59 research outputs found
Reconnaissance faciale basée sur les ondelettes robuste et optimisée pour les systÚmes embarqués
National audienceDans le domaine du traitement dâimages, la reconnaissance faciale est une technique appliquĂ©e dans de nombreuses applications : tĂ©lĂ©surveillance, accĂšs Ă des zones restreintes, dĂ©verrouillage de systĂšmes Ă©lectroniques, etc. Dans ce contexte, cette contribution propose une mĂ©thode rapide de reconnaissance faciale basĂ©e sur la transformĂ©e en ondelettes robuste aux variations de position et de luminositĂ© pour des applications temps rĂ©el. La mĂ©thode proposĂ©e a une tolĂ©rance de +/- 10% aux variations de position avec des conditions de luminositĂ© variables. Sur une plateforme embarquĂ©e type RaspberryPi, le temps de reconnaissance moyen est de 26 ms par visage avec une empreinte mĂ©moire 64 fois plus faible que lâapproche de rĂ©fĂ©rence et des taux de reconnaissance Ă©quivalents
Protection des architectures hétérogÚnes multiprocesseurs dans les systÚmes embarqués : Une approche décentralisée basée sur des pare-feux matériels
Embedded systems are used in several domains and are parts of our daily life : we use them when we use our smartphones or when we drive our modern cars embeddingGPS, light/rain sensors and other electronic assistance mechanisms. These systems process sensitive data (such as credit card numbers, critical information about the host system and so on) which must be protected against external attacks as these data are transmitted through a communication link where the attacker can connect to extract sensitive information or inject malicious code within the system. Unfortunately, embedded systems containmore andmore components which make more and more security breaches that can be exploited to provoke attacks. One of the goals of this thesis is to propose a method to protect communications and memories in a multiprocessor architecture implemented in a FPGA reconfigurable chip. The method is based on the implementation of hardware mechanisms offering monitoring and cryptographic features in order to give a secured execution environment according to a given threat model. The main goal of the solution proposed in this work is to minimize perturbations in the data traffic ; it is considered that it can be accomplished by focusing on the latency impact of our security mechanisms. Our solution is also sensible to attack events : as soon as an attack is detected, an update process of security policies can be enabled. Following an analysis of implementation results, two extensions of the basic solution are described : a fully-secured flow for startup/maintenance of FPGA-based multiprocessor systems and a method to improve attacks detection in order to take into account software parameters in multitasks applications.Les systĂšmes embarquĂ©s sont prĂ©sents dans de nombreux domaines et font mĂȘme partie de notre quotidien Ă travers les smartphones ou l'Ă©lectronique embarquĂ©e dans les voitures par exemple. Ces systĂšmes manipulent des donnĂ©es sensibles (codes de carte bleue, informations techniques sur le systĂšme hĂŽte. . . ) qui doivent ĂȘtre protĂ©gĂ©es contre les attaques extĂ©rieures d'autant plus que ces donnĂ©es sont transmises sur un canal de communication sur lequel l'attaquant peut se greffer pour extraire des donnĂ©es ou injecter du code malveillant. Le fait que ces systĂšmes contiennent de plus en plus de composants dans une seule et mĂȘme puce augmente le nombre de failles qui peuvent ĂȘtre exploitĂ©es pour provoquer des attaques. Les travaux menĂ©s dans cemanuscrit s'attachent Ă proposer une mĂ©thode de sĂ©curisation des communications et des mĂ©moires dans une architecture multiprocesseur embarquĂ©e dans un composant reconfigurable FPGA par l'implantation de mĂ©canismes matĂ©riels qui proposent des fonctions de surveillance et de cryptographie afin de protĂ©ger le systĂšme contre un modĂšle de menaces prĂ©dĂ©fini tout en minimisant l'impact en latence pour Ă©viter de perturber le trafic des donnĂ©es dans le systĂšme. Afin de rĂ©pondre au mieux aux tentatives d'attaques, le protocole demise Ă jour est Ă©galement dĂ©fini. AprĂšs une analyse des rĂ©sultats obtenus par diffĂ©rentes implĂ©mentations, deux extensions sont proposĂ©es : un flot de sĂ©curitĂ© complet dĂ©diĂ© Ă la mise en route et la maintenance d'un systĂšme multiprocesseur sur FPGA ainsi qu'une amĂ©lioration des techniques de dĂ©tection afin de prendre en compte des paramĂštres logiciels dans les applications multi-tĂąches
Hit the KeyJack: stealing data from your daily wireless devices incognito
National audienceInternet of Things (IoT) is one of the most fast-growing field in high technologies nowadays. Therefore, lots of electronic devices include wireless connections with several communication protocols (WiFi, ZigBee, Sigfox, LoRa and so on). Nevertheless, designers of such components do not take care of security features most of the time while focusing on communication reliability (speed, throughput and low power consumption). As a consequence, several wireless IoT devices transmit data in plaintext creating lots of security breaches for both eavesdropping and data injection attacks. This work introduces KeyJack, a preliminary proof-of-concept of a solution aiming to eavesdrop wireless devices and hopefully perform injection attacks afterwards. KeyJack operates on widely-used devices: our keyboards! This solution is based on low-cost embedded electronics and gives an attacker or a white hat hacker the possibility to retrieve data from John Doe's computer. This work also shows that this approach could be used to any wireless device using 2.4GHz radio chips like the NRF24L01 from Nordic Semiconductor
HardBlare: an efficient hardware-assisted DIFC for non-modified embedded processors
International audienceInformation Flow Control is a security mechanisms that provides security guarantees about information propagation. Other security mechanisms such as access control or cryptography can be used to limit the dissemination of confidential information and the modification of high integrity contents. However, they do not enforce end-to-end properties. They cannot control the dissemination of information once file access is allowed or the data is decrypted. In this context, HardBlare proposes a software/hardware codesign methodology to ensure that security properties are preserved all allong the execution of the system but also during files storage. The general context of HardBlare is to address Dynamic Information Flow Control (DIFC) that generally consists in attaching marks (also known as tags) to denote the type of information that are saved or generated within the system
Lightweight reconfiguration security services for AXI-based MPSoCs
International audienceNowadays, security is a key constraint in MPSoC development as many critical and secret information can be stored and manipulated within these systems. Addressing the protection issue in an efficient way is challenging as information can leak from many points. However one strategic component of a bus-based MPSoC is the communication architecture as all information that an attacker could try to extract or modify would be visible on the bus. Thus monitoring and controlling communications allows an efficient protection of the whole system. Attacks can be detected and discarded before system corruption. In this work, we propose a lightweight solution to dynamically update hardware firewall enhancements which secure data exchanges in a bus-based MPSoC. It provides a standalone security solution for AXI-based embedded systems where no user intervention is required for security mechanisms update. An FPGA implementation demonstrates an area overhead of around 11% for the adaptive version of the hardware firewall compared to the static one
Security enhancements for FPGA-based MPSoCs: a boot-to-runtime protection flow for an embedded Linux-based system
International audienceNowadays, embedded systems become more and more complex: the hardware/software codesign approach is a method to create such systems in a single chip which can be based on reconfigurable technologies such as FPGAs (Field-Programmable Gate Arrays). In such systems, data exchanges are a key point as they convey critical and confidential information and data are transmitted between several hardware modules and software layers. In case of an FPGA development life cycle, OS (Operating System) / data updates as runtime communications can be done through an insecure link: attackers can use this medium to make the system misbehave (malicious injection) or retrieve bitstream-related information (eavesdropping). Recent works propose solutions to securely boot a bitstream and the associated OS while runtime transactions are not protected. This work proposes a full boot-to-runtime protection flow of an embedded Linux kernel during boot and confidentiality/integrity protection of the external memory containing the kernel and the main application code/data. This work shows that such a solution with hardware components induces an area occupancy of 10% of a xc6vlx240t Virtex-6 FPGA while having an improved throughput for Linux booting and lowlatency security for runtime protection
Bus-based MPSoC security through communication protection: A latency-efficient alternative
International audienceSecurity in MPSoC is gaining an increasing attention since several years. Digital convergence is one of the numerous reasons explaining such a focus on embedded systems as much sensitive and secret data are now stored, manipulated and exchanged in these systems. Most solutions are currently built at the software level; we believe hardware enhancements also play a major role in system protection. One strategic point is the communication layer as all data goes through it. Monitoring and controlling communications enable to fend off attacks before system corruption. In this work, we propose an efficient solution with several hardware enhancements to secure data exchanges in a bus-based MPSoC. Our approach relies on low complexity distributed firewalls connected to all critical IPs of the system. Designers can deploy different security policies (access right, data format, authentication, confidentiality) in order to protect the system in a flexible way. To illustrate the benefit of such a solution, implementations are discussed for different MPSoCs implemented on Xilinx Virtex-6 FPGAs. Results demonstrate a reduction up to 33% in terms of latency overhead compared to existing efforts
Towards a hardware-assisted information flow tracking ecosystem for ARM processors
International audienceThis work details a hardware-assisted approach for information flow tracking implemented on reconfigurable chips. Current solutions are either time-consuming or hardly portable (modifications of both software/hardware layers). This work takes benefits from debug components included in ARMv7 processors to retrieve details on instructions committed by the CPU. First results in terms of silicon area and time overheads are also given
HardBlare: a Hardware-Assisted Approach for Dynamic Information Flow Tracking
International audienceThe HardBlare project proposes a software/hardware co-design methodology to ensure that security properties are preserved all along the execution of the system but also during files storage. Based on the Dynamic Information Flow Tracking (DIFT) that generally consists in attaching tags to denote the type of information that are saved or generated within the system. These tags are then propagated when the system evolves and information flow control is performed in order to guarantee the safe execution and storage within the system monitored by security policies
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