3,126 research outputs found

    DNA methyltransferase 3B regulates duration of neural crest production via repression of Sox10

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    Neural crest stem cells arise within the central nervous system but then undergo an epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition to migrate away and contribute to the peripheral nervous system and craniofacial skeleton. Here we show that DNA methyltransferase 3B (DNMT3B) is responsible for the loss of competence of dorsal neural tube cells to generate emigrating neural crest cells. DNMT3B knockdown results in up-regulation of neural crest markers, prolonged neural crest emigration, and subsequent precocious neuronal differentiation of the trigeminal ganglion. We find that DNMT3B binds to the promoter of Sox10, known to be important for neural crest emigration and lineage acquisition. Bisulfite sequencing further reveals methylation of the Sox10 promoter region upon cessation of emigration in normal embryos, whereas this mark is reduced after DNMT3B loss. Taken together, these results reveal the importance of DNA methylation in regulating the ability of neural tube cells to produce neural crest cells and the timing of peripheral neuron differentiation

    Edema Induced by sPLA2 from <em>Crotalus durissus terrificus</em> Involves PLC and PKC Signaling, Activation of cPLA2, and Oxidative Stress

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    sPLA2 from Crotalus durissus terrificus venom, free of crotapotin (Cdt sPLA2), purified and isolated sPLA2, was able to significantly increase lipid peroxidation, which occurred simultaneously with increased arachidonic acid (AA) metabolism. In addition, MDA and AA levels were elevated at 15 min after Cdt sPLA2 injection and after peak edema (negative control). Thus, oxidative stress and ROS play important roles in the inflammation induced by Cdt sPLA2. On the other hand, edema induced by sPLA2 involves the direct and indirect mobilization of arachidonic acid by the involvement of phosphokinase C (PKC) and phospholipase C (PLC), which indirectly stimulates cytosolic PLA2 (cPLA2). We also observed that the specific antivenin against Cdt venom had no significant effect on the neutralization of induced edema compared to the natural products 5-caffeine-linoleic acid (5CQA) and dexamethasone (AACOCF3). Our results also indicate that there was improvement in the inhibition of edema of natural polyphenolic compounds compared to antivenin or inhibition of the enzymatic activity of sPLA2 due to the fact that 5CQA is a potent antioxidant compound. Thus, our results show a clear correlation between increased arachidonic acid metabolism and oxidative stress

    Oral Transmission of Chagas Disease by Consumption of Açaí Palm Fruit, Brazil

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    In 2006, a total of 178 cases of acute Chagas disease were reported from the Amazonian state of Pará, Brazil. Eleven occurred in Barcarena and were confirmed by visualization of parasites on blood smears. Using cohort and case–control studies, we implicated oral transmission by consumption of açaí palm fruit

    Understanding water and energy fluxes in the Amazonia: Lessons from an observation-model intercomparison

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    Tropical forests are an important part of global water and energy cycles, but the mechanisms that drive seasonality of their land-atmosphere exchanges have proven challenging to capture in models. Here, we (1) report the seasonality of fluxes of latent heat (LE), sensible heat (H), and outgoing short and longwave radiation at four diverse tropical forest sites across Amazonia—along the equator from the Caxiuanã and Tapajós National Forests in the eastern Amazon to a forest near Manaus, and from the equatorial zone to the southern forest in Reserva Jaru; (2) investigate how vegetation and climate influence these fluxes; and (3) evaluate land surface model performance by comparing simulations to observations. We found that previously identified failure of models to capture observed dry-season increases in evapotranspiration (ET) was associated with model overestimations of (1) magnitude and seasonality of Bowen ratios (relative to aseasonal observations in which sensible was only 20%–30% of the latent heat flux) indicating model exaggerated water limitation, (2) canopy emissivity and reflectance (albedo was only 10%–15% of incoming solar radiation, compared to 0.15%–0.22% simulated), and (3) vegetation temperatures (due to underestimation of dry-season ET and associated cooling). These partially compensating model-observation discrepancies (e.g., higher temperatures expected from excess Bowen ratios were partially ameliorated by brighter leaves and more interception/evaporation) significantly biased seasonal model estimates of net radiation (Rn), the key driver of water and energy fluxes (LE ~ 0.6 Rn and H ~ 0.15 Rn), though these biases varied among sites and models. A better representation of energy-related parameters associated with dynamic phenology (e.g., leaf optical properties, canopy interception, and skin temperature) could improve simulations and benchmarking of current vegetation–atmosphere exchange and reduce uncertainty of regional and global biogeochemical models

    Benchmarks for Pir\'a 2.0, a Reading Comprehension Dataset about the Ocean, the Brazilian Coast, and Climate Change

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    Pir\'a is a reading comprehension dataset focused on the ocean, the Brazilian coast, and climate change, built from a collection of scientific abstracts and reports on these topics. This dataset represents a versatile language resource, particularly useful for testing the ability of current machine learning models to acquire expert scientific knowledge. Despite its potential, a detailed set of baselines has not yet been developed for Pir\'a. By creating these baselines, researchers can more easily utilize Pir\'a as a resource for testing machine learning models across a wide range of question answering tasks. In this paper, we define six benchmarks over the Pir\'a dataset, covering closed generative question answering, machine reading comprehension, information retrieval, open question answering, answer triggering, and multiple choice question answering. As part of this effort, we have also produced a curated version of the original dataset, where we fixed a number of grammar issues, repetitions, and other shortcomings. Furthermore, the dataset has been extended in several new directions, so as to face the aforementioned benchmarks: translation of supporting texts from English into Portuguese, classification labels for answerability, automatic paraphrases of questions and answers, and multiple choice candidates. The results described in this paper provide several points of reference for researchers interested in exploring the challenges provided by the Pir\'a dataset.Comment: Accepted at Data Intelligence. Online ISSN 2641-435

    MODIS land cover and LAI Collection 4 product quality across nine sites in the western hemisphere

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    Global maps of land cover and leaf area index (LAI) derived from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MODIS) reflectance data are an important resource in studies of global change, but errors in these must be characterized and well understood. Product validation requires careful scaling from ground and related measurements to a grain commensurate with MODIS products. We present an updated BigFoot project protocol for developing 25-m validation data layers over 49-km2 study areas. Results from comparisons of MODIS and BigFoot land cover and LAI products at nine contrasting sites are reported. In terms of proportional coverage, MODIS and BigFoot land cover were in close agreement at six sites. The largest differences were at low tree cover evergreen needleleaf sites and at an Arctic tundra site where the MODIS product overestimated woody cover proportions. At low leaf biomass sites there was reasonable agreement between MODIS and BigFoot LAI products, but there was not a particular MODIS LAI algorithm pathway that consistently compared most favorably. At high leaf biomass sites, MODIS LAI was generally overpredicted by a significant amount. For evergreen needleleaf sites, LAI seasonality was exaggerated by MODIS. Our results suggest incremental improvement from Collection 3 to Collection 4 MODIS products, with some remaining problems that need to be addresse

    Star Cluster Formation and Disruption Time-Scales -- I. An empirical determination of the disruption time of star clusters in four galaxies

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    We present a new method to derive the cluster disruption time in selected regions of galaxies from the mass or age distribution of magnitude-limited cluster samples. If the disruption time of clusters in a region of a galaxy depends on their initial mass as t_4 x (M_cluster/10^4 M_sun)^gamma and if the cluster formation rate is constant, then the mass and age distributions of the observed clusters will each show two powerlaw relations. The values of t_4 and gamma can be derived from these relations. We used this method to derive the cluster disruption time in specific regions in four galaxies: the inner region of M51, a region of M33, the SMC and the solar neighbourhood. The values of gamma are the same in the four galaxies within the uncertainty and the mean value is gamma= 0.62 +- 0.06. However the disruption time t_4 of a cluster of 10^4 M_sun is very different in the different galaxies. The clusters in the SMC have the longest disruption time, t_4 = 8 Gyr, and the clusters at 1 to 3 kpc from the nucleus of M51 have the shortest disruption time of t_4 = 0.04 Gyr. The disruption time of clusters 1 to 5 kpc from the nucleus of M33 is t_4 = 0.13 Gyr and for clusters within 1 kpc from the Sun we find t_4 = 1.0 Gyr.Comment: 18 pages, 18 figures. Accepted for publication by Monthly Notice

    A New Approach to the Yukawa Puzzle

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    We do a systematic analysis of the question of calculability of CKM matrix elements in terms of quark mass ratios, within the framework of the hypothesis of universality of strength for Yukawa couplings (USY), where all Yukawa couplings have equal moduli, and the flavor dependence is only in their phases. We use the fact that the limit mu=md=0m_u=m_d=0 is specially simple in USY, to construct the various ans\"atze. It is shown that the experimentally observed CKM matrix can be obtained within USY ans\"atze corresponding to simple relations among phases of Yukawa couplings. Within USY, one finds a natural explanation why Cabibbo mixing is significantly larger than the other CKM mixings. In the most successful of the USY ans\"atze, one obtains in leading order: Vus=md/ms|V_{us}|=\sqrt{m_d/{m_s}} ; Vcb=2(ms/mb) |V_{cb}|=\sqrt{2}(m_s/m_b) Vub=(1/2)mdms/mb2 |V_{ub}|= (1/\sqrt{2})\sqrt{m_dm_s/m_b^2} ; Vtd=3Vub|V_{td}|= 3|V_{ub}|. We study the behavior of this USY ansatz under the renormalization group.Comment: 20 pages, LaTe