11 research outputs found

    Research communication for immediate impact: climate adaptation in Australia

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    Abstract Research into climate change adaptation is challenged by funding organisations to demonstrate immediate research impact through near term reference in sector- specific communication and policy documents. Critically, research funded to inform decision makers and current policy about adapting to climate change must engage with end users and implement communication initiatives that lead to research adoption. Moreover, researchers need to better understand the components that contribute to effective engagement and communication to plan successful strategies to engage with the range of vulnerable sectors affected by climate change. Given the importance of research application, Primary Investigators for National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility (NCCARF) funded projects had to consider end user engagement and communication. This paper identifies some common factors in three NCCARF cases which successfully demonstrated swift access to climate adaptation research in three sectors; human health, emergency management, and settlements and infrastructure. Early and ongoing engagement between researchers and the intended knowledge users shaped both the research focus and output formats. Stakeholders involved in coordinated and sustained communication programs disseminated and promoted the research through multiple channels. These agents of dissemination included; funders (NCCARF, universities and industry bodies); information users (government agencies and professional bodies), and both mass media and social media

    Climate impact storylines for assessing socio-economic responses to remote events

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    Quote: “What I hear, I forget. What I see, I remember. What I do, I understand.” (Xunzi, ∼300 BCE). Modelling complex interactions involving climatic features, socio-economic vulnerability or responses, and long impact transmissions is associated with substantial uncertainty. Physical climate storylines are proposed as an approach to explore complex impact transmission pathways and possible alternative unfoldings of event cascades under future climate conditions. These storylines are particularly useful for climate risk assessment for complex domains, including event cascades crossing multiple disciplinary or geographical borders. For an effective role in climate risks assessments, development guidelines are needed to consistently develop and interpret the storyline event analyses. This paper elaborates on the suitability of physical climate storyline approaches involving climate event induced shocks propagating into societal impacts. It proposes a set of common elements to construct the event storylines. In addition, criteria for their application for climate risk assessment are given, referring to the need for storylines to be physically plausible, relevant for the specific context, and risk-informative. Apart from an illustrative gallery of storyline examples found in literature, three examples of varying scope and complexity are presented in detail, all involving the potential impact on European socio-economic sectors induced by remote climate change features occurring far outside the geographical domain of the European mainland. The storyline examples illustrate the application of the proposed storyline components and evaluate the suitability of the criteria defined in this paper. It thereby contributes to a rigorous design and application of event-based climate storyline approaches.ISSN:2212-096

    Climate impact storylines for assessing socio-economic responses to remote events

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    Quote: “What I hear, I forget. What I see, I remember. What I do, I understand.” (Xunzi, ∼300 BCE). Modelling complex interactions involving climatic features, socio-economic vulnerability or responses, and long impact transmissions is associated with substantial uncertainty. Physical climate storylines are proposed as an approach to explore complex impact transmission pathways and possible alternative unfoldings of event cascades under future climate conditions. These storylines are particularly useful for climate risk assessment for complex domains, including event cascades crossing multiple disciplinary or geographical borders. For an effective role in climate risks assessments, development guidelines are needed to consistently develop and interpret the storyline event analyses. This paper elaborates on the suitability of physical climate storyline approaches involving climate event induced shocks propagating into societal impacts. It proposes a set of common elements to construct the event storylines. In addition, criteria for their application for climate risk assessment are given, referring to the need for storylines to be physically plausible, relevant for the specific context, and risk-informative. Apart from an illustrative gallery of storyline examples found in literature, three examples of varying scope and complexity are presented in detail, all involving the potential impact on European socio-economic sectors induced by remote climate change features occurring far outside the geographical domain of the European mainland. The storyline examples illustrate the application of the proposed storyline components and evaluate the suitability of the criteria defined in this paper. It thereby contributes to a rigorous design and application of event-based climate storyline approaches

    Artropolis 93 : Public Art and Art About Public Issues

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    Contains 12 texts and documents works by nearly 300 Canadian artists in a Vancouver-based public art project. Includes artist's statements. 7 bibl. ref

    Initial presenting manifestations in 16,486 patients with inborn errors of immunity include infections and noninfectious manifestations

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    Background: Inborn errors of immunity (IEI) are rare diseases, which makes diagnosis a challenge. A better description of the initial presenting manifestations should improve awareness and avoid diagnostic delay. Although increased infection susceptibility is a well-known initial IEI manifestation, less is known about the frequency of other presenting manifestations. Objective: We sought to analyze age-related initial presenting manifestations of IEI including different IEI disease cohorts. Methods: We analyzed data on 16,486 patients of the European Society for Immunodeficiencies Registry. Patients with autoinflammatory diseases were excluded because of the limited number registered. Results: Overall, 68% of patients initially presented with infections only, 9% with immune dysregulation only, and 9% with a combination of both. Syndromic features were the presenting feature in 12%, 4% had laboratory abnormalities only, 1.5% were diagnosed because of family history only, and 0.8% presented with malignancy. Two-third of patients with IEI presented before the age of 6 years, but a quarter of patients developed initial symptoms only as adults. Immune dysregulation was most frequently recognized as an initial IEI manifestation between age 6 and 25 years, with male predominance until age 10 years, shifting to female predominance after age 40 years. Infections were most prevalent as a first manifestation in patients presenting after age 30 years. Conclusions: An exclusive focus on infection-centered warning signs would have missed around 25% of patients with IEI who initially present with other manifestations. (J Allergy Clin Immunol 2021;148:1332-41.

    Initial presenting manifestations in 16,486 patients with inborn errors of immunity include infections and noninfectious manifestations

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    none313siBackground: Inborn errors of immunity (IEI) are rare diseases, which makes diagnosis a challenge. A better description of the initial presenting manifestations should improve awareness and avoid diagnostic delay. Although increased infection susceptibility is a well-known initial IEI manifestation, less is known about the frequency of other presenting manifestations. Objective: We sought to analyze age-related initial presenting manifestations of IEI including different IEI disease cohorts. Methods: We analyzed data on 16,486 patients of the European Society for Immunodeficiencies Registry. Patients with autoinflammatory diseases were excluded because of the limited number registered. Results: Overall, 68% of patients initially presented with infections only, 9% with immune dysregulation only, and 9% with a combination of both. Syndromic features were the presenting feature in 12%, 4% had laboratory abnormalities only, 1.5% were diagnosed because of family history only, and 0.8% presented with malignancy. Two-third of patients with IEI presented before the age of 6 years, but a quarter of patients developed initial symptoms only as adults. Immune dysregulation was most frequently recognized as an initial IEI manifestation between age 6 and 25 years, with male predominance until age 10 years, shifting to female predominance after age 40 years. Infections were most prevalent as a first manifestation in patients presenting after age 30 years. Conclusions: An exclusive focus on infection-centered warning signs would have missed around 25% of patients with IEI who initially present with other manifestations.noneThalhammer J.; Kindle G.; Nieters A.; Rusch S.; Seppanen M.R.J.; Fischer A.; Grimbacher B.; Edgar D.; Buckland M.; Mahlaoui N.; Ehl S.; Boztug K.; Brunner J.; Demel U.F.; Forster-Waldl E.; Gasteiger L.M.; Goschl L.; Kojic M.; Schroll A.; Seidel M.G.; Wintergerst U.; Wisgrill L.; Sharapova S.O.; Goffard J.-C.; Kerre T.; Meyts I.; Roosens F.; Smet J.; Haerynck F.; Eric Z.P.; Milenova V.; Gagro A.; Richter D.; Chovancova Z.; Hlavackova E.; Litzman J.; Milota T.; Sediva A.; Elaziz D.A.; Alkady R.S.; El Sayed El Hawary R.; Eldash A.S.; Galal N.; Lotfy S.; Meshaal S.S.; Reda S.M.; Sobh A.; Elmarsafy A.; Brosselin P.; Courteille V.; De Vergnes N.; Kracker S.; Pergent M.; Randrianomenjanahary P.; Ahrenstorf G.; Albert M.H.; Ankermann T.; Atschekzei F.; Baumann U.; Becker B.C.; Behrends U.; Belohradsky B.H.; Biegner A.-K.; Binder N.; Bode S.F.N.; Boesecke C.; Boetticher B.; Borte M.; Borte S.; Classen C.F.; Dirks J.; Duckers G.; El-Helou S.; Ernst D.; Fasshauer M.; Fecker G.; Felgentreff K.; Foell D.; Ghosh S.; Girschick H.J.; Goldacker S.; Graf N.; Graf D.; Greil J.; Hanitsch L.G.; Hauck F.; Heeg M.; Heine S.I.; Henes J.C.; Hoenig M.; Holzer U.; Holzinger D.; Horneff G.; Hundsdoerfer P.; Jablonka A.; Jakoby D.; Joean O.; Kaiser-Labusch P.; Klemann C.; Kobbe R.; Korholz J.; Kramm C.M.; Kruger R.; Landwehr-Kenzel S.; Lehmberg K.; Liese J.G.; Lippert C.F.; Maccari M.E.; Masjosthusmann K.; Meinhardt A.; Metzler M.; Morbach H.; Muller I.; Naumann-Bartsch N.; Neubert J.; Niehues T.; Peter H.-H.; Rieber N.; Ritterbusch H.; Rockstroh J.K.; Roesler J.; Schauer U.; Scheible R.; Schmalzing M.; Schmidt R.E.; Schneider D.T.; Schreiber S.; Schuetz C.; Schulz A.; Schulze-Koops H.; Schulze-Sturm U.; Schuster V.; Schwaneck E.C.; Schwarz K.; Schwarze-Zander C.; Sirin M.; Skapenko A.; Sogkas G.; Sparber-Sauer M.; Speckmann C.; Steinmann S.; Stiehler S.; Tenbrock K.; von Bernuth H.; Warnatz K.; Wasmuth J.-C.; Weiss M.; Witte T.; Wittke K.; Wittkowski H.; Zeuner R.A.; Farmaki E.; Hatzistilianou M.N.; Kakkas I.; Kanariou M.G.; Kapousouzi A.; Liatsis E.; Maggina P.; Papadopoulou-Alataki E.; Raptaki M.; Speletas M.; Tantou S.; Goda V.; Krivan G.; Marodi L.; Abolhassani H.; Aghamohammadi A.; Rezaei N.; Feighery C.; Leahy T.R.; Ryan P.; Batzir N.A.; Garty B.Z.; Tamary H.; Aiuti A.; Amodio D.; Azzari C.; Barzaghi F.; Baselli L.A.; Cancrini C.; Carrabba M.; Cazzaniga M.; Cesaro S.; Chinello M.; Danieli M.G.; Dellepiane R.M.; Fabio G.; Gambineri E.; Lodi L.; Lougaris V.; Marasco C.; Martire B.; Marzollo A.; Milito C.; Moschese V.; Pignata C.; Plebani A.; Porta F.; Quinti I.; Ricci S.; Soresina A.; Tommasini A.; Vacca A.; Vanessa C.; Blaziene A.; Sitkauskiene B.; Gowin E.; Heropolitanska-Pliszka E.; Pietrucha B.; Szaflarska A.; Wiesik-Szewczyk E.; Wolska-Kusnierz B.; Esteves I.; Faria E.; Marques L.H.; Neves J.F.; Silva S.L.; Teixeira C.; Pereira da Silva S.; Capilna B.R.; Guseva M.N.; Shcherbina A.; Bobcakova A.; Ciznar P.; Gabzdilova J.; Jesenak M.; Kapustova L.; Orosova J.; Petrovicova O.; Raffac S.; Kopac P.; Allende L.M.; Antoli A.; Blanch G.R.; Carbone J.; Dieli-Crimi R.; Garcia-Prat M.; Gil-Herrera J.; Gonzalez-Granado L.I.; Agullo P.L.; Olbrich P.; Parra-Martinez A.; Paz-Artal E.; Pleguezuelo D.E.; Rodriguez N.S.; Sanchez-Ramon S.; Santos-Perez J.L.; Solanich X.; Soler-Palacin P.; Gonzalez-Amores M.; Ekwall O.; Fasth A.; Bitzenhofer-Gruber M.; Candotti F.; Dimitriou F.; Heininger U.; Holbro A.; Jandus P.; Kolios A.G.A.; Marschall K.; Schmid J.P.; Posfay-Barbe K.M.; Prader S.; Reichenbach J.; Steiner U.C.; Truck J.; Bredius R.G.; de Kruijf- Bazen S.; de Vries E.; Henriet S.S.V.; Kuijpers T.W.; Potjewijd J.; Rutgers A.; Stol K.; van Aerde K.J.; Van den Berg J.M.; van de Ven A.A.J.M.; Montfrans J.; Aydemir S.; Baris S.; Dogu F.; Ikinciogullari A.; Karakoc-Aydiner E.; Kilic S.S.; Kiykim A.; Kokcu Karadag S.I.; Kutukculer N.; Ocak S.; UNAL E.; Boyarchuk O.; Hilfanova A.; Kostyuchenko L.V.; Alachkar H.; Arkwright P.D.; Baxendale H.E.; Bernatoniene J.; Coulter T.I.; Garcez T.; Goddard S.; Gompels M.M.; Grigoriadou S.; Herriot R.; Herwadkar A.; Huissoon A.; Ibberson L.; Nademi Z.; Noorani S.; Parvin S.; Steele C.L.; Thomas M.; Waruiru C.; Yong P.F.K.; Bourne H.Thalhammer, J.; Kindle, G.; Nieters, A.; Rusch, S.; Seppanen, M. R. J.; Fischer, A.; Grimbacher, B.; Edgar, D.; Buckland, M.; Mahlaoui, N.; Ehl, S.; Boztug, K.; Brunner, J.; Demel, U. F.; Forster-Waldl, E.; Gasteiger, L. M.; Goschl, L.; Kojic, M.; Schroll, A.; Seidel, M. G.; Wintergerst, U.; Wisgrill, L.; Sharapova, S. O.; Goffard, J. -C.; Kerre, T.; Meyts, I.; Roosens, F.; Smet, J.; Haerynck, F.; Eric, Z. P.; Milenova, V.; Gagro, A.; Richter, D.; Chovancova, Z.; Hlavackova, E.; Litzman, J.; Milota, T.; Sediva, A.; Elaziz, D. A.; Alkady, R. S.; El Sayed El Hawary, R.; Eldash, A. S.; Galal, N.; Lotfy, S.; Meshaal, S. S.; Reda, S. M.; Sobh, A.; Elmarsafy, A.; Brosselin, P.; Courteille, V.; De Vergnes, N.; Kracker, S.; Pergent, M.; Randrianomenjanahary, P.; Ahrenstorf, G.; Albert, M. H.; Ankermann, T.; Atschekzei, F.; Baumann, U.; Becker, B. C.; Behrends, U.; Belohradsky, B. H.; Biegner, A. -K.; Binder, N.; Bode, S. F. N.; Boesecke, C.; Boetticher, B.; Borte, M.; Borte, S.; Classen, C. F.; Dirks, J.; Duckers, G.; El-Helou, S.; Ernst, D.; Fasshauer, M.; Fecker, G.; Felgentreff, K.; Foell, D.; Ghosh, S.; Girschick, H. J.; Goldacker, S.; Graf, N.; Graf, D.; Greil, J.; Hanitsch, L. G.; Hauck, F.; Heeg, M.; Heine, S. I.; Henes, J. C.; Hoenig, M.; Holzer, U.; Holzinger, D.; Horneff, G.; Hundsdoerfer, P.; Jablonka, A.; Jakoby, D.; Joean, O.; Kaiser-Labusch, P.; Klemann, C.; Kobbe, R.; Korholz, J.; Kramm, C. M.; Kruger, R.; Landwehr-Kenzel, S.; Lehmberg, K.; Liese, J. G.; Lippert, C. F.; Maccari, M. E.; Masjosthusmann, K.; Meinhardt, A.; Metzler, M.; Morbach, H.; Muller, I.; Naumann-Bartsch, N.; Neubert, J.; Niehues, T.; Peter, H. -H.; Rieber, N.; Ritterbusch, H.; Rockstroh, J. K.; Roesler, J.; Schauer, U.; Scheible, R.; Schmalzing, M.; Schmidt, R. E.; Schneider, D. T.; Schreiber, S.; Schuetz, C.; Schulz, A.; Schulze-Koops, H.; Schulze-Sturm, U.; Schuster, V.; Schwaneck, E. C.; Schwarz, K.; Schwarze-Zander, C.; Sirin, M.; Skapenko, A.; Sogkas, G.; Sparber-Sauer, M.; Speckmann, C.; Steinmann, S.; Stiehler, S.; Tenbrock, K.; von Bernuth, H.; Warnatz, K.; Wasmuth, J. -C.; Weiss, M.; Witte, T.; Wittke, K.; Wittkowski, H.; Zeuner, R. A.; Farmaki, E.; Hatzistilianou, M. N.; Kakkas, I.; Kanariou, M. G.; Kapousouzi, A.; Liatsis, E.; Maggina, P.; Papadopoulou-Alataki, E.; Raptaki, M.; Speletas, M.; Tantou, S.; Goda, V.; Krivan, G.; Marodi, L.; Abolhassani, H.; Aghamohammadi, A.; Rezaei, N.; Feighery, C.; Leahy, T. R.; Ryan, P.; Batzir, N. A.; Garty, B. Z.; Tamary, H.; Aiuti, A.; Amodio, D.; Azzari, C.; Barzaghi, F.; Baselli, L. A.; Cancrini, C.; Carrabba, M.; Cazzaniga, M.; Cesaro, S.; Chinello, M.; Danieli, M. G.; Dellepiane, R. M.; Fabio, G.; Gambineri, E.; Lodi, L.; Lougaris, V.; Marasco, C.; Martire, B.; Marzollo, A.; Milito, C.; Moschese, V.; Pignata, C.; Plebani, A.; Porta, F.; Quinti, I.; Ricci, S.; Soresina, A.; Tommasini, A.; Vacca, A.; Vanessa, C.; Blaziene, A.; Sitkauskiene, B.; Gowin, E.; Heropolitanska-Pliszka, E.; Pietrucha, B.; Szaflarska, A.; Wiesik-Szewczyk, E.; Wolska-Kusnierz, B.; Esteves, I.; Faria, E.; Marques, L. H.; Neves, J. F.; Silva, S. L.; Teixeira, C.; Pereira da Silva, S.; Capilna, B. R.; Guseva, M. N.; Shcherbina, A.; Bobcakova, A.; Ciznar, P.; Gabzdilova, J.; Jesenak, M.; Kapustova, L.; Orosova, J.; Petrovicova, O.; Raffac, S.; Kopac, P.; Allende, L. M.; Antoli, A.; Blanch, G. R.; Carbone, J.; Dieli-Crimi, R.; Garcia-Prat, M.; Gil-Herrera, J.; Gonzalez-Granado, L. I.; Agullo, P. L.; Olbrich, P.; Parra-Martinez, A.; Paz-Artal, E.; Pleguezuelo, D. E.; Rodriguez, N. S.; Sanchez-Ramon, S.; Santos-Perez, J. L.; Solanich, X.; Soler-Palacin, P.; Gonzalez-Amores, M.; Ekwall, O.; Fasth, A.; Bitzenhofer-Gruber, M.; Candotti, F.; Dimitriou, F.; Heininger, U.; Holbro, A.; Jandus, P.; Kolios, A. G. A.; Marschall, K.; Schmid, J. P.; Posfay-Barbe, K. M.; Prader, S.; Reichenbach, J.; Steiner, U. C.; Truck, J.; Bredius, R. G.; de Kruijf- Bazen, S.; de Vries, E.; Henriet, S. S. V.; Kuijpers, T. W.; Potjewijd, J.; Rutgers, A.; Stol, K.; van Aerde, K. J.; Van den Berg, J. M.; van de Ven, A. A. J. M.; Montfrans, J.; Aydemir, S.; Baris, S.; Dogu, F.; Ikinciogullari, A.; Karakoc-Aydiner, E.; Kilic, S. S.; Kiykim, A.; Kokcu Karadag, S. I.; Kutukculer, N.; Ocak, S.; Unal, E.; Boyarchuk, O.; Hilfanova, A.; Kostyuchenko, L. V.; Alachkar, H.; Arkwright, P. D.; Baxendale, H. E.; Bernatoniene, J.; Coulter, T. I.; Garcez, T.; Goddard, S.; Gompels, M. M.; Grigoriadou, S.; Herriot, R.; Herwadkar, A.; Huissoon, A.; Ibberson, L.; Nademi, Z.; Noorani, S.; Parvin, S.; Steele, C. L.; Thomas, M.; Waruiru, C.; Yong, P. F. K.; Bourne, H