205 research outputs found

    O design de costumização das cadeiras de rodas.

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    Tese de Doutoramento em Desig

    2D cloud template matching - a comparison between iterative closest point and perfect match

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    Self-localization of mobile robots in the environment is one of the most fundamental problems in the robotics field. It is a complex and challenging problem due to the high requirements of autonomous mobile vehicles, particularly with regard to algorithms accuracy, robustness and computational efficiency. In this paper we present the comparison of two of the most used map-matching algorithm, which are the Iterative Closest Point and the Perfect Match. This category of algorithms are normally applied in localization based on natural landmarks. They were compared using an extensive collection of metrics, such as accuracy, computational efficiency, convergence speed, maximum admissible initialization error and robustness to outliers in the robots sensors data. The test results were performed in both simulated and real world environments.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The Herpetofauna from Ilha Grande (Angra dos Reis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil): updating species composition, richness, distribution and endemisms

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    Ilha Grande is a large continental island (total area of 19,300 ha) situated at the southern coast of the state of Rio de Janeiro, in southeast Brazil, within the Atlantic Forest Biome. Here we provide an update to the previous knowledge of the fauna of amphibians and reptiles occurring in Ilha Grande, based on primary data from our own fieldwork and on secondary data (from institutional collections and from the literature). We report the occurrence at Ilha Grande of a total of 74 species, being 34 amphibians (all of them anurans) and 40 reptiles (27 snakes, 11 lizards, one amphisbaenian and one crocodylian). Our survey added 14 species to the herpetofaunal list of Ilha Grande (three of amphibians and eleven of reptiles) and removed one species (the amphibian Cycloramphus fuliginosus) from the previous list. The data indicated that Ilha Grande houses a considerable portion of the Atlantic Forest amphibian and reptile diversity (ca. 6% and 19%, respectively, of the species occurring in this biome) together with high occurrence of species endemic to this biome plus a few amphibian species endemic to this island. Ilha Grande is thus an important reservoir of both biodiversity and endemism of amphibians and reptiles of the Atlantic Forest of Brazil, which highlights the importance of the conservation of the island and of its different habitats along the insular landscape

    The Herpetofauna from Ilha Grande (Angra dos Reis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil): updating species composition, richness, distribution and endemisms

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    Ilha Grande is a large continental island (total area of 19,300 ha) situated at the southern coast of the state of Rio de Janeiro, in southeast Brazil, within the Atlantic Forest Biome. Here we provide an update to the previous knowledge of the fauna of amphibians and reptiles occurring in Ilha Grande, based on primary data from our own fieldwork and on secondary data (from institutional collections and from the literature). We report the occurrence at Ilha Grande of a total of 74 species, being 34 amphibians (all of them anurans) and 40 reptiles (27 snakes, 11 lizards, one amphisbaenian and one crocodylian). Our survey added 14 species to the herpetofaunal list of Ilha Grande (three of amphibians and eleven of reptiles) and removed one species (the amphibian Cycloramphus fuliginosus) from the previous list. The data indicated that Ilha Grande houses a considerable portion of the Atlantic Forest amphibian and reptile diversity (ca. 6% and 19%, respectively, of the species occurring in this biome) together with high occurrence of species endemic to this biome plus a few amphibian species endemic to this island. Ilha Grande is thus an important reservoir of both biodiversity and endemism of amphibians and reptiles of the Atlantic Forest of Brazil, which highlights the importance of the conservation of the island and of its different habitats along the insular landscape


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    Os sistemas integrados de produção lavoura-pecuária (SIPAs) em associação ao sistema de semeadura direta, sofrem ação do pisoteio animal ou do tráfego intenso de máquinas agrícolas, podendo resultar em alterações nas propriedades físicas do solo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da adubação nitrogenada e manejos das forrageiras tropicais nas propriedades físicas do solo. O experimento foi realizado entre outubro de 2017 e janeiro de 2020, em Marechal Cândido Rondon – PR, em blocos ao acaso, com parcelas sub-subdivididas com uma testemunha adicional e quatro repetições. As parcelas foram constituídas por duas espécies forrageiras consorciadas com o milho: Urochloa brizantha e Magathyrsus maximum, mais a testemunha adicional (milho solteiro). As subparcelas consistiram nos manejos das forrageiras: fenação e pastejo; e nas sub-subparcelas, a presença ou ausência de adubação nitrogenada. Foram determinadas: densidade do solo (Ds), porosidade total (Pt), macro (Ma) e microporosidade (Mi), além da resistência do solo à penetração (Rp). A utilização de nitrogênio (N) em cobertura nas forrageiras após os manejos, aumentou a quantidade de Ma na camada de 0-0,05 m para o primeiro ano. Os valores de Ds estão acima do limite considerado crítico para o desenvolvimento das plantas, porém, com tendência à redução. A adoção do SIPA, independente da espécie forrageira utilizada e manejo adotado, seja fenação ou pastejo, não comprometeu a qualidade física do solo, sendo assim, uma ótima alternativa para a diversificação da produção na propriedade.The use of diversified crop systems within the same area has received attention as an alternative to monoculture and benefits soil and yield. This study evaluates the effect of nitrogen fertilization and tropical fodder plants on soil physical properties. The experiment was conducted between October 2017 and January 2020 under randomized blocks design, arranged in a sub-sub plot scheme, with additional control and four repetitions. The plots contained fodder species (Urochloa brizantha and Megathyrsus maximus) intercropped with corn and the additional control (single corn). The subplots comprised the types of fodder plants management (haymaking and grazing), and the sub-sub plots contained the presence or absence of nitrogen fertilization. The following characteristics were evaluated: soil density (Ds), total porosity (Pt), macro (Ma) and microporosity (Mi), and soil resistance to penetration (Rp). After the management, the use of nitrogen (N) in topdressing of fodder plants increased Ma in the 0-0.05 m layer in the first year. Ds was above the critical limit for plant development. However, it tended to reduce. Adopting an integrated crop-livestock system, independently of the fodder species and the type of management used, did not compromise soil physical quality. Thus, it is an excellent alternative to diversity production

    Modelo de Gerenciamento de Suporte e Entrega de Serviços de Tecnologia da Informação: Estudo de Caso

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    O objetivo do artigo é apresentar um modelo de gerenciamento de infraestrutura de Tecnologia da Informação (TI) usando o ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library) em conjunto com o OcoMon, software para Gerenciamento de TI. Realizou-se um estudo de caso a fim de analisar os benefícios de se aplicar essas práticas de gerenciamento de suporte de serviços


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    Os sistemas integrados de produção lavoura-pecuária (SIPAs) em associação ao sistema de semeadura direta, sofrem ação do pisoteio animal ou do tráfego intenso de máquinas agrícolas, podendo resultar em alterações nas propriedades físicas do solo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da adubação nitrogenada e manejos das forrageiras tropicais nas propriedades físicas do solo. O experimento foi realizado entre outubro de 2017 e janeiro de 2020, em Marechal Cândido Rondon – PR, em blocos ao acaso, com parcelas sub-subdivididas com uma testemunha adicional e quatro repetições. As parcelas foram constituídas por duas espécies forrageiras consorciadas com o milho: Urochloa brizantha e Magathyrsus maximum, mais a testemunha adicional (milho solteiro). As subparcelas consistiram nos manejos das forrageiras: fenação e pastejo; e nas sub-subparcelas, a presença ou ausência de adubação nitrogenada. Foram determinadas: densidade do solo (Ds), porosidade total (Pt), macro (Ma) e microporosidade (Mi), além da resistência do solo à penetração (Rp). A utilização de nitrogênio (N) em cobertura nas forrageiras após os manejos, aumentou a quantidade de Ma na camada de 0-0,05 m para o primeiro ano. Os valores de Ds estão acima do limite considerado crítico para o desenvolvimento das plantas, porém, com tendência à redução. A adoção do SIPA, independente da espécie forrageira utilizada e manejo adotado, seja fenação ou pastejo, não comprometeu a qualidade física do solo, sendo assim, uma ótima alternativa para a diversificação da produção na propriedade.The use of diversified crop systems within the same area has received attention as an alternative to monoculture and benefits soil and yield. This study evaluates the effect of nitrogen fertilization and tropical fodder plants on soil physical properties. The experiment was conducted between October 2017 and January 2020 under randomized blocks design, arranged in a sub-sub plot scheme, with additional control and four repetitions. The plots contained fodder species (Urochloa brizantha and Megathyrsus maximus) intercropped with corn and the additional control (single corn). The subplots comprised the types of fodder plants management (haymaking and grazing), and the sub-sub plots contained the presence or absence of nitrogen fertilization. The following characteristics were evaluated: soil density (Ds), total porosity (Pt), macro (Ma) and microporosity (Mi), and soil resistance to penetration (Rp). After the management, the use of nitrogen (N) in topdressing of fodder plants increased Ma in the 0-0.05 m layer in the first year. Ds was above the critical limit for plant development. However, it tended to reduce. Adopting an integrated crop-livestock system, independently of the fodder species and the type of management used, did not compromise soil physical quality. Thus, it is an excellent alternative to diversity production


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    The combination of pelletization and torrefaction allows for obtaining pellets with higher energetic density. Thus, biomass becomes more attractive and usable for energetic purposes, and therefore, knowing the chemical properties becomes important to guarantee the quality of the torrefied pellets for fuel. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of torrefaction of Pinus sp. pellets on their chemical properties. The wood was previously transformed into particles and dried to 16% moisture content for further pelleting. For the torrefaction, the pellets were dried to 0% moisture content and subjected to heat treatment in a screw type reactor at the temperatures of 210, 250, and 290 °C and the times of 10, 20, and 30 minutes. In order to determine the chemical properties, the structural chemical composition, immediate chemical composition, elemental composition, and thermogravimetric analysis were performed. The torrefaction promoted significant changes in the chemical properties of Pinus sp. pellets, especially regarding the proportional increase of carbon content in detriment to oxygen reduction, increase of the thermal stability, and proportional increase of the lignin content by the reduction of the hemicelluloses. This improves the energetic quality of the biomass and turns it into a more competitive fuel when compared to fossil fuels.The combination of pelletization and torrefaction allows for obtaining pellets with higher energetic density. Thus, biomass becomes more attractive and usable for energetic purposes, and therefore, knowing the chemical properties becomes important to guarantee the quality of the torrefied pellets for fuel. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of torrefaction of Pinus sp. pellets on their chemical properties. The wood was previously transformed into particles and dried to 16% moisture content for further pelleting. For the torrefaction, the pellets were dried to 0% moisture content and subjected to heat treatment in a screw type reactor at the temperatures of 210, 250, and 290 °C and the times of 10, 20, and 30 minutes. In order to determine the chemical properties, the structural chemical composition, immediate chemical composition, elemental composition, and thermogravimetric analysis were performed. The torrefaction promoted significant changes in the chemical properties of Pinus sp. pellets, especially regarding the proportional increase of carbon content in detriment to oxygen reduction, increase of the thermal stability, and proportional increase of the lignin content by the reduction of the hemicelluloses. This improves the energetic quality of the biomass and turns it into a more competitive fuel when compared to fossil fuels

    Capacidade de uso e aptidão agrícola em pequena propriedade no municipio de Mundo Novo/MS / Capacity of use and agricultural aptitude In small property in the municipality of Mundo Novo/MS

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     O processo de degradação do solo, acelerado pelas atividades antrópicas, trazem preocupações com a sustentabilidade das atividades agropecuárias. A classificação com base na capacidade de uso e aptidão de solos podem nortear, com base em parâmetros técnicos, os riscos de degradação desses solos. O objetivo deste estudo foi realizar o levantamento do meio físico, classificar as terras de acordo com sua capacidade de uso e aptidão agrícola em uma pequena propriedade no município de Mundo Novo - MS. O estudo foi realizado numa pequena propriedade de 52,60 ha explorada com cultivos intensivos, a partir da execução do levantamento do meio físico, onde foi considerada a fertilidade e a classificação de solos, além de outras características, tais como a declividade, a profundidade efetiva, a textura, a permeabilidade e a existência ou predisposição a ocorrência de processos erosivos. A área de estudo foi desmembrada em regiões, de acordo com as fragilidades e potencialidades, identificadas pela capacidade de uso e aptidão agrícola dos solos da propriedade. Foram observadas três classes de solo, com limitações de fertilidade, de declive, bem como a ocorrência de processos erosivos superficiais e subsuperficiais, em algumas regiões da propriedade. A propriedade foi dividida em seis glebas, com indicações para a adoção conjunta de práticas de manejo químicas e físicas, além da redução na intensidade de cultivo, em 29,60 ha. A realização deste estudo indica que a exploração da propriedade é dependente da adequação da intensidade de exploração, com as respectivas capacidades de uso e aptidão agrícola desses solos, bem como da adoção conjunta de práticas conservacionistas

    A new genus of Parastenocarididae (Copepoda, Harpacticoida) from the Tocantins River basin (Goiás, Brazil), and a phylogenetic analysis of the Parastenocaridinae

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    Eirinicaris antonioi gen. et sp. n. (Parastenocaridinae) is described from the Brazilian rocky savannas, an ecosystem under heavy anthropogenic pressure. The subfamily is distributed worldwide, with representatives in Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, and North America. This is the first time a non-Remaneicaris Parastenocaridinae is described from a Neotropical region indicating that Parastenocaridinae species were already present in a vast geographical area, before the split of the Gondwana. The new taxon is included within the subfamily Parastenocaridinae based on the following characters: 1) segments 5, 6, and 7 of the male antennules forming a functional unit for clasping the female; 2) segment 7 with small process at the inner margin, forming an incipient "pocket-knife" structure with segment 6; 3) last segment pointing medially when closed; 4) the endopod of female leg 3 one-segmented and spiniform, without distal seta; 5) the apophysis and terminal seta of the exopod of male leg 3 are fused; 6) the genital field is rectangular and much broader than the height in the female; 7) the group of three lateral setae I, II, and III of the furca and the dorsal seta are situated at the same level in the female; and 8) the basis of leg 1 has an inner seta. The new taxon can be distinguished from all other Parastenocaridinae genera by the unique sexually dimorphic telson and furca. In the male, the dorsal seta is inserted at the midlength of the furca and setae I, II, and III are displaced anteroventrally. A phylogenetic analysis of the subfamily Parastenocaridinae is given based on the description of the type species of each genus and available descriptions of all Parastenocaridinae species. Eirinicaris gen. n. is the sister taxon of a clade formed by Kinnecaris and Monodicaris, sharing with them the long male and female leg 5 with a long spiniform process, and with Kinnecaris, a distal pore on the spiniform process. © Paulo H.C. Corgosinho et al