4,368 research outputs found

    Near Infrared Spectroscopy of High Redshift Active Galactic Nuclei. II. Disappearing Narrow Line Regions and the Role of Accretion

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    We present new near infrared spectroscopic measurements for 29 luminous high-z quasars and use the data to discuss the size and other properties of the NLRs in those sources. The high resolution spectra have been used to carefully model the Fe II blends and to provide reliable [O III], Fe II and Hb measurements. We find that about 2/3 of all high luminosity sources show strong [O III] lines while the remaining objects show no or very weak such line. While weak [O III] emitters are also found among lower luminosity AGN, we argue that the implications for very high luminosity objects are different. In particular, we suggest that the averaging of these two populations in other works gave rise to claims of a Baldwin relationship in [O III] which is not confirmed by our data. We also argue that earlier proposed relations of the type R_NLR \propto L_[O III]^{1/2}, where R_NLR is the NLR radius, are theoretically sound yet they must break down for R_NLR exceeding a few kpc. This suggests that the NLR properties in luminous sources are different from those observed in nearby AGN. In particular, we suggest that some sources lost their very large, dynamically unbound NLR while others are in a phase of violent star-forming events that produce a large quantity of high density gas in the central kpc. This gas is ionized and excited by the central radiation source and its spectroscopic properties may be different from those observed in nearby, lower luminosity NLRs. We also discuss the dependence of EW(Hb) and Fe II/Hb on L, M_BH, and accretion rate for a large sample of AGNs. The strongest dependence of the two quantities is on the accretion rate and the Fe II/Hb correlation is probably due to the EW(Hb) dependence on accretion rate. We show the most extreme values measured so far of Fe II/Hb and address its correlation with EW([O III]).Comment: 10 pages (emulateapj), 9 figures. Accepted by Ap

    Evidence for anisotropic motion of the clouds in broad-line regions of BL Lacertae objects

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    The masses of central massive black holes in BL Lac objects are estimated from their host galaxy absolute magnitude at R-band by using the empirical relation between absolute magnitude of host galaxy and black hole mass. Only a small fraction of BL Lac objects exhibit weak broad-line emission, and we derive the sizes of the broad-line regions (BLRs) in these BL Lac objects from the widths of their broad emission lines on the assumption of the clouds being virilized in BLRs. It is found that the sizes of the BLRs in these sources are usually 2-3 orders of magnitude larger than that expected by the empirical correlation between BLR size and optical luminosity defined by a sample of Seyfert galaxies and quasars. We discuss a variety of possibilities and suggest it may probably be attributed to anisotropic motion of the BLR clouds in these BL Lac objects. If the BLR geometry of these sources is disk-like, the viewing angles between the axis and the line of sight are in the range of 2-12 degrees, which is consistent with the unification schemes.Comment: 5 pages, accepted for publication in Ap

    The Accretion Rates and Spectral Energy Distributions of BL Lacertae Objects

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    We investigate the relationship between accretion rates and the spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of BL Lac objects, using a sample of objects for which published information on the host galaxies, emission-line luminosities, and peak frequencies and luminosities of their SEDs are available. The sample is composed of 43 BL Lac objects which have a relatively continuous distribution of peak frequencies. Under the assumption that the observed emission lines are photoionized by the central accretion disk, we use the line luminosities to estimate the accretion luminosities and hence accretion rates. We find that low frequency-peaked BL Lac objects (LBLs) span a wide range of accretion rates, whereas high frequency-peaked BL Lac objects (HBLs) cover a more restricted range of lower values. There appears to be a continuous distribution of accretion rates between the two subclasses of BL Lac objects. We find that the peak frequency of the SED, \pknu, correlates with the accretion rate, approximately with the form \pknu\propto \Lambda^{-3} in HBLs and \pknu \propto \Lambda^{-0.25} in LBLs, where ΛLlines/c2\Lambda \equiv L_{\rm lines}/c^2. The peak luminosity of the SED is also correlated with Λ\Lambda. These results suggest that the accretion rate influences the shape of the SED in BL Lac objects. They also support models which couple the jet and the accretion disk. We present a physical scenario to account for the empirical trends.Comment: 6 pages in emulateapj.sty, 3 figures 1 table. The Astrophysical Journal (in press

    ASCA and contemporaneous ground-based observations of the BL Lacertae objects 1749+096 and 2200+420 (BL Lac)

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    We present ASCA observations of the radio-selected BL Lacertae objects 1749+096 (z=0.32) and 2200+420 (BL Lac, z=0.069) performed in 1995 Sept and Nov, respectively. The ASCA spectra of both sources can be described as a first approximation by a power law with photon index Gamma ~ 2. This is flatter than for most X-ray-selected BL Lacs observed with ASCA, in agreement with the predictions of current blazar unification models. While 1749+096 exhibits tentative evidence for spectral flattening at low energies, a concave continuum is detected for 2200+420: the steep low-energy component is consistent the high-energy tail of the synchrotron emission responsible for the longer wavelengths, while the harder tail at higher energies is the onset of the Compton component. The spectral energy distributions from radio to gamma-rays are consistent with synchrotron-self Compton emission from a single homogeneous region shortward of the IR/optical wavelengths, with a second component in the radio domain related to a more extended emission region. For 2200+420, comparing the 1995 Nov state with the optical/GeV flare of 1997 July, we find that models requiring inverse Compton scattering of external photons provide a viable mechanism for the production of the highest (GeV) energies during the flare. An increase of the external radiation density and of the power injected in the jet can reproduce the flat gamma-ray continuum observed in 1997 July. A directly testable prediction of this model is that the line luminosity in 2200+420 should vary shortly after (~1 month) a non-thermal synchrotron flare.Comment: 28 pages,6 figures, 5 tables; LaTeX document. accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Does Every Quasar Harbor A Blazar?

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    Assuming there is a blazar type continuum in every radio-loud quasar, we find that the free-free heating due to the beamed infrared continuum can greatly enhance collisionally excited lines, and thus explain the stronger CIV λ\lambda1549 line emission observed in radio loud quasars. We further predict that the CIV line should show variability {\it not} associated with observed continuum or Lyα\alpha variability.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures; to appear in Astrophys. J. Let

    Markarian 421's Unusual Satellite Galaxy

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    We present Hubble Space Telescope (HST) imagery and photometry of the active galaxy Markarian 421 and its companion galaxy 14 arcsec to the ENE. The HST images indicate that the companion is a morphological spiral rather than elliptical as previous ground--based imaging has concluded. The companion has a bright, compact nucleus, appearing unresolved in the HST images. This is suggestive of Seyfert activity, or possibly a highly luminous compact star cluster. We also report the results of high dynamic range long-slit spectroscopy with the slit placed to extend across both galaxies and nuclei. We detect no emission lines in the companion nucleus, though there is evidence for recent star formation. Velocities derived from a number of absorption lines visible in both galaxies indicate that the two systems are probably tidally bound and thus in close physical proximity. Using the measured relative velocities, we derive a lower limit on the MKN 421 mass within the companion orbit (R \sim 10 kpc) of 5.9 \times 10^{11} solar masses, and a mass-to-light ratio of >= 17. Our spectroscopy also shows for the first time the presence of H\alpha and [NII] emission lines from the nucleus of MKN 421, providing another example of the appearance of new emission features in the previously featureless spectrum of a classical BL Lac object. We see both broad and narrow line emission, with a velocity dispersion of several thousand km s^{-1} evident in the broad lines.Comment: LaTeX (aaspp4 style), 28 pages, 8 figures, to appear in AJ. Revised text from ref. comments; new & modified figures; new photometry included; minor corrections of typos. Color version of Fig. 1 to appear in Feb. 2000 Sky & Telescop

    Nursing and community rates of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection among students in Harare, Zimbabwe.

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    BACKGROUND: African hospitals have experienced major increases in admissions for tuberculosis, but they are ill-equipped to prevent institutional transmission. We compared institutional rates and community rates of tuberculin skin test (TST) conversion in Harare, Zimbabwe. METHODS: We conducted a cohort study of TST conversion 6, 12, and 18 months into training among 159 nursing and 195 polytechnic school students in Harare. Students had negative TST results (induration diameter, or =10 mm) per 100 person-years (95% confidence interval [CI], 14.2-26.2 conversions per 100 person-years), and polytechnic school students experienced 6.0 (95% CI, 3.5-10.4) conversions per 100 person-years. The rate of difference was 13.2 conversions (95% CI, 6.5-20.0) per 100 person-years. With a more stringent definition of conversion (increase in the induration diameter of > or =10 mm to at least 15 mm), which is likely to increase specificity but decrease sensitivity, conversion rates were 12.5 and 2.8 conversions per 100 person-years in nursing and polytechnic school students, respectively (rate difference, 9.7 conversions per 100 person-years; 95% CI, 4.5-14.8 conversions per 100 person-years). Nursing students reportedly nursed 20,868 inpatients with tuberculosis during 315 person-years of training. CONCLUSIONS: Both groups had high TST conversion rates, but the extremely high rates among nursing students imply high occupational exposure to Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Intense exposure to inpatients with tuberculosis was reported during training. Better prevention, surveillance, and management of institutional M. tuberculosis transmission need to be supported as part of the international response to the severe human immunodeficiency virus infection epidemic and health care worker crisis in Africa

    Radio-loud Active Galaxies in the Northern ROSAT All-Sky Survey III: New Spectroscopic Identifications from the RGB BL Lac Survey

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    We present new spectroscopic identifications for 169 objects in the RASS-Green Bank (RGB) catalog of radio- and X-ray-emitting AGN. These data significantly increase the fraction of bright RGB objects with classifications. Specifically, we report and discuss the classification of 66 radio-loud quasars, 53 BL Lacs, 33 Broad Line Radio Galaxies, 5 Narrow Line Radio Galaxies, 1 Seyfert I galaxy and 11 galaxies or galaxies in clusters. Over 78% of the identifications we present here are new. The observations we report were undertaken as part of our targeted search program to identify a new, large unbiased sample of BL Lac Objects and we therefore discuss the BL Lac sample extensively. Unlike many previous surveys, we impose no selection criteria based on optical morphology, color or broadband spectral energy distribution. Our classifications are based solely on a carefully defined set of self-consistent spectroscopic classification criteria. We show the 53 RGB presented here exhibit transitional properties between normal galaxies and BL Lacs discovered previously. We show there is no clear separation in CaII break strength between RGB BL Lacs and galaxies, with the distribution of break strengths varying smoothly between 0% and 50%. We also show that the newly discovered RGB BL Lacs reside in a "zone of avoidance" in the log(S_x/S_r) vs. log(S_o/S_r) diagram. This has important implications for BL Lac search strategies since it shows that RASS BL Lac samples will be severely incomplete if candidates are chosen only from among those objects with the highest S_x/S_r flux ratios.Comment: 21 pages text, 189 Figures, 4 tables, LaTeX2E, 4.2MB tar file (compressed); special style file paper.sty provide

    Provider-initiated symptom screening for tuberculosis in Zimbabwe: diagnostic value and the effect of HIV status.

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    OBJECTIVE: To assess the diagnostic value of provider-initiated symptom screening for tuberculosis (TB) and how HIV status affects it. METHODS: We performed a secondary analysis of randomly selected participants in a community-based TB-HIV prevalence survey in Harare, Zimbabwe. All completed a five-symptom questionnaire and underwent sputum TB culture and HIV testing. We calculated the sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values of various symptoms and used regression analysis to investigate the relationship between symptoms and TB disease. FINDINGS: We found one or more symptoms of TB in 21.2% of 1858 HIV-positive (HIV+) and 9.9% of 7121 HIV-negative (HIV-) participants (P or = 2 weeks' duration, any symptom and a positive sputum culture had sensitivities of 48%, 81% and 65%, respectively; in HIV- participants, the sensitivities were 45%, 71% and 74%, respectively. Symptoms had a similar sensitivity and specificity in HIV+ and HIV- participants, but in HIV+ participants they had a higher positive and a lower negative predictive value. CONCLUSION: Even smear-positive TB may be missed by provider-initiated symptom screening, especially in HIV+ individuals. Symptom screening is useful for ruling out TB, but better TB diagnostics are urgently needed for resource-poor settings