161 research outputs found

    New cyclopropano 70 fullerene derivatives for the photovoltaic application

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    New cyclopropano 70 fullerenes derivatives were synthesised for photovoltaic (PV) application. The organic PV cells realized with these molecules blended with RR-P3HT polymer provided improved characteristics: 1.5% conversion efficiency (eta%), 9.29 mA/cm2 current density, 0.51 V open circuit voltage and 0.34 fill factor. The IPCE spectrum for P3HT: cyclopropano 70 fullerene cells shows a new peak around 430 nm with 71% external quantum efficiency. This explains the increased current density

    Statistical mechanics of lossy compression for non-monotonic multilayer perceptrons

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    A lossy data compression scheme for uniformly biased Boolean messages is investigated via statistical mechanics techniques. We utilize tree-like committee machine (committee tree) and tree-like parity machine (parity tree) whose transfer functions are non-monotonic. The scheme performance at the infinite code length limit is analyzed using the replica method. Both committee and parity treelike networks are shown to saturate the Shannon bound. The AT stability of the Replica Symmetric solution is analyzed, and the tuning of the non-monotonic transfer function is also discussed.Comment: 29 pages, 7 figure

    Reclutamiento de juveniles de peces a una pequeña laguna semi-obturada de clima templado (Argentina) y la influencia de factores ambientales durante el proceso

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    Juvenile fishes were sampled every 15 days from September 2009 to April 2010 along the marine-estuarine gradient (surf zone, estuary and a freshwater stream) of the Mar Chiquita lagoon, Argentina. The temporal variations of juvenile assemblages in spring-summer and the environmental variables related to the spatial and temporal patterns were analysed. Four groups of sampling stations were defined, indicating differences in fish composition among zones during the spring–early summer period (Groups I to III), while the composition of juvenile fishes was homogeneous along the marine-estuarine gradient during the late summer–early autumn period (Group IV). Platanichthys platana and Ramnogaster arcuata (Group A) and Odontesthes argentinensis and Brevoortia aureaz (Group B) contributed most to the temporal differences observed. The three first species reached this estuarine system in spring, although with lower abundances than in early summer, while B. aurea was dominant in late summer–early autumn, showing different periods of recruitment of these species into the lagoon. After factoring out variation due to shared spatial-temporal-environmental factors (4.43%), canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) showed that temporal factors had an almost five times greater contribution (15.15%) than spatial factors (2.85%) and almost twice as great as the pure environmental factors (8.11%) to explaining the variation in abundance of the juvenile fishes. From the significant environmental variables incorporated in the CCA, wind direction contributed more than water temperature, salinity or transparency in explaining data variability. Indeed, most species were related to “onshore winds” and therefore the importance of wind in the successful recruitment of juveniles into this shallow and micro-tidal estuary is discussed.Los juveniles de peces se recolectaron cada 15 días desde septiembre de 2009 a abril de 2010 a lo largo de un gradiente marino-estuarino (en una zona de rompiente, estuario y un arroyo de agua dulce) de la laguna costera Mar Chiquita (Argentina). Se analizaron las variaciones temporales de las asociaciones de juveniles durante el periodo primavera-verano y las variables ambientales que estuvieron relacionadas con los patrones espaciales y temporales. Fueron definidos cuatro grupos de estaciones de muestreo indicando diferencias en la composición de peces entre zonas durante el período de primavera-verano temprano (grupos I a III), mientras que la composición de peces juveniles fue homogénea a lo largo del gradiente marino-estuarino durante el período de verano tardío-otoño temprano (grupo IV). Platanichthys platana y Ramnogaster arcuata (Grupo A), y Odontesthes argentinensis y Brevoortia aurea (Grupo B) fueron las especies que más contribuyeron a las diferencias temporales observadas. Las tres primeras especies llegaron a este sistema estuarino durante la primavera, aunque con menor abundancia en relación a la registrada en verano temprano, mientras que B. aurea fue dominante durante el verano tardío-otoño temprano, mostrando períodos de reclutamiento a la laguna distintos. Después de factorizar la variación compartida entre el factor espacial, el temporal y las variables ambientales (4.43%), el análisis de correspondencia canónica (CCA) mostró que el componente temporal tuvo una contribución casi 5 veces mayor (15.15%) a la del componente espacial (2.85%), y casi el doble a la de los factores puramente ambientales (8.11%) para explicar la variación en la abundancia de los juveniles de peces. De las variables ambientales significativas que fueron incorporadas en el CCA, la dirección del viento contribuyó más que la temperatura, la salinidad o la transparencia del agua en explicar la variabilidad de los datos. De hecho, la mayoría de las especies estuvieron relacionadas con los “vientos marinos” y, por lo tanto, se discute la importancia del viento en el éxito del reclutamiento de juveniles de peces a este estuario poco profundo y de régimen micro-mareal

    Film thickness in a ball-on-disc contact lubricated with greases, bleed oils and base oils

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    Three different lubricating greases and their bleed and base oils were compared in terms of film thickness in a ball-on-disc test rig through optical interferometry. The theoretical values calculated according to Hamrock's equation are in close agreement with the base oil film thickness measurements, which validates the selected experimental methodology. The grease and bleed oil film thickness under fully flooded lubrication conditions presented quite similar behaviour and levels. Therefore, the grease film thickness under full film conditions might be predicted using their bleed oil properties, namely the viscosity and pressure-viscosity coefficient. The base and bleed oil lubricant parameter LP are proportional to the measured film thickness. A relationship between grease and the corresponding bleed oil film thickness was evidenced

    Long term fish assemblages as units of management in a temperate estuary (Rio de La Plata - SW Atlantic Ocean)

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    Demersal fish assemblages from trawl surveys in the Rio de la Plata estuary and its inner continental shelf were analyzed from 1975 to 1995. The first two factors of Principal Component Analysis explained 48% of the variance in species distribution, and they are consistent with the results of a cluster analysis. The analysis indicated the existence of three spatially and temporally distinct fish assemblages: internal and external estuarine and inner continental shelf (Uruguayan coastal assemblages). These assemblages were persistent considering the environmental characteristics and their species composition. Despite the changes registered in the species density during the period surveyed, the fish assemblages tend to persist over time. It was demonstrated that the assemblages can be considered as open systems and that there exists a reciprocal flow of organisms between adjacent associations. However, each assemblage showed high spatial and temporal persistence in accordance with the environmental characteristics of the system analyzed. Therefore, and according to the multispecies fisheries operating in the system, each assemblage defined could be considered a unit of management.Foram analisadas as associações dos peixes demersais provenientes de arrastos de prospecção no estuário do Rio de la Plata e sua plataforma interna no período de 1975 a 1995. Os dois primeiros fatores da Análise de Componentes Principais explicaram 48% da variância na distribuição das espécies sendo consistentes com os resultados da análise de agrupamento. Os resultados mostraram a existência de três associações de peixes espacial e temporalmente distintas: uruguaia costeira, estuarina externa e estuarina interna. Essas associações foram consistentes quanto às características ambientais e de composição de espécies. A despeito das mudanças registradas na densidade das espécies ao longo do período analisado, as associações de peixes foram persistentes ao longo do tempo. No presente trabalho foi demonstrado que embora as associações sejam consideradas um sistema aberto, um fluxo recíproco de organismos acontece entre associações adjacentes. Contudo, cada associação apresenta diferentes graus de estabilidade, dependentes da estabilidade física e temporal do habitat, e das interações das espécies nas associações. No entanto, cada associação mostrou alta persistência espacial e temporal, apesar da variabilidade ambiental no sistema analisado. Nesse sentido, e de acordo com a pesca multiespecífica que opera neste sistema, cada associação poderá ser considerada como uma unidade de gestão

    Linear Complexity Lossy Compressor for Binary Redundant Memoryless Sources

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    A lossy compression algorithm for binary redundant memoryless sources is presented. The proposed scheme is based on sparse graph codes. By introducing a nonlinear function, redundant memoryless sequences can be compressed. We propose a linear complexity compressor based on the extended belief propagation, into which an inertia term is heuristically introduced, and show that it has near-optimal performance for moderate block lengths.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Parallel dynamics of continuous Hopfield model revisited

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    We have applied the generating functional analysis (GFA) to the continuous Hopfield model. We have also confirmed that the GFA predictions in some typical cases exhibit good consistency with computer simulation results. When a retarded self-interaction term is omitted, the GFA result becomes identical to that obtained using the statistical neurodynamics as well as the case of the sequential binary Hopfield model.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Influence of grease rheology on thrust ball bearings friction torque

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    The friction torque and the operating temperatures in a thrust ball bearing were measured for seven different types of greases, including three biodegradable greases having low toxicity. These friction torque tests were performed using a modified Four-Ball machine. Rheological evaluations of the lubricating greases were made using a rheometer. Bleed oils were extracted from the greases and the dynamic viscosities were measured. In order to compare the performance of the lubricant greases in terms of friction, the grease characteristics were related to experimental results, showing that the interaction between thickener and base oil have strong influences in the bearing friction torque