the one of Lie algebras and Lie groups, plays an important role in Poisson geometry; it offers, in particular, a unifying framework for the study of hamiltonian and Poisson actions. In this paper, we extend this correspondence to the context of Dirac structures twisted by a closed 3-form. More generally, given a Lie groupoid GG over a manifold MM, we show that multiplicative 2-forms on GG relatively closed with respect to a closed 3-form ϕ\phi on MM correspond to maps from the Lie algebroid of GG into the cotangent bundle T∗MT^*M of MM, satisfying an algebraic condition and a differential condition with respect to the ϕ\phi-twisted Courant bracket. This correspondence describes, as a special case, the global objects associated to twisted Dirac structures. As applications, we relate our results to equivariant cohomology and foliation theory, and we give a new description of quasi-hamiltonian spaces and group-valued momentum maps.Comment: 42 pages. Minor changes, typos corrected. Revised version to appear in Duke Math.

    Integration of Holomorphic Lie Algebroids

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    We prove that a holomorphic Lie algebroid is integrable if, and only if, its underlying real Lie algebroid is integrable. Thus the integrability criteria of Crainic-Fernandes do also apply in the holomorphic context without any modification. As a consequence we give another proof of the following theorem: a holomorphic Poisson manifold is integrable if, and only if, its real (or imaginary) part is integrable as a real Poisson manifold.Comment: 26 pages, second part of arXiv:0707.4253 which was split into two, v2: example 3.19 and section 3.7 adde
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