18 research outputs found

    Why Do Some T Cell Receptor Cytoplasmic Domains Associate with the Plasma Membrane?

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    Based on studies in model systems it has been proposed that the cytoplasmic domains of T cell receptor signaling subunits that have polybasic motifs associate with the plasma membrane, and that this regulates their phosphorylation. Recent experiments in more physiological systems have confirmed membrane association but raised questions as to its function

    Matched sizes of activating and inhibitory receptor/ligand pairs are required for optimal signal integration by human Natural Killer cells

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    It has been suggested that receptor-ligand complexes segregate or co-localise within immune synapses according to their size, and this is important for receptor signaling. Here, we set out to test the importance of receptor-ligand complex dimensions for immune surveillance of target cells by human Natural Killer (NK) cells. NK cell activation is regulated by integrating signals from activating receptors, such as NKG2D, and inhibitory receptors, such as KIR2DL1. Elongating the NKG2D ligand MICA reduced its ability to trigger NK cell activation. Conversely, elongation of KIR2DL1 ligand HLA-C reduced its ability to inhibit NK cells. Whereas normal-sized HLA-C was most effective at inhibiting activation by normal-length MICA, only elongated HLA-C could inhibit activation by elongated MICA. Moreover, HLA-C and MICA that were matched in size co-localised, whereas HLA-C and MICA that were different in size were segregated. These results demonstrate that receptor-ligand dimensions are important in NK cell recognition, and suggest that optimal integration of activating and inhibitory receptor signals requires the receptor-ligand complexes to have similar dimensions

    Systems model of T cell receptor proximal signaling reveals emergent ultrasensitivity

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    Receptor phosphorylation is thought to be tightly regulated because phosphorylated receptors initiate signaling cascades leading to cellular activation. The T cell antigen receptor (TCR) on the surface of T cells is phosphorylated by the kinase Lck and dephosphorylated by the phosphatase CD45 on multiple immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motifs (ITAMs). Intriguingly, Lck sequentially phosphorylates ITAMs and ZAP-70, a cytosolic kinase, binds to phosphorylated ITAMs with differential affinities. The purpose of multiple ITAMs, their sequential phosphorylation, and the differential ZAP-70 affinities are unknown. Here, we use a systems model to show that this signaling architecture produces emergent ultrasensitivity resulting in switch-like responses at the scale of individual TCRs. Importantly, this switch-like response is an emergent property, so that removal of multiple ITAMs, sequential phosphorylation, or differential affinities abolishes the switch. We propose that highly regulated TCR phosphorylation is achieved by an emergent switch-like response and use the systems model to design novel chimeric antigen receptors for therapy

    Structure-guided engineering of immunotherapies targeting TRBC1 and TRBC2 in T cell malignancies

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    Peripheral T cell lymphomas are typically aggressive with a poor prognosis. Unlike other hematologic malignancies, the lack of target antigens to discriminate healthy from malignant cells limits the efficacy of immunotherapeutic approaches. The T cell receptor expresses one of two highly homologous chains [T cell receptor β-chain constant (TRBC) domains 1 and 2] in a mutually exclusive manner, making it a promising target. Here we demonstrate specificity redirection by rational design using structure-guided computational biology to generate a TRBC2-specific antibody (KFN), complementing the antibody previously described by our laboratory with unique TRBC1 specificity (Jovi-1) in targeting broader spectrum of T cell malignancies clonally expressing either of the two chains. This permits generation of paired reagents (chimeric antigen receptor-T cells) specific for TRBC1 and TRBC2, with preclinical evidence to support their efficacy in T cell malignancies

    Systems model of T cell receptor proximal signaling reveals emergent ultrasensitivity. PLoS Comput Biol (2013) 9:e1003004. doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1003004 54. Wu Y, Vendome J, Shapiro L, Ben-Shaul A, Honig B. Transforming binding affinities from three di

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    Abstract Receptor phosphorylation is thought to be tightly regulated because phosphorylated receptors initiate signaling cascades leading to cellular activation. The T cell antigen receptor (TCR) on the surface of T cells is phosphorylated by the kinase Lck and dephosphorylated by the phosphatase CD45 on multiple immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motifs (ITAMs). Intriguingly, Lck sequentially phosphorylates ITAMs and ZAP-70, a cytosolic kinase, binds to phosphorylated ITAMs with differential affinities. The purpose of multiple ITAMs, their sequential phosphorylation, and the differential ZAP-70 affinities are unknown. Here, we use a systems model to show that this signaling architecture produces emergent ultrasensitivity resulting in switch-like responses at the scale of individual TCRs. Importantly, this switch-like response is an emergent property, so that removal of multiple ITAMs, sequential phosphorylation, or differential affinities abolishes the switch. We propose that highly regulated TCR phosphorylation is achieved by an emergent switch-like response and use the systems model to design novel chimeric antigen receptors for therapy

    Schematic of the T cell receptor proximal signaling molecules considered in the systems model.

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    <p>We consider the TCR-chain containing three ITAMs, labelled as 3 (membrane-distal) to 1 (membrane-proximal). These ITAMs are sequentially phosphorylated by the tyrosine kinase Lck and dephosphorylated by the phosphatase CD45. The cytosolic kinase ZAP-70 contains tandem SH2 domains which are able to bind to doubly (fully) phosphorylated ITAMs with differential affinities, with the smallest affinity to 3 and largest affinity to 1. When bound to phosphorylated ITAMs, ZAP-70 is able to propagate signaling by phosphorylating downstream signaling molecules and adaptors.</p

    ZAP-70 binding to phosphorylated ITAMs enhances both ultrasensitivity and potency.

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    <p>A) The concentration of total -chain phosphorylation as a function of the relative concentration of active kinase (E) to phosphatase (F). <a href="http://www.ploscompbiol.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1003004#s2" target="_blank">Results</a> are shown for sequential phosphorylation (blue, green) and random phosphorylation (red, orange) in the absence (blue, red) and presence (green, orange) of ZAP-70. B) Hill numbers and C) for all four curves reveal that ZAP-70 binding dramatically increases both ultrasensitivity and potency when phosphorylation is sequential but not random.</p