71 research outputs found

    On the pp-wave limit and the BMN structure of new Sasaki-Einstein spaces

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    We construct the pp-wave string associated with the Penrose limit of Yp,qY^{p,q} and Lp,q,rL^{p,q,r} families of Sasaki-Einstein geometries. We identify in the dual quiver gauge theories the chiral and the non-chiral operators that correspond to the ground state and the first excited states. We present an explicit identification in a prototype model of L1,7,3L^{1,7,3}.Comment: 21 pages, JHEP format, 5 figures, acknowledgement correcte

    On the YM and QCD spectra from five dimensional strings

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    We consider a non-critical five dimensional string setup which could provide a dual description of QCD in the limit of large number of colors and flavors. The model corresponds to N_c color D3-branes and N_f D4/anti D4-brane pairs supporting flavor degrees of freedom. The matching of the string model spectrum with the dual field theory one is considered. We discuss the consequences of the possible matching of the gravity modes with the light glueballs and the interpretation of the brane spectrum in Yang-Mills and QCD.Comment: 21 pages; V2: added corrections and references to match the published versio

    On zero-point energy, stability and Hagedorn behavior of Type IIB strings on pp-waves

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    Type IIB strings on many pp-wave backgrounds, supported either by 5-form or 3-form fluxes, have negative light-cone zero-point energy. This raises the question of their stability and poses possible problems in the definition of their thermodynamic properties. After having pointed out the correct way of calculating the zero-point energy, an issue not fully discussed in literature, we show that these Type IIB strings are classically stable and have well defined thermal properties, exhibiting a Hagedorn behavior.Comment: Latex, 13 pages. v2: regularization/renormalization prescription clarified, refs. adde

    Veneziano Amplitudes, Spin Chains and String Models

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    In a series of recently published papers we reanalyzed the existing treatments of Veneziano and Veneziano-like amplitudes and the models associated with these amplitudes. In this work we demonstrate that the already obtained new partition function for these amplitudes can be exactly mapped into that for the Polychronakos-Frahm (P-F) spin chain model. This observation allows us to recover many of the existing string-theoretic models, including the most recent ones.Comment: 38 page

    Non-critical holography and four-dimensional CFT's with fundamentals

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    We find non-critical string backgrounds in five and eight dimensions, holographically related to four-dimensional conformal field theories with N=0 and N=1 supersymmetries. In the five-dimensional case we find an AdS_5 background metric for a string model related to non-supersymmetric, conformal QCD with large number of colors and flavors and discuss the conjectured existence of a conformal window from the point of view of our solution. In the eight-dimensional string theory, we build a family of solutions of the form AdS_5 x \tilde{S}^3 with \tilde{S}^3 a squashed three-sphere. For a special value of the ratio N_f/N_c, the background can be interpreted as the supersymmetric near-horizon limit of a system of color and flavor branes on R^{1,3} times a known four-dimensional generalization of the cigar. The N=1 dual theory with fundamental matter should have an IR fixed point only for a fixed ratio N_f/N_c. General features of the string/gauge theory correspondence for theories with fundamental flavors are also addressed.Comment: 38 pages, 3 figures; JHEP class. Minor corrections, references adde

    Wilson Loop, Regge Trajectory and Hadron Masses in a Yang-Mills Theory from Semiclassical Strings

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    We compute the one-loop string corrections to the Wilson loop, glueball Regge trajectory and stringy hadron masses in the Witten model of non supersymmetric, large-N Yang-Mills theory. The classical string configurations corresponding to the above field theory objects are respectively: open straight strings, folded closed spinning strings, and strings orbiting in the internal part of the supergravity background. For the rectangular Wilson loop we show that besides the standard Luescher term, string corrections provide a rescaling of the field theory string tension. The one-loop corrections to the linear glueball Regge trajectories render them nonlinear with a positive intercept, as in the experimental soft Pomeron trajectory. Strings orbiting in the internal space predict a spectrum of hadronic-like states charged under global flavor symmetries which falls in the same universality class of other confining models.Comment: 52 pages, latex 3 times, v3: references adde

    New checks and subtleties for AdS/CFT and a-maximization

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    We provide a cross-check of AdS/CFT and a-charge maximization for a four dimensional NN=1 SCFT with irrational R-charges. The gauge theory is the low energy effective theory of N D3-branes at the tip of the complex cone over the first del Pezzo surface. By carefully taking into account the subtle issue of flavor symmetry breaking at the fixed point, we show, using a-maximization, that this theory has in fact irrational central charge and R-charges. Our results perfectly match with those inherited from the recently discovered supergravity dual background. Along analogous lines, we make novel predictions for the still unknown AdS dual of the quiver theory for the second del Pezzo surface. This should flow to a SCFT with irrational charges, too. All of our results differ from previous findings in the literature and outline interesting subtleties in a-maximization and AdS/CFT techniques overlooked in the past.Comment: Latex, 16 pagex, 2 figures; v2, comments and a reference added; v3, typos correcte

    Exploring improved holographic theories for QCD: Part I

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    Various holographic approaches to QCD in five dimensions are explored using input both from the putative non-critical string theory as well as QCD. It is argued that a gravity theory in five dimensions coupled to a dilaton and an axion may capture the important qualitative features of pure QCD. A part of the higher alpha' corrections are resummed into a dilaton potential. The potential is shown to be in one-to-one correspondence with the exact beta-function of QCD, and its knowledge determines the full structure of the vacuum solution. The geometry near the UV boundary is that of AdS_5 with logarithmic corrections reflecting the asymptotic freedom of QCD. We find that all relevant confining backgrounds have an IR singularity of the "good" kind that allows unambiguous spectrum computations. Near the singularity the 't Hooft coupling is driven to infinity. Asymptotically linear glueball masses can also be achieved. The classification of all confining asymptotics, the associated glueball spectra and meson dynamics are addressed in a companion paper, ArXiv:0707.1349Comment: 37+23 pages, 11 figures. (v3) Some clarifications and typo corrections. Journal versio

    Supersymmetric Branes on AdS_5 x Y^{p,q} and their Field Theory Duals

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    We systematically study supersymmetric embeddings of D-brane probes of different dimensionality in the AdS_5xY^{p,q} background of type IIB string theory. The main technique employed is the kappa symmetry of the probe's worldvolume theory. In the case of D3-branes, we recover the known three-cycles dual to the dibaryonic operators of the gauge theory and we also find a new family of supersymmetric embeddings. The BPS fluctuations of dibaryons are analyzed and shown to match the gauge theory results. Supersymmetric configurations of D5-branes, representing domain walls, and of spacetime filling D7-branes (which can be used to add flavor) are also found. We also study the baryon vertex and some other embeddings which break supersymmetry but are nevertheless stable.Comment: LaTeX, 2 figures, 54 pages; v2: discussions sharpened at several points, new subsection and references adde

    Holographic Duals of Quark Gluon Plasmas with Unquenched Flavors

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    We review the construction of gravitational solutions holographically dual to N=1 quiver gauge theories with dynamical flavor multiplets. We focus on the D3-D7 construction and consider the finite temperature, finite quark chemical potential case where there is a charged black hole in the dual solution. Discussed physical outputs of the model include its thermodynamics (with susceptibilities) and general hydrodynamic properties.Comment: Lecture presented at the Workshop "AdS/CFT and Novel Approaches to Hadron and Heavy Ion Physics", Kavli Institute of Theoretical Physics (KITPC), Beijing, China, 13 October 2010. Review article to be published in Communications in Theoretical Physics. 27 pages, 2 figure
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