43 research outputs found

    Experimental supporting data on DIS3L2 over nonsense-mediated mRNA decay targets in human cells

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    In this article, we present supportive data related to the research article “A role for DIS3L2 over natural nonsense-mediated mRNA decay targets in human cells” [1], where interpretation of the data presented here is available. Indeed, here we analyze the impact of the DIS3L2 exoribonuclease over nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD)-targets. Specifically, we present data on: a) the expression of various reporter human β-globin mRNAs, monitored by Northern blot and RT-qPCR, before and after altering DIS3L2 levels in HeLa cells, and b) the gene expression levels of deregulated transcripts generated by re-analyzing publicly available data from UPF1-depleted HeLa cells that were further cross-referenced with a dataset of transcripts upregulated in DIS3L2-depleted cells. These analyses revealed that DIS3L2 regulates the levels of a subset of NMD-targets. These data can be valuable for researchers interested in the NMD mechanism.This work was partially supported by Fundação para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia (FCT) (PTFC/BIM-MEC/3749/2014 to LR and UID/MULTI/04046/2013 to BioISI). PJdC, HAS and JFG-M are recipients of a fellowship from BioSys PhD programme (SFRH/BD/52495/2014, SFRH/BD/52492/2014, and PD/BD/ 142898/2018, respectively) and JM is a postdoctoral fellow (SFRH/BPD/98360/2013) from FCT. Work at ITQB-NOVA was financially supported by: Project LISBOA-01-0145-FEDER-007660 funded by the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) through COMPETE2020 - Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização (POCI) and by FCT funds: PTDC/BIA-MIC/1399/2014 to CMA and PTFC/BIM-MEC/3749/2014 to SCV. SCV was financed by program IF of FCT (IF/00217/2015). MS was financed by an FCT contract according to DL57/2016 [SFRH/BPD/109464/2015]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Presenteeism in hospital nurses

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    This quantitative, descriptive, cross-sectional research aimed to determine the estimated productivity of health-related limitations at work in 129 nurses working in direct care delivery to critical and potentially critical patients. Instruments were applied for socio-demographic and functional characterization and for the evaluation of presenteeism (Work Limitations Questionnaire). Statistical Package for the Social Sciences software was used for data analysis. In this study, 75% of nurses obtained a lost productivity index of up to 4.84%. The physical demand domain represented the major limitation for these professionals (25%). Presenteeism was directly correlated to health care, occurrence and number of absences, and indirectly related to work time at the unit. It was concluded that organizational or individual factors influence individuals' productivity, in view of the circumstances involving care delivery to critical and potentially critical patients.Estudio cuantitativo, descriptivo y transversal con el objetivo de determinar la productividad supuesta de las limitaciones en el trabajo relacionadas con la salud de 129 enfermeros que asisten a pacientes críticos y potencialmente críticos. Se utilizó un instrumento para la caracterización sociodemográfica y funcional y para la evaluación de la presencia. Se realizó un análisis estadístico de los datos con el software Statistical Package for the Social Sciences. En este estudio, 75 % de los enfermeros obtuvieron un índice de productividad perdida de hasta 4,84%. La demanda física fue el dominio que presentó mayor limitación (25%). La presencia se relacionó directamente a: realización de tratamiento de salud, ocurrencia y número de faltas, e indirectamente al tiempo en la unidad. Se concluye que existe influencia de factores organizacionales o individuales en la productividad del individuo frente a las circunstancias que involucran la asistencia al paciente crítico y potencialmente crítico.Este é um estudo quantitativo, descritivo e transversal com o objetivo de determinar a produtividade estimada das limitações no trabalho, relacionadas à saúde, em 129 enfermeiros atuantes na assistência direta a pacientes críticos e potencialmente críticos. Utilizou-se instrumento para caracterização sociodemográfica e funcional e para a avaliação do presenteísmo (questionário de limitações no trabalho). Procedeu-se à análise estatística dos dados com o software Statistical Package for the Social Sciences. Neste estudo, 75% dos enfermeiros obtiveram índice de produtividade perdida de até 4,84%. A demanda física foi o domínio que representou maior limitação para esses profissionais (25%). O presenteísmo correlacionou-se diretamente à realização de tratamento de saúde, ocorrência e número de faltas, e indiretamente ao tempo de trabalho na unidade. Conclui-se que existe influência de fatores organizacionais ou individuais na produtividade do indivíduo, frente às circunstâncias que envolvem a assistência ao paciente crítico e potencialmente crítico

    Whole-scalp EEG mapping of somatosensory evoked potentials in macaque monkeys

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    Whole-scalp EEG mapping of somatosensory evoked potentials in macaque monkeys

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    High-density scalp EEG recordings are widely used to study whole-brain neuronal networks in humans non-invasively. Here, we validate EEG mapping of somatosensory evoked potentials (SSEPs) in macaque monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) for the long-term investigation of large-scale neuronal networks and their reorganisation after lesions requiring a craniotomy. SSEPs were acquired from 33 scalp electrodes in five adult anaesthetized animals after electrical median or tibial nerve stimulation. SSEP scalp potential maps were identified by cluster analysis and identified in individual recordings. A distributed, linear inverse solution was used to estimate the intracortical sources of the scalp potentials. SSEPs were characterised by a sequence of components with unique scalp topographies. Source analysis confirmed that median nerve SSEP component maps were in accordance with the somatotopic organisation of the sensorimotor cortex. Most importantly, SSEP recordings were stable both intra- and interindividually. We aim to apply this method to the study of recovery and reorganisation of large-scale neuronal networks following a focal cortical lesion requiring a craniotomy. As a prerequisite, the present study demonstrated that a 300-mm2 unilateral craniotomy over the sensorimotor cortex necessary to induce a cortical lesion, followed by bone flap repositioning, suture and gap plugging with calcium phosphate cement, did not induce major distortions of the SSEPs. In conclusion, SSEPs can be successfully and reproducibly recorded from high-density EEG caps in macaque monkeys before and after a craniotomy, opening new possibilities for the long-term follow-up of the cortical reorganisation of large-scale networks in macaque monkeys after a cortical lesion

    Dança de salão como prática motivadora na melhoria das relações interpessoais dos jovens / Attention practice as hall dance in the improvement of relations interpersonal youth

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    RESUMO: Desde a pré-história, a Dança é utilizada pelos seres humanos como uma forma de expressão, fazendo parte da história e da cultura de diferentes civilizações. Um dos inúmeros tipos de danças é a Dança de Salão, que agrega valores sociais, culturais, pedagógicos e educacionais, tais como respeito e cooperação. Ela pode ser considerada uma importante ferramenta no desenvolvimento biopsicossocial do adolescente por ser uma forma de expressão humana e uma atividade naturalmente motivacional e socializadora. A pesquisa tem o objetivo abordar a Dança de Salão como atividade motivadora das relações interpessoais, enquanto uma prática corporal, artística, expressiva e subjetiva, com os alunos do ensino médio técnico do Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Norte (IFRN), campus Natal Central (CNAT). Este estudo configura-se como uma pesquisa de campo do tipo descritiva, de caráter qualitativo, e sua investigação ocorreu na forma de pesquisa-ação. Seu público-alvo são 19 alunos com faixa etária entre 14 e 18 anos, que fizeram 30 aulas de Dança de Salão. Utilizou-se como instrumento de coleta 2 (dois) questionários adaptados. A Dança de Salão se apresentou como importante ferramenta para a motivação de adolescentes, a partir de fatores como diminuição da timidez e aumento das relações sociais e de valores como respeito e cooperação, resultando em uma melhoria nas relações interpessoais destes adolescentes

    A eficiência na produção de biomassa e grãos de aveia pelo uso do nitrogênio

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    A produção de biomassa e grãos de aveia depende diretamente das formas de fornecimento de nitrogênio (N). Propôs-se, com este estudo, determinar a eficiência de aproveitamento de N-fertilizante na elaboração de biomassa e grãos de aveia em distintos sistemas de cultivo e estimar a máxima eficiência técnica e econômica de produtividade de grãos na identificação de cultivares mais eficientes no uso do N. O estudo foi conduzido nos anos de 2011 e 2012, em delineamento experimental de blocos casualizados com quatro repetições em esquema fatorial 4 x 2 para Doses de Nitrogênio (0, 30, 60 e 120 kg ha-1) e Cultivares de Aveia (Barbarasul e Brisasul) no sistema soja/aveia e milho/aveia. Há tendência de crescimento na taxa de biomassa em aveia com o incremento das doses de N-fertilizante em ambos os sistemas de cultivo, condição nem sempre acompanhada da maior produtividade de grãos. A cultivar Brisasul mostra maior eficiência no aproveitamento do N à elaboração de biomassa e grãos, independente do sistema de cultivo. A definição da dose ajustada em aveia permite resultados mais vantajosos pela análise da máxima eficiência econômica de produtividade de grãos

    A role for DIS3L2 over natural nonsense-mediated mRNA decay targets in human cells

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    Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bbrc.2019.08.105.The nonsense-mediated decay (NMD) pathway selectively degrades mRNAs carrying a premature translation-termination codon but also regulates the abundance of a large number of physiological mRNAs that encode full-length proteins. In human cells, NMD-targeted mRNAs are degraded by endonucleolytic cleavage and exonucleolytic degradation from both 5-' and 3'-ends. This is done by a process not yet completely understood that recruits decapping and 5'-to-3' exonuclease activities, as well as deadenylating and 3'-to-5' exonuclease exosome activities. In yeast, DIS3/Rrp44 protein is the catalytic subunit of the exosome, but in humans, there are three known paralogues of this enzyme: DIS3, DIS3L1, and DIS3L2. However, little is known about their role in NMD. Here, we show that some NMD-targets are DIS3L2 substrates in human cells. In addition, we observed that DIS3L2 acts over full-length transcripts, through a process that also involves UPF1. Moreover, DIS3L2-mediated decay is dependent on the activity of the terminal uridylyl transferases Zcchc6/11 (TUT7/4). Together, our findings establish a role for DIS3L2 and uridylation in NMD.Highlights: DIS3L2 functions in the decay of natural NMD-targets in a transcript-specific manner; DIS3L2 acts over full-length NMD-targets, through a process that also involves UPF1; DIS3L2 function in NMD is dependent on the terminal uridylyl transferases Zcchc6/11.This work was partially supported by Fundaçao para a Ci ~ encia e ^ a Tecnologia (FCT) (PTFC/BIM-MEC/3749/2014 to LR and UID/ MULTI/04046/2013 to BioISI). PJdC, HAS and JFG-M are recipients of a fellowship from BioSys PhD programme (SFRH/BD/52495/2014, SFRH/BD/52492/2014, and PD/BD/142898/2018, respectively) and JM is a posdoc fellow (SFRH/BPD/98360/2013) from FCT. Work at ITQB-NOVA was financially supported by: Project LISBOA-01-0145-FEDER-007660 funded by the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) through COMPETE2020 - Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalizaçao (POCI) and by FCT funds: ~ PTDC/BIA-MIC/1399/2014 to CMA and PTDC/BIM-MEC/3749/2014 to SCV. SCV was financed by program IF of FCT (IF/00217/2015). MS was financed by an FCT contract according to DL57/2016 [SFRH/ BPD/109464/2015]. We thank Dr. V. Narry Kim from Seoul National University, who kindly provided us with the pCK-FLAG-TUT4 and pCK-FLAG-TUT7 vectors.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio