185 research outputs found

    Indicadores de negación en el discurso de mujeres víctimas de violencia en el ámbito doméstico. Estudio de caso en la situación comunicativa de la entrevista

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    A partir de la consideración de la violencia, como una forma, entre otras, de la violencia humana, clasificada en diversas tipificaciones, se delimita el objeto de estudio de esta investigación, hacia aquellas manifestaciones discursivas que describen violencia doméstica hacia la mujer por parte de su pareja sentimental. La investigación se plantea, como objetivo principal, la identificación, en la muestra sometida a estudio, de los mecanismos lingüístico - discursivos de la negación en el discurso de mujeres que han sido agredidas en el ámbito privado

    Responsabilidad social universitaria: desarrollo y entrega de una prótesis de brazo mioeléctrico

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    La cuarta revolución industrial trajo consigo la integración de diversas habilidades permeables, mismas que, orientadas a estudiantes de perfiles de ingeniería, mantienen una visión integral que permite ofertar una educación interdisciplinaria. Gracias a lo anterior, estudiantes de asignaturas como Mecatrónica puedan diseñar, elaborar y adaptar prótesis para pacientes amputados dentro de su formación científica y social, ampliando el campo de estudio a una aplicación práctica que permita fomentar la responsabilidad social universitaria. Dicha transversalidad permite que los estudiantes de Mecatrónica sean empáticos y que a su vez puedan vincular las tecnologías que promuevan el compromiso social

    Are Danish doctors comfortable teaching in English?

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    BACKGROUND: From 2012–2015, the Departments of Obstetrics and Gynecology and of Pediatrics at the University of Copenhagen conducted a project, “Internationalization at Home ”, offering clinical teaching in English. The project allowed international students to work with Danish speaking students in a clinical setting. Using semi-quantitative questionnaires to 89 clinicians about use of English and need for training, this paper considers if Danish clinical doctors are prepared to teach in English. RESULTS: The majority self-assessed their English proficiency between seven and eight on a 10 unit visual analogue scale, with 10 equivalent to working in Danish, while 15 % rated five or less. However, one-fourth found teaching and writing in English to be twice as difficult than in Danish, and 12 % rated all teaching tasks in English at four or less compared to Danish. The self-assessed need for additional English skills was perceived low. CONCLUSION: Teaching in English was rated as 30 % more difficult than in Danish, and a significant subgroup of doctors had difficulties in all forms of communication in English, resulting in challenges when introducing international students in non-native English speaking medical departments

    El uso del silencio como estrategia discursiva e indicador de violencia doméstica y física en mujeres residentes del área metropolitana de Nuevo León / The Use of Silence as a Discursive Strategy and Indicator of Domestic and Physical Violence in Women Residing in the Metropolitan Area of Nuevo León

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    El artículo analiza el silencio como rasgo paralingüístico recurrente en el discurso de mujeres víctimas de violencia doméstica y física, que han sido agredidas por su pareja sentimental (entiéndase esta última al esposo, concubino, o con quien sostenga relación de noviazgo) y que residen en alguno de los municipios del área metropolitana del Estado de Nuevo León, México, sin considerar la clase social o nivel económico que tengan. The article analyzes silence as a recurring paralinguistic feature in the discourse of women victims of domestic and physical violence, who have been assaulted by their sentimental partner (the latter being understood as the husband, concubine, or whoever has a dating relationship) and residing in any of the municipalities of the metropolitan area of the State of Nuevo León, Mexico, without considering the social class or economic level they have

    Neuropeptide Y Enhances Progerin Clearance and Ameliorates the Senescent Phenotype of Human Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome Cells

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    Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome (HGPS, or classical progeria) is a rare genetic disorder, characterized by premature aging, and caused by a de novo point mutation (C608G) within the lamin A/C gene (LMNA), producing an abnormal lamin A protein, termed progerin. Accumulation of progerin causes nuclear abnormalities and cell cycle arrest ultimately leading to cellular senescence. Autophagy impairment is a hallmark of cellular aging, and the rescue of this proteostasis mechanism delays aging progression in HGPS cells. We have previously shown that the endogenous Neuropeptide Y (NPY) increases autophagy in hypothalamus, a brain area already identified as a central regulator of whole-body aging. We also showed that NPY mediates caloric restriction-induced autophagy. These results are in accordance with other studies suggesting that NPY may act as a caloric restriction mimetic and plays a role as a lifespan and aging regulator. The aim of the present study was, therefore, to investigate if NPY could delay HGPS premature aging phenotype. Herein, we report that NPY increases autophagic flux and progerin clearance in primary cultures of human dermal fibroblasts from HGPS patients. NPY also rescues nuclear morphology and decreases the number of dysmorphic nuclei, a hallmark of HGPS cells. In addition, NPY decreases other hallmarks of aging as DNA damage and cellular senescence. Altogether, these results show that NPY rescues several hallmarks of cellular aging in HGPS cells, suggesting that NPY can be considered a promising strategy to delay or block the premature aging of HGPS