3 research outputs found

    Time and space: the “Talapazo” site (Yocavil Valley, Tucuman province)

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es caracterizar la ubicación del sitio arqueológico Talapazo (valle de Yocavil) en su espacio geomorfológico y su cronología relativa y establecer comparaciones con otros sitios vecinos. Para ello se efectuó la fotointepretación morfogenética (escala 1:50000), se identificaron posibles sitios arqueológicos, se realizaron recolecciones de superficie y excavaciones y análisis macroscópico del material cerámico. Se concluye que las instalaciones formativas (500 AC-1000 DC) están dispersas en la ladera, valle fluvial secundario, abanico fluvio-aluvial y terrazas del valle fluvial del río Santa María, mientras que las del periodo de Desarrollos Regionales (1000-1480 DC) e Inca (1480-1535 DC) están en el sector apical del abanico, superpuestas a las formativas. Sitios arqueológicos vecinos y del tercio central de la Sierra de Quilmes presentan distribución similar, lo que puede relacionarse con cambios en las condiciones de humedad durante los períodos aludidos.The objective of this paper is to characterize the localization of the archaeological site Talapazo (Yocavil Valley) on its geomorphological space and relative chronology, and to compare it with other close sites. We made the morphogenetic photointerpretation (scale 1:50.000), identifying possible archaeological sites, superficial potsherds were recollected together with archaeological digs and macroscopic ceramic analysis. It was possible to conclude that Formative settlements (500 BC-1000 AC) were dispersed on slopes, secondary fluvial valleys, fluvio-alluvial fans and terraces of Santa María River, while Regional Developments (1000-1500 AC) and Inca settlements are disposed on the apical area of fluvio-alluvial fans, overlying formative structures. Neighbor archaeological sites, and from the central third of the Sierra de Quilmes, present similar distribution. This could be related with changes on humidity conditions during those archaeological periods.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Time and space: the “Talapazo” site (Yocavil Valley, Tucuman province)

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es caracterizar la ubicación del sitio arqueológico Talapazo (valle de Yocavil) en su espacio geomorfológico y su cronología relativa y establecer comparaciones con otros sitios vecinos. Para ello se efectuó la fotointepretación morfogenética (escala 1:50000), se identificaron posibles sitios arqueológicos, se realizaron recolecciones de superficie y excavaciones y análisis macroscópico del material cerámico. Se concluye que las instalaciones formativas (500 AC-1000 DC) están dispersas en la ladera, valle fluvial secundario, abanico fluvio-aluvial y terrazas del valle fluvial del río Santa María, mientras que las del periodo de Desarrollos Regionales (1000-1480 DC) e Inca (1480-1535 DC) están en el sector apical del abanico, superpuestas a las formativas. Sitios arqueológicos vecinos y del tercio central de la Sierra de Quilmes presentan distribución similar, lo que puede relacionarse con cambios en las condiciones de humedad durante los períodos aludidos.The objective of this paper is to characterize the localization of the archaeological site Talapazo (Yocavil Valley) on its geomorphological space and relative chronology, and to compare it with other close sites. We made the morphogenetic photointerpretation (scale 1:50.000), identifying possible archaeological sites, superficial potsherds were recollected together with archaeological digs and macroscopic ceramic analysis. It was possible to conclude that Formative settlements (500 BC-1000 AC) were dispersed on slopes, secondary fluvial valleys, fluvio-alluvial fans and terraces of Santa María River, while Regional Developments (1000-1500 AC) and Inca settlements are disposed on the apical area of fluvio-alluvial fans, overlying formative structures. Neighbor archaeological sites, and from the central third of the Sierra de Quilmes, present similar distribution. This could be related with changes on humidity conditions during those archaeological periods.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Na+ controls hypoxic signalling by the mitochondrial respiratory chain

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    All metazoans depend on O2 delivery and consumption by the mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) system to produce energy. A decrease in O2 availability (hypoxia) leads to profound metabolic rewiring. In addition, OXPHOS uses O2 to produce reactive oxygen species (ROS) that can drive cell adaptations through redox signalling, but also trigger cell damage1–4, and both phenomena occur in hypoxia4–8. However, the precise mechanism by which acute hypoxia triggers mitochondrial ROS production is still unknown. Ca2+ is one of the best known examples of an ion acting as a second messenger9, yet the role ascribed to Na+ is to serve as a mere mediator of membrane potential and collaborating in ion transport10. Here we show that Na+ acts as a second messenger regulating OXPHOS function and ROS production by modulating fluidity of the inner mitochondrial membrane (IMM). We found that a conformational shift in mitochondrial complex I during acute hypoxia11 drives the acidification of the matrix and solubilization of calcium phosphate precipitates. The concomitant increase in matrix free-Ca2+ activates the mitochondrial Na+/Ca2+ exchanger (NCLX), which imports Na+ into the matrix. Na+ interacts with phospholipids reducing IMM fluidity and mobility of free ubiquinone between complex II and complex III, but not inside supercomplexes. As a consequence, superoxide is produced at complex III, generating a redox signal. Inhibition of mitochondrial Na+ import through NCLX is sufficient to block this pathway, preventing adaptation to hypoxia. These results reveal that Na+ import into the mitochondrial matrix controls OXPHOS function and redox signalling through an unexpected interaction with phospholipids, with profound consequences in cellular metabolism