78 research outputs found
Decoding the Mediterranean Salinity Crisis by microfossils as teaching resource in Geosciences
El estudio de las disciplinas científicas resulta más atractivo si se acompaña de actividades de carácter práctico. En este trabajo se propone un taller cuya finalidad es introducir al alumnado en el estudio de los microfósiles y de las reconstrucciones paleoambientales aplicándolo a uno de los eventos más significativos ocurridos en el área Mediterránea, que conllevó la desecación y posterior reinundación de toda la cuenca hace aproximadamente unos cinco millones de años. El taller consta de tres sesiones: una teórica, de introducción de los contenidos necesarios para el desarrollo de la actividad, una práctica, de obtención de datos, y una final, de interpretación de los cambios ambientales y presentación de los resultados en forma de artículo científico y posterior debate en el aula. Todos los datos necesarios para el desarrollo de la actividad se proporcionan en el presente artículo. Además, se proponen una serie de recursos bibliográficos y audiovisuales de fácil acceso para la introducción de los conceptos teóricos.Studying scientific topics is more interesting if theory is followed by practice. Through the activity herein presented students are introduced to the study of microfossils and paleoenvironmental reconstructions, applying them to one of the most significant event in the recent history of the Mediterranean Sea: the desiccation and posterior reflooding of the basin, occurred about five millions years ago. The activity is articulated into three sessions: a theoretical one, by which the basic concepts necessary for working out the activity are introduced, a practical one, focused on the data gathering, and a last one, during which results are interpreted and presented to the class, in the form of both scientific paper and oral debate. Dataset needed for the elaboration of the activity is included in the present paper and references for the introduction of the theoretical concept are proposed as well.Este trabajo se ha realizado en el marco del proyecto de investigación CGL2007-65832 (MCyT) y el grupo de investigación Cambios Paleoambientales (VIGROB-167) de la Universidad de Alicante
The Coastal Scenery of São Miguel Island, Azores Archipelago: Implications for Coastal Management
In this study, coastal scenic beauty was assessed at 29 sites at São Miguel, which is one of the Azores Islands, i.e., a group of remote volcanic islands in the North Atlantic Ocean. The assessment was based on in situ observations and the use of the Coastal Scenic Evaluation System (CSES), which consists of a checklist with 26 physical- and anthropic-weighted parameters and the Fuzzy Logic Approach (FLA) mathematical tool. The study sites were classified into five classes according to their typology and their scenic value, ranging from Class I (natural sites of great scenic beauty) to Class V (unattractive, urbanized sites). Concerning beach typology, 13% were remote, 28% rural, 28% village, and 31% urban. Concerning scenic beauty, 10% of the sites belonged to Class I, 14% to Class II, 17% to Class III, 31% to Class IV, and 28% to Class V. The physical parameters were linked to the characteristics of the geological volcanic landscapes, and the anthropic parameters essentially reflected the presence of tourism and public services. The results of the assessment provide a scientific basis for developing a management strategy for the preservation and conservation of the coastal areas and their sustainable development.This work was supported by the Paleoenvironmental Changes research group (vigrob-167) of the University of Alicante and the PAI Research Group RNM-373 of Andalusia (Spain)
The Coastal Scenery of São Miguel Island, Azores Archipelago: Implications for Coastal Management
In this study, coastal scenic beauty was assessed at 29 sites at São Miguel, which is one of the
Azores Islands, i.e., a group of remote volcanic islands in the North Atlantic Ocean. The assessment
was based on in situ observations and the use of the Coastal Scenic Evaluation System (CSES), which
consists of a checklist with 26 physical- and anthropic-weighted parameters and the Fuzzy Logic
Approach (FLA) mathematical tool. The study sites were classified into five classes according to
their typology and their scenic value, ranging from Class I (natural sites of great scenic beauty) to
Class V (unattractive, urbanized sites). Concerning beach typology, 13% were remote, 28% rural,
28% village, and 31% urban. Concerning scenic beauty, 10% of the sites belonged to Class I, 14% to
Class II, 17% to Class III, 31% to Class IV, and 28% to Class V. The physical parameters were linked to
the characteristics of the geological volcanic landscapes, and the anthropic parameters essentially
reflected the presence of tourism and public services. The results of the assessment provide a scientific
basis for developing a management strategy for the preservation and conservation of the coastal
areas and their sustainable development
Scenic evaluation of the beaches of Alicante (Western Mediterranean) through physical and anthropogenic parameters: implications for management
Se evaluaron mediante un método de evaluación paisajística las principales características de 42 playas distribuidas a lo largo de la costa alicantina (Sureste de España). Para ello, mediante observación in situ, se valoraron una serie de parámetros físicos como acantilados, playas, plataformas rocosas, dunas, valles, forma del relieve, rasgos geomorfológicos, restos de vegetación, etc. Por otra parte, se evaluaron parámetros de carácter antropogénico como ruido, presencia de residuos sólidos y evidencias de aguas residuales, grado de modificación y construcción del medio, tipos de acceso, línea del horizonte y estructuras antrópicas. Entre todos ellos suman un total de 26 parámetros (18 físicos y 8 antropogénicos), basados en una serie de encuestas (>1000) realizadas en playas europeas. Cada parámetro se califica en una escala del 1 al 5, siendo 1 ausencia/presencia o poca calidad y 5 excelente o alta calidad. Para evitar la incertidumbre o subjetividad de la evaluación se utiliza la lógica matemática (fuzzy logic), además no todos los parámetros tienen el mismo valor. Los resultados permiten clasificar las playas según su grado de calidad paisajística, resaltando de esta manera aquellas características mejores o peores de cada sitio para poder abordar mejor su gestión desde el punto de vista de su conservación.The main characteristics of 42 beaches distributed along the coast of Alicante (Southeastern Spain) were evaluated using a landscape evaluation method. For this, by means of in situ observations, a series of physical parameters such as cliffs, beaches, rocky platforms, dunes, valleys, relief shape, geomorphological features, vegetation remains, etc. were evaluated. On the other hand, anthropogenic parameters such as noise, presence of beach litter and evidence of residual water, degree of modification and construction of the environment, types of access, horizon line and anthropic structures were evaluated. They sum a total of 26 parameters (18 physical and 8 anthropogenic), based on a series of surveys (> 1000) conducted on European beaches. Each parameter is rated on a scale from 1 to 5, being 1 absence or poor quality and 5 excellent quality. In order to avoid the uncertainty or subjectivity of the evaluation, fuzzy logic method is used, further not all parameters have the same value. The results allow classifying the beaches according to their degree of scenic quality, highlighting in this way the best and worse characteristics of each one in order to better arrange its management from the point of view of its conservation
Microplastic accumulation dynamics in two Mediterranean beaches with contrasting inputs
Plastic debris is becoming a growing environmental concern and microplastics (size <5 mm) are one of the most important fractions due to their environmental and human potential deleterious effects. Despite the recent effort done on estimating their concentrations in several ecosystems, the dynamics of microplastic accumulation are not sufficiently studied. In this work, short-and long-term microplastic accumulation dynamics have been studied on two beaches located in the Western Mediterranean with low and high anthropogenic pressure by sampling twice per week the surface of the sediment for one month, and in-depth, respectively. As regards short-term accumulation dynamics, no clear correlation was detected between microplastics levels and oceanographic variables. As regards long-term accumulation dynamics, on both beaches, fibres were the predominant shape and no clear accumulation pattern of microplastics along depth was observed. Only at the beach with high anthropogenic pressure, there was a correlation between the levels of microplastics and the 125 μm fraction of the sediment. The obtained results suggest that, in areas where there are no direct sources of pollution, the accumulation dynamics of microplastics can be driven by oceanographic variables to a greater extent than areas with direct sources of microplastics. The present study suggests that the accumulation dynamics in the long-term are difficult to be monitored on beaches due to their high dynamism. Additionally, special care needs to be taken when studying microplastics levels in the sediment since the shape of the microplastic can greatly affect their accumulation.This study was supported by the Biodiversity Foundation of the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge from Spain [FBIOMARINA19-01]
The Origin of Sand and Its Colour on the South-Eastern Coast of Spain: Implications for Erosion Management
Sand colour can give important information about mineral composition and, consequently, sediment source areas and input systems. Beach appearance, which is mostly linked to sand colour, has a relevant economic function in tourist areas. In this paper, the colour of 66 sand samples, collected along both natural and nourished beaches in the western Mediterranean coast of Spain, were assessed in CIEL*a*b* 1976 colour space. The obtained results showed relevant differences between natural and artificially nourished beaches. The colour of many nourished beaches generally differs from the native one because the origin of the injected sand is different. The native sand colour coordinates' range is: L* (40.16-63.71); a* (-1.47-6.40); b* (7.48-18.06). On the contrary, for nourished beaches' the colour range is: L* (47.66-70.75); a*(0.72-5.16); b* (5.82-18.82). Impacts of beach nourishment on the native sand colour were studied at San Juan beach, the most popular one along the study area. Nourishment works were performed after severe erosion, usually linked to anthropic activities/structures and storm events, but also to increase beach width and hence benefit touris
New constraints on the closure of the Betic Seaway and the western Mediterranean palaeoclimate during the Messinian Salinity Crisis from the Campo Coy Basin (SE Spain)
The Campo Coy Basin (SE Spain) exposes >1 km of sedimentary succession with a variety of rocks including a thick evaporitic succession previously associated with the Messinian time. These evaporites were supposedly deposited in a restricted Mediterranean-Atlantic seaway connecting the Lorca and Guadix-Baza basins, although no chronological or geochemical data existed. Here we use palaeomagnetism together with vertebrate and foraminifera biostratigraphy to constrain the age of the Campo Coy succession between <9 Ma and 4.7 Ma. We use geochemistry (δ34S, δ18O and 87Sr/86Sr values) of the gypsum deposits to evaluate their marine or continental origin. In addition, we describe the underlying and overlying lithostratigraphic units to reconstruct the palaeogeographic evolution of this region. Our results show that the sediments were deposited in a continental environment, indicating that the Betic Seaway was already closed in this region during the late Tortonian and that the neighbouring marine basins of Guadix-Baza and Lorca were disconnected during that time. The δ34S, δ18O and 87Sr/86Sr values of the gypsum indicate recycling from the Triassic sulphates. Sedimentary facies of the evaporites point to an environment dominated by a saline lake with continental sabkha episodes developed during the driest periods. Well-defined and laterally continuous evaporitic cyclicity suggests an orbital forcing and high sedimentation rates preceding the Messinian Salinity Crisis (MSC). Alluvial deposits are contemporaneous with the MSC indicating a dry continental environment in this region during the Mediterranean restriction. Overlaying lacustrine carbonates are rich in small vertebrate fauna including African species that migrated to Europe during the MSC. These carbonates have low δ18O and δ13C values characteristic for freshwater input in an open lake just after the Zanclean flood, suggesting that a wet climate followed the MSC.Funding was provided by the grants CGL-2016-79458 and PID2020-118999GB-I00 from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MCIN)/ State Research agency of Spain (AEI)/10.13039/501100011033, and by the Catalonian Government Actions 21-SGR-829 and PGC2018-094122-B-100
Por el Cabildo, y canonigos de la Sta. Metropolitana Iglesia de Valencia, con el Dotor D. Tomas Corbi, canonigo penitenciario y Dotor Francisco Riz su coadjutor [Texto impreso]
Precede al tit.: "Iesus, Maria, Iosef·El texto alude a una bula dada por Alejandro VII el año 1657Sign.: A-E2Inicial grab. xil
Elaboración de itinerarios geológicos como recurso didáctico en Ciencias de la Tierra
En la enseñanza de las Ciencias de la Tierra, las actividades de campo juegan un rol fundamental en la formación del alumnado. Por una parte, permiten completar la formación teórica recibida en clase con observaciones directas, y por otra fomentan el interés de los alumnos por el medio natural que les rodea. Para que una práctica de campo resulte útil a nivel didáctico es indispensable que el profesorado no sólo reflexione sobre los aspectos teóricos y prácticos a desarrollar en la práctica, sino que además considere toda una serie de aspectos relacionados con su logística y desarrollo. En esta comunicación se expone la metodología a seguir para la preparación y diseño de un itinerario geológico, proponiendo una actividad teórico-práctica en el marco de la asignatura “Complementos para la formación disciplinar en Biología y Geología” del Master en Profesorado de Educación Secundaria de la Universidad de Alicante. La actividad propuesta consta de tres módulos. En la primera sesión teórica se describen los elementos indispensables para la preparación de un itinerario geológico. En la segunda sesión, de carácter práctico, los alumnos deben organizar un itinerario geológico de acuerdo con la guía didáctica propuesta en clase. Finalmente, durante la última sesión se ponen en común, discuten y exponen los itinerarios realizados por el alumnado
Stratigraphy, petrophysical characterization and 3D geological modelling of the historical quarry of Nueva Tabarca island (western Mediterranean): Implications on heritage conservation
The historical quarry of the Nueva Tabarca fortress (Mediterranean Sea, SE of Spain) was developed in a complex sedimentary Miocene deposit. Five lithostratigraphic units have been defined, including different lithologies such as breccias and microconglomerates (Unit 1), massive and laminated lithoarenites (Units 1, 3 and 5), calcarenites and biocalcirudites (Units 2 and 4). A complete stratigraphic description of this sequence has been carried out, as well as the petrophysical characterization of the most significant lithologies including the analysis of rock durability as well as hydraulic and mechanical properties. Regarding durability, the softest rocks correspond to those from the Unit 4, whilst samples from Units 2 and 5 are the most durable. Three weathering patterns were observed during the artificial ageing test according to both the velocity and intensity of the sample decay. Each pattern is explained according to water-circulation possibility through the rock, its porous system, and the mechanical strength. Rock weathering in monuments of Nueva Tabarca is quantified and discussed according to the results found in the laboratory. Several decay forms are observed in the building stones (mainly differential erosion, alveolization, and rounding forms). Both 3D photogrammetric and 3D geological model of the historical quarry were elaborated in order to quantify the extracted volume of building stones, differentiating the specific quarried percentage of each lithology. Correlation between the results obtained in the volumetric analysis of the historical quarry and the building stones used in the monuments has been carried out. 3D models were also used for determining the remaining rock volume in the current outcrops. Finally, a set of recommendations for future conservation works of the architectural heritage are proposed after the current availability of the different rock varieties and their petrophysical behaviour.This research was supported by projects GRE12-03 and GRE14-05 (University of Alicante)
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