16,086 research outputs found

    Seasonal and inter-annual patterns of sediment-water nutrient and oxygen fluxes in Mobile Bay, Alabama (USA): Regulating factors and ecological significance.

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    Sediment oxygen and nutrient fluxes were measured monthly for 2 yr in Mobile Bay, Alabama, USA. Rates of sediment oxygen consumption (0.1 to 1.25 gO2 m-2 d-1), ammonium flux (-22 to 181 µmol m-2 h-1), nitrate flux (-14 to 67 µmol m-2 h-1), phosphate flux (-2 to 20.4 µmol m-2 h-1), and dissolved silicate flux (-15 to 342 µmol m-2 h-1) were moderate to high compared to values for other estuaries. A step-wise regression analysis revealed that dissolved oxygen concentration and temperature in bottom-waters explained much of the variance in fluxes. This is presumably because of their influence on rates of microbial and physico-chemical processes. Organic matter availability was not found to be an important factor in regulating temporal (month to month) variability of fluxes, possibly because frequent resuspension of the sediments in this shallow system rendered indices of sediment organic matter nearly constant with time. However, warm season-averaged sediment nutrient releases were correlated with sediment chlorophyll a. This relationship in Mobile Bay is in strong agreement with similar relationships found in other estuarine systems, and suggests that the availability of labile organic matter ultimately regulates the maximum rate of nutrient release by the sediments. Annually averaged sediment fluxes supplied 36% of the nitrogen (N) and 25% of the phosphorus (P) required by phytoplankton in Mobile Bay. While this is not particularly high compared to other estuaries, monthly estimates show that the sediments can supply from 0 to 94% of the N, and 0 to 83% of the P required by phytoplankton. In addition, flux ratios show that N and P are released from sediments at N:P ratios that rapidly switch from above (maximum 98) to below (minimum 1.2) that required for phytoplankton growth. This pattern is different from cooler temperate systems, where such switching is seasonally base

    Wealth Effects of Banks' Rights to Market and Originate Annuities

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    We examine wealth effects, for banks and insurers, of bank rights to sell and underwrite annuities. The stock-price reactions to four court and regulatory decisions are consistent with expectations of bank gains at insurers' expense. Cross-sectionally, smaller, riskier insurers with higher distribution costs and substantial annuity business sustain larger wealth losses. Larger, riskier bank holding companies with fee- based and consumer business gain most, consistent with the extension of federal safety-net guarantees as a source of gains. Banking stock-price reactions to the Supreme Court's decision are opposite other findings, possibly reflecting unfulfilled expectations of a broader mandate for expanded bank rights.Annuities, VALIC, financial modernization, deregulation, deposit insurance, Blackfeet National Bank, event studies

    A Study of Compact Radio Sources in Nearby Face-on Spiral Galaxies. II. Multiwavelength Analyses of Sources in M51

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    We report the analysis of deep radio observations of the interacting galaxy system M51 from the Very Large Array, with the goal of understanding the nature of the population of compact radio sources in nearby spiral galaxies. We detect 107 compact radio sources, 64% of which have optical counterparts in a deep Hα\alpha Hubble Space Telescope image. Thirteen of the radio sources have X-ray counterparts from a {\em Chandra} observation of M51. We find that six of the associated Hα\alpha sources are young supernova remnants with resolved shells. Most of the SNRs exhibit steep radio continuum spectral indices onsistent with synchrotron emission. We detect emission from the Type Ic SN 1994I nearly a decade after explosion: the emission (160±22μ160\pm22 \muJy beam−1^{-1} at 20 cm, 46±11μ46\pm11 \muJy beam−1^{-1} at 6cm, α=−1.02±0.28\alpha=-1.02\pm0.28) is consistent with light curve models for Type Ib/Ic supernovae. We detect X-ray emission from the supernova, however no optical counterpart is present. We report on the analysis of the Seyfert 2 nucleus in this galaxy, including the evidence for bipolar outflows from the central black hole.Comment: 22 pages, 8 figures (5 color) in separate files, AASTeX. Full resolution figures and preprint may be obtained by contacting [email protected]. AJ accepte

    Non-resonant inelastic x-ray scattering involving excitonic excitations

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    In a recent publication Larson \textit{et al.} reported remarkably clear dd-dd excitations for NiO and CoO measured with x-ray energies well below the transition metal KK edge. In this letter we demonstrate that we can obtain an accurate quantitative description based on a local many body approach. We find that the magnitude of q⃗\vec{q} can be tuned for maximum sensitivity for dipole, quadrupole, etc. excitations. We also find that the direction of q⃗\vec{q} with respect to the crystal axes can be used as an equivalent to polarization similar to electron energy loss spectroscopy, allowing for a determination of the local symmetry of the initial and final state based on selection rules. This method is more generally applicable and combined with the high resolution available, could be a powerful tool for the study of local distortions and symmetries in transition metal compounds including also buried interfaces

    Samuel D. Gross, M.D. (1805-1884): an innovator, even in death.

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    Dr. Samuel Gross\u27 contributions to the field of surgery are well known and range from numerous clinical advances to pioneering scholarship and professional activities. Dr. Gross was ceaselessly ambitious and even remarked in his autobiography that his ‘‘conviction has always been that is far better for a man to wear out than to rust out.’’1 It is through this frame of motivation that Dr. Gross lived his life

    Feeding Periodicity and Prey Habitat Preference of Red Snapper, Lutjanus campechanus (Poey, 1860) on Alabama Artificial Reefs

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    Conclusive understanding of the role temperate artificial reefs play in the trophic dynamics of Lutjanus campechanus (Poey, 1860) is limited. Thus, diel feeding habits of red snapper on artificial reefs were examined using gut fullness, diet composition, and prey habitat preferences. Red snapper were collected by hook and line from artificial reefs off Alabama in July and Aug. 2000. Examination of stomach contents found red snapper feeding upon fish, demersal crustaceans, and pelagic zooplankton. Although other studies suggest that lutjanids primarily feed nocturnally, red snapper in this study fed throughout the day and night. Significant differences in gut fullness were found between 2-hr time intervals; however, no obvious pattern in feeding periodicity was evident. Although fish was the largest diet component by weight for both day and night during diel sampling, examination of prey habitat preferences indicate that red snapper fed on more water-column organisms during the day and more sand- or mud-associated organisms at night. Based on our interpretation of these results, we hypothesize that red snapper reside above the reefs during the day, opportunistically feeding mostly upon water-column-associated organisms and some benthic prey. At night they may move away from the reef to consume nocturnally active fishes and benthic crustaceans

    Large magnetic circular dichroism in resonant inelastic x-ray scattering at the Mn L-edge of Mn-Zn ferrite

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    We report resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS) excited by circularly polarized x-rays on Mn-Zn ferrite at the Mn L2,3-resonances. We demonstrate that crystal field excitations, as expected for localized systems, dominate the RIXS spectra and thus their dichroic asymmetry cannot be interpreted in terms of spin-resolved partial density of states, which has been the standard approach for RIXS dichroism. We observe large dichroic RIXS at the L2-resonance which we attribute to the absence of metallic core hole screening in the insulating Mn-ferrite. On the other hand, reduced L3-RIXS dichroism is interpreted as an effect of longer scattering time that enables spin-lattice core hole relaxation via magnons and phonons occurring on a femtosecond time scale.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.74.17240

    Anisotropy of Polarized X-ray Emission from Molecules

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    Strongly anisotropic, polarized Cl K-V x-ray emission from gas-phase CF3Cl has been observed following resonant excitation with a linearly polarized x-ray beam. Distinctively different angular distributions are observed for x-ray emission involving molecular orbitals of different symmetries. A classical model of the x-ray absorption-emission process accurately describes the observed radiation patterns
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