35 research outputs found

    A microbial carbonate response in synchrony with the end-Triassic mass extinction across the SW UK

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    The eruption of the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province (CAMP)—the largest igneous province known—has been linked to the end-Triassic mass extinction event, however reconciling the response of the biosphere (at local and nonlocal scales) to potential CAMP-induced geochemical excursions has remained challenging. Here we present a combined sedimentary and biological response to an ecosystem collapse in Triassic-Jurassic strata of the southwest United Kingdom (SW UK) expressed as widely distributed carbonate microbialites and associated biogeochemical facies. The microbialites (1) occur at the same stratigraphic level as the mass extinction extinction, (2) host a negative isotope excursion in ή(13)C(org) found in other successions around the world, and (3) co-occur with an acme of prasinophyte algae ‘disaster taxa’ also dominant in Triassic-Jurassic boundary strata of other European sections. Although the duration of microbialite deposition is uncertain, it is likely that they formed rapidly (perhaps fewer than ten thousand years), thus providing a high-resolution glimpse into the initial carbon isotopic perturbation coincident with the end-Triassic mass extinction. These findings indicate microbialites from the SW UK capture a nonlocal biosedimentary response to the cascading effects of massive volcanism and add to the current understanding of paleoecology in the aftermath of the end-Triassic extinction

    Temporal evolution of shallow marine diagenetic environments: Insights from carbonate concretions

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    Early diagenesis of marine organic matter dramatically impacts Earth's surface chemistry by changing the burial potential of carbon and promoting the formation of authigenic mineral phases including carbonate concretions. Marine sediment-hosted carbonate concretions tend to form as a result of microbial anaerobic diagenetic reactions that degrade organic matter and methane, some of which require an external oxidant. Thus, temporal changes in the oxidation state of Earth's oceans may impart a first-order control on concretion authigenesis mechanisms through time. Statistically significant variability in concretion carbonate carbon isotope compositions indicates changes in shallow marine sediment diagenesis associated with Earth's evolving redox landscape. This variability manifests itself as an expansion in carbon isotope composition range broadly characterized by an increase in maximum and decrease in minimum isotope values through time. Reaction transport modelling helps to constrain the potential impacts of shifting redox chemistry and highlights the importance of organic carbon delivery to the seafloor, marine sulfate concentrations, methane production and external methane influx. The first appearance of conclusively anaerobic oxidation of methane-derived concretions occurs in the Carboniferous and coincides with a Paleozoic rise in marine sulfate. The muted variability recognized in older concretions (and in particular for Precambrian concretions) likely reflects impacts of a smaller marine sulfate reservoir and perhaps elevated marine dissolved inorganic carbon concentrations. Causes of the increase in carbon isotope maximum values through time are more confounding, but may be related to isotopic equilibration of dissolved inorganic carbon with externally derived methane. Ultimately the concretion isotope record in part reflects changes in organic matter availability and marine oxidation state, highlighting connections with the subsurface biosphere and diagenesis throughout geologic time

    Extinction before the snowball

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    Photosynthetic pathway of grass fossils from the upper Miocene Dove Spring Formation, Mojave Desert, California

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    The spread of grasslands in the Miocene and of C4 grasses in the late Miocene-Pliocene represents a major development in terrestrial plant evolution that affected the climate system and faunal evolution. The macrofossil record of grasses is sparse, likely due to the limited preservation potential of grasses. Diagnosis of the C3 or C4 photosynthetic pathway depends on preservation of both cellular structures and organic carbon for isotope analysis. Here we analyze the anatomical and isotopic composition of newly-collected grass fossils from the Dove Spring Formation, Red Rock Canyon State Park, California, USA, located in the El Paso Basin on the western side of the Basin and Range Province, a site previously identified as one of the earliest known C4 grass fossil bearing localities. We analyzed the anatomical and geochemical characteristics of these new grass fossils dated to 12.01–12.15 Ma. The fossils analyzed in this study include grass shoots and in cross-section display anatomy indicative of the C3 photosynthetic pathway. We isolated organic carbon from the stem fossils and determined the carbon isotopic composition to be − 24.8 ± 0.5‰. Together, the anatomical and geochemical analyses confirm that these plants used the C3 photosynthetic pathway. Our findings are consistent with dietary evidence based on tooth enamel from grazing mammals of available C3 resources in the same sections. These newly reported Miocene-age C3 grass fossils contribute to a sparse macrofossil record of grass evolution. Overall, paleoecological reconstructions at this site indicate more humid conditions during the Miocene compared to the modern Mojave Desert with C3 grasses and diverse grazing mammals

    Carbonate-rich dendrolitic cones: insights into a modern analog for incipient microbialite formation, Little Hot Creek, Long Valley Caldera, California.

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    Ancient putative microbial structures that appear in the rock record commonly serve as evidence of early life on Earth, but the details of their formation remain unclear. The study of modern microbial mat structures can help inform the properties of their ancient counterparts, but modern mineralizing mat systems with morphological similarity to ancient structures are rare. Here, we characterize partially lithified microbial mats containing cm-scale dendrolitic coniform structures from a geothermal pool ("Cone Pool") at Little Hot Creek, California, that if fully lithified, would resemble ancient dendrolitic structures known from the rock record. Light and electron microscopy revealed that the cm-scale 'dendrolitic cones' were comprised of intertwined microbial filaments and grains of calcium carbonate. The degree of mineralization (carbonate content) increased with depth in the dendrolitic cones. Sequencing of 16S rRNA gene libraries revealed that the dendrolitic cone tips were enriched in OTUs most closely related to the genera Phormidium, Leptolyngbya, and Leptospira, whereas mats at the base and adjacent to the dendrolitic cones were enriched in Synechococcus. We hypothesize that the consumption of nutrients during autotrophic and heterotrophic growth may promote movement of microbes along diffusive nutrient gradients, and thus microbialite growth. Hour-glass shaped filamentous structures present in the dendrolitic cones may have formed around photosynthetically-produced oxygen bubbles-suggesting that mineralization occurs rapidly and on timescales of the lifetime of a bubble. The dendrolitic-conical structures in Cone Pool constitute a modern analog of incipient microbialite formation by filamentous microbiota that are morphologically distinct from any structure described previously. Thus, we provide a new model system to address how microbial mats may be preserved over geological timescales

    Economic fluctuations in Central and Eastern Europe: the facts

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    This article provides a detailed empirical analysis of quarterly frequency dynamics in macroeconomic aggregates in 12 countries of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). It shows that business fluctuations in CEE countries are, in general, more pronounced than in developed ones, and are of similar size as in other emerging market economies. Private consumption is particularly volatile. Relative to major developed economies government spending is dominantly procyclical, and net exports are strongly countercyclical. The most frequent country outliers are the high inflation countries of Bulgaria, Romania and Russia, especially in labour market, price and exchange rate variables. Excluding these countries from the sample makes many of the observed patterns in cyclical dynamics more homogenous, and broadly similar to ones established in developed economies.