16 research outputs found

    Quasi-symmetric designs related to the triangular graph

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    Comparing the functional performance of children and youths with autism, developmental disabilities, and no disability using the revised pediatric evaluation of disability inventory item banks

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    Item does not contain fulltextOBJECTIVE. We compared the functional performance of children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD), intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD), and without disabilities using the revised Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory-Computer Adaptive Test (PEDI-CAT) Social/Cognitive, Daily Activities, and Responsibility domains. METHOD. A nationally representative sample of parents of children ages 0-21 without disabilities (n = 2,205), with ASD (n = 108), or with IDD (n = 150) completed an online survey. We obtained predicted PEDI-CAT scaled scores for three reference ages (5, 10, 15) from a modified analysis of covariance model and compared each group's scores using contrasts of the regression parameters. RESULTS. We found no significant differences between the ASD and IDD groups. The group with ASD demonstrated significantly lower performance than the group without disabilities across the three domains at ages 10 and 15. CONCLUSION. Scores on the PEDI-CAT differentiated the group with ASD from the group without disabilities. Children with ASD and IDD did not demonstrate different performance profiles

    B2.5-Eunomia simulations of Pilot-PSI plasmas

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    Abstract The B2.5-Eunomia code is used to simulate the plasma and neutral species in and around a Pilot-PSI plasma beam. B2.5, part of the SOLPS5.0 code package, is a multi-fluid plasma code for the scrape-off layer. Eunomia is a newly developed non-linear Monte Carlo transport code that solves the neutral equilibrium, given a background plasma. Eunomia is developed to simulate the relevant neutral species in Pilot-PSI and Magnum-PSI, linear devices that study plasma surface interactions in conditions expected in the ITER divertor. Results show the influence of the neutral species on the Pilot-PSI plasma beam. We show that a fluid description for the neutrals is not sufficient and Eunomia is needed to describe Pilot-PSI. The treatment of individual vibrational states of molecular hydrogen as separate species is crucial to match the experiment

    Evaluating ICT based learning technologies for disabled people

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    This paper discusses the need for an evaluation framework specifically for (ICT-based) learning technologies for disabled learners and demonstrates the limitations of existing approaches based on the evaluation of assistive technology or learning technologies for non-disabled learners. It presents elements of the first full such evaluation framework comprising a set of evaluation principles and aims and three evaluation methodologies. It has a wide range of applications including (i) stand-alone and comparative evaluations of ICT-based learning technologies for disabled people; (ii) identifying gaps in provision or the need for modifications; (iii) supporting the design and development of new technologies; (iv) supporting learners in making informed choices about appropriate learning technologies; and (v) supporting the policy process and determination of the future research agenda, including by evaluating the impact of various measures on the effective implementation and use of ICT learning technologies for disabled learners

    Participação de crianças com paralisia cerebral nos ambientes da escola Participation of children with cerebral palsy in school environments

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    Diante do amplo debate acerca da inclusão do educando com necessidades especiais em escola regular, esta pesquisa teve como objetivo descrever a participação da criança com paralisia cerebral nas atividades funcionais nos diferentes ambientes da escola, a partir da percepção de seus professores. Participaram deste estudo 10 professores e seus respectivos alunos com paralisia cerebral do município de São Paulo. Foi realizada a aplicação da parte I da School Function Assessment junto aos professores, a fim de examinar o nível de participação do aluno em seis ambientes da escola: sala de aula, pátio/recreio, transporte para e da escola, banheiro, transições para/da sala de aula e hora da refeição/ lanche. O Teste de Friedman e o Teste de Wilcoxon para duas populações correlatas foram utilizados para identificar diferenças significativas entre os escores obtidos na participação nos ambientes. Os resultados apontaram diferenças significativas nos escores da participação nos ambientes Transporte e Pátio/Recreio, Transporte e Transições, Transporte e Classe, Transporte e Lanche, Banheiro e Classe, Banheiro e Lanche. As crianças tiveram boa participação na classe, porém, a presença de barreiras arquitetônicas interferiu no desempenho de tarefas no banheiro, como sentar-se no vaso sanitário e levantar-se dele, lavar as mãos, assim como o transporte não adaptado. Notou-se, ainda, que recursos para mobilidade, como andador ou muletas, consistiram em importantes facilitadores da participação no pátio/recreio e transições. Esta pesquisa evidenciou a necessidade de ações de esferas governamentais para implementação de adaptações ambientais nas escolas, especialmente aquelas relativas aos transportes e transições.<br>Concerned with the widespread debate about the inclusion of students with special needs in regular schools, this study aimed to describe the participation of children with cerebral palsy in functional activities in different school environments, from their teachers' perspective. The study included 10 teachers and their students with cerebral palsy in São Paulo. We applied the School Function Assessment&#8722;Part I with the teachers in order to examine the level of student participation in school activities in six environments: classroom, playground/break time, transportation to and from school, bathroom, and transitions to the classroom and cafeteria. The Friedman test and Wilcoxon test for two related populations were used to identify significant differences between the scores for participation in the various environments. The results showed significant differences in scores for participation between Transportation and Playground/Break Time, Transportation and Transitions, Transportation and Classroom, Transportation and Cafeteria, Bathroom and Classroom, Bathroom and Cafeteria. The children participated well in class, however architectural barriers interfered in the performance of tasks in the bathroom, such as sitting on the toilet, standing up, hand washing, and lack of adapted mobility resources. The use of mobility resources such as crutches and walkers were observed to facilitate participation in playground/break time and transitions. This study highlighted the need for further governmental actions implementing environmental changes in schools, especially related to transportation and transition facilitation