2,369 research outputs found

    Tourism and Third Sector Organisations—Strangers or Partners?

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    This article is concerned with the third sector (in particular, local development agencies, arts and culture organisations) in relation to opportunities, barriers, and challenges they face and their potential roles within the context of tourism planning and development. These organisations often perform a central role as keepers and nurturers of a region’s identity and traditions, often supplementing the state and private sectors in cultural intervention in traditional sun and sea destinations. Thus, they potentially make a valuable contribution to sustainable tourism development. However, there is a lack of research exploring third sector organisations, and in particular their interface with tourism. The purpose of this paper is to address this gap in the literature. Based on qualitative research amongst leaders from the third sector, the tourism industry and cultural leaders in the Algarve, Portugal, it considers the interface between the third sector and tourism from two perspectives: that of the third sector leaders regarding the tourism industry; and, the tourism sector leaders regarding the third sector’s potential role in tourism. Preliminary findings indicate that local third sector organisations should play a more active role in tourism, complementary to those played by the state and private sectors, their specific knowledge being perceived as an added value to the tourist experience. However, it is also evident that, as yet these organisations have no formally recognised role in tourism planning and development

    Tourism and third sector organisations: synergies for responsible tourism development?

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    The main aim of this paper is the analysis of the third sector arts, culture and local development organisations (TSO) participation in the context of tourism planning and development and to understand the characteristics of its connections to the tourism sector in the region of the Algarve. The methodological strategy is anchored in a mix-methods approach applying qualitative techniques such as semi structured interviews (n=40), document analysis, non-participant observation, and adopting a triangulation approach. There have been few empirical studies that analyse this theme, thus, identifying the forms of participation that the third sector can adopt and their characteristics constitutes one of the main contributions of this research towards reinforcing the conceptual framework in the context of responsible tourism development. The results revealed that third sector organisations display a set of characteristics that position them as active agents in the tourist planning and development processes by operating on areas such as the promotion of cultural expression, research and inventory of cultural and natural resources, raising awareness of those resources and also by actively participating in supply structuring of tourist services.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Gestão dos recursos hídricos em Moçambique: Gaza – rio Limpopo

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    A água é um recurso escasso e circulante, pelo que o seu uso em determinado local condiciona o que dela poderão fazer noutros lugares. O modo com cada país gere os recursos tem implicações nos índices de pobreza, na distribuição de oportunidades de vida e, por isso, no desenvolvimento humano. Moçambique é frequentemente sujeito a ciclos de abundância de água, associados a cheias, que alternam com períodos de défice, que conduzem a secas. A sua localização geográfica, para além de determinar a influência climática que conduz à existência de zonas semi-áridas, coloca ainda o país a jusante dos principais rios, que nascem em países vizinhos, dificultando a gestão dos recursos hídricos. A Bacia Hidrográfica do Limpopo, um dos grandes rios de África, situado no Sul do país, é uma das mais vulneráveis, devido a, por um lado, às condições climáticas muito particulares da região, mas também em consequência da gestão da água que é feita no troço a montante, pelo que se verifica uma grande variabilidade entre os anos. Os baixos coeficientes de escoamento, a grande intrusão salina, a baixa capacidade de retenção de água no solo e a elevada taxa de evaporação, associado a um padrão climático em mudança e à actividade humana (nomeadamente às alterações das práticas agrícolas e florestais, enquadradas num cenário de desertificação e desflorestação), aumentam o risco de vulnerabilidade à fome e à pobreza. A necessária consciencialização da necessidade de prevenção, preparação e mitigação dos desastres naturais, num cenário de pobreza com inúmeras prioridades, só fará sentido se enquadrado num cenário de acção concertada internacional.Water is a scarce enclosing resource, thus its use, in a given location, determines what it can do elsewhere. The approach that each country performs, in what concerns the management of the resources, has implications in the poverty indices, in the distribution of life opportunities and consequently, in the human development. Mozambique is often subjected to cycles of water abundance, associated with floods, which alternate with deficit periods leading to droughts. Its geographical location, not only determines the climate influence that leads to the existence of semi-arid areas, but it also places the country in the downstream of the major rivers (that were born in the neighbouring countries), making it difficult to manage the water resources. The Limpopo River Basin is one of the biggest rivers of Africa and it is located in the south. It is considered to be one of the most vulnerable river basins, and that fact is due, not only to the particular climate conditions in the region, but also to the water management that is made in the upstream section. Therefore, there is a huge variability between the years. The low flow coefficients, the vast saltpan intrusion, the low water retention capacity of the soil and the high rate of evaporation, associated with a default on climate change and human activity (mainly in what concerns the agricultural and forestry practices, framed into a desertification and deforestation scenario), increase the risk of hunger and poverty vulnerability. The necessary awareness for prevention, preparation and natural disasters mitigation, in a poverty scenario with many priorities, will only make sense if framed into a concerted international action setting


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    Neste trabalho, relata-se uma pesquisa de campo desenvolvida através da aplicação de questionários, realizada com alunos de três cursos de Pós-graduação ministrados na modalidade a distância, por uma Instituição de Ensino Superior de Brasília. Foram analisadas contribuições da gestão para a redução da evasão em cursos a distância e a importância da afetividade desenvolvida entre os atores de um curso, no processo. Dentre alguns aspectos analisados, constatou-se que ações que privilegiam a interação dos estudantes com seus respectivos colegas e professores e promovem o sentimento de “pertencer” ao grupo, podem desenvolver vínculos afetivos e estimular a permanência do mesmo até o final do curso. As respostas permitem afirmar que as ferramentas utilizadas no ambiente virtual de aprendizagem Moodle, assim como o material pedagógico são de grande importância para a manutenção do aluno até o término do curso. No entanto, as ações de uma gestão preocupada com a satisfação dos estudantes em conjunto com o professor e focada na interação e mediação são fatores preponderantes entre os demais

    Diabetes Mellitus - Estudo de AEQ dos Parâmetros Glicose e HbA1c (2008-2012)

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    Segundo o Internacional Diabetes Federation (IDF) (2012), a Diabetes atinge 371 milhões de pessoas em todo o mundo, correspondendo a 8,3% da população mundial. Estima-se que em cerca de 50% dessas pessoas a diabetes ainda não foi diagnosticada. Em 2012 morreram devido à diabetes 4,8 milhões de pessoas, sendo que metade tinha idade inferior a 60 anos. Segundo a IDF, Portugal posiciona-se entre os países europeus com maior taxa de prevalência de diabetes. A prevalência de diabéticos em Portugal em 2011, numa população entre os 20 e 79 anos foi de 12.7%, sendo que 7,2% diziam respeito a prevalência de diabetes diagnosticada e 5,5% a diabetes não diagnosticada. Em 2009, a percentagem de diabéticos em Portugal rondava os 11,7% e em 2010 os 12,4%. Dado a incidência a nível mundial da Diabetes Mellitus, torna-se de elevada importância avaliar toda a sua envolvência e estudar bem quais os critérios a ter em consideração. Propusemo-nos estudar os parâmetros bioquímicos relacionados com esta patologia - Glicose e Hemoglobina Glicada A1c (HbA1c), recorrendo à análise dos resultados dos últimos cinco anos (2008-2012) dos ensaios interlaboratoriais e metodologias utilizadas do Programa Nacional de Avaliação Externa da Qualidade, do Instituto Nacional de Saúde Doutor Ricardo Jorge (PNAEQ-INSA), Lisboa, Portugal


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    Trabalho apresentado no 31º SEURS - Seminário de Extensão Universitária da Região Sul, realizado em Florianópolis, SC, no período de 04 a 07 de agosto de 2013 - Universidade Federal de Santa CatarinaEste trabalho visa relatar o trabalho desenvolvido no projeto de extensão “Espanhol gratuito para a comunidade do Pantanal”. Tal projeto consiste, como próprio título anuncia, em aulas de língua espanhola para moradores da comunidade do bairro Pantanal, localizado nos arredores da UFSC, na cidade de Florianópolis. As aulas têm duração de duas horas, são realizadas nas dependências do Centro Comunitário do Pantanal e são ministradas por duas acadêmicas do curso de Letras Espanhol da UFSC. O projeto foi implementado há três meses e tem obtido resultados bem positivos, tanto em relação ao ensino/aprendizagem da língua estrangeira em questão, como em relação às expectativas dos alunos participantes do projeto. Através de uma breve pesquisa de opinião, observamos que dentre as principais motivações para buscar o curso, se destacam: a proximidade de casa; a gratuidade do curso e a curiosidade em aprender um idioma. Em relação à relevância do curso para os alunos, foram apontadas: a possibilidade de se comunicar com hispano-falantes; motivos de viagens e crescimento pessoal e/ou profissional. Sobre a satisfação dos alunos em relação às aulas, as respostas apresentam as seguintes considerações: gostando muito, muito satisfeita, adoro, muito bom, são ótimas. Dessa forma, nos parece interessante divulgar os resultados obtidos nesta ação social promovida através da universidade, como forma de levar a conhecimento público o trabalho desenvolvido em um projeto de extensão e seus efeitos para a comunidade assistida

    Memórias, metáforas e imaginação em narrativas orais de história de vida

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    We present the discussion of the imaginative character in life story narratives recorded by methods such as Oral History, considered scientific research resources. We propose the following questions: How do we deal with the imagination and metaphors in oral narratives of life stories? How do we regard the demand for “truth” in texts that activate subjectivity? Individual and subjective memories confer scientificity to narratives? We place the problem of truth and its relationship to language and knowledge, with Friedrich Nietzsche and Mikhail Bakhtin. We articulate theoretical review and case report, considering mental images as media that convey memories and, for this reason, a field of studies for Communication and History.Discutimos o caráter imaginativo de narrativas de histórias de vida registradas por métodos como a História Oral, consideradas fontes de pesquisa acadêmica. Propomos as seguintes indagações: Como lidamos com a imaginação e com metáforas nas narrativas orais de histórias de vida? Como atendemos à demanda pela “verdade” em textos que ativam a subjetividade? Memórias individuais e subjetivas conferem cientificidade às narrativas? Situamos o problema da verdade, suas relações com a linguagem e com o conhecimento a partir de Friedrich Nietzsche e Mikhail Bakhtin. Articulamos revisão teórica e estudo de caso, considerando imagens mentais como mídias veiculadoras de memórias e, por isso mesmo, campo de estudos para a Comunicação e a História

    Cyberbullying: The hidden side of college students

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate how university students perceive their involvement in the cyberbullying phenomenon, and its impact on their well-being. Thus, this study presents a preliminary approach of how college students’ perceived involvement in acts of cyberbullying can be measured. Firstly, Exploratory Factor Analysis (N = 349) revealed a unidimensional structure of the four scales included in the Cyberbullying Inventory for College Students. Then, Item Response Theory (N = 170) was used to analyze the unidimensionality of each scale and the interactions between participants and items. Results revealed good item reliability and Cronbach’s α for each scale. Results also showed the potential of the instrument and how college students underrated their involvement in acts of cyberbullying. Additionally, aggression types, coping strategies and sources of help to deal with cyberbullying were identified and discussed. Lastly, age, gender and course-related issues were considered in the analysis. Implications for researchers and practitioners are discussed

    Cyberbullying: The hidden side of college students

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate how university students perceive their involvement in the cyberbullying phenomenon, and its impact on their well-being. Thus, this study presents a preliminary approach of how college students’ perceived involvement in acts of cyberbullying can be measured. Firstly, Exploratory Factor Analysis (N = 349) revealed a unidimensional structure of the four scales included in the Cyberbullying Inventory for College Students. Then, Item Response Theory (N = 170) was used to analyze the unidimensionality of each scale and the interactions between participants and items. Results revealed good item reliability and Cronbach’s α for each scale. Results also showed the potential of the instrument and how college students underrated their involvement in acts of cyberbullying. Additionally, aggression types, coping strategies and sources of help to deal with cyberbullying were identified and discussed. Lastly, age, gender and course-related issues were considered in the analysis. Implications for researchers and practitioners are discussed

    Food Knowledge for Better Nutrition and Health: A Study among University Students in Portugal

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    When students enter university, they suffer adaptations, including, usually, greater autonomy and responsibility for the choices they make. Therefore, it is crucial that they are well informed so as to make healthier food choices. The aim of this study was to determine whether sociodemographic characteristics, academic performance and lifestyle (tobacco and alcohol consumption) interfere with food literacy in university students. A quantitative, analytical, descriptive, transversal and correlational study was carried out, using quantitative data obtained through a questionnaire survey applied to a sample of 924 university students in Portugal. Food literacy was assessed through a scale of 27 items, distributed in three dimensions: D1—Literacy about food nutritional value and composition, D2—Literacy about labelling and food choice and D3—Literacy about healthy eating practices. Results showed no differences in food literacy according to sex or age. However, food literacy varied significantly with nationality, either globally (p = 0.006) or in the different dimensions evaluated (p-values of 0.005, 0.027 and 0.012 for D1, D2 and D3, respectively). In terms of academic achievement, the results showed no significant differences according to self-reported academic performance or even to the average classification obtained in the course. Regarding lifestyle variables, it was observed that alcohol consumption or smoking are not associated with food literacy, that is, food literacy does not vary significantly with these two lifestyle variables. In conclusion, food literacy in general and the dimensions evaluated are essentially constant among university students in Portugal, only varying for students from abroad. These results help to better perceive the food literacy levels for the population under study, university students, and that can be a valuable tool to better increase food literacy at these institutions as a way to better prepare for a healthier life and proper food habits that can enhance health in the long term.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio