14 research outputs found

    Recent Developments in Topical Wound Therapy: Impact of Antimicrobiological Changes and Rebalancing the Wound Milieu

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    Wound therapy improves every year by developing new wound treatment options or by advancing already existing wound materials, for example, adding self-releasing analgesic drugs or growth factors to wound dressings, or by binding and inactivating excessive proteases. Also new dressing materials based on silk fibers and enhanced methods to reduce bacterial burden, for example, cold argon plasma, might help to fasten wound healing

    Clinical Manifestation of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis Following a Mechanical Trauma

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    Unusual skin ulcers frequently represent a diagnostic challenge. When the most common disease entities such as arterial, venous or diabetic ulcers have been excluded, the question of further differential diagnoses and procedures arises. Other possible causes include chronic inflammatory diseases, neoplasia, self-inflicted wounds, primary infectious diseases and physical/chemical damage to the skin. To narrow down the differential diagnoses, a detailed history of the patient is essential, which also needs to include events further back in time

    Mobility range, level of pain and sleep quality of patients with venous leg ulcers

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    AbstractThis study aimed to compare mobility range, level of pain and sleep quality in patients with venous leg ulcers to age‐ and gender‐matched controls without ulcers. Twenty patients with venous leg ulceration and 20 matched controls each answered a questionnaire, completed the short‐physical performance battery, filled in a subject diary and wore a smartwatch for 1 week. The median daily step counts of the ulcer group (3622 steps/day) and the control group (5133 steps/day) were significantly different (P = .017). Significant correlations between total step count and age, duration of physical outdoor activities and scores in the short‐physical performance battery were observed in the ulcer group. The scores in the short‐physical performance battery were significantly different in both groups (P = .005), indicating weaker physical performance in the ulcer group. The greatest difference in the self‐reported level of pain between the two groups was stated during movement. On average, the ulcer group slept shorter by 1 h 38 min (P = .002) and had 0.7 wake phases per night (P = .019) more than the control group. Assessing mobility in patients with venous leg ulcers can be used to develop preventive and interventional concepts to improve and individualise physical therapies.</jats:p

    Safety and clinical outcomes of rituximab therapy in patients with different autoimmune diseases: experience from a national registry (GRAID)

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    Introduction: Evidence from a number of open-label, uncontrolled studies has suggested that rituximab may benefit patients with autoimmune diseases who are refractory to standard-of-care. The objective of this study was to evaluate the safety and clinical outcomes of rituximab in several standard-of-care-refractory autoimmune diseases (within rheumatology, nephrology, dermatology and neurology) other than rheumatoid arthritis or non-Hodgkin's lymphoma in a real-life clinical setting. Methods: Patients who received rituximab having shown an inadequate response to standard-of-care had their safety and clinical outcomes data retrospectively analysed as part of the German Registry of Autoimmune Diseases. The main outcome measures were safety and clinical response, as judged at the discretion of the investigators. Results: A total of 370 patients (299 patient-years) with various autoimmune diseases (23.0% with systemic lupus erythematosus, 15.7% antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody-associated granulomatous vasculitides, 15.1% multiple sclerosis and 10.0% pemphigus) from 42 centres received a mean dose of 2,440 mg of rituximab over a median (range) of 194 (180 to 1,407) days. The overall rate of serious infections was 5.3 per 100 patient-years during rituximab therapy. Opportunistic infections were infrequent across the whole study population, and mostly occurred in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. There were 11 deaths (3.0% of patients) after rituximab treatment (mean 11.6 months after first infusion, range 0.8 to 31.3 months), with most of the deaths caused by infections. Overall (n = 293), 13.3% of patients showed no response, 45.1% showed a partial response and 41.6% showed a complete response. Responses were also reflected by reduced use of glucocorticoids and various immunosuppressives during rituximab therapy and follow-up compared with before rituximab. Rituximab generally had a positive effect on patient well-being (physician's visual analogue scale; mean improvement from baseline of 12.1 mm). Conclusions: Data from this registry indicate that rituximab is a commonly employed, well-tolerated therapy with potential beneficial effects in standard of care-refractory autoimmune diseases, and support the results from other open-label, uncontrolled studies

    Recent Developments in Topical Wound Therapy: Impact of Antimicrobiological Changes and Rebalancing the Wound Milieu

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    Wound therapy improves every year by developing new wound treatment options or by advancing already existing wound materials, for example, adding self-releasing analgesic drugs or growth factors to wound dressings, or by binding and inactivating excessive proteases. Also new dressing materials based on silk fibers and enhanced methods to reduce bacterial burden, for example, cold argon plasma, might help to fasten wound healing

    Malignant Tumours Presenting as Chronic Leg or Foot Ulcers

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    Our purpose was to collect data on the incidence of malignant skin tumours presenting as chronic leg or foot ulcers in a tertiary centre, and to analyse the frequency and type of initial clinical misdiagnoses in these cases. A retrospective chart review of cases with melanoma or other malignant neoplasms of the skin of the lower extremity treated in a tertiary centre during January 2010 until February 2020 was conducted to identify cases that presented as chronic ulcers. Out of 673 cases, 26 (3.9%) were identified with a total of 27 malignant tumours presenting as chronic ulcers of the lower leg or foot. Therefrom, seven were diagnosed as melanoma, eight as squamous cell carcinoma, and twelve as basal cell carcinoma. The mean interval until diagnosis for all tumour types was 44.4 months (median 24 months). A delay in correct treatment occurred in 12 out of 26 cases (46%) as a result of misdiagnosis with subsequent treatment as chronic leg or foot ulcers of a different etiology. Misdiagnoses were venous ulcer, traumatic wound, mixed arterial and venous ulcer, arterial ulcer, and ulcer of an unknown origin. Malignant ulcers presenting as chronic ulcers are rare, but often lead to misdiagnosis

    Beruflich erworbene MRSA-Besiedelung in der berufsdermatologischen Begutachtung (BK-Nr. 3101) : Auswertung der DGUV BK-Dokumentation und Gutachtenfall mit arbeitsbedingter MRSA-getriggerter atopischer Dermatitis

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    BACKGROUND: Person-to-person transmitted infectious diseases can cause occupational diseases (OD). These are subsumed as BK-No. 3101 in the German list of OD which applies for individuals with a considerably higher risk for infection as a consequence of their professional activity compared to the general population. OBJECTIVES: The special medical and insurance law aspects of a work-related MRSA colonization are presented using the example of an expert opinion case and an evaluation of the BK reports of suspected occupational disease (BK No. 3101) of the German Social Accident Insurance (DGUV). PATIENTS AND METHODS: The BK documentation of the DGUV from 2007–2012 and the patient cohort from the Department of Dermatology, University Hospital Erlangen, presenting for expert assessment from 2007–2012 were retrospectively analysed for human-to-human transmitted infectious diseases of the skin (BK-No. 3101). RESULTS: Person-to-person transmission of infectious diseases of the skin is rare in the field of occupational dermatology. In the DGUV cohort, suspected BK-No. 3101cases amounted to 2.6% of all notified cases; recognized BK-No. 3101 cases accounted for 4.2% of all recognized cases, amongst which 9 were caused by MRSA. In contrast to a symptomatic infection, an asymptomatic MRSA colonization is not being recognized as BK-No. 3101. Bacterial superantigens can trigger atopic dermatitis (AD). In particular cases, occupationally acquired MRSA can elicit AD and may justify classification as an OD (BK-No. 3101). CONCLUSIONS: Early detection of MRSA colonization and eradication are necessary for rehabilitation. Management of skin diseases due to infectious diseases within the framework of OD is presented.HINTERGRUND: Von Mensch zu Mensch ĂŒbertragene Infektionskrankheiten können eine Berufskrankheit(BK)-Nr. 3101 bedingen, wenn sie bei Versicherten auftreten, die infolge der AusĂŒbung ihrer ArbeitstĂ€tigkeit in bestimmten Bereichen einer gegenĂŒber der allgemeinen Bevölkerung wesentlich erhöhten Infektionsgefahr ausgesetzt sind. ZIEL DER ARBEIT: Es erfolgt die Darstellung der besonderen medizinischen und versicherungsrechtlichen Aspekte einer beruflichen MRSA-Kolonisation am Beispiel eines Gutachtenfalles und Auswertung der BK-Verdachtsanzeigen (BK-Nr. 3101) der gewerblichen Berufsgenossenschaften und UnfallversicherungstrĂ€ger. PATIENTEN UND METHODEN: Die GeschĂ€ftsergebnisse und BK-Dokumentation der gewerblichen Berufsgenossenschaften und UnfallversicherungstrĂ€ger 2007 bis 2012 wurden zur BK-Nr. 3101 ausgewertet sowie das Patientenkollektiv berufsdermatologischer BegutachtungsfĂ€lle 2007 bis 2012 der Hautklinik UniversitĂ€tsklinikum Erlangen zum Vorliegen von Mensch zu Mensch ĂŒbertragener Infektionskrankheiten der Haut retrospektiv untersucht. ERGEBNISSE: Von Mensch zu Mensch ĂŒbertragene Infektionskrankheiten der Haut sind in der berufsdermatologischen Begutachtung selten. Von den 2007 bis 2012 erfassten BK-Verdachtsanzeigen waren 2,6 % BK-Nr. 3101-VerdachtsfĂ€lle; 4,2 % aller anerkannten BKen entfielen auf BK-Nr. 3101-FĂ€lle, darunter 9 FĂ€lle von MRSA (Methicillin-resistenter Staphylococcus aureus). Eine symptomlose MRSA-Besiedlung wird im Gegensatz zur manifesten Infektionskrankheit nicht als BK-Nr. 3101 anerkannt. Bakterielle Superantigene können eine atopische Dermatitis (AD) triggern. Im Einzelfall kann eine AD infolge einer beruflich erworbenen MRSA-Ansteckung auftreten und eine BK-Nr. 3101 begrĂŒnden. DISKUSSION: Ein frĂŒhzeitiger Nachweis einer MRSA-Kolonisation und Eradikation sind notwendig fĂŒr eine Rehabilitation. Der Umgang mit Hauterkrankungen als Folge einer Infektionskrankheit im Berufskrankheitenverfahren wird dargelegt

    Wound treatment without curative intention: position paper of the Initiative Chronische Wunden (ICW) e. V.

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    Zusammenfassung Patienten mit chronischen Wunden werden heute in vielen unterschiedlichen Bereichen der Medizin behandelt. Trotz dieser großen interdisziplinĂ€ren und interprofessionellen Bedeutung, fehlt es weiterhin an einheitlich akzeptierten Definitionen und Einteilungen. Eine Expertengruppe der Fachgesellschaft Initiative Chronische Wunden (ICW) e. V. hat daher auf der Basis international publizierter Literatur eine Einteilung chronischer Wunden in heilende, schwer heilende und nicht heilbare Wunden vorgenommen. Hieraus ergeben sich fĂŒr den klinischen Alltag sehr wichtigen ĂŒbergeordneten Ziele einer kurativen, bedingt bzw. nicht kurativen oder palliativen Wundversorgung. Es wird somit deutlich, dass der vollstĂ€ndige Wundverschluss nicht immer das zentral wichtige Ziel der Wundbehandlung ist. Bei vielen Patienten mit chronischen Wunden stehen daher andere Aspekte wie beispielsweise die bestmögliche LebensqualitĂ€t und die Förderung des gesundheitsbezogenen Selbstmanagements sowie die Vermeidung von Komplikationen im Vordergrund der Behandlungskonzepte. Diese Therapieziele sollten möglichst frĂŒhzeitig gemeinsam mit den Patienten differenziert und individuell festgelegt werden.Today, patients with chronic wounds are treated in many different fields of medicine. Despite this great interdisciplinary and interprofessional importance, there is still a lack of uniformly accepted definitions and classifications. Therefore, a group of experts from the professional society Initiative Chronische Wunden (ICW) e. V. translated and adapted the classification of chronic wounds into healable, maintenance and nonhealable wounds on the basis of the internationally published literature into German. This classification results in the aim of curative, limited respectively non-curative or palliative wound care, which are very important for everyday clinical practice. It thus becomes clear that complete wound closure is not always the central intention of wound treatment. For many patients with chronic wounds, other aspects such as the best possible quality of life and the promotion of health-related self-management as well as the avoidance of complications are important for treatment concepts. These therapy intentions should be differentiated and individually discussed with patients in order to facilitate shared decision making.Open Access funding enabled and organized by Projekt DEAL.UniversitĂ€tsklinikum Essen (8912

    Clinical characteristics and treatment modalities in uremic and non uremic calciphylaxis - a dermatological single-center experience

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    Calciphylaxis (CP) is a serious, potentially life-threatening disease that presents with medial calcification of small-sized vessels and painful ischemic ulcerations. Although calciphylaxis is frequently seen in patients with end-stage kidney disease on dialysis (calcific uremic arteriolopathy, CUA), there are reported cases of nonuremic calciphylaxis (NUC), which often remain undiagnosed. We conducted a retrospective chart review at our dermatological hospital and evaluated data concerning the epidemiology, comorbidities, medication, laboratory abnormalities, and therapeutic approaches of 60 patients diagnosed with calciphylaxis between 01/2012 and 12/2022. We identified 21 patients diagnosed with NUC and 39 with kidney disease. The predilection sites of skin lesions were the lower legs in 88% (n = 53), followed by the thigh and gluteal regions in 7% (n = 4). Significant differences were identified in comorbidities, such as atrial fibrillation (p < 0.001) and hyperparathyroidism (p < 0.01) accounting for CUA patients. Medication with vitamin K antagonists (p < 0.001), phosphate binders (p < 0.001), and loop diuretics (p < 0.01) was found to be associated with the onset of calciphylaxis. Hyperphosphatemia (p < 0.001), increased parathyroid hormone (p < 0.01) and triglyceride levels (p < 0.01), hypoalbuminemia (p < 0.01) and decreased hemoglobin values (p < 0.001) in the CUA cohort were significantly different from those in the NUC group. All patients with CUA received systemic medication. In contrast, only 38% (n = 8) of patients with NUC received systemic treatment. Striking discrepancies in the treatment of both cohorts were detected. In particular, NUC remains a disease pattern that is still poorly understood and differs from CUA in several important parameters

    Automatic Classification of Diabetic Foot Ulcer Images : A Transfer-Learning Approach to Detect Wound Maceration

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    Diabetic foot ulcer (DFU) is a chronic wound and a common diabetic complication as 2% – 6% of diabetic patients witness the onset thereof. The DFU can lead to severe health threats such as infection and lower leg amputations, Coordination of interdisciplinary wound care requires well-written but time-consuming wound documentation. Artificial intelligence (AI) systems lend themselves to be tested to extract information from wound images, e.g. maceration, to fill the wound documentation. A convolutional neural network was therefore trained on 326 augmented DFU images to distinguish macerated from unmacerated wounds. The system was validated on 108 unaugmented images. The classification system achieved a recall of 0.69 and a precision of 0.67. The overall accuracy was 0.69. The results show that AI systems can classify DFU images for macerations and that those systems could support clinicians with data entry. However, the validation statistics should be further improved for use in real clinical settings. In summary, this paper can contribute to the development of methods to automatic wound documentation