3,540 research outputs found

    Relative entropy as a measure of inhomogeneity in general relativity

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    We introduce the notion of relative volume entropy for two spacetimes with preferred compact spacelike foliations. This is accomplished by applying the notion of Kullback-Leibler divergence to the volume elements induced on spacelike slices. The resulting quantity gives a lower bound on the number of bits which are necessary to describe one metric given the other. For illustration, we study some examples, in particular gravitational waves, and conclude that the relative volume entropy is a suitable device for quantitative comparison of the inhomogeneity of two spacetimes.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figure

    Nonrelativistic Chern-Simons Vortices on the Torus

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    A classification of all periodic self-dual static vortex solutions of the Jackiw-Pi model is given. Physically acceptable solutions of the Liouville equation are related to a class of functions which we term Omega-quasi-elliptic. This class includes, in particular, the elliptic functions and also contains a function previously investigated by Olesen. Some examples of solutions are studied numerically and we point out a peculiar phenomenon of lost vortex charge in the limit where the period lengths tend to infinity, that is, in the planar limit.Comment: 25 pages, 2+3 figures; improved exposition, corrected typos, added one referenc

    Dynamic semantic cognition : Characterising coherent and controlled conceptual retrieval through time using magnetoencephalography and chronometric transcranial magnetic stimulation

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    Distinct neural processes are thought to support the retrieval of semantic information that is (i) coherent with strongly-encoded aspects of knowledge, and (ii) non-dominant yet relevant for the current task or context. While the brain regions that support readily coherent and more controlled patterns of semantic retrieval are relatively well-characterised, the temporal dynamics of these processes are not well-understood. This study used magnetoencephalography (MEG) and dual-pulse chronometric transcranial magnetic stimulation (cTMS) in two separate experiments to examine temporal dynamics during the retrieval of strong and weak associations. MEG results revealed a dissociation within left temporal cortex: anterior temporal lobe (ATL) showed greater oscillatory response for strong than weak associations, while posterior middle temporal gyrus (pMTG) showed the reverse pattern. Left inferior frontal gyrus (IFG), a site associated with semantic control and retrieval, showed both patterns at different time points. In the cTMS experiment, stimulation of ATL at ∼150 msec disrupted the efficient retrieval of strong associations, indicating a necessary role for ATL in coherent conceptual activations. Stimulation of pMTG at the onset of the second word disrupted the retrieval of weak associations, suggesting this site may maintain information about semantic context from the first word, allowing efficient engagement of semantic control. Together these studies provide converging evidence for a functional dissociation within the temporal lobe, across both tasks and time

    Правове життя та правова активність: співвідношення понять

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    В статті розкрито теоретичний аспект пізнання двох юридичних категорій: «правове життя» і «правова активність», а також проаналізовано поняття «активність», «соціальна активність», «правова активність», їх взаємозвязок та взаємозалежність. Ключові слова: правове життя, активність, соціальна активність, правова активність, позитивна правова активність, негативна правова активність.В статье раскрыт теоретический аспект познания двух юридических категорий: «правовая жизнь» и «правовая активность», а также проанализировано понятия «активность», «социальная активность», «правовая активность», их взаимосвязь и взаимозависимость. Ключевые слова: правовая жизнь, активность, социальная активность, правовая активность, позитивная правовая активность, негативная правовая активность.The theoretical aspect of two legal categories «legal life» and «legal activity» cognition were researched in this article, the conception of "activity", «social activity», «legal activity, their interrelation and interdependence were analyzed. Key words: a legal life, activity, social activity, legal activity, positive legal activity, negative legal activit

    An objective-based prioritization approach to support trophic complexity through ecological restoration species mixes

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    Reassembling ecological communities and rebuilding habitats through active restoration treatments require curating the selection of plant species to use in seeding and planting mixes. Ideally, these mixes should be assembled based on attributes that support ecosystem function and services, promote plant and animal species interactions and ecological networks in restoration while balancing project constraints. Despite these critical considerations, it is common for species mixes to be selected opportunistically. Reframing the selection of seed mixes for restoration around ecological objectives is essential for success but accessible methods and tools are needed to support this effort. We developed a framework to optimize species seed mixes based on prioritizing plant species attributes to best support different objectives for ecosystem functions, services and trophic relationships such as pollination, seed dispersal and herbivory. We compared results to approaches where plant species are selected to represent plant taxonomic richness, dominant species and at random. We tested our framework in European alpine grasslands by identifying 176 plant species characteristic of the species pool, and identified 163 associated attributes affiliated to trophic relationships, ecosystem functions and services. In all cases, trophic relationships, ecosystem functions and services can be captured more efficiently through objective-based prioritization using the functional identity of plant species. Solutions (plant species lists) can be compared quantitatively, in terms of costs, species or objectives. We confirm that a random draw of plant species from the regional plant species pool cannot be assumed to support other trophic groups and ecosystem functions and services. Synthesis and Applications. Our framework is presented as a proof-of-concept to help restoration practitioners better apply quantitative decision support to plant species selection to efficiently meet ecological restoration outcomes. Our approach may be tailored to any restoration initiative, habitat or restoration targets where seeding or planting mixes will be applied in active treatments. As global priority and resources are increasingly placed into restoration, this approach could be advanced to help make efficient decisions for many stages of the restoration process

    n- исчисление – реалистичная формализация класса переписывающих систем

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    Предложен новый формализм типизированного η-исчисления в качестве теоретической основы для по-строения специальных классов систем программирования на основе переписывающих правил. Форма-лизм использует упорядоченные неконфлюэнтные множества правил переписывания и взаимодействие с программным окружением, что позволяет расширить возможности программирования динамических приложений

    Sphagnum modifies climate-change impacts on subarctic vascular bog plants

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    Summary 1. Vascular plant growth forms in northern peatlands differ in their strategies to cope with the harsh climate, low nutrient availability and progressively increasing height of the Sphagnum carpet in which they grow. Climate change may therefore affect growth forms differentially, both directly and through changes in the length growth of Sphagnum mosses. However, the role of mosses as modifiers of climate-change effects on vascular plants has been largely overlooked so far. We investigated the direct and Sphagnummediated effects of experimental changes in summer, winter and spring climate on four species of contrasting growth forms (evergreen and deciduous shrubs, graminoid, forb) in a subarctic bog, by studying their biomass and nitrogen losses through leaf litter, and the length growth of the two shrubs. 2. Direct and indirect effects of summer warming differed among the growth forms. Enhanced Sphagnum overgrowth of leaves due to summer warming initially stimulated leaf litter losses of the evergreen shrub Empetrum nigrum . However, changes in its shoot morphology, related to an apparent small increase in its length growth, prevented further effects. A stronger increase in stem growth of the deciduous shrub Betula nana in response to summer warming directly reduced its leaf litter mass, N concentration and N losses. The changed allocation prevented indirect, Sphagnum -mediated effects on its leaf and N dynamics through overgrowth of buds. In contrast, leaf litter mass, N concentrations or N losses of the forb Rubus chamaemorus and the graminoid Calamagrostis lapponica were not affected by summer warming or enhanced Sphagnum growth. 3. Increases in winter snow cover, with or without spring warming, did not affect shrub growth, nor the total shoot leaf litter mass or N dynamics of any of the growth forms. 4. Altogether, summer warming is likely to enhance Sphagnum overgrowth of small shrubs with a limited growth response such as Empetrum . Moreover, increased vertical growth may allow Sphagnum to keep pace with inclined growing, responsive shrubs such as Betula . This might prevent net longer-term positive effects of summer warming on the vascular plant canopy height. However, leaf litter and N losses are more likely to be affected by direct warming effects on shoot morphology and allocation than by Sphagnum growth. The different responses of the growth forms to summer warming suggest that both direct and Sphagnum -mediated climate effects have the potential to change the vascular plant community and N dynamics in peatlands

    Machine learning based natural language processing of radiology reports in orthopaedic trauma

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    OBJECTIVES: To compare different Machine Learning (ML) Natural Language Processing (NLP) methods to classify radiology reports in orthopaedic trauma for the presence of injuries. Assessing NLP performance is a prerequisite for downstream tasks and therefore of importance from a clinical perspective (avoiding missed injuries, quality check, insight in diagnostic yield) as well as from a research perspective (identification of patient cohorts, annotation of radiographs). METHODS: Datasets of Dutch radiology reports of injured extremities (n = 2469, 33% fractures) and chest radiographs (n = 799, 20% pneumothorax) were collected in two different hospitals and labeled by radiologists and trauma surgeons for the presence or absence of injuries. NLP classification was applied and optimized by testing different preprocessing steps and different classifiers (Rule-based, ML, and Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT)). Performance was assessed by F1-score, AUC, sensitivity, specificity and accuracy. RESULTS: The deep learning based BERT model outperforms all other classification methods which were assessed. The model achieved an F1-score of (95 ± 2)% and accuracy of (96 ± 1)% on a dataset of simple reports (n= 2469), and an F1 of (83 ± 7)% with accuracy (93 ± 2)% on a dataset of complex reports (n= 799). CONCLUSION: BERT NLP outperforms traditional ML and rule-base classifiers when applied to Dutch radiology reports in orthopaedic trauma