231 research outputs found

    Quarenta anos de leishmaniose visceral no Estado do Piauí: revisão

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    A leishmaniose visceral (LV) é conhecida no Piauí desde 1934. Ao longo dos anos a doença, que era tipicamente rural, passou a ocorrer também em zonas urbanas, concentrando-se, principalmente em Teresina. Durante o processo de urbanização, Teresina experimentou a primeira epidemia urbana da leishmaniose visceral no Brasil, com mais de 1.000 casos notificados entre o período de 1981 a 1986. O crescimento populacional juntamente com o processo migratório promoveu ocupação de terras na periferia de Teresina que contribuíram para a proliferação dos vetores e aumento da incidência da doença humana e canina no Estado. Atualmente a incidência da doença humana e canina em Teresina é bastante elevada e fora de controle. Algumas medidas, como a eliminação de cães sorologicamente positivos no município, parecem não contribuir de modo relevante para a diminuição do número de casos novos de LV. Apesar dos estudos relacionados aos aspectos epidemiológicos da doença, ainda pouco se conhece sobre o real papel de cães no ciclo da LV. Objetivou-se com esta revisão divulgar a situação da LV em Teresina-PI, nos últimos 40 anos, enfocando os principais aspectos que contribuem para a alta incidência e persistência da infecção.Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) has been known to occur in the state of Piauí since 1934. The typically rural disease began to appear in urban areas over time, being concentrated mainly in Teresina, the capital of Piauí. Teresina was also affected by the first urban epidemic of VL in Brazil. Over 1,000 cases of the disease were reported during urbanization (1981-1986). Human population growth and migration led to land occupation on the outskirts of Teresina. These factors have contributed to vector proliferation, increasing the incidence of VL. At present, the incidence of human and canine disease is quite high and uncontrolled in Piauí. It seems that some measures, such as the elimination of seropositive dogs, failed to significantly reduce the number of new VL cases in Teresina. Despite previously conducted studies, little is known about VL epidemiology in urban areas. The aim of this review is to reveal the situation of VL in Teresina during the last 40 years, focusing on the major factors that may contribute to the high incidence and persistence of VL infection

    Participação do Rhipicephalus sanguineus no ciclo infeccioso da leishmaniose visceral canina em Teresina, Piauí, Brasil

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    In this study, we detected Leishmania spp. infection in R. sanguineus collected from dogs that were naturally infected with L. (L.) infantum. We examined 35 dogs of both sexes and unknown ages. The infected dogs were serologically positive by the immunofluorescence antibody test (IFAT), enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), and Quick Test-DPP (Dual Path Platform), as well as parasitological examination of a positive skin biopsy or sternal bone marrow aspiration. Ten negative dogs were included as controls. The ticks that infested these dogs were collected in pools of 10 adult females per animal. The PCR was performed with specific primers for Leishmania spp., which amplified a 720-bp fragment. Of the 35 analyzed samples, a product was observed in eight samples (8/35; 22.9%). We conclude that the presence of parasite DNA suggests that ticks participate in the zoonotic cycle of canine visceral leishmaniasis, in the city of Teresina, Piauí.Neste estudo foi detectada infecção por Leishmania spp. em Rhipicephalus sanguineus (R. sanguineus) de cães naturalmente infectados por Leishmania (Leishmania) infantum = L. (L.) infantum. Foram utilizados 35 cães de ambos os sexos e idades desconhecidas, sorologicamente positivos pelas técnicas de reação de imunofluorescência indireta (RIFI), enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) e Quick Test-DPP (Dual Path Plataform), e com exame parasitológico positivo em biópsia de pele ou punção de medula óssea esternal e 10 cães domiciliados negativos, como controle. Os carrapatos que infestavam esses cães foram coletados em pool de 10 fêmeas adultas por animal. A Reação em Cadeia pela Polimerase (PCR = Polymerase Chain Reaction) foi realizada com primers para Leishmania spp., que amplificaram 720pb. O resultado das 35 amostras processadas revelou a amplificação de oito amostras (8/35 - 22,9%). Conclui-se que a presença do DNA do parasita sugere que carrapatos podem estar participando do ciclo zoonótico da leishmaniose visceral canina na cidade de Teresina, Piauí

    A linguagem cartográfica e o ensino-aprendizagem da Geografia: algumas reflexões

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    This work is a literature review and exposes some considerations referring the use of cartographic language in teaching-learning of school Geography. It is intended, based on what is bound in the bibliography, we develop a deeper discussion on the importance of using this language in the lessons of Geography. The text is based on the knowledge concerning the methodology for teaching-learning of geographical science. It was perceived, from readings taken, that the aforementioned language is indispensable to analyze and communicate information about the geographical environment, as well as represent the practices of spatiality socio-cultural and socio-environmental of contemporary society.Este trabalho é uma revisão da literatura e expõe algumas considerações referentes à utilização da linguagem cartográfica no ensino-aprendizagem da Geografia escolar. Pretendeu-se, com base no que está vinculado na bibliografia especializada, desenvolver um aprofundamento nos debates sobre a importância do emprego desta linguagem nas aulas de Geografia. O texto foi baseado nos conhecimentos concernentes à metodologia para o ensino-aprendizagem da ciência geográfica. Percebeu-se, a partir das leituras efetuadas, que a linguagem cartográfica é indispensável para analisar e comunicar informações sobre o meio geográfico, bem como representar a espacialidade das práticas socioculturais e socioambientais da sociedade contemporânea

    Bee Life in the City: an Analysis of the Pollen Provisions of Centris (Centris) flavifrons (Centridini) in an Urban Area

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    Due to deforestation and fragmentation of ecosystems, the management of bee populations targeting pollination services is increasingly urgent. Because urban environments are stressful, the dietary knowledge in such areas can help to cope with this issue in the near future. Using palynological analysis the floral resources used by Centris flavifrons, an important pollinator of crops and native plants was studied in an urban area. Byrsonima sericea type, Solanum paniculatum type, Cestrum type, and Myrcia type 1 together accounted for more than 93% of pollen grains foraged by females. It is noteworthy that this bee population depends on few plant species both for pollen and for oil. Furthermore, females showed flexibility to replace the primary pollen source in different breeding seasons, as well as one female could provision different cells in the same nest with different predominant pollen types. It is highlighted the importance of wastelands for keeping bee populations in urban areas


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    Objetivo: O Acidente Vascular Cerebral (AVC) gera déficits no funcionamento físico, sensorial e cognitivo do paciente tendo impacto no desempenho das atividades da vida diária, e acarretando alterações na dinâmica familiar. O presente trabalho visa investigar a influência do grau de independência funcional de pacientes acometidos por AVC no impacto da doença na vida do cuidador familiar.Métodos:Trata-se de um estudo transversal, de caráter descritivo. Foram avaliados cuidadores e pacientes que estavam em tratamento nos principais serviços públicos de saúde de Natal/RN, Sendo utilizadas como instrumentos de avaliação a escala de impacto da doença nos cuidadores (Caregiver Burden Scale) e a Medida de Independência Funcional (MIF).Resultados:Os cuidadores eram predominantemente mulheres (84,21%), casadas (63,16%), filhas (42,11%) ou esposas (47,37%) com média de idade de 44,89±9,46 anos. Foi observado que 57,89% da amostra relatou sentir dor nas costas, com uma média, segundo avaliação da Escava Visual Analógica de 7±1,97 pontos. A Medida de Independência Funcional revelou uma funcionalidade moderada quanto aos seus aspectos motores (51±20,50). O impacto do AVC na vida dos cuidadores evidenciou uma sobrecarga negativa com escore de 49±12,82 pontos no CBS.Conclusões: Observou-se um impacto negativo na vida dos cuidadores familiares de pacientes com AVC, sugerindo uma relação entre este impacto e o nível de independência do paciente. É necessário que profissionais de saúde identifiquem a importância dessa relação e trabalhem o paciente de modo a estimular sua funcionalidade para AVDs. Dessa forma, os benefícios da reabilitação não se restringiriam ao paciente, mas contemplariam, também, os demais personagens envolvidos neste processo, como o cuidador familiar

    Foliar application of biofertilizer in semi-hydroponic lettuce fertigated with saline nutrient solution

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    Water scarcity in the world is a problem diagnosed especially in countries with large semi-arid regions such as Brazil. Research has been conducted with a view to making use of saline waters as an input for cultivation, particularly in hydroponics, with especial focus on lettuce, the most prominent leafy vegetable in Brazil. The objective of this study was to evaluate the development of lettuce in a semi-hydroponic system fertigated with saline water and under foliar fertilization with biofertilizer. The present study was carried out in a greenhouse located in the experimental area of ​​the Department of Environmental and Technological Sciences (DCAT) of the Federal Rural University of the Semi-Arid Region, in the municipality of Mossoró, RN, Brazil. The experimental design was a randomized complete block design, with treatments arranged in a 2 x 4 factorial scheme, with 4 replicates, two salinity levels of the water used to prepare the nutrient solution (0.5 and 3.5 dS m-1) and four biofertilizer concentrations (0, 20, 40 and 60%) applied by foliar spraying. The evaluated characteristics were: shoot diameter, stem diameter, number of leaves, fresh mass, dry mass, leaf succulence, leaf area and specific leaf area. The use of saline water to prepare the nutrient solution reduces fresh mass and dry mass production in the lettuce crop. The biofertilizer can be applied through the leaves at concentration of up to 20%, promoting greater plant growth.Water scarcity in the world is a problem diagnosed especially in countries with large semi-arid regions such as Brazil. Research has been conducted with a view to making use of saline waters as an input for cultivation, particularly in hydroponics, with especial focus on lettuce, the most prominent leafy vegetable in Brazil. The objective of this study was to evaluate the development of lettuce in a semi-hydroponic system fertigated with saline water and under foliar fertilization with biofertilizer. The present study was carried out in a greenhouse located in the experimental area of ​​the Department of Environmental and Technological Sciences (DCAT) of the Federal Rural University of the Semi-Arid Region, in the municipality of Mossoró, RN, Brazil. The experimental design was a randomized complete block design, with treatments arranged in a 2 x 4 factorial scheme, with 4 replicates, two salinity levels of the water used to prepare the nutrient solution (0.5 and 3.5 dS m-1) and four biofertilizer concentrations (0, 20, 40 and 60%) applied by foliar spraying. The evaluated characteristics were: shoot diameter, stem diameter, number of leaves, fresh mass, dry mass, leaf succulence, leaf area and specific leaf area. The use of saline water to prepare the nutrient solution reduces fresh mass and dry mass production in the lettuce crop. The biofertilizer can be applied through the leaves at concentration of up to 20%, promoting greater plant growth


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    Water has a decisive influence on populations’ life quality – specifically in areas like urban supply, drainage, and effluents treatment – due to its sound impact over public health. Water rational use constitutes the greatest challenge faced by water demand management, mainly with regard to urban household water consumption. This makes it important to develop researches to assist water managers and public policy-makers in planning and formulating water demand measures which may allow urban water rational use to be met. This work utilized the multivariate techniques Factor Analysis and Multiple Linear Regression Analysis – in order to determine the participation level of socioeconomic and climatic variables in monthly urban household consumption changes – applying them to two districts of Campina Grande city (State of Paraíba, Brazil). The districts were chosen based on socioeconomic criterion (income level) so as to evaluate their water consumer’s behavior. A 9-year monthly data series (from year 2000 up to 2008) was utilized, comprising family income, water tariff, and quantity of household connections (economies) – as socioeconomic variables – and average temperature and precipitation, as climatic variables. For both the selected districts of Campina Grande city, the obtained results point out the variables “water tariff” and “family income” as indicators of these district’s household consumption

    Effects of resistance exercise in postmenopausal women with type 2 diabetes: nonrandomized clinical trial

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    Introduction: Type 2 diabetes is characterized by gradual loss of insulin secretion and increased insulin resistance. Due to longevity, women spend more than one third of their lives in the postmenopausal period, with estrogenic and quality of life reduction, besides several physiological disturbances. Objective: To evaluate the effects of a resistance training protocol on muscle strength, metabolic control, and quality of life in postmenopausal type 2 diabetic women. Methods: This nonrandomized clinical trial studied 34 sedentary or irregularly active women. Participants in the Control Group received routine care and in the Exercise Group performed resistance training for 90min, twice a week, with moderate intensity (50%-75% 1RM) and duration of eight weeks. Results: Resistance training reduced waist circumference by 2.31cm (p=0.025), increased handgrip strength by 1.08 kg/f (p=0.004), improved physical performance by 1.38 points (p=0.008) in the Short Physical Performance Battery and also in quality of life, with improvement in six domains of the SF-36: physical functioning 31.67% (p=0.002), physical health 58. 97% (p=0.001), pain 29.21% (p=0.023), general health status 15.81% (p=0.033), social functioning 31.29% (p=0.034) and emotional problems 36.50% (p=0.041), in addition to improving the health change 33.33% (p=0.007). Conclusions: a short-term resistance exercise program in a hospital setting improved handgrip strength, physical performance, quality of life, and reduced waist circumference in postmenopausal type 2 diabetic women.Introdução: a diabetes tipo 2 é caracterizada pela perda gradual da secreção e aumento da resistência insulínica. Devido à longevidade, as mulheres passam mais de um terço de suas vidas na pós-menopausa, com redução estrogênica e da qualidade de vida, além de diversos distúrbios fisiológicos. Objetivo: avalia os efeitos de um protocolo de treinamento resistido na força muscular, controle metabólico e qualidade de vida em mulheres diabéticas tipo 2 na pós-menopausa. Métodos: Esse ensaio clínico não randomizado estudou 34 mulheres sedentárias ou irregularmente ativas. Participantes do Grupo Controle receberam cuidados de rotina e do Grupo Exercício realizaram treinamento resistido por 90min, duas vezes por semana, com intensidade moderada (50%-75% 1RM) e duração de oito semanas. Resultados: o treinamento resistido reduziu a circunferência da cintura em 2,31cm (p=0,025), aumentou a força de preensão manual em 1,08 kg/f (p=0,004), melhorou o desempenho físico em 1,38 pontos (p=0.008) no Short Physical Performance Battery e na qualidade de vida, com melhora em seis domínios do SF-36: capacidade funcional 31,67% (p=0,002), aspectos físicos 58. 97% (p=0,001), dor 29,21% (p=0,023), estado geral de saúde 15,81% (p=0,033), aspectos sociais 31,29% (p=0,034) e aspectos emocionais 36,50% (p=0,041), além de melhorar a percepção da saúde atual comparada a um ano atrás em 33,33% (p=0,007). Conclusões: um programa de exercício resistido de curta duração, em ambiente hospitalar, melhorou a força de preensão manual, o desempenho físico, a qualidade de vida e reduziu a circunferência da cintura em mulheres diabéticas tipo 2 na pós-menopausa

    Soro-conversão e avaliação das alterações renais em cães infectados por Leishmania (Infantum) chagasi

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    This study investigated the sero-conversion period in which dogs from endemic areas test positive for visceral leishmaniasis (VL) as well as the early post-infection period in which renal alterations are observed. Dogs that were initially negative for Canine Visceral Leishmaniasis (CVL) were clinically evaluated every three months by serological, parasitological and biochemical tests until sero-conversion was confirmed, and six months later a subsequent evaluation was performed. Samples of kidney tissues were processed and stained with Hematoxylin and Eosin (H&E), Periodic Acid Schiff (PAS) and Masson’s trichrome stain and lesions were classified based on the WHO criteria. Of the 40 dogs that initially tested negative for VL, 25 (62.5%) exhibited positive serological tests during the study period. Of these 25 dogs, 15 (60%) tested positive within three months, five (20%) tested positive within six months and five (20%) tested positive within nine months. The dogs exhibited antibody titers between 1:40 and 1:80 and 72% of the dogs exhibited clinical symptoms. The Leishmania antigen was present in the kidneys of recently infected dogs. We found higher levels of total protein and globulin as well as lower levels of albumin in the infected dogs when compared to the control dogs. Additionally, infected dogs presented levels of urea and creatinine that were higher than those of the uninfected dogs. Glomerulonephritis was detected in some of the dogs examined in this study. These data suggest that in Teresina, the sero-conversion for VL occurs quickly and showed that the infected dogs presented abnormal serum proteins, as well as structural and functional alterations in the kidneys during the early post-infection period.Este estudo investigou o período em que o cão torna-se positivo para leishmaniose visceral (VL) em área endêmica e as alterações renais no período recente pós-infecção. Cães negativos para VL foram avaliados clinicamente a cada três meses por testes sorológicos, parasitológicos e bioquímicos até a soro-conversão e seis meses após. Foram colhidos tecido renal de seis cães, submetidos a processamento de rotina e corados com HE, PAS e Masson e as lesões foram classificadas com base nos critérios da OMS. Dos 40 cães nagativos para VL, 25 (62,5%) apresentaram sorologia positiva durante o estudo. Desses, 15 (60%) tornaram-se positiva nos primeiros três meses, cinco (20%) tornaram-se positivas dentro de seis meses e cinco (20%) tornaram-se positivas dentro de nove meses. Os cães apresentavam títulos de anticorpos entre 1:40 e 1:80, e 72% mostraram sinais clínicos. Antígeno de Leishmania estava presente no rim. Foram encontrados níveis mais elevados de proteína total e globulina, e menores níveis de albumina em cães infectados quando comparados aos controles. Além disso, os cães infectados apresentaram níveis de uréia e creatinina maior do que os cães controles. Glomerulonefrite foi observada em cinco cães. Os resultados sugerem que em Teresina a soro-conversão para VL ocorre rapidamente e os cães apresentam proteínas séricas anormais e alterações na estrutura e função dos rins em um período recente pós-infecção

    Floral Resource Partitioning between Centris (Heterocentris) analis (Fabricius, 1804) and Centris (Heterocentris) terminata Smith, 1874 (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Centridini), in an Urban Fragment of the Atlantic Forest

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    The knowledge on plant species used for the collection of floral resources is crucial to understanding interactions between plants and bees. The aim of the present study was to identify floral resources used by Centris analis and Centris terminata to provision brood cells and determine the niche breadth and overlap of these two species in a fragment of the Atlantic Forest in Brazil. This study was conducted at the Universidade Federal da Bahia and Parque Zoobotânico Getúlio Vargas, both of which are located in urban areas of the city of Salvador in the state of Bahia. Twelve and eight pollen types were identified in C. analis and C. terminata nests, respectively. The most frequent pollen types were from species of Malpighiaceae and Fabaceae. A larger trophic niche breadth was found in the Parque Zoobotânico Getúlio Vargas for C. analis and in the Universidade Federal da Bahia for C. terminata. Pianka’s index demonstrated trophic niche overlap between C. analis and C. terminata, which was greater in the Parque Zoobotânico Getúlio Vargas. This study is the first to provide data on plants used as food sources by species of the genus Centris in a fragment of the Atlantic Forest situated within urban areas. 