2,943 research outputs found

    To Tube or Not to Tube? The Role of Intubation during Stroke Thrombectomy.

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    In the 10 years since the FDA first cleared the use of endovascular devices for the treatment of acute stroke, definitive evidence that such therapy improves outcomes remains lacking. The decision to intubate patients undergoing stroke thrombectomy impacts multiple variables that may influence outcomes after stroke. Three main areas where intubation may deleteriously affect acute stroke management include the introduction of delays in revascularization, fluctuations in peri-procedural blood pressure, and hypocapnia, resulting in cerebral vasoconstriction. In this mini-review, we discuss the evidence supporting these limitations of intubation during stroke thrombectomy and encourage neurohospitalists, neurocritical care specialists, and neurointerventionalists to carefully consider the decision to intubate during thrombectomy and provide strategies to avoid potential complications associated with its use in acute stroke

    Interactive manipulation of microparticles in an octagonal sonotweezer

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    An ultrasonic device for micro-patterning and precision manipulation of micrometre-scale particles is demonstrated. The device is formed using eight piezoelectric transducers shaped into an octagonal cavity. By exciting combinations of transducers simultaneously, with a controlled phase delay between them, different acoustic landscapes can be created, patterning micro-particles into lines, squares, and more complex shapes. When operated with all eight transducers the device can, with appropriate phase control, manipulate the two dimensional acoustic pressure gradient; it thus has the ability to position and translate a single tweezing zone to different locations on a surface in a precise and programmable manner

    The Kepler-454 System: A Small, Not-rocky Inner Planet, a Jovian World, and a Distant Companion

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    Kepler-454 (KOI-273) is a relatively bright (V = 11.69 mag), Sun-like star that hosts a transiting planet candidate in a 10.6 day orbit. From spectroscopy, we estimate the stellar temperature to be 5687 ± 50 K, its metallicity to be [m/H] = 0.32 ± 0.08, and the projected rotational velocity to be v sin i 10 years and mass >12.1 MJ. The 12 exoplanets with radii <2.7 R_⊕ and precise mass measurements appear to fall into two populations, with those <1.6 R_⊕ following an Earth-like composition curve and larger planets requiring a significant fraction of volatiles. With a density of 2.76 ± 0.73 g cm^(−3), Kepler-454b lies near the mass transition between these two populations and requires the presence of volatiles and/or H/He gas

    Independent trapping and manipulation of microparticles using dexterous acoustic tweezers

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    An electronically controlled acoustic tweezer was used to demonstrate two acoustic manipulation phenomena: superposition of Bessel functions to allow independent manipulation of multiple particles and the use of higher-order Bessel functions to trap particles in larger regions than is possible with first-order traps. The acoustic tweezers consist of a circular 64-element ultrasonic array operating at 2.35MHz which generates ultrasonic pressure fields in a millimeter-scale fluid-filled chamber. The manipulation capabilities were demonstrated experimentally with 45 and 90-lm-diameter polystyrene spheres. These capabilities bring the dexterity of acoustic tweezers substantially closer to that of optical tweezers

    Effects of Noise Exposure on the Vestibular System: A Systematic Review

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    Despite our understanding of the impact of noise-induced damage to the auditory system, much less is known about the impact of noise exposure on the vestibular system. In this article, we review the anatomical, physiological, and functional evidence for noise-induced damage to peripheral and central vestibular structures. Morphological studies in several animal models have demonstrated cellular damage throughout the peripheral vestibular system and particularly in the otolith organs; however, there is a paucity of data on the effect of noise exposure on human vestibular end organs. Physiological studies have corroborated morphological studies by demonstrating disruption across vestibular pathways with otolith-mediated pathways impacted more than semicircular canal-mediated pathways. Similar to the temporary threshold shifts observed in the auditory system, physiological studies in animals have suggested a capacity for recovery following noise-induced vestibular damage. Human studies have demonstrated that diminished sacculo-collic responses are related to the severity of noise-induced hearing loss, and dose-dependent vestibular deficits following noise exposure have been corroborated in animal models. Further work is needed to better understand the physiological and functional consequences of noise-induced vestibular impairment in animals and humans

    Constraining Orbital Periods from Nonconsecutive Observations: Period Estimates for Long-Period Planets in Six Systems Observed by K2 During Multiple Campaigns

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    Most planetary discoveries with the K2 and TESS missions are restricted to short periods because of the limited duration of observation. However, the re-observation of sky area allows for the detection of longer period planets. We describe new transits detected in six candidate planetary systems which were observed by multiple K2 mission campaigns. One of these systems is a multiplanet system with four candidate planets; we present new period constraints for two planets in this system. In the other five systems, only one transit is observed in each campaign, and we derive period constraints from this new data. The period distributions are highly multimodal resulting from missed potential transits in the gap between observations. Each peak in the distribution corresponds to transits at an integer harmonic of the two observed transits. We further detail a generalized procedure to constrain the period for planets with multiple observations with intervening gaps. Because long period photometrically discovered planets are rare, these systems are interesting targets for follow-up observations and confirmation. Specifically, all six systems are bright enough (V = 10.4-12.7) to be amenable to radial velocity follow-up. This work serves as a template for period constraints in a host of similar yet-to-be-discovered planets in long baseline, temporally gapped observations conducted by the TESS mission.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures; accepted for publication in A

    First-principles prediction of redox potentials in transition-metal compounds with LDA+U

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    First-principles calculations within the Local Density Approximation (LDA) or Generalized Gradient Approximation (GGA), though very successful, are known to underestimate redox potentials, such as those at which lithium intercalates in transition metal compounds. We argue that this inaccuracy is related to the lack of cancellation of electron self-interaction errors in LDA/GGA and can be improved by using the DFT+UU method with a self-consistent evaluation of the UU parameter. We show that, using this approach, the experimental lithium intercalation voltages of a number of transition metal compounds, including the olivine Lix_{x}MPO4_{4} (M=Mn, Fe Co, Ni), layered Lix_{x}MO2_{2} (x=x=Co, Ni) and spinel-like Lix_{x}M2_{2}O4_{4} (M=Mn, Co), can be reproduced accurately.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figures, Phys. Rev. B 70, 235121 (2004

    Growth and texture of Spark Plasma Sintered Al2O3 ceramics: a combined analysis of X-rays and Electron Back Scatter Diffraction

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    Textured alumina ceramics were obtained by Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS) of undoped commercial a-Al2O3 powders. Various parameters (density, grain growth, grain size distribution) of the alumina ceramics, sintered at two typical temperatures 1400{\deg}C and 1700{\deg}C, are investigated. Quantitative textural and structural analysis, carried out using a combination of Electron Back Scattering Diffraction (EBSD) and X-ray diffraction (XRD), are represented in the form of mapping, and pole figures. The mechanical properties of these textured alumina ceramics include high elastic modulus and hardness value with high anisotropic nature, opening the door for a large range of applicationsComment: 16 pages, 6 figures, submitted to J. Appl. Phy