3,724 research outputs found

    Influence of Context on Item Parameters in Forced-Choice Personality Assessments

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    A fundamental assumption in computerized adaptive testing (CAT) is that item parameters are invariant with respect to context – items surrounding the administered item. This assumption, however, may not hold in forced-choice (FC) assessments, where explicit comparisons are made between items included in the same block. We empirically examined the influence of context on item parameters by comparing parameter estimates from two FC instruments. The first instrument was compiled of blocks of three items, whereas in the second, the context was manipulated by adding one item to each block, resulting in blocks of four. The item parameter estimates were highly similar. However, a small number of significant deviations were observed, confirming the importance of context when designing adaptive FC assessments. Two patterns of such deviations were identified, and methods to reduce their occurrences in a FC CAT setting were proposed. It was shown that with a small proportion of violations of the parameter invariance assumption, score estimation remained stable

    Multiple stellar populations in Magellanic Cloud clusters - IV. The double main sequence of the young cluster NGC 1755

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    Nearly all the star clusters with ages of ∼1-2 Gyr in both Magellanic Clouds exhibit an extended main-sequence turn off (eMSTO) whose origin is under debate. The main scenarios suggest that the eMSTO could be either due to multiple generations of stars with different ages or to coeval stellar populations with different rotation rates. In this paper we use Hubble-Space-Telescope images to investigate the ∼80-Myr old cluster NGC 1755 in the LMC. We find that the MS is split with the blue and the red MS hosting about the 25% and the 75% of the total number of MS stars, respectively. Moreover, the MSTO of NGC 1755 is broadened in close analogy with what is observed in the ∼300-Myrold NGC 1856 and in most intermediate-age Magellanic-Cloud clusters. We demonstrate that both the split MS and the eMSTO are not due to photometric errors, field-stars contamination, differential reddening, or non-interacting binaries. These findings make NGC 1755 the youngest cluster with an eMSTO. We compare the observed CMD with isochrones and conclude that observations are not consistent with stellar populations with difference in age, helium, or metallicity only. On the contrary, the split MS is well reproduced by two stellar populations with different rotation, although the fit between the observed eMSTO and models with different rotation is not fully satisfactory. We speculate whether all stars in NGC 1755 were born rapidly rotating, and a fraction has slowed down on a rapid timescale, or the dichotomy in rotation rate was present already at star formation. We discuss the implication of these findings on the interpretation of eMSTO in young and intermediate-age cluster

    Effects of Peanut Processing on Body Weight and Fasting Plasma Lipids.

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    Peanuts and peanut butter are commonly consumed as a snack, meal component and ingredient in various commercial products. Their consumption is associated with reduced CVD risk and they pose little threat to positive energy balance. However, questions have arisen as to whether product form (e.g. whole nut v. butter) and processing properties (e.g. roasting and adding flavours) may compromise their positive health effects. The present study investigated the effects of peanut form and processing on two CVD risk factors: fasting plasma lipids and body weight. One hundred and eighteen adults (forty-seven males and seventy-one females; age 29·2 (sd 8·4) years; BMI 30·0 (sd 4·5) kg/m2) from Brazil, Ghana and the United States were randomised to consume 56 g of raw unsalted (n 23), roasted unsalted (n 24), roasted salted (n23) or honey roasted (n 24) peanuts, or peanut butter (n 24) daily for 4 weeks. Peanut form and processing did not differentially affect body weight or fasting plasma lipid responses in the total sample. However, HDL-cholesterol increased significantly at the group level, and total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol and TAG concentrations decreased significantly in individuals classified as having elevated fasting plasma lipids compared with those with normal fasting plasma lipids. These observations suggest that the processing attributes assessed in this trial do not compromise the lipid-lowering effects of peanuts, and do not negatively impact body weight. Further studies are warranted to determine the effects of form and processing on other health risk factors

    Cast versus functional brace in the rehabilitation of patients treated non-operatively for a rupture of the Achilles tendon: protocol for the UK study of tendo achilles rehabilitation (UK STAR) multi-centre randomised trial

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    INTRODUCTION Achilles tendon rupture affects over 11 000 people yearly in the UK, and the incidence is increasing. Controversy remains with regard to the best rehabilitation strategy for these patients. In operatively treated patients, functional bracing provides better outcomes compared with plaster casts. However, the role of functional bracing in non-operatively managed patients is unclear. This is the protocol for a multicentre randomised trial of plaster cast immobilisation versus functional bracing for patients with a non-operatively managed Achilles tendon rupture. METHODS AND ANALYSIS All adults presenting with a primary rupture of the Achilles tendon will be screened. Non-operatively treated patients will be eligible to take part in the trial. Broad eligibility criteria will ensure that the results of the study can be generalised to the wider patient population. Randomisation will be on a 1:1 basis. Both rehabilitation strategies are widely used within the National Health Service. Standardised protocols will be followed, and details of plaster material and brace will be as per the site's usual practice.A minimum of 330 patients will be randomised to obtain 90% power to detect a difference of 8 points in Achilles Tendon Total Rupture Score at 9 months. Quality of life and resource use will be collected at 3, 6 and 9 months. The differences between treatment groups will be assessed on an intention-to-treat basis. The results of the trial-based economic evaluation will be expressed in terms of incremental cost per quality-adjusted life-year gained. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION The National Research Ethic Committee approved this study on 18 March 2016 (16/SC/0109).The National Institute for Health Research Health Technology Assessment monograph and a manuscript to a peer-reviewed journal will be submitted on completion of the trial (summer 2019). The results of this trial will substantially inform clinical practice on the clinical and cost-effectiveness of the treatment of this injury. This study has been registered on the International Standard Randomised Controlled Trial Number registry with reference no ISRCTN62639639

    Multiple stable conformations account for reversible concentration-dependent oligomerization and autoinhibition of a metamorphic metallopeptidase

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    © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim. Molecular plasticity controls enzymatic activity: the native fold of a protein in a given environment is normally unique and at a global free-energy minimum. Some proteins, however, spontaneously undergo substantial fold switching to reversibly transit between defined conformers, the >metamorphic> proteins. Here, we present a minimal metamorphic, selective, and specific caseinolytic metallopeptidase, selecase, which reversibly transits between several different states of defined three-dimensional structure, which are associated with loss of enzymatic activity due to autoinhibition. The latter is triggered by sequestering the competent conformation in incompetent but structured dimers, tetramers, and octamers. This system, which is compatible with a discrete multifunnel energy landscape, affords a switch that provides a reversible mechanism of control of catalytic activity unique in nature. Shape shifting: A minimal metamorphic, selective, and specific caseinolytic metallopeptidase, selecase, reversibly transits between several different states of defined three-dimensional structure (monomer and tetramer represented in picture). The competent conformation is sequestered in incompetent but structured dimers, tetramers, and octamers, which are associated with loss of enzymatic activity due to autoinhibition.This study was supported in part by grants from European, Spanish, and Catalan agencies (FP7-HEALTH-2010-261460 “Gums&Joints”; FP7-PEOPLE-2011-ITN-290246 “RAPID”; FP7-HEALTH-2012-306029-2 “TRIGGER”; BFU2012-32862; CSD2006-00015; Fundació “La Marató de TV3” grant 2009-100732; 2009SGR1036; and “Pot d’Idees” FGB301793) and FPI Ph.D. fellowships from the former Spanish Ministry for Science and Technology, currently of Economy and Competitiveness, to M.L.-P. and A.C.-P. P.B. acknowledges funds from ANR-CHEX (project SPIN-HD) and ATIP-AvenirPeer Reviewe

    Mind the brain gap: the worldwide distribution of neuroimaging research on adolescent depression

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    Adolescents comprise one fourth of the world’s population, with about 90% of them living in low- and middleincome countries (LMICs). The incidence of depression markedly increases during adolescence, making the disorder a leading cause of disease-related disability in this age group. However, most research on adolescent depression has been performed in high-income countries (HICs). To ascertain the extent to which this disparity operates in neuroimaging research, a systematic review of the literature was performed. A total of 148 studies were identified, with neuroimaging data available for 4,729 adolescents with depression. When stratified by income group, 122 (82%) studies originated from HICs, while 26 (18%) were conducted in LMICs, for a total of 3,705 and 1,024 adolescents with depression respectively. A positive Spearman rank correlation was observed between country per capita income and sample size (rs=0.673, p = 0.023). Our results support the previous reports showing a large disparity between the number of studies and the adolescent population per world region. Future research comparing neuroimaging findings across populations from HICs and LMICs may provide unique insights to enhance our understanding of the neurobiological processes underlying the development of depression