807 research outputs found
A Transferable Machine-Learning Model of the Electron Density
The electronic charge density plays a central role in determining the
behavior of matter at the atomic scale, but its computational evaluation
requires demanding electronic-structure calculations. We introduce an
atom-centered, symmetry-adapted framework to machine-learn the valence charge
density based on a small number of reference calculations. The model is highly
transferable, meaning it can be trained on electronic-structure data of small
molecules and used to predict the charge density of larger compounds with low,
linear-scaling cost. Applications are shown for various hydrocarbon molecules
of increasing complexity and flexibility, and demonstrate the accuracy of the
model when predicting the density on octane and octatetraene after training
exclusively on butane and butadiene. This transferable, data-driven model can
be used to interpret experiments, initialize electronic structure calculations,
and compute electrostatic interactions in molecules and condensed-phase
Overcoming systematic DFT errors for hydrocarbon reaction energies
Despite the widespread use and numerous successful applications of density functional theory, descriptions of hydrocarbon reaction energies remain problematic. Illustrative examples include large underestimation of energies associated with alkane bond separation reactions and poor general description of intramolecular dispersion in hydrocarbons (e.g., B3LYP, MAD=14.1kcalmolâ1). More recent, but not readily availably functionals, along with efficient posteriori corrections, not only show considerable improvement in the energy description of hydrocarbons but also help identify the sources of error in traditional DFT. Interactions in branched alkanes and compact hydrocarbons are adequately mimicked by systems compressed below their typical van der Waals distances. At these distances, standard DFT exchange functionals are overly repulsive for non-bonded density overlaps, and significant improvement is offered by the long-range corrected exchange functionals (e.g., LC-BLYP0.33, MAD=5.5kcalmolâ1). For those systems, the neglect of long-range dispersion is found to be a critical shortcoming, as well as "overlap dispersionâ, for which non-negligible amounts are captured by the correlation functional. Accounting for the missing dispersion interactions is of key importance. Accordingly, most noteworthy improvements over standard functionals are obtained by using non-local van der Waals density functionals (e.g., LC-S-VV09, MAD=3.6kcalmolâ1, rPW86-VV09, MAD=5.8kcalmolâ1), a dispersion corrected double hybrid (B2PLYP-D, MAD=2.5kcalmolâ1), or by the addition of an atom pairwise density-dependent dispersion correction to a standard functional (e.g., PBE-dDXDM, MAD=0.8kcalmolâ1). To a lesser extent, the reduction of the delocalization error (e.g., MCY3, MAD=6.3kcalmolâ1) or careful parameter fitting (e.g., M06-2X, MAD=5.6kcalmolâ1) also lowers the error
SPAM: the Spectrum of Approximated Hamiltonian Matrices representations
Physics-inspired molecular representations are the cornerstone of
similarity-based learning applied to solve chemical problems. Despite their
conceptual and mathematical diversity, this class of descriptors shares a
common underlying philosophy: they all rely on the molecular information that
determines the form of the electronic Schr\"odinger equation. Existing
representations take the most varied forms, from non-linear functions of atom
types and positions to atom densities and potential, up to complex quantum
chemical objects directly injected into the ML architecture. In this work, we
present the Spectrum of Approximated Hamiltonian Matrices (SPAM)
as an alternative pathway to construct quantum machine learning representations
through leveraging the foundation of the electronic Schr\"odinger equation
itself: the electronic Hamiltonian. As the Hamiltonian encodes all quantum
chemical information at once, SPAM representations not only
distinguish different molecules and conformations, but also different spin,
charge, and electronic states. As a proof of concept, we focus here on
efficient SPAM representations built from the eigenvalues of a
hierarchy of well-established and readily-evaluated "guess" Hamiltonians. These
SPAM representations are particularly compact and efficient for
kernel evaluation and their complexity is independent of the number of
different atom types in the database.Comment: 9 pages + SI (8 pages
L'expérience vécue des parents ayant un bébé aux pleurs incessants liés à la colique: une revue de littératiure étoffée
Les pleurs incessants du bébé est un motif de consultation fréquent. De plus, la colique chez le nourrisson peut toucher entre 20 à 40 % des bébés selon les différentes études. Il s'agit donc d'un problÚme particuliÚrement fréquent dans notre société
Distribution spatiale et temporelle des hydrocarbures aromatiques polycycliques dans les sédiments de l'archipel arctique canadien
RĂSUMĂ: Les concentrations de 23 hydrocarbures aromatiques polycycliques (HAPs) ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©terminĂ©es dans 113 Ă©chantillons de sĂ©diments marins de surface, 13 Ă©chantillons de sĂ©diments terrestres et 80 sous-Ă©chantillons issus de 8 carottiers Ă boĂźte provenant de l'archipel arctique canadien (AAC) : mer de Beaufort; pente et plateau du Mackenzie; ouest de l'Ăle de Banks; dĂ©troit de M'Clure; golfes d'Amundsen, du Couronnement et de la Reine Maud; dĂ©troit de Victoria; Passage de M'Clintock; dĂ©troit de Barrow; passages de Wellington et de Peel; golfe de Boothia; dĂ©troit de Furry et Hecla; bassin de Foxe; dĂ©troits de Lancastre et de Jones; baie de Frobisher; canyon de Disko; dĂ©troits de Smith et de Nares, bassins de Kane et de Hall; passages de Kennedy et de Robertson. Les HAPs ont Ă©tĂ© extraits par une extraction accĂ©lĂ©rĂ©e par solvant (ASE) et quantifiĂ©s par chromatographie gazeuse couplĂ©e Ă un spectromĂštre de masse (GC-MS). Pour tout l'archipel, la somme des concentrations dans les sĂ©diments marins de surface des 16 HAPs listĂ©s prioritaires par l'Agence de Protection de l'Environnement des Ătats-Unis varie entre 7,8 et 247,7 ng g-1(masse sĂšche) avec une valeur moyenne de 56,8 ng g-1. Ces valeurs sont comparables Ă celles d'autres rĂ©gions arctiques peu anthropisĂ©es (p. ex., la mer de Kara et la mer de Barents). Les apports en HAPs dans les sĂ©diments au cours du dernier siĂšcle sont restĂ©s constants et les concentrations se maintiennent dans les valeurs obtenues pour les sĂ©diments de surface. L'utilisation des ratios diagnostiques du fluoranthĂšne/(fluoranthĂšne + pyrĂšne) ainsi que du benz[a]anthracĂšne/(benz[a]anthracĂšne + pyrĂšne) a permis de dĂ©terminer que les HAPs de l'AAC sont principalement d'origine pĂ©trogĂ©nique naturelle, mais que certaines rĂ©gions enregistrent aussi des HAPs d'origine pyrogĂ©nique. Les tendances temporelles n'indiquent pas de changement majeur dans le temps et indiquent Ă©galement des apports principalement pĂ©trogĂ©niques. Certains rĂ©sultats laissent croire Ă une influence grandissante des apports par les feux de forĂȘt dont leur nombre et leur intensitĂ© augmentent dans le nord du Canada depuis les derniĂšres dĂ©cennies. En somme, l'AAC prĂ©sente de faibles concentrations en HAPs, lesquels sont majoritairement d'origine naturelle. -- Mot(s) clĂ©(s) en français : Archipel arctique canadien, sĂ©diments, hydrocarbures aromatiques polycycliques, ligne de base, pollution, holocĂšne tardif. -- ABSTRACT: The concentrations of 23 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were calculated for 113 surficial marine sediments samples, 13 terrestrial sediment samples and 80 subsampled sediment samples from 8 pushcores from all the Canadian Arctic Archipelago (CAA): Beaufort Sea; Mackenzie slope and shelf; western Banks Island; M'Clure strait; Amundsen, Coronation and Queen Maud Gulfs; Victoria Strait; M'Clintock Channel; Barrow Strait; Wellington Channel; Peel Sound; Gulf of Boothia; Furry and Hecla Strait; Foxe Basin; Lancaster and Jones Sounds; Frobisher Bay; Disko Fan, Smith and Nares Straits; Kane and Hall Basins; Kennedy and Robertson channels. PAHs were extracted with an accelerated solvent extraction (ASE) and quantified with gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The sums of the concentrations of the 16 priority PAHs listed by the Environmental Protection Agency of the United States (US EPA) in surficial sediments ranged from 7.8 to 247.7 ng g-1 (dry weight basis) with a mean value of 56.8 ng g-1. Those values are similar to those for other Arctic regions (e.g., Kara Sea and Barents Sea) with little anthropogenic influence. PAHs inputs to the sediments during the last century remained constant and stayed within the results obtained for surficial sediments. Diagnostic ratios of fluoranthene/(fluoranthene + pyrene) and benz[a]anthracene/(benz[a]anthracene + pyrene indicated that PAHs from the CAA are mainly from natural petrogenic sources, but some regions also record pyrogenic sources. Temporal trends do not indicate major source shifts and point mainly to petrogenic inputs. Some results tend to point a growing contribution to PAHs signature from forest fire events from northern Canada, those becoming more intense over the last decades. Globally, sediments from the CAA have low PAHs concentrations that are mainly natural. -- Mot(s) clĂ©(s) en anglais : Canadian Arctic Archipelago, sediments, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, baseline, pollution, Late Holocene
âTu mâembrasses encore, et câest mon pied dans les pompons !â Comment construit-on le sens ?
JâĂ©tudie des constructions hypothĂ©tiques composĂ©es de deux assertions juxtaposĂ©es ou connectĂ©es par et comme Tu dis encore un mot (et) je mâen vais. Lâ« assertion » introductive exprime un fait qui contrevient Ă une Ă©vidence perceptive. Il est en effet publiquement valide dans la situation de parole que lâallocutaire nâest pas en train de parler : Tu dis encore un mot ne peut pas ĂȘtre un constat et, si câĂ©tait le cas, le contenu serait fortement sous-informatif. Je propose une analyse de ces constructions sur lâinterface syntaxe â pragmatique. Ces constructions binaires prĂ©sentent une absence de correspondance entre une structure formelle (une assertion) et des impĂ©ratifs pragmatiques qui lui sont liĂ©s habituellement (prise en charge par le locuteur, p. ex.). Ces assertions Ă©noncĂ©es sous une clĂ© de validation modale incrĂ©mentent la mĂ©moire discursive de deux informations : (i) la validitĂ© dâun objet-de-discours O ; (ii) lâassignation dâun commentaire modal Ă cet objet-de-discours, i.e. . Je cherche Ă identifier comment ce commentaire modal est Ă©laborĂ©, câest-Ă -dire sur la base de quels indices. A mon sens, cette infĂ©rence est le produit de la concurrence entre deux sources dâinformation : lâune linguistique â lâobjet-de-discours O est assertĂ© â, lâautre extra-linguistique â les donnĂ©es de lâexpĂ©rience contredisent la validitĂ© de O.This study concerns French constructions producing a hypothetical interpretation composed of two juxtaposed or and-connected assertions such as You say one more word (and) Iâm leaving. The introductory assertion expresses a fact that is at odds with elements of the situation of utterance. Indeed, it is quite obvious that the addressee is not talking in the situation of utterance: You say one more word canât be a statement, and if it were it would be of poor informative content. I suggest an analysis of these constructions on the interface between syntax and pragmatics. These binary constructions present a mismatch between a formal structure (an assertion) and some pragmatic requirements usually linked to it (commitment, for example). These assertions â expressed under a âvalidation keyâ â increment the common ground with two items of information: (i) the validity of a state of affairs O; (ii) the allocation of a modal commentary to this fact, for example . I try to understand how this modal commentary is inferred. In my view, this inference is produced by two information sources in competition: a linguistic one â the state of affairs O is asserted â and an extralinguistic one â the experimental truth refutes the validity of O
La focalisation des conditionnelles
Lâobjectif de cet article est dâidentifier les diffĂ©rents moyens syntaxiques dont dispose le français pour focaliser les circonstants en si, dans des constructions du type {si P, Q} et du type {Q si P}. ConsidĂ©rer que le constituant si P puisse occuper une position de focus nâest pas si anodin, puisquâon tient gĂ©nĂ©ralement pour acquis depuis Haiman (1978) que « conditionals are topics ». La littĂ©rature scientifique sâest peu intĂ©ressĂ©e aux cas oĂč si P a un statut informationnel de focus. Lâanalyse porte sur trois classes de faits oĂč la proposition si P est promue informationnellement : dâune part, des propositions si P placĂ©es dans le champ dâun opĂ©rateur (nĂ©gation, restriction) ou dans un dispositif (clivage, pseudo-clivage). Dâautre part, des propositions si P en contexte dâenchĂąssement. Enfin, des propositions si P orphelines de leur terme Q, comme « Et si on allait au cinĂ©ma ? ». Dâun point de vue syntaxique, si P implique la prĂ©sence de Q, mais dâun point de vue informationnel, la situation sâinverse : une contrainte dâinformativitĂ© rend lâĂ©lĂ©ment si P inĂ©luctable. LâĂ©tude montre quâil existe des circonstants en si qui ont systĂ©matiquement un statut de topique (les conditionnelles dites « factuelles ») et quâil existe Ă©galement des circonstants en si qui ont toujours un statut de focus (certaines propositions si P comparatives, enchĂąssĂ©es, ou prĂ©sentant une ellipse de Q).The aim of this article is to identify the different syntactic modes existing in French to focus if-clauses in constructions such as {if-P, Q}, and {Q if-P}. It is not irrelevant to consider that if-clauses may occupy a focus position, seeing that since Haiman (1978), it is generally admitted that âconditionals are topicsâ. Little attention has been paid in the literature, however, to contexts where if-P has the information status of focus. The present analysis concerns three categories of facts where if-P has a status of focus: if-clauses located within the scope of a negation or a restriction, or in cleft or pseudo-cleft constructions; if-clauses in an embedding context; and lastly, ellipsis of the Q component, as in âEt si on allait au cinĂ©ma?â [What if we went to the movies?]. From a syntactic point of view, an if-clause demands a Q component, but from an informational perspective, the reverse holds: an informative constraint makes if-P mandatory. The study demonstrates the existence of if-clauses which have systematically a topic status (so-called âfactualâ if-clauses) and of if-clauses which have a focus status (some comparative if-clauses, either embedded or with ellipsis of Q)
Le paradoxe comme stratégie raisonnable
Trois classes de constructions sont Ă©tudiĂ©es et confrontĂ©es. Dâune part, des paradoxes au sens Ă©tymologique du terme. Dâautre part, des contradictions qui engagent des calculs infĂ©rentiels pour lever la contradiction. Enfin, des constructions qui mettent lâallocutaire devant ses propres contradictions. On questionne pour chaque classe de faits le type de rĂ©solution, le statut des sources de savoir (discordantes), ainsi que les attentes pragmatiques mises en jeu.Three classes of structures are studied and compared. On the one hand, paradoxes in the etymological sense. On the other hand, contradictions that cause inferences to remove the contradiction. Finally, structures that put the hearer in front of its own contradictions. For each class of structures the type of resolution, the status of (discordant) knowledge sources and the pragmatic expectations concerned are studied
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