101 research outputs found

    O efeito da auto congruência em um selo de denominação de origem: o selo fabricado em Porto Rico

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    This quantitative research analyzes the theory of self-concept and social identity and its impact on Puerto Rico's consumer behavior and a designation of origin seal perceptions. With 294 survey participants analyzed with structural equations, results demonstrate how selfconcept and social identity generate the self-congruence effect, which has an impact on the perception of national brands and the designation of origin seal. This research contributes significantly to the gap of studies on designation of origin seals and presents new evidence on consumer behavior through the study of self-concept.Esta investigación cuantitativa analiza la teoría del autoconcepto y la identidad social y su impacto en las percepciones del comportamiento del consumidor de Puerto Rico y un sello de denominación de origen. Con 294 participantes de una encuesta y analizados a través de ecuaciones estructurales, se presentan resultados de cómo el autoconcepto y la identidad social generan el efecto de autocongruencia, lo cual tiene un impacto en la percepción de marcas nacionales y el sello de denominación de origen. Esta investigación genera una gran aportación a la brecha de estudios sobre los sellos de denominación de origen y presenta nueva evidencia sobre el comportamiento del consumidor a través del estudio del autoconcepto.Esta pesquisa quantitativa analisa a teoria do autoconceito e da identidade social e seu impacto nas percepções do comportamento do consumidor em Porto Rico e um selo de denominação de origem. Com 294 participantes da pesquisa e analisados por equações estruturais, apresentam-se os resultados de como o autoconceito e a identidade social geram o efeito da auto congruência, o que tem impacto na percepção das marcas nacionais e no selo da denominação de origem. Esta pesquisa gera uma grande contribuição para a lacuna de estudos sobre os selos de denominação de origem e apresenta novas evidências sobre o comportamento do consumidor por meio do estudo do autoconceito

    Addressing the disparities in dementia risk, early detection and care in Latino populations: Highlights from the second Latinos & Alzheimer\u27s Symposium

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    The Alzheimer\u27s Association hosted the second Latinos & Alzheimer\u27s Symposium in May 2021. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the meeting was held online over 2 days, with virtual presentations, discussions, mentoring sessions, and posters. The Latino population in the United States is projected to have the steepest increase in Alzheimer\u27s disease (AD) in the next 40 years, compared to other ethnic groups. Latinos have increased risk for AD and other dementias, limited access to quality care, and are severely underrepresented in AD and dementia research and clinical trials. The symposium highlighted developments in AD research with Latino populations, including advances in AD biomarkers, and novel cognitive assessments for Spanish-speaking populations, as well as the need to effectively recruit and retain Latinos in clinical research, and how best to deliver health-care services and to aid caregivers of Latinos living with AD

    Biological validation of the “in field” extraction method for fecal estradiol in the domestic cat: a preliminary report

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    El objetivo de este trabajo fue validar biológicamente la técnica “a campo” de extracción de estradiol fecal en felinos domésticos mediante un estudio comparativo de muestras tomadas en distintos momentos del ciclo estral. Se utilizaron un total de 40 muestras de materia fecal procedentes de 7 hembras felinas pospúberes. Las muestras fecales fueron recolectadas en la etapa de estro (n=22) e interestro (n=18) defi nidos por comportamiento y citología vaginal. durante 12 meses. Se realizó el método de extracción “a campo” y el 17β estradiol fue determinado por radioinmunoensayo. La concentración de estradiol varió de 926 a 33.320 pg/g de materia fecal húmeda. La media ± SEM de las concentraciones de esta hormona en gatas en estro e interestro fueron de 11.814±2.171 pg/g y 3.238±474 pg/g (p < 0.01), respectivamente. La observación longitudinal de los valores de estradiol obtenidos en los animales indicó, claramente, que los picos eran coincidentes con el comportamiento y citología vaginal de estro.The objective of this article was to biologically validate the ¨field method¨ for estradiol fecal extraction in domestic felids by a comparative study of samples obtained in different stages of the estrous cycle. A total at of 40 fecal samples from 7 postpubertal female cats were included. The samples were collected in the estrous (n=22) and interestrous (n=18) stages (defi ned by behavior and vaginal cytology) during 12 months. The “fi eld extraction method¨ was carried out and then 17β estradiol was measured by radiommunoassay. Fecal estradiol concentration ranged from de 926 to 33320 pg/g wet weight. Mean ± SEM in estrous and interestrous samples were 11814±2171 pg/g and 3238±474 pg/g (p &lt; 0.01), respectively. Longitudinal observation of estradiol values clearly indicated that peaks coincided with cytological and behavioral estrus.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Addressing the disparities in dementia risk, early detection and care in Latino populations: Highlights from the Second Latinos and Alzheimer's Symposium

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    The Alzheimer's Association hosted the second Latinos & Alzheimer's Symposium in May 2021. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the meeting was held online over 2 days, with virtual presentations, discussions, mentoring sessions, and posters. The Latino population in the United States is projected to have the steepest increase in Alzheimer's disease (AD) in the next 40 years, compared to other ethnic groups. Latinos have increased risk for AD and other dementias, limited access to quality care, and are severely underrepresented in AD and dementia research and clinical trials. The symposium highlighted developments in AD research with Latino populations, including advances in AD biomarkers, and novel cognitive assessments for Spanish-speaking populations, as well as the need to effectively recruit and retain Latinos in clinical research, and how best to deliver health-care services and to aid caregivers of Latinos living with AD