327 research outputs found

    Dependence of the structural, transport and magnetic properties of Tl1-yFe2-z(Se1-xSx)2 with isovalent substitution of Se by S

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    International audienceThe effect of selenium substitution by sulfur in the Tl1y_{1-y}Fe2z_{2-z}Se2_{2} antiferromagnet was studied by x-ray and electron diffraction, magnetization and transport measurements. Tl0.8_{0.8}Fe1.5_{1.5}(Se1x_{1-x}Sx_{x})2_{2} (nominal composition) solid solution was synthesized in the full x range (0~x(S)\le x(S)\le~1) using the sealed tube technique. No superconductivity was found down to 4.2K in the series despite the fact that the optimal crystallographic parameters, determined by Rietveld refinements, are reached in the series (i.e. the Fe-(Se,S) interplane height and (Se,S)-Fe-(Se,S) angle for which the critical superconducting transition Tc_{c} is usually maximal in pnictides). Quasi~full Tl site (y0.05y\sim0.05) compared to significant alkaline deficiency (y=0.20.3y=0.2-0.3) in analogous A1y_{1-y}Fe2z_{2-z}Se2_{2} (A~=~K,~Rb,~Cs), and the resulting differences in iron valency, density of states and doping, are suggested to explain this absence of superconductivity. Transmission electron microscopy confirmed the existence of ordered iron vacancies network in the samples of the Tl0.8_{0.8}Fe1.5_{1.5}(Se1x_{1-x}Sx_{x})2_{2} series in the form of the tetragonal 5\sqrt{5} a ×5\times \sqrt{5} a ×\times c superstructure (\textit{I4/m}). The N\'{e}el temperature (TN_{N}) indicating the onset of antiferromagnetism order in this 5\sqrt{5} a ×5\times \sqrt{5} a ×\times c supercell is found to decrease from 450K in the selenide (x=0) to 330K in the sulfide (x=1). We finally demonstrate a direct linear relationship between TNT_{N} and the Fe-(Se,S) bond length (or Fe-(Se,S) height)

    Interplay of disorder and antiferromagnetism in TlFe1.6+(Se1−xSx )2 probed by neutron scattering

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    International audienceThe effect of selenium substitution by sulphur on the structural and physical properties of antiferromagnetic TlFe1.6+δSe2 has been investigated via neutron, x-ray and electron diffraction, and transport measurements. The 5 sqrt(a)× 5sqrt(a)×c super-cell related to the iron vacancy ordering found in the pure TlFe1.6Se2 selenide is also present in the S-doped TlFe1.6+δ(Se1−xSx)2 compounds. Neutron scattering experiments show the occurrence of the same long range magnetic ordering in the whole series i.e. the 'block checkerboard' antiferromagnetic structure. In particular, this is the first detailed study where the crystal structure and the 5 a× 5 a antiferromagnetic structure is characterized by neutron powder diffraction for the pure TlFe1.6+δS2 sulphide over a large temperature range. We demonstrate the strong correlation between occupancies of the crystallographic iron sites, the level of iron vacancy ordering and the occurrence of block antiferromagnetism in the sulphur series. Introducing S into the Se sites also increases the Fe content in TlFe1.6+δ(Se1−xSx)2 which in turn leads to the disappearance of the Fe vacancy ordering at x = 0.5 ± 0.15. However, by reducing the nominal Fe content, the same 5 a× 5 a×c vacancy ordering and antiferromagnetic order can be recovered also in the pure TlFe1.6+δS2 sulphide with a simultaneous reduction in the Néel temperature from 435 K in the selenide TlFe1.75Se2 to 330 K in the sulphide TlFe1.5S2. The magnetic moment remains high at low temperature throughout the full substitution range, which contributes to the absence of superconductivity in these compounds

    Two-dimensional fluctuations and competing phases in the stripe-like antiferromagnet BaCoS2_2

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    By means of a combined x-ray diffraction, magnetic susceptibility and specific heat study, we investigate the interplay between orthorhombic distortion and stripe-like antiferromagnetic (AFM) order in the Mott insulator BaCoS2_{2} at TN=290T_N=290 K. The data give evidence of a purely electronic AFM transition with no participation of the lattice. The observation of large thermal fluctuations in the vicinity of TNT_N and a Schottky anomaly unveils competing ground states within a minute \sim1 meV energy range that differ in the orbital and spin configurations of the Co ions. This interpretation suggests that the stripe-like order results from a spontaneous symmetry breaking of the geometrically frustrated pristine tetragonal phase, which offers an ideal playground to study the driving force of multi-orbital Mott transitions without the participation of the lattice.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, Supplemental Informatio

    Optomechanical design of TMT NFIRAOS Subsystems at INO

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    The adaptive optics system for the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) is the Narrow-Field InfraRed Adaptive Optics System (NFIRAOS). Recently, INO has been involved in the optomechanical design of several subsystems of NFIRAOS, including the Instrument Selection Mirror (ISM), the NFIRAOS Beamsplitters (NBS), and the NFIRAOS Source Simulator system (NSS) comprising the Focal Plane Mask (FPM), the Laser Guide Star (LGS) sources, and the Natural Guide Star (NGS) sources. This paper presents an overview of these subsystems and the optomechanical design approaches used to meet the optical performance requirements under environmental constraints

    Citrus of the world: a Citrus directory

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    De nombreuses classifications ont tenté de structurer le genre citrus qui constitue un groupe végétal complexe. L'importance des noms locaux, issus de la tradition orale, et plus récemment, l'apparition de dénominations commerciales augmentent encore le nombre des appellations. Cet annuaire représente une tentative d'identification et de standardisation du groupe. Il s'appuie sur la classification très détaillée du Japonais Tanaka, les équivalences avec celle de l'Américain Swingle sont données en annexes. Les tableaux indiquent pour chaque nom rencontré (nom local, appellation commerciale, variante orthographique...) son binôme latin et son nom standardisé. Un synthèse des appellations hybrides complète cet annuair

    Impact of Mycobacterium ulcerans Biofilm on Transmissibility to Ecological Niches and Buruli Ulcer Pathogenesis

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    The role of biofilms in the pathogenesis of mycobacterial diseases remains largely unknown. Mycobacterium ulcerans, the etiological agent of Buruli ulcer, a disfiguring disease in humans, adopts a biofilm-like structure in vitro and in vivo, displaying an abundant extracellular matrix (ECM) that harbors vesicles. The composition and structure of the ECM differs from that of the classical matrix found in other bacterial biofilms. More than 80 proteins are present within this extracellular compartment and appear to be involved in stress responses, respiration, and intermediary metabolism. In addition to a large amount of carbohydrates and lipids, ECM is the reservoir of the polyketide toxin mycolactone, the sole virulence factor of M. ulcerans identified to date, and purified vesicles extracted from ECM are highly cytotoxic. ECM confers to the mycobacterium increased resistance to antimicrobial agents, and enhances colonization of insect vectors and mammalian hosts. The results of this study support a model whereby biofilm changes confer selective advantages to M. ulcerans in colonizing various ecological niches successfully, with repercussions for Buruli ulcer pathogenesis

    Review and Recommendations for Experimentations in Earth Orbit and Beyond

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    The space environment is regularly used for experiments addressing astrobiology research goals. The specific conditions prevailing in Earth orbit and beyond, notably the radiative environment (photons and energetic particles) and the possibility to conduct long-duration measurements, have been the main motivations for developing experimental concepts to expose chemical or biological samples to outer space, or to use the reentry of a spacecraft on Earth to simulate the fall of a meteorite. This paper represents an overview of past and current research in astrobiology conducted in Earth orbit and beyond, with a special focus on ESA missions such as Biopan, STONE (on Russian FOTON capsules) and EXPOSE facilities (outside the International Space Station). The future of exposure platforms is discussed, notably how they can be improved for better science return, and how to incorporate the use of small satellites such as those built in cubesat format

    Optomechanical design of TMT NFIRAOS Subsystems at INO

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    The adaptive optics system for the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) is the Narrow-Field InfraRed Adaptive Optics System (NFIRAOS). Recently, INO has been involved in the optomechanical design of several subsystems of NFIRAOS, including the Instrument Selection Mirror (ISM), the NFIRAOS Beamsplitters (NBS), and the NFIRAOS Source Simulator system (NSS) comprising the Focal Plane Mask (FPM), the Laser Guide Star (LGS) sources, and the Natural Guide Star (NGS) sources. This paper presents an overview of these subsystems and the optomechanical design approaches used to meet the optical performance requirements under environmental constraints

    Risk factors and prognostic value of endotoxemia in patients with acute myocardial infarction

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    BackgroundThere is increasing evidence regarding the association between endotoxemia and the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis and myocardial infarction (MI). During the acute phase of MI, endotoxemia might increase inflammation and drive adverse cardiovascular (CV) outcomes. We aimed to explore the risk factors and prognostic value of endotoxemia in patients admitted for acute MI.MethodsPatients admitted to the coronary care unit of Dijon University Hospital for type 1 acute MI between 2013 and 2015 were included. Endotoxemia, assessed by plasma lipopolysaccharide (LPS) concentration, was measured by mass spectrometry. Major adverse CV events were recorded in the year following hospital admission.ResultsData from 245 consecutive MI patients were analyzed. LPS concentration at admission markedly increased with age and diabetes. High LPS concentration was correlated with metabolic biomarkers (glycemia, triglyceride, and total cholesterol) but not with CV (troponin Ic peak and N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide) or inflammatory biomarkers (C-reactive protein, IL6, IL8, and TNFα). LPS concentration was not associated with in-hospital or 1-year outcomes.ConclusionsIn patients admitted for MI, higher levels of endotoxins were related to pre-existing conditions rather than acute clinical severity. Therefore, endotoxins measured on the day of MI could reflect metabolic chronic endotoxemia rather than MI-related acute gut translocation