6,317 research outputs found

    A Multiplex PCR Assay for Detection of Salmonella sp., Listeria monocytogenes, Campylobacter sp., Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli

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    Contaminated food and water are usual vehicles for bacterial pathogens transmission. According to EFSA they promote foodborne illness. Salmonella sp., Campylobacter sp., Listeria monocytogenes, Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus are the most foodborne pathogens reported. Bacterial contamination levels remain at high level, particularly in Europe, despite regulatory efforts to address the situation. The need of new diagnostic tools is crucial. Ideally, tests easy to perform, enough accurate and low cost. The present work talk about optimization of a multiplex PCR (mPCR) test used to detect 5 foodborne contaminants: Salmonella sp., Campylobacter sp., L. monocytogenes, E. coli and S. aureus. For specificity evaluation, 5 PCR amplification reference DNA were used respectively: 103bp, 174bp, 151bp, 121bp and 136bp. No amplification was observed when primers and DNA from mismatching species were subject to PCR amplification. Furthermore, the sensitivity of this assay was evaluated by using serial dilutions of DNA extracted from clean 1CFU culture of each pathogen. This assay will be optimized by using Real-Time PCR and DNA plasmids containing a single copy of each gene, towards a new and rapid test for food and food manipulated surfaces control. Results are promising and allow us to postulate the design of an accurate and useful assay for bacterial control

    Trajetória das Reformas Institucionais da Indústria Elétrica Brasileira e Novas Perspectivas de Mercado

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    This paper aims at presenting electricity negotiation alternatives in Brazil, which have resulted from a decade of structural and institutional reforms. With the purpose of achieving that, the specific characteristics of the Brazilian electric industry, the international experience and the historical restructuring processes witnessed by Brazil are going to be described, so that mistakes and solutions can be high lightened. As a consequence, it is expected that a wider picture not only of the new commercial and institutional environment in the country but also of the new perspectives faced by the agents in the electric sector is created.Regulaçãao Econômica, Indústria de Energia Elétrica Brasileira

    Neospora caninum: high susceptibility to the parasite in C57BL/10ScCr mice

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    Neospora caninum: high susceptibility to the parasite in C57BL/10ScCr miceC57BL/10ScCr mice, lack Toll-like receptor 4 and a functional Interleukin-12 receptor. Taking this into account, susceptibility of these mice to Neospora caninum infection was assessed comparatively to that of immunocompetent C57BL/10ScSn mice. C57BL/10ScCr mice inoculated intraperitoneally with 5 x 10(5) N. caninum tachyzoites showed a high Susceptibility to this parasite. All infected C57BL/10ScCr mice were dead by day 8 post-infection whereas all control C57BL/10ScSn mice survived this parasitic challenge. Immunohistochemical analysis of infected C57BL/10ScCr mice showed N. caninum tachyzoites spread in the pancreas, liver, lung, intestine, heart and brain whereas no parasites were detected in similarly infected C57BL/10ScSn controls. The higher susceptibility of C57BL/10ScCr mice to neosporosis correlates with reduced interferon-gamma mRNA expression and increased IL-4 mRNA expression, comparatively to C57BL/10ScSn controls, detected in the spleen after the parasitic challenge. C57BL/10ScCr mice could thus be used as a new experimental model where to study immunobiological mechanisms associated with host Susceptibility to neosporosis.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    In situ synthesis of magnetite nanoparticles in carrageenan gels

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    Magnetite nanoparticles have been successfully synthesized in the presence of carrageenan polysaccharides using an in situ coprecipitation method. Iron coordination to the sulfate groups of the polysaccharide was confirmed by FTIR. The polysaccharide type ( , é, or ì) and concentration have been varied and their effects on particle morphology and chemical stability of the resultant nanocomposite investigated. The presence of carrageenan induces the formation of smaller particles, compared to those formed in the absence of polymer, and their average size depends on the nature and concentration of the polysaccharide used. The chemical stability of magnetite nanoparticles toward oxidation was also seen to depend on biopolymer type with magnetite formed in é-carrageenan showing the highest chemical stability. A general tendency toward lower stability is observed as the polysaccharide concentration is increased. It is suggested that magnetite chemical stability in the carrageenan composites is determined by a fine balance between particle size and gel strength, the latter determining oxygen diffusion rates through the medium

    Chestnut as a culinary ingredient: Analysis of recipes and proposed innovative thematic menu

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    Chestnuts are natural dried fruits grown in many regions of the globe and have been used in different gastronomic preparations for centuries. Chestnuts are part of the local gastronomic cultures in several regions and are also being used for culinary innovations. This work analysed 266 recipes containing chestnuts obtained from different sources, such as cookbooks or the internet. The recipes were classified according to different criteria, and data analysis included basic statistical tools, significance tests, factor analysis and cluster analysis. The results showed that the utilisation of chestnuts was particularly frequent in main dishes containing meat of some sort (26.3%), as well as in desserts (24.4%). The chestnuts were usually added to the recipes mostly fresh, whole (24.1%) or cut (26.7%). The nature of the recipes was divided into classical or modern, being significantly associated with the form of incorporation of the chestnut, but not significantly associated with most of the variables used to classify the recipes (dish type, cooking, cooking method, preparation time, or moment of incorporation of the chestnut). Factor analysis indicated three factors, clearly differentiated, that in globally explained 58.1% of the variance. Cluster analysis allowed the establishment of four clusters of recipes, which were found significantly different according to all the variables used to classify the recipes. Ingredient analysis showed that the most frequent categories were spices, followed by vegetables & legumes and that the ingredients used in lower quantities were most frequently listed. Word clouds based on frequency indicated, in each of the categories, the most relevant ingredients, which were flour, butter, egg, pork, bacon, shrimp, onion, garlic, lemon, almond, salt, pepper, oil, and sugar. Lastly, a successful innovative thematic menu was developed and composed of recipes containing chestnuts, including one starter, one main dish, and one dessert. This work allows to conclude about the diverse utilisation of chestnut as a gastronomic ingredient and not only as a dried fruit.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Efeito de diferentes coberturas do solo e uso da manta agrotextil na produção do meloeiro.

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    Este trabalho teve como objetivo determinar a influência do uso de coberturas do solo e de manta agrotêxtil na produção do meloeiro irrigado por gotejamento, em época de cultivo não tradicional, na região do submédio do rio São Francisco

    Short-term versus long-term changes in the benthic communities of a small coastal lagoon: implications for ecological status assessment

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    The characteristic high variability and low predictability of coastal lagoons, due to strong changes in marine and freshwater inputs, make these ecosystems an interesting casestudy. The small Melides landlocked coastal lagoon in SW Portugal is a paradigmatic example, with a biological community highly stressed by these phenomena. Benthic macroinvertebrate samples were collected in 1998/99 and 2009 and each year, in different seasons and addressing different environmental conditions influenced by the connection to the sea and rainfall regime. Major spatial and temporal patterns in benthic communities were investigated using some invertebrate attributes (e.g. community composition, density, species richness and diversity). A very low taxonomic species richness and diversity was found in the Melides lagoon and only a much reduced number of species occurred along all sampling periods and in both sampling campaigns. Although the colonization events play a crucial role, the persistence of the observed species was mainly associated to abiotic factors, such as salinity, temperature and dissolved oxygen. Despite the potential reduction in anthropogenic pressure, by the construction of a sewage treatment plant and a reduction of urban occupation, the ecological status did not improve and the high level of natural environmental variably in the lagoon seems to be the dominant stressor influencing benthic invertebrate communitie

    Schistosome and liver fluke derived catechol-estrogens and helminth associated cancers.

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    Infection with helminth parasites remains a persistent public health problem in developing countries. Three of these pathogens, the liver flukes Clonorchis sinensis, Opisthorchis viverrini and the blood fluke Schistosoma haematobium, are of particular concern due to their classification as Group 1 carcinogens: infection with these worms is carcinogenic. Using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) approaches, we identified steroid hormone like (e.g., oxysterol-like, catechol estrogen quinone-like, etc.) metabolites and related DNA-adducts, apparently of parasite origin, in developmental stages including eggs of S. haematobium, in urine of people with urogenital schistosomiasis, and in the adult stage of O. viverrini. Since these kinds of sterol derivatives are metabolized to active quinones that can modify DNA, which in other contexts can lead to breast and other cancers, helminth parasite associated sterols might induce tumor-like phenotypes in the target cells susceptible to helminth parasite associated cancers, i.e., urothelial cells of the bladder in the case of urogenital schistosomiasis and the bile duct epithelia or cholangiocytes, in the case of O. viverrini and C. sinensis. Indeed we postulate that helminth induced cancers originate from parasite estrogen-host epithelial/urothelial cell chromosomal DNA adducts, and here we review recent findings that support this conjecture