6 research outputs found

    Clinical spectrum of Cutibacterium acnes infections: The SAPHO syndrome

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    Cutibacterium acnes, previously known as Proprionobacterium, is a commensal Grampositive bacterium of the skin commonly implicated in prosthetic joint infections. However, it has been documented to play a role in other conditions, including SAPHO syndrome (synovitis, acne, pustulosis, hyperostosis, osteitis), a rare autoinflammatory disorder. Diagnosing SAPHO syndrome is cumbersome, as the clinical manifestations are variable and overlap with many inflammatory joint disorders. Herein, we describe a 56-year-old female patient with a presumed diagnosis of longstanding seronegative rheumatoid arthritis and history of C. acnes prosthetic joint infection following revision arthroplasty of the right shoulder. She presented to our clinic with a rash over the upper extremities and trunk and joint symptoms involving the right shoulder. Treatment was initiated with ceftriaxone followed by doxycycline suppressive therapy, with clinical improvement of joint and skin involvement. Symptoms recurred upon brief cessation of antibiotic therapy due to adverse gastrointestinal effects; however, symptoms abated once again upon re-initiation of treatment. Given the patient’s cutaneous lesions and longstanding history of arthritis that improved with antimicrobial therapy against C. acnes, the diagnosis of SAPHO syndrome was entertained. The present case demonstrates the clinical challenges of diagnosing SAPHO syndrome and the importance of its consideration on the differential for a patient with osteoarticular and cutaneous features. Additional literature is needed to improve diagnostic criteria and treatment guidelines

    Cadaveric emergency cricothyrotomy training for non-surgeons using a bronchoscopy-enhanced curriculum

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    Background Emergency cricothyrotomy training for non-surgeons is important as rare “cannot intubate or oxygenate events” may occur multiple times in a provider’s career when surgical expertise is not immediately available. However, such training is highly variable and often infrequent, therefore, enhancing these experiences is important. Research question Is bronchoscopy-enhanced cricothyrotomy training in cadavers feasible, and what are the potential benefits provided by this innovation for trainees? Methods This study was performed during implementation of a new program to train non-surgeon providers on cadaveric donors on our campus. Standard training with an instructional video and live coaching was enhanced by bronchoscopic visualization of the trachea allowing participants to review their technique after performing scalpel and Seldinger-technique procedures, and to review their colleagues’ technique on live video. Feasibility was measured through assessing helpfulness for trainees, cost, setup time, quality of images, and operator needs. Footage from the bronchoscopy recordings was analyzed to assess puncture-to-tube time, safety errors, and evidence for a training effect within groups. Participants submitted pre- and post-session surveys assessing their levels of experience and gauging their confidence and anxiety with cricothyrotomies. Results The training program met feasibility criteria for low costs (Interpretation Supplementing cadaveric emergent cricothyrotomy training programs with tracheal bronchoscopy is feasible, helpful to trainees, and meets prior documented times for efficient technique. Furthermore, it was successful in detecting technical errors that would have been missed in a standard training program. Bronchoscopic enhancement is a valuable addition to cricothyrotomy cadaveric training programs and may help avoid real-life complications

    Cadaveric emergency cricothyrotomy training for non-surgeons using a bronchoscopy-enhanced curriculum.

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    BackgroundEmergency cricothyrotomy training for non-surgeons is important as rare "cannot intubate or oxygenate events" may occur multiple times in a provider's career when surgical expertise is not immediately available. However, such training is highly variable and often infrequent, therefore, enhancing these experiences is important.Research questionIs bronchoscopy-enhanced cricothyrotomy training in cadavers feasible, and what are the potential benefits provided by this innovation for trainees?MethodsThis study was performed during implementation of a new program to train non-surgeon providers on cadaveric donors on our campus. Standard training with an instructional video and live coaching was enhanced by bronchoscopic visualization of the trachea allowing participants to review their technique after performing scalpel and Seldinger-technique procedures, and to review their colleagues' technique on live video. Feasibility was measured through assessing helpfulness for trainees, cost, setup time, quality of images, and operator needs. Footage from the bronchoscopy recordings was analyzed to assess puncture-to-tube time, safety errors, and evidence for a training effect within groups. Participants submitted pre- and post-session surveys assessing their levels of experience and gauging their confidence and anxiety with cricothyrotomies.ResultsThe training program met feasibility criteria for low costs (InterpretationSupplementing cadaveric emergent cricothyrotomy training programs with tracheal bronchoscopy is feasible, helpful to trainees, and meets prior documented times for efficient technique. Furthermore, it was successful in detecting technical errors that would have been missed in a standard training program. Bronchoscopic enhancement is a valuable addition to cricothyrotomy cadaveric training programs and may help avoid real-life complications

    Glucocorticoids as a risk factor for infection and adverse outcomes in non-HIV and non-transplant patients with cryptococcal meningitis

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    Background: Cryptococcal meningitis (CM), an opportunistic fungal infection affecting immunocompromised hosts, leads to high mortality. The role of previous exposure to glucocorticoids as a risk factor and as an outcome modulator has been observed, but systematic studies are lacking. Objective: The primary aim of this study is to evaluate the impact of glucocorticoid use on the clinical outcomes, specifically mortality, of non-HIV and non-transplant (NHNT) patients diagnosed with CM. Methods: We queried a global research network to identify adult NHNT patients with CM based on ICD codes or recorded specific Cryptococcus CSF lab results with or without glucocorticoid exposure the year before diagnosis. We performed a propensity score-matched analysis to reduce the risk of confounding and analysed outcomes by glucocorticoid exposure. We used a Cox proportional hazards model for survival analysis. Results: We identified 764 patients with a history of glucocorticoid exposure and 1267 patients without who developed CM within 1 year. After propensity score matching of covariates, we obtained 627 patients in each cohort. The mortality risk in 1 year was greater in patients exposed to prior glucocorticoids (OR: 1.3, CI: 1.2–2.0, p = 0.002). We found an excess of 45 deaths among CM patients with previous glucocorticoid use (7.4% increased absolute risk of dying within 1 year of diagnosis) compared to CM controls without glucocorticoid exposure. Hospitalisation, intensive care unit admission, emergency department visits, stroke and cognitive dysfunction also showed significant, unfavourable outcomes in patients with glucocorticoid-exposed CM compared to glucocorticoid-unexposed CM patients. Conclusions: Previous glucocorticoid administration in NHNT patients seems to associate with 1-year mortality after CM adjusted for possible confounders related to demographics, comorbidities and additional immunosuppressive medications. Serial CrAg screening might be appropriate for higher-risk patients on glucocorticoids after further cost–benefit analyses.LS is supported by the Emily Foundation for Medical Research

    U.S. bound journey of migrant peoples InTransit across Dante's Inferno and Purgatory in the Americas

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    Rapid rise of population migration is a defining feature of the 21st century due to the impact of climate change, political instability, and socioeconomic downturn. Over the last decade, an increasing number of migrant peoples travel across the Americas to reach the United States seeking asylum or cross the border undocumented in search of economic opportunities. In this journey, migrant people experience violations of their human rights, hunger, illness, violence and have limited access to medical care. In the ‘Divine Comedy’, the Italian poet Dante Alighieri depicts his allegorical pilgrimage across Hell and Purgatory to reach Paradise. More than 700 years after its publication, Dante's poem speaks to the present time and the perilious journey of migrant peoples to reach safehavens. By exploring the depths and heights of the human condition, Dante's struggles resonate with the multiple barriers and the unfathomable experiences faced by migrant peoples in transit across South, Central, and North America to reach the United States. Ensuring the safety of migrant peoples across the Americas and elsewhere, and attending to their health needs during their migratory paths represent modern priorities to reduce social injustices and achieving health equity.Fund Neglected Tropical Diseases of the University of Colorado by Mr. Howard Janzen