1,344 research outputs found

    Dilemas éticos y discursividad en el fotoperiodismo

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    En el presente artículo abordamos el papel de la imagen fotográfica en el contexto informativo y su relación con la ética de la comunicación. Para ello partiremos de la vigencia de lo documental como narración de los aspectos significativos de una determinada realidad en el contexto de la actual crisis económica y de la radical transformación que han experimentando los medios de comunicación en la última década. Analizaremos los aspectos éticos que subyacen a la fotografía documental y al fotoperiodismo en relación con problemáticas actuales como la concentración mediática, la creciente ausencia de contenidos testimoniales gráficos en prensa, la aparición de términos de nuevo cuño como postfotografía o “late photography”, etc, cuestiones todas ellas que evidencian la permeabilidad del medio con respecto a dichos cambios y que aluden y, en ocasiones, cuestionan su función social.In this article we approach the role of the photographic image in the informative context and its relation with the ethics of communication. We start from the existing concept of documentary, meaning the narration of the significant aspects of a given reality. In doing so, we take into account both the context of the current economic crisis and the radical transformation experienced by the mass media in the last decade. Based on this, we analyze the ethical aspects underlying both the documentary photography and photojournalism in relation with current problems, such as media concentration, the increasing absence of nominal graphical contents in press, the appearance of new terms like postphotography or " late photography ", and so on. In conclusion, we prove the permeability of the photojournalism when facing contextual changes that might bring into question its social function

    Portfolio: project visible structures. Graphic representation, photography and communication

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    La fotografía como medio de representación gráfica es una herramienta y aproximación habitual aplicada al análisis del territorio con una finalidad funcional. El proyecto fotográfico “Estructuras visibles” plantea una reflexión sobre el paisaje a partir de la documentación de sedimentos de edificaciones interrumpidas presentes en el mismo. En el artículo se desarrolla una propuesta de representación del territorio sensible con una lectura crítica de las relaciones entre economía y transformación del paisaje, aludiendo al mismo tiempo a una serie de cuestiones relacionadas con los postulados críticos de la representación fotográfica en el discurso artístico contemporáneo tales como la mediación gráfica y la memoria

    Modelling the relative velocities of isolated pairs of galaxies

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    We study the comoving relative velocities, v12, of model isolated galaxy pairs at z=0.5. For this purpose, we use the predictions from the GALFORM semi-analytical model of galaxy formation and evolution based on a Lambda cold dark matter cosmology consistent with the results from WMAP7. In real space, we find that isolated pairs of galaxies are predicted to form an angle t with the line-of-sight that is uniformily distributed as expected if the Universe is homogeneous and isotropic. We also find that isolated pairs of galaxies separated by a comoving distance between 1 and 3 Mpc/h are predicted to have =0. For galaxies in this regime, the distribution of the angle t is predicted to change minimally from real to redshift space, with a change smaller than 5% in . However, the distances defining the comoving regime strongly depends on the applied isolation criteria.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, SF2A 2013 Proceedin

    The impact of financial crisis and austerity policies in Andalusia, Spain: disentangling the mechanisms of social inequalities in health through the perceptions and experiences of experts and the general population

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    Background: Andalusia has been one of the regions most damaged by the economic crisis in Spain. A qualitative study of the effects of the economic crisis and austerity policies in this region has been conducted within the framework of the IMPACT-A project. This research seeks to analyse the perceived impact of the crisis upon the health of the Andalusian population through the first-hand discourses of professionals from the health and social sectors on the one hand, and citizens of different socioeconomic status (SES) on the other. Methods: A total of five focus groups and ten semi-structured interviews were conducted and analysed following an inductive process based on Grounded Theory (GT). Results: Our results show a general perception among professionals: the financial crisis has either directly or indirectly affected population health in Andalusia, though mostly impacting low-income individuals who were already at risk of social exclusion. Professionals’ perceptions have been confirmed through the discourses of citizens of a lower SES, which differ from those of middle and upper SES. Conclusion: Findings reveal some of the most salient consequences on the socially vulnerable groups and people at risk of social exclusion. In particular, our study highlights the importance of addressing three areas of priority action: mental health, unmet (basic and medical) needs, and decline in the health system

    Amplification and cloning of cDNAS of cytochrome P4501A1 and metallothionein genes from Sparus aurata Linnaeus, 1758 and Liza aurata (Risso, 1810) by Race-PCR

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    The biotransformation of xenobiotics found in marine ecosystems is catalysed by inducible systems, a property that makes them useful as early-warning biomarkers of environmental pollution. We have focused our study on cytochrome P4501A1 (CYP 1A1) as a phase I response against organic aromatic xenobiotics, and metallothionein (MT), which reflects pollution by transition metals. The high homology existing between the sequences of both genes, already cloned in different fish species, enabled us to design degenerate oligos to amplify by RT-PCR specific sequences of CYP 1A1 and MT genes in two teleost fish species of the Spanish South Atlantic littoral, the gilthead seabream, Sparus aurata Linnaeus, 1758, and the grey mullet, Liza aurata (Risso 1810). To this end, the expression of both genes was previously induced by intraperitoneal injection with Aroclor 1254 (CYP 1A1) and CdCl2 (MT). The specific sequences for both genes amplified by RT-PCR with degenerate oligos were subsequently used to design new, specific oligos to obtain by Race-PCR (Rapid Amplification of cDNA Ends) the complete cDNAs coding for both genes in both fish species, which were subsequently cloned and sequenced. The coding sequences and the corresponding proteins were compared with those already obtained in other fish species. We are currently developing homologous probes for mRNA quantification using molecular biology techniques in both fish species, to be employed as molecular biomarkers of pollution in the Spanish South Atlantic littoralLa biotransformación de xenobióticos presentes en ecosistemas marinos está catalizada por varios sistemas inducibles, lo que permite su uso como biomarcadores de alerta temprana de contaminación ambiental. Este estudio se ha centrado en el citocromo P4501A1 (CYP 1A1), como respuesta de fase I contra xenobióticos orgánicos aromáticos, y la metalotioneína (MT), que refleja la contaminación por metales de transición. La alta homología existente entre las secuencias de ambos genes previamente clonados en diferentes especies de peces permitió diseñar oligos degenerados para amplificar por RT-PCR secuencias específicas de los genes CYP 1A1 y MT en dos especies de peces teleósteos del litoral suratlántico español, la dorada Sparus aurata Linnaeus, 1758 y la lisa Liza aurata (Risso, 1810). Para ello, la expresión de ambos genes se indujo por inyección intraperitoneal con Aroclor 1254 (CYP 1A1) y CdCl2 (MT). Las secuencias específicas de ambos genes, amplificadas por RT-PCR con tales oligos, se usaron posteriormente para diseñar nuevos oligos específicos; éstos se usaron para amplificar por Race-PCR (Rapid Amplification of cDNA Ends) los cDNAs completos que codifican tales genes en ambas especies de peces, que fueron posteriormente clonados y secuenciados. Las secuencias codificantes y las proteínas correspondientes se han comparado con las obtenidas en otras especies de peces. Actualmente se desarrollan sondas homólogas para cuantificar por métodos de biología molecular los mRNAs específicos en ambos peces, para su uso como biomarcadores moleculares de contaminación en el litoral suratlántico españo

    Amplification and cloning of cDNAS of cytochrome P4501A1 and metallothionein genes from Sparus aurata Linnaeus, 1758 and Liza aurata (Risso, 1810) by Race-PCR

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    The biotransformation of xenobiotics found in marine ecosystems is catalysed by inducible systems, a property that makes them useful as early-warning biomarkers of environmental pollution. We have focused our study on cytochrome P4501A1 (CYP 1A1) as a phase I response against organic aromatic xenobiotics, and metallothionein (MT), which reflects pollution by transition metals. The high homology existing between the sequences of both genes, already cloned in different fish species, enabled us to design degenerate oligos to amplify by RT-PCR specific sequences of CYP 1A1 and MT genes in two teleost fish species of the Spanish South Atlantic littoral, the gilthead seabream, Sparus aurata Linnaeus, 1758, and the grey mullet, Liza aurata (Risso 1810). To this end, the expression of both genes was previously induced by intraperitoneal injection with Aroclor 1254 (CYP 1A1) and CdCl2 (MT). The specific sequences for both genes amplified by RT-PCR with degenerate oligos were subsequently used to design new, specific oligos to obtain by Race-PCR (Rapid Amplification of cDNA Ends) the complete cDNAs coding for both genes in both fish species, which were subsequently cloned and sequenced. The coding sequences and the corresponding proteins were compared with those already obtained in other fish species. We are currently developing homologous probes for mRNA quantification using molecular biology techniques in both fish species, to be employed as molecular biomarkers of pollution in the Spanish South Atlantic littoral.La biotransformación de xenobióticos presentes en ecosistemas marinos está catalizada por varios sistemas inducibles, lo que permite su uso como biomarcadores de alerta temprana de contaminación ambiental. Este estudio se ha centrado en el citocromo P4501A1 (CYP 1A1), como respuesta de fase I contra xenobióticos orgánicos aromáticos, y la metalotioneína (MT), que refleja la contaminación por metales de transición. La alta homología existente entre las secuencias de ambos genes previamente clonados en diferentes especies de peces permitió diseñar oligos degenerados para amplificar por RT-PCR secuencias específicas de los genes CYP 1A1 y MT en dos especies de peces teleósteos del litoral suratlántico español, la dorada Sparus aurata Linnaeus, 1758 y la lisa Liza aurata (Risso, 1810). Para ello, la expresión de ambos genes se indujo por inyección intraperitoneal con Aroclor 1254 (CYP 1A1) y CdCl2 (MT). Las secuencias específicas de ambos genes, amplificadas por RT-PCR con tales oligos, se usaron posteriormente para diseñar nuevos oligos específicos; éstos se usaron para amplificar por Race-PCR (Rapid Amplification of cDNA Ends) los cDNAs completos que codifican tales genes en ambas especies de peces, que fueron posteriormente clonados y secuenciados. Las secuencias codificantes y las proteínas correspondientes se han comparado con las obtenidas en otras especies de peces. Actualmente se desarrollan sondas homólogas para cuantificar por métodos de biología molecular los mRNAs específicos en ambos peces, para su uso como biomarcadores moleculares de contaminación en el litoral suratlántico español.Instituto Español de Oceanografí

    Jackknife resampling technique on mocks: an alternative method for covariance matrix estimation

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    We present a fast and robust alternative method to compute covariance matrix in case of cosmology studies. Our method is based on the jackknife resampling applied on simulation mock catalogues. Using a set of 600 BOSS DR11 mock catalogues as a reference, we find that the jackknife technique gives a similar galaxy clustering covariance matrix estimate by requiring a smaller number of mocks. A comparison of convergence rates show that \sim7 times fewer simulations are needed to get a similar accuracy on variance. We expect this technique to be applied in any analysis where the number of available N-body simulations is low.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figures, 2 table

    Atín Aya y la fotografía de arquitectura

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    El presente artículo busca extraer algunas claves y generar algunas preguntas acerca de las relaciones entre la fotografía documental y la arquitectura como paisaje cultural, entre paisaje arquitectónico y paisanaje, entre representación y arquitectura a partir del análisis del trabajo documental de Atín Aya desarrollado en el sur peninsular en el contexto de unos años caracterizados por un rápido acceso a la modernidad. Una aproximación a la representación fotográfica arquitectónica a la luz de los estudios visuales y la historia cultural de los modos de ver.This article seeks to extract some clues and generate some questions about the relationship between documentary photography and architecture as a cultural landscape, including architectural landscape and peasantry, between representation and architecture from the analysis of the documentary work Atín Aya developed in the southern Spain in the context of a few years characterized by rapid access to modernity. An approach to architectural photographic representation in light of visual studies and cultural history of ways of seeing