13 research outputs found

    Computational Model For Data And Patients' Exams Management For Remote Follow-up By Multimedia Conferences [modelo Computacional Para O Gerenciamento De Dados E Exames De Pacientes Para O Acompanhamento Remoto Por Meio De Conferência Multimídia]

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    Objective: To develop a computational model for acquisition, management and storing data and patients' exams, and to define a multimedia conference architecture to remote patients' follow-up. Materials and methods: A computational architecture was defined to acquire exams' information from hospital equipment and to store and manage patients' data and exams using the JBoss application server, the MySql database manager system, the Apache web page server and the Jboss Seam framework for application development. For multimedia conference, a case study using the Openmeetins architecture was performed. Results: computational models intended to the consistent and safe management of data and patients' exams were defined and a multimedia conference architecture was studied. Conclusion: The computational models, the prototype developed and the multimedia conference architecture may be applied into real medical situations, contributing for remote patient accompaniment.304399408Urtiga, K.S., Louzada, L.A., (2004) Telemedicina: Uma visão geral da arte. In: Congresso Brasileiro de Informática Médica, , Ribeirão Preto (SP)(2006) Acr-Nema. Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM), , Virginia-USA: RossynAzevedo, P.M., Trad, C.S., Elias Jr., J., Santos, A.C., Implantação de um mini-PACS (sistema de arquivamento e distribuição de imagens) em um hospital universitário (2001) Radiologia Brasileira, 34 (4), pp. 221-224Maciel, J.N., (2005) Protótipo de conferência multimídia e transmissão de dados de experimentos médicos em tempo real pela Web, , [Monografia] Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná, Foz do Iguaçu (PR)Wu, F.C., (2003) Estudo dos efeitos de diferentes concentrações de oxigênio e da hiperoxigenação hiperbárica sobre anastomoses cólicas comprometidas ou não pela isquemia. Trabalho experimental em ratos, , [Tese] Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Campinas (SP)Quilici, F.A., Grecco, C., (2000) Colonoscopia, , São Paulo: Lemos Editorial(2010) JPEG. JPEG Homepage, , http://www.jpeg.org/jpeg/index.html, [citado 26 fev]. Disponível em(2010) Mpeg. The Reference Website for Mpeg, , http://www.mpeg.org, [citado 26 fev]. Disponível emNeitzel, N., (2009) Desenvolvimento de uma Solução para o Armazenamento e a Disponibilização de Dados e Exames Médicos Aplicando a Padronização DICOM, , [Monografia] Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná, Foz do Iguaçu (PR)Filho, O.M., (1999) Processamento digital de imagens, , Rio de Janeiro: BrasportTanembaum, A.S., (2003) Redes de computadores, , 4. ed. Rio de Janeiro: CampusKorth, A.B., Silberschatz Henry, F., (1995) Sistema de banco de dados, , 2. ed. São Paulo: Makron BooksPianykh, O.S., (2008) Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM): A Practical Introduction and Survival Guide, , 1. ed. Boston, USA: SpringerForouzan, B.A., (2006) Comunicação de dados e redes de computadores, , 3. ed. Porto Alegre: BookmanJamae, J., Johnson, P., (2009) JBoss in action: Configuring the JBoss application server, , 1. ed. Greenwich: Manning PublicationsAllen, D., (2008) SEAM in Action, , Greenwich: Manning PublicationsDeitel, H.M., (2005) Java: Como programar, , 6. Ed. São Paulo: Pearson Prentice Hall(2009) Redhat. JBoss Developer Studio, , http://www.br.redhat.com/developers/studio/, [citado 15 ago. 2009] Disponível emZeilinger, G., (2010) Dcm4che, , http://www.dcm4che.org, [citado em 26 fev]. Disponível em(2009) Mysql. Sistema Gerenciador de Banco de dados MySQL, , http://www.mysql.com/, [citado 22 out] Disponível emCosta, D.G., (2007) Comunicações multimídia na internet, , Rio de Janeiro: Ciência ModernaWagner, S., (2009) Openmeetings-open source web conferencing, , http://code.google.com/p/openmeetings/, [citado 4 nov] Disponível emSilva, R.A.L., (2009) Avaliação sistemática de soluções multimídia aplicadas a telemedicina, , [Monografia] Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná, Foz do Iguaçu (PR)Coulouris, G., Dollimore, J., Kindberg, T., (2007) Sistemas distribuídos: Conceitos e projetos, , 4. ed. Porto Alegre: Bookma

    Time Series Classification With Motifs And Characteristics

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    In the last years, there is a huge increase of interest in application of time series. Virtually all human endeavors create time-oriented data, and the Data Mining community has proposed a large number of approaches to analyze such data. One of the most common tasks in Data Mining is classification, in which each time series should be associated to a class. Empirical evidence has shown that the nearest neighbor rule is very effective to classify time series data. However, the nearest neighbor classifier is unable to provide any form of explanation. In this chapter we describe a novel method to induce classifiers from time series data. Our approach uses standard Machine Learning classifiers using motifs and characteristics as features. We show that our approach can be very effective for classification, providing higher accuracy for most of the data sets used in an empirical evaluation. In addition, when used with symbolic models, such as decision trees, our approach provides very compact decision rules, leveraging knowledge discovery from time series. We also show two case studies with real world medical data.© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014.537125138Buhler, J., Tompa, M., Finding motifs using random projections (2002) Journal of ComputationalBiology, 9 (2), pp. 225-242Chiu, B., Keogh, E., Lonard, S., (2003) Probabilistic Discovery of Time Series Motifs, pp. 493-498. , In"Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, New York, USAFerreira, P.G., Azevedo, P.J., Silva, C.G., Brito, R.M.M., (2006) Mining Approximate Motifs in Time Series, 4265, pp. 89-101. , In:Todorovski, L., Lavrač, N., Jantke, K.P. (eds.),LNCS (LNAI), DS 2006 ,Springer, HeidelbergDing, H., Trajcevski, G., Scheuermann, P., Wang, X., Keogh, E., (2008) Querying and Mining of Time Series Data: Experimental Comparison of Representations and Distance Measures, pp. 1542-1552. , Proceedings of the VLDB EndowmentKeogh, E., Zhu, Q., Hu, B., Hao, Y., Xi, X., Wei, L., Ratanamahatana, C.A., The UCR Time Series Classification/Clustering (2011), p. 2012. , http://www.cs.ucr.edu/~eamonn/time_series_data/, accessed February 28Last, M., Kandel, A., Bunke, H., Data mining in time series databases (2004) Machine Perception and Artificial Intelligence, 57. , World Scientific, DanversLin, J., Keogh, E., Lonardi, S., Patel, P., Finding motifs in time series (2002) Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Temporal Data Mining at the Eighth Interntional Conferenceon Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, pp. 53-68. , In:Edmonton, Alberta,CanadaMaletzke, A.G., Uma Metodologia Para A Extração De Conhecimento Em Séries Temporais Por Meio Da Identificação De Motifs E Extração De Características (2009) Master Thesis, , Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, BrazilMaletzke, A.G., Batista, G.E., Lee, H.D., Uma avaliação sobre a identificaçãode motifs em séries temporais (2008) Anais Do Congresso da Academia Trinacional de Ciências, Foz Do Iguaçu, 1, pp. 1-10. , In:Paraná, BrazilMaletzke, A.G., Lee, H.D., Zalewski, W., Oliva, J.T., Machado, R.B., Coy, C.S.R., Fagundes, J.J., Wu, F.C., Estudo do Parâmetro Tamanho de Motif para a Classificaç ão de Séries Temporais de ECG Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, Workshop de Informática Médica, Natal, Rio Grande Do Norte, 2011, pp. 1-10Michalski, R.S., Bratko, I., Kubat, M., (1998) Machine Learning and Data Mining, , Wiley ChichesterOlszewski, R.T., (2001) Generalized Feature Extraction for Structural Pattern Recognition in Time-Series Data, , PhD Thesis, Carnegie Mellon University, Pitts-burgh, PASaad, L.H.C., (2002) Quantificação da Função Esfincteriana Pela Medida da Capaci-dade de Sustentação da Pressão de Contração Voluntária Do Canal Anal, , PhD Thesis, Faculdade de Ciências Médicas da Universidade Estadual de Campi-nas, Campinas, SPTanaka, Y., Iwamoto, K., Uehara, K., Discovery of time-series motif from multidimensional data based on mdl principle (2005) Machine Learning, 58 (2-3), pp. 269-300Witten, I.H., Frank, E., (2005) Data mining: Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques, , 2nd edn Elsevier San Francisc

    Evaluation Of The Force X Elongation Curves Dispersion Of Descending Colon Of Rats Using Boltzmann's Sigmoidal Model [avaliação Da Dispersão De Curvas Força X Elongação De Segmentos De Cólon Descendente De Ratos Por Meio Do Modelo Sigmoidal De Boltzmann]

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    Purpose: to evaluate the dispersion of Force x Elongation curves (FE) that represents the mechanical behavior of rat's colon. Materials and Methods: ten descending colon segments were submitted to the Total Energy of Rupture Test. Each curve generated by this test was fitted to Boltzmann model that correlates the values of force and elongation through the combination of the parameters A1, A2, x0 and dx. Then, for each parameter were calculated the mean, standard deviation and their correlations. Later, the resultant dispersion was determinated in the whole deformation process by an analysis that considers the correlations between the greatnesses based on the propagation of uncertainties law. The resultant dispersion was multiplied by a coverage factor, considering a normal distribution, to determinate an interval in which 95% of force values will be present. Results: the mean, standard deviation and correlation were determined. The resultant dispersion of force values was expanded drawing limits inside which FE curves will be for a confidence interval of 95%. Conclusion: this methodology will be possibly used to evaluate variables that act on the intestinal mechanical behavior.2915156Fagundes, J.J., (1990) Estudo comparativo da cicatrização de anastomoses cólicas realizadas com auxílio do bisturi laser de dióxido de carbono: Trabalho experimental em cães, , Tese dedoutorado - Faculdade de Ciências Médicas da Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas, SPWu, F.C., Lee, H.D., Machado, R.B., Dalmás, S., Coy, C.S.R., Góes, J.R.N., Fagundes, J.J., Apresentação do teste energia total de ruptura para avaliação de material biológico com propriedade viscoelástico não-linear (2004) Acta Cir Bras, 19 (6). , [serial on-line], Nov - DezWu, F.C., (2003) Estudo dos efeitos de diferentes concentrações de oxigênio e da hiperoxigenação hiperbárica sobre anastomose cólica comprometida ou não pela isquemia: Trabalho experimental em ratos, , Tese de doutorado - Faculdade de Ciências Médicas da Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas, SPHendriks, T., Mastboom, W.J.B., Healing of experimental intestinal anastomoses (1990) Diseases of the Colon & Rectum, 33, pp. 891-901Burin, E.L.K., Lee, H.D., Niz, M.A.K., Silva, M.C.C., Coy, C.S.R., Góes, J.R.N., Predição do Comportamento Mecânico de Segmentos de Cólon Descendente de Ratos por meio do Modelo Sigmoidal de Boltzmann (2007) 56° Congresso Brasileiro de Coloproctologia: Anais do 56° Congresso Brasileiro de Coloproctologia, , 2007CuritibaNiz, M.A.K., Burin, E.L.K., Wu, F.C., Lee, H.D., Nogueira, F.M.A., Fagundes, J.J., Góes, J.R.N., Utilização dos modelos matemáticos de Boltzmann, de Chapman e Logístico para o estudo do comportamento mecânico de segmentos de cólon descendente de ratos (2006) CBIS 2006: Anais do X Congresso Brasileiro de Informática em Saúde, , 2006FlorianópolisVoltolini, R.F., Metz, J., Machado, R.B., Lee, H.D., Wu, F.C., Fagundes, J.J., Góes, J.R.N., SABI 2.0: Um sistema para a realização de teste biomecânicos em material viscoelástico não linear (2003) Laptec2003: Proceedings of The 4th Congress of Logic Applied to Technology, , 2003MaríliaBurin, E.L.K., Niz, M.A.K., Lee, H.D., Nogueira, F.M.A., Fagundes, J.J., Góes, J.R.N., Wu, F.C., Aplicação do Modelo Sigmoidal de Boltzmann para o Ajuste das Curvas Força x Elongação de Cólon Descendente de Ratos obtidas por meio do Aplicativo SABI 2.0 (2006) WIM 2006: Anais do VI Workshop de Informática Médica, , 2006Vila Velhada Silva, G.R., Sobre o modelo catalítico reversível aplicado ao estudo da cinética epidemiológica da infecção chagásica. Rev (1969) Saúde públ, 3 (1), pp. 23-9Silva, E.M., Lima, J.E.F.W., Rodrigues, L.N., Azevedo, J.A., Comparação de modelos matemáticos para o traçado de curves granulométricas (2004) Pesq. agropec. bras., 39 (4), pp. 363-70Toledo, R.E.B., Filho, R.V., Bezutte, A.J., Pitelli, R.A., Alves, P.L.C.A., Valle, C.F., Períodos de controle de Brachiaria sp e seus reflexos na produtividade de Eucalyptus grandis (2003) Scientia Forestalis, 63, pp. 221-32Tyson, J.W., Meade, J.H., Dalrymple, G.V., Marvin, H.N., Some Biomedical Applications of a Non-Linear Curve Fit Method (1967) J Nucl Med, 8, pp. 558-69Guimarães, P.S., (2001) Ajuste de curvas experimentais, , 1a ed. Santa Maria: Editora UFSMMotulsky, H., Christopoulos, A., (2003) Fitting Models to Biological Data Using Linear and Nonlinear Regression: A Practical Guide to Curve fitting, , New York: Oxford University Press2004. 13Juan-Les-Pins, FR. New York: SpringerBurin, E.L.K., Lee, H.D., Niz, M.A.K., Silva, M.C.C., Góes, J.R.N., Wu, F.C., Estudo Matemático do Comportamento Mecânico de Segmentos de Cólon Descendente com Anastomose: Trabalho Experimental em Ratos (2007) 56° Congresso Brasileiro de Coloproctologia: Anais do 56° Congresso Brasileiro de Coloproctologia, , 2007Curitib

    Comparative Study Of Computacional Models Generated From Representations Of Colonoscopic Images: Normal Mucosal Tissues Vs Mucosal Tissues Of Colic Polyp [estudo Comparativo De Modelos Computacionais Gerados Sobre Representações De Imagens De Coloscopia: Tecido De Mucosa Normal Vs Tecido De Mucosa De Pólipo Cólico]

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    Purpose: to evaluate the predictive quality of computational models to differentiate colic tissues, based on Co-occorrurence Matrices (MC) representation of Coloscopic Images (IC). Materials and Methods: Image analysis and artificial intelligence methods were employed to construct computational models. Sixty seven IC images, containing polyp, were considered in this work, from which a part containing a polypus and another without it were collected given origin to 134 images. For each one of these, different MC were constructed considering five distance parameters (D = 1 to 5) and the extraction of 11 texture characteristics. With this representation, five computational models were generated based on decision trees. These models were evaluated using two techniques: (a) cross-validation and (b) contingency tables. Results: for the (a) analysis, the model with D = 3 presented the smaller average error (22.25% ± 11.85%). For the (b) analysis, models with D = 1 and 3 presented the best precision values. Conclusion: parameters D = 1 and 3 presented models with the best predictive qualities. Results showed that the constructed models were promising to be applied within decision making computational systems.2912329Karkanis, S., Galoussi, K., Maroulis, D., Classification of Endoscopic Images Based on Texture Spectrum. Advance Course in Artificial Intelligence (1999) Proceedings of Workshop on Machine Learning in Medical Applications, pp. 63-7. , Chania, GreciaFelipe, J.C., Traina, A.J.M., Traina, C., Retrieval by Content of Medical Images Using Texture for Tissue Identification (2003) Proceeding of the 16th IEEE Symposium on Computer-based Medical Systems, pp. 175-6. , New York, USARezende, S.O., (2003) Sistemas Inteligentes: Fundamentos e Aplicações, , Barueri (SP), Brasil: Editora Manole(2007) Estimativa 2008: Incidência de Câncer no Brasil, , Instituto Nacional de Câncer (INCA)., Rio de Janeiro (RJ), BrasilFerrero, C.A., Lee, H.D., Cherman, E.A., Coy, C.S.R., Fagundes, J.J., Góes, J.R.N., Et al., Utilização de Atributos Baseados em Textura para a Caracterização de Tecidos Cólicos em Imagens de Colonoscopia. (2007) Anais do VII Workshop de Informática Médica, pp. 204-213. , Porto de Galinhas (PE), BrasilFerrero, C.A., Spolaôr, N., Lee, H.D., Coy, C.S.R., Fagundes, J.J., Wu, F.C., Estudo Comparativo de Matrizes de Co-ocorrência em Análise de Imagens Médicas: Diferenciação de Tecidos Cólicos (2008) Anales del 11° Simposio Argentino de Informática y Salud, 37° Jornadas Argentinas de Informática, pp. 1-12. , Santa Fe (SF), Argentina;Haralick, R., Shanmugam, K., Dinstein, I., Texture Features for Image Classification (1973) Proceeding of IEEE Transaction on Systems, Man, and Cybernetis, 3 (6), pp. 610-621Quinlan, J.R., (1993) C4.5: Programs for Machine Learning, , San Mateo (CA), USA: Editora Morgan KaufmannDoria, U., (1999) Introdução à Bioestatística: Para simples mortais, , São Paulo (SP), Brasil: Editora ElseiverHowarth, P., Yavlinsky, A., Heesch, D., Rüger, S., (2005) Medical Image Retrieval Using Texture, Locality and Colour, pp. 740-749. , Lecture Notes from the Cross Language Evaluation ForumKarkanis, S., Detecting Abnormalities in Colonoscopic Images by Textural Description and Neural Networks (1999) Proceedings of Workshop on Machine Learning in Medical Applications, Advance Course in Artificial Intelligence, 5, pp. 59-62. , Chania, GreeceFerrero, C.A., Lee, H.D., Cherman, E.A., Coy, C.S.R., Góes, J.R.N., Fagundes, J.J., Wu, F.C., Utilização de Técnicas Computacionais para a Diferenciação Cólicos em Imagens Colonoscópicas (2007) 56° Congresso Brasileiro de Coloproctologia: Rev Bras de Coloproct, 27, pp. 45-46. , Curitiba (PR), Brasi

    Management System Prototype Of Colorectal Cancer Protocols [protótipo De Um Sistema De Gerenciamento De Protocolos De Câncer Colorretal]

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    Objective: to develop a prototype of a Colorectal Cancer records management system, aiming to store an embracing structured dataset for later application of intelligent data analysis methods. Material and Method: the prototype was developed in five stages: Colorectal Cancer domain analysis, definition of basic requirements (operational and informational), system design, system construction using open source technologies and system evaluation supported by domain experts. Results and Discussion: during development, the prototype dataset structure, coherence of information structure, validity of functions implemented and the attendance to the basic requirements define, were evaluated by domain experts. Conclusion: according to the experts evaluation, the prototype development completed the first stage of the project of developing the system with a 100% satisfaction rate and is now being used into recording real data. In the next stage it will be finished and deployed the complete system, attending to security requirements and multiuser support.31117Incidência de câncer no Brasil, , http://www1.inca.gov.br/estimativa/2010/estimativa20091201.pdf, Instituto Nacional do Câncer. Estimativa/2010, [acesso em 2010 Mar 3]. Disponível em:Santos Jr., J.C.M., Câncer ano-reto-cólico: Aspectos atuais IV-câncer de cólon-fatores clínicos, epidemiológicos e preventivos (2008) Rev Bras Coloproct [periódico na Internet], 28 (3), pp. 378-385. , http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0101-98802008000300019&lng=pt, Set [citado2010Jun11], Disponível em:, doi: 10.1590/S0101-98802008000300019Altenburg, F.L., Biondo-Simões, M.L.P., Bahten, L.C.V., A pesquisa de sangue oculto nas fezes associada a um questionário de sinais e sintomas na prevenção do câncer colo retal (2009) Rev bras coloproctol, 29 (1), pp. 57-62. , http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0101-98802009000100008&lng=pt, [periódico na Internet], Mar [citado2010Jun11], Disponível em:, doi: 10.1590/S0101-98802009000100008Han, J., Kamber, M., (2006) Data mining: Concepts and techniques, , San Francisco: Morgan KauffmanWitten, I.H., Frank, E., (2005) Data mining: Pratical machine learning tools and techniques, , San Francisco: Morgan KauffmanChlebowski, R.T., Wactawski-Wende, J., Ritenbaugh, C., Hubbell, F.A., Ascensao, J., Rodabough, R.J., Estrogen plus progestin and colorectal cancer in postmenopausal women (2004) N Engl J Med, 350 (10), pp. 991-1004Cordeiro, F., Yamaguchi, N.H., Habr-Gama, A., Cutait, R., Reinan, R.J., Abramoff, R., (2005) Diagnóstico, estadiamento e tratamento cirúrgico e multidisciplinar do câncer colorretal, , Associação Médica Brasileira e Conselho Federal de MedicinaLarsson, S.C., Orsini, N., Wolk, A., Diabetes mellitus and risk of colorectal cancer: A meta-analysis (2005) J Natl Cancer Inst, 97 (22), pp. 1679-1687Neves, F.J.D., (1995) Mortalidade por cancer de cólon e reto e perfil de consumo alimentar em capitais brasileiras [dissertação], , Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Brasil: Escola Nacional de Saúde PúblicaQuilici, F.A., (2000) Colonoscopia, , São Paulo (SP), Brasil: Editora LemosRocha, J.J.R., (2005) Coloproctologia: Príncipios e prática, , São Paulo: AtheneuSantos Jr., J.C.M., Câncer ano-reto-cólico: Aspectos atuais II-câncer colorretal-fatores de riscos e prevenção (2007) Rev bras. colo-proctol, 27 (4), pp. 459-473. , http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0101-98802007000400016&lng=en, [periódico na Internet], Dec [citado2010Jun11], Disponível em:, doi: 10.1590/S0101-98802007000400016Elmasri, R., Navathe, S.B., (2005) Sistemas de Banco de Dados, , São Paulo: Pearson Addison-WesleyPressman, R.S., (2006) Engenharia de Software, , São Paulo: McGraw-HillAllen, D., (2008) Seam in action, , Greenwich: Manning Publications C

    Prototype System To Manage Data On Coloproctology Surgery

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    Objective: To develop a prototype system to manage data on coloproctology surgery, aiming at Data Quality (DQ) and the adoption of a DQ monitoring process, which is nonexistent in most biomedical systems. Methods: The construction of the prototype was separated into five steps: analysis of an existing system (legacy), the analysis of requirements and specifications for the new prototype, the development of the model, definition of technologies and the development of a prototype. Results: The analysis of the legacy system revealed several limitations and inconsistencies, which can result in problems concerning the DQ. Therefore, actions to prevent these problems are already being executed at the step of developing the prototype, such as the creation of interactive and more elaborate interfaces, the use of validation mechanisms on data fields and the proposal of a process to monitor inconsistencies and incompleteness in patients' data. Conclusion: The adoption of DQ mechanisms on system development results in building a reliable and consistent database, to assist tasks such as management, scientific research and future intelligent data analysis methods. Future work includes subjective evaluations of DQ indicating the adequacy of the prototype for the users' needs.314351361Valarini, R., Campos, F.G.C.M., Resultado do registro nacional brasileiro em vídeo-cirurgia colorretal em 2007 (2008) J Coloproctol, 28 (2), pp. 145-155Martins, J.F., Rocha, J.G., Miranda, E.F., Sartor, M.C., Steckert, J.S., Steckert, A.S., Análise da prevalência de entidades coloproctológicas nos pacientes idosos do serviço de coloproctologia de um Hospital Universitário (2009) J Coloproctol, 29 (2), pp. 145-157Torres, N.J.R., Souza, J.R.M.C.A., Santiago, R.R., Prudente, A.C.L., Cirurgias colorretais no Hospital Universitário da Universidade Federal de Sergipe: Três anos de criação do serviço de coloproctologia (série histórica) (2008) J Coloproctol, 28 (1), pp. 77-83Prudente, A.C.L., Torres, N.J.R., Santiago, R.R., Mariano, D.R., Vieira, F.M.C., Cirurgias proctológicas em 3 Anos de serviço de coloproctologia: Série histórica (2009) J Coloproctol, 29 (1), pp. 71-76Queiroz, F.L., Côrtes, M.G.W., Rocha, N.P., Alves, A.C., Freitas, A.H.A., Lacerda, F.A., Resultados do registro de cirurgias colorretais videolaparoscópicas realizadas no estado de Minas Gerais-Brasil de 1996 a 2009 (2010) J Coloproctol, 30 (1), pp. 61-67Oliveira, R.G., Faria, F.F., Lima, J.R.A.C.B., Rodrigues, F.G., Andrade, M.M.A., Gomes, D.M.B.M., Cirurgias êntero-colorretais abordagem cirúrgica de 129 pacientes do SUS no programa de pós-graduação Sensu Lato em coloproctologia (2010) J Coloproctol, 30 (3), pp. 333-343Han, J., Kamber, M., (2006) Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques, , 2nd ed. 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    Evaluation Of Models For The Recognition Of Hadwritten Digits In Medical Forms

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    Medicine has benefited widely from the use of computational techniques, which are often employed in the analysis of data generated in medical clinics. Among the computational techniques used in these analyses are those from Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD). In order to apply KDD techniques in the analysis of clinical data, it is often necessary to map them into an adequate structured format. This paper presents an extension in a methodology to map medical forms into structured datasets, in which a sub-system for handwritten digit recognition is added to the overall mapping system. © 2008 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.5167 LNBI178181Maletzke, A.G., Lee, H.D., Zalewski, W., Edson, R.F.V., Matsubara, T., Coy, C.S.R., Fagundes, J.J., Chung, W.F., (2007) Mapeamento de informações médicas descritas em formulários para bases de dados estruturadas [in portuguese], pp. 1-10. , Brasil, ppTrier, O.D., Jain, A.K., Taxt, T., Feature extraction methods for character recognition - a survey (1996) Pattern Recognition, 29, pp. 641-662Heutte, L., Paquet, T., Moreau, J.-V., Lecourtier, Y., Olivier, C., A structural/ statistical feature based vector for handwritten character recognition (1998) Pattern Recognition Letters, 19, pp. 629-641Arica, N., Yarman-Vural, F., An overview of character recognition focused on offline handwriting (2001) IEEE Trans. Syst. Man and Cybern. Part C: Appl. and Rev, 31, pp. 216-233Wang, X., Xie, K., A novel direction chain code-based image retrieval (2004) Proc. 4th Int. Conf. on Computer and Information Technology, pp. 190-193Lee, Y., Handwritten digit recognition using k- nearest neighbor, radial-basis functions, and back-propagation neural networks (1991) Neural Comp, 3 (3), pp. 440-449Haykin, S., (1999) Neural Networks, , A Compreensive Foundation. Prentice-Hall, Engle-wood Cliff