2,492 research outputs found

    Establishing a Translational Research Center in California\u27s San Joaquin Valley: Principles, Partnerships, and Initial Steps

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    The Great Valley Center seeks to promote the social, economic, and environmental well-being of California\u27s Central Valley. UC Merced\u27s Health Sciences Research Institute (HSRI) was established in 2012 to engage in collaborative, multidisciplinary research with a community emphasis in order to rapidly develop, test, and disseminate new ways to improve health. To address the numerous health disparities present in the San Joaquin Valley, HSRI began working toward the development of a regional Translational Research Center, to allow San Joaquin Valley residents access to the latest and most effective interventions and translate findings into community actions. The attached paper is a summary of a 300-hour fieldwork experience, completed through a partnership between HSRI and the Great Valley Center. The work presented encompasses the beginning steps of the Center\u27s development, including planning, fund-seeking, community outreach, research, and methodology development. It also provides evidence on how the fieldwork experience fulfilled Master of Public Health program competencies, core competencies, and cross-cutting/interdisciplinary competencies as defined by the Council on Education for Public Health

    A Natural Plasmid Uniquely Encodes Two Biosynthetic Pathways Creating a Potent Anti-MRSA Antibiotic

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    Background Understanding how complex antibiotics are synthesised by their producer bacteria is essential for creation of new families of bioactive compounds. Thiomarinols, produced by marine bacteria belonging to the genus Pseudoalteromonas, are hybrids of two independently active species: the pseudomonic acid mixture, mupirocin, which is used clinically against MRSA, and the pyrrothine core of holomycin. Methodology/Principal Findings High throughput DNA sequencing of the complete genome of the producer bacterium revealed a novel 97 kb plasmid, pTML1, consisting almost entirely of two distinct gene clusters. Targeted gene knockouts confirmed the role of these clusters in biosynthesis of the two separate components, pseudomonic acid and the pyrrothine, and identified a putative amide synthetase that joins them together. Feeding mupirocin to a mutant unable to make the endogenous pseudomonic acid created a novel hybrid with the pyrrothine via “mutasynthesis” that allows inhibition of mupirocin-resistant isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase, the mupirocin target. A mutant defective in pyrrothine biosynthesis was also able to incorporate alternative amine substrates. Conclusions/Significance Plasmid pTML1 provides a paradigm for combining independent antibiotic biosynthetic pathways or using mutasynthesis to develop a new family of hybrid derivatives that may extend the effective use of mupirocin against MRSA

    Toward Automation of the Supine Pressor Test for Preeclampsia

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    Preeclampsia leads to increased risk of morbidity and mortality for both mother and fetus. Most previous studies have largely neglected mechanical compression of the left renal vein by the gravid uterus as a potential mechanism. In this study, we first used a murine model to investigate the pathophysiology of left renal vein constriction. The results indicate that prolonged renal vein stenosis after 14 days can cause renal necrosis and an increase in blood pressure (BP) of roughly 30 mmHg. The second part of this study aimed to automate a diagnostic tool, known as the supine pressor test (SPT), to enable pregnant women to assess their preeclampsia development risk. A positive SPT has been previously defined as an increase of at least 20 mmHg in diastolic BP when switching between left lateral recumbent and supine positions. The results from this study established a baseline BP increase between the two body positions in nonpregnant women and demonstrated the feasibility of an autonomous SPT in pregnant women. Our results demonstrate that there is a baseline increase in BP of roughly 10-14 mmHg and that pregnant women can autonomously perform the SPT. Overall, this work in both rodents and humans suggests that (1) stenosis of the left renal vein in mice leads to elevation in BP and acute renal failure, (2) nonpregnant women experience a baseline increase in BP when they shift from left lateral recumbent to supine position, and (3) the SPT can be automated and used autonomously

    The effect of galaxy mass ratio on merger--driven starbursts

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    We employ numerical simulations of galaxy mergers to explore the effect of galaxy mass ratio on merger--driven starbursts. Our numerical simulations include radiative cooling of gas, star formation, and stellar feedback to follow the interaction and merger of four disk galaxies. The galaxy models span a factor of 23 in total mass and are designed to be representative of typical galaxies in the local Universe. We find that the merger--driven star formation is a strong function of merger mass ratio, with very little, if any, induced star formation for large mass ratio mergers. We define a burst efficiency that is useful to characterize the merger--driven star formation and test that it is insensitive to uncertainties in the feedback parameterization. In accord with previous work we find that the burst efficiency depends on the structure of the primary galaxy. In particular, the presence of a massive stellar bulge stabilizes the disk and suppresses merger--driven star formation for large mass ratio mergers. Direct, co--planar merging orbits produce the largest tidal disturbance and yield that most intense burst of star formation. Contrary to naive expectations, a more compact distribution of gas or an increased gas fraction both decrease the burst efficiency. Owing to the efficient feedback model and the newer version of SPH employed here, the burst efficiencies of the mergers presented here are smaller than in previous studies.Comment: 26 pages, 21 figures, submitted to MNRA

    Simulations of Dust in Interacting Galaxies I: Dust Attenuation

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    A new Monte-Carlo radiative-transfer code, Sunrise, is used in conjunction with hydrodynamic simulations of major galaxy mergers to calculate the effects of dust in such systems. The simulations are in good agreement with observations of dust absorption in starburst galaxies, and the dust has a profound effect on their appearance. The dust attenuation increases with luminosity such that at peak luminosities ~90% of the bolometric luminosity is absorbed by dust. In general, the detailed appearance of the merging event depends on the stage of the merger and the geometry of the encounter. The fraction of bolometric energy absorbed by the dust, however, is a robust quantity that can be predicted from the intrinsic properties bolometric luminosity, baryonic mass, star-formation rate, and metallicity of the system. This paper presents fitting formulae, valid over a wide range of masses and metallicities, from which the absorbed fraction of luminosity (and consequently also the infrared dust luminosity) can be predicted. The attenuation of the luminosity at specific wavelengths can also be predicted, albeit with a larger scatter due to the variation with viewing angle. These formulae for dust attenuation appear to be valid for both isolated and interacting galaxies, are consistent with earlier studies, and would be suitable for inclusion in theoretical models, e.g. semi-analytic models of galaxy formation.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures, submitted to Ap

    History and Flight Devleopment of the Electrodynamic Dust Shield

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    The surfaces of the moon, Mars, and that of some asteroids are covered with a layer of dust that may hinder robotic and human exploration missions. During the Apollo missions, for example, lunar dust caused a number of issues including vision obscuration, false instrument readings, contamination, and elevated temperatures. In fact, some equipment neared failure after only 75 hours on the lunar surface due to effects of lunar dust. NASA's Kennedy Space Center has developed an active technology to remove dust from surfaces during exploration missions. The Electrodynamic Dust Shield (EDS), which consists of a series of embedded electrodes in a high dielectric strength substrate, uses a low power, low frequency signal that produces an electric field wave that travels across the surface. This non-uniform electric field generates dielectrophoretic and electrostatic forces capable of moving dust out of these surfaces. Implementations of the EDS have been developed for solar radiators, optical systems, camera lenses, visors, windows, thermal radiators, and fabrics The EDS implementation for transparent applications (solar panels, optical systems, windows, etc.) uses transparent indium tin oxide electrodes on glass or transparent lm. Extensive testing was performed in a roughly simulated lunar environment (one-sixth gravity at 1 mPa atmospheric pressure) with lunar simulant dust. EDS panels over solar radiators showed dust removal that restored solar panel output reaching values very close to their initial output. EDS implementations for thermal radiator protection (metallic spacecraft surfaces with white thermal paint and reflective films) were also extensively tested at similar high vacuum conditions. Reflectance spectra for these types of implementations showed dust removal efficiencies in the 96% to 99% range. These tests indicate that the EDS technology is now at a Technology Readiness Level of 4 to 5. As part of EDS development, a flight version is being prepared for several flight opportunities. The flight version of the EDS will incorporate significantly smaller electronics, with an expected mass and volume of 500 g and 350 cm(exp. 3) respectively. One of the opportunities is an International Space Station (ISS) experiment: Materials for International Space Station Experiment 10 (MISSE-10). This experiment aims to verify the EDS can withstand the harsh environment of space and will look to closely replicate the solar environment experienced on the moon. A second flight opportunity exists to provide an EDS to several companies as part of NASA's Lunar CATALYST program. The current mission concept would fly the EDS on the footpad of one of the Lunar CATALYST vehicles. Dust will likely deposit on the footpad through normal surface rover activities, but also upon landing where lunar dust is expected to be uplifted. To analyze the e effectiveness of the EDS system, photographs of the footpad with one of the spacecrafts onboard cameras are anticipated. If successful in these test flights, the EDS technology will be ready to be used in the protection of actual mission equipment for future NASA and commercial missions to the moon, asteroids, and Mars

    A new architecture for DNA-templated synthesis in which abasic sites protect reactants from degradation

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    The synthesis of artificial sequence-defined polymers that match and extend the functionality of proteins is an important goal in materials science. One way of achieving this is to program a sequence of chemical reactions between precursor building blocks by means of attached oligonucleotide adapters. However, hydrolysis of the reactive building blocks has so far limited the length and yield of product that can be obtained using DNA-templated reactions. Here, we report an architecture for DNA-templated synthesis in which reactants are tethered at internal abasic sites on opposite strands of a DNA duplex. We show that an abasic site within a DNA duplex can protect a nearby thioester from degradation, significantly increasing the yield of a DNA-templated reaction. This protective effect has the potential to overcome the challenges associated with programmable sequence-controlled synthesis of long non-natural polymers by extending the lifetime of the reactive building blocks

    A New Architecture for DNA‐Templated Synthesis in Which Abasic Sites Protect Reactants from Degradation

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    The synthesis of artificial sequence‐defined polymers that match and extend the functionality of proteins is an important goal in materials science. One way of achieving this is to program a sequence of chemical reactions between precursor building blocks by means of attached oligonucleotide adapters. However, hydrolysis of the reactive building blocks has so far limited the length and yield of product that can be obtained using DNA‐templated reactions. Here, we report an architecture for DNA‐templated synthesis in which reactants are tethered at internal abasic sites on opposite strands of a DNA duplex. We show that an abasic site within a DNA duplex can protect a nearby thioester from degradation, significantly increasing the yield of a DNA‐templated reaction. This protective effect has the potential to overcome the challenges associated with programmable, sequence‐controlled synthesis of long non‐natural polymers by extending the lifetime of the reactive building blocks

    A New Architecture for DNA‐Templated Synthesis in Which Abasic Sites Protect Reactants from Degradation

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    The synthesis of artificial sequence‐defined polymers that match and extend the functionality of proteins is an important goal in materials science. One way of achieving this is to program a sequence of chemical reactions between precursor building blocks by means of attached oligonucleotide adapters. However, hydrolysis of the reactive building blocks has so far limited the length and yield of product that can be obtained using DNA‐templated reactions. Here, we report an architecture for DNA‐templated synthesis in which reactants are tethered at internal abasic sites on opposite strands of a DNA duplex. We show that an abasic site within a DNA duplex can protect a nearby thioester from degradation, significantly increasing the yield of a DNA‐templated reaction. This protective effect has the potential to overcome the challenges associated with programmable, sequence‐controlled synthesis of long non‐natural polymers by extending the lifetime of the reactive building blocks
