722 research outputs found

    A model for vortex formation in magnetic nanodots

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    We use Monte Carlo simulation to study the vortex nucleation on magnetic nanodots at low temperature. In our simulations, we have considered a simple microscopic two-dimensional anisotropic Heisenberg model with term to describe the anisotropy due to the presence of the nanodot edge. We have considered the thickness of the edge, which was not considered in previous works, introducing a term that controls the energy associated to the edge. Our results clearly show that the thickness of the edge has a considerable influence in the vortex nucleation on magnetic nanodots. We have obtained the hysteresis curve for several values of the surface anisotropy and skin depth parameter (ξ\xi). The results are in excellent agreement with experimental data

    Estudo ab initio do sistema molecular HCO de interesse atmosférico.

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    Neste trabalho foram feitos cálculos ab initio de alto nível usando determinantes CASSCF para uma função MRCI e uma base ACV5Z-DK, juntamente com um ajuste preliminar de uma função de energia potencial a esses pontos. Até a data da defesa dessa dissertação foi possível realizar um estudo do mínimo global da superfície de energia potencial do HCO, mínimos locais e alguns estados de transição. O objetivo final do trabalho aqui iniciado é a construção de uma superfície de energia potencial global para o estado fundamental da molécula HCO

    Magnetic friction due to vortex fluctuation

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    We use Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics simulation to study a magnetic tip-sample interaction. Our interest is to understand the mechanism of heat dissipation when the forces involved in the system are magnetic in essence. We consider a magnetic crystalline substrate composed of several layers interacting magnetically with a tip. The set is put thermally in equilibrium at temperature T by using a numerical Monte Carlo technique. By using that configuration we study its dynamical evolution by integrating numerically the equations of motion. Our results suggests that the heat dissipation in this system is closed related to the appearing of vortices in the sample.Comment: 6 pages, 41 figure

    Vortex behavior near a spin vacancy in 2D XY-magnets

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    The dynamical behavior of anisotropic two dimensional Heisenberg models is still a matter of controversy. The existence of a central peak at all temperatures and a rich structure of magnon peaks are not yet understood. It seems that the central peaks are related, in some way, to structures like vortices. In order to contribute to the discussion of the dynamical behavior of the model we use Monte Carlo and spin dynamics simulations as well analytical calculations to study the behavior of vortices in the presence of nonmagnetic impurities. Our simulations show that vortices are attracted and trapped by the impurities. Using this result we show that if we suppose that vortices are not very much disturbed by the presence of the impurities, then they work as an attractive potential to the vortices explaining the observed behavior in our simulations.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure

    Editorial review

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    Monte Carlo study of the critical temperature for the planar rotator model with nonmagnetic impurities

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    We performed Monte Carlo simulations to calculate the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless (BKT) temperature TBKTT_{BKT} for the two-dimensional planar rotator model in the presence of nonmagnetic impurity concentration (ρ)(\rho). As expected, our calculation shows that the BKT temperature decreases as the spin vacancies increase. There is a critical dilution ρc0.3\rho_c \approx 0.3 at which TBKT=0T_{BKT} =0. The effective interaction between a vortex-antivortex pair and a static nonmagnetic impurity is studied analytically. A simple phenomenological argument based on the pair-impurity interaction is proposed to justify the simulations.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, Revetex fil

    Nonequilibrium molecular dynamics simulation of rapid directional solidification

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    We present the results of non-equilibrium molecular dynamics simulations for the growth of a solid binary alloy from its liquid phase. The regime of high pulling velocities, VV, for which there is a progressive transition from solute segregation to solute trapping, is considered. In the segregation regime, we recover the exponential form of the concentration profile within the liquid phase. Solute trapping is shown to settle in progressively as VV is increased and our results are in good agreement with the theoretical predictions of Aziz [J. Appl. Phys. {\bf 53}, 1158 (1981)]. In addition, the fluid advection velocity is shown to remain directly proportional to VV, even at the highest velocities considered here (V10V\simeq10ms1^{-1}).Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev.