258 research outputs found

    The Protection of Wildlife Under Washington\u27s Growth Management Act

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    Will critical areas and resource lands, as implemented under the GMA, effectively contribute to the conservation of wildlife and wildlife habitat in Washington? The remainder of this Article will address that question. First, this Article briefly describes some aspects of biological diversity that must be understood before proceeding further. Second, it sets forth several central principles from modern conservation biology that are essential for maintaining habitat integrity and species viability and considers their applicability to critical areas and resource lands, as defined by the GMA. Third, it explains how these principles could be used to identify and protect habitat remnants in western Washington. Finally, this Article concludes by arguing that such an approach is absolutely necessary if we are to protect the biological diversity and ecological integrity of the Pacific Northwest

    Including Best Available Science in the Designation and Protection of Critical Areas Under the Growth Management Act

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    This Article discusses the meaning of these latter two requirements: the requirements to include best available science and to give special consideration to the conservation of anadromous fisheries. Section II defines best available science by examining the fundamental characteristics of scientific information applied in the context of the GMA. Expanding on the work of a technical team convened by DCTED, this Article suggests an approach useful for identifying scientific information and assessing which of that information should be considered the best available science. Section III concludes that the requirement of RCW 36.70A. 172(1) to include best available science is a substantive requirement. Section IV explains the relationship between the two requirements in RCW 36.70A.172(1): the substantive requirement to include best available science and the requirement to give special consideration to anadromous fisheries

    Including Best Available Science in the Designation and Protection of Critical Areas Under the Growth Management Act

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    This Article discusses the meaning of these latter two requirements: the requirements to include best available science and to give special consideration to the conservation of anadromous fisheries. Section II defines best available science by examining the fundamental characteristics of scientific information applied in the context of the GMA. Expanding on the work of a technical team convened by DCTED, this Article suggests an approach useful for identifying scientific information and assessing which of that information should be considered the best available science. Section III concludes that the requirement of RCW 36.70A. 172(1) to include best available science is a substantive requirement. Section IV explains the relationship between the two requirements in RCW 36.70A.172(1): the substantive requirement to include best available science and the requirement to give special consideration to anadromous fisheries

    Diversity, urban space and the right to the provincial city

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    Using three vignettes of the same physical space this article contributes to understanding of how the right to the city is contested in provincial England in the early twenty-first century. Oral history and ethnographic material gathered in Peterborough between 2010 and 2012 are drawn on to shed new light on the politics of diversity and urban space. This highlights the multiple place attachments and trans-spatial practices of all residents, including the white ethnic majority, as well as contrasting forms of active intervention in space with their different temporalities and affective intensities. The article carries its own diversity politics, seeking to reduce the harm done by racism through challenging the normalisation of the idea of a local, indigenous population, left out by multiculturalism. It simultaneously raises critical questions about capitalist regeneration strategies in terms of their impact both on class inequality and on the environment

    Scalability of quantum computation with addressable optical lattices

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    We make a detailed analysis of error mechanisms, gate fidelity, and scalability of proposals for quantum computation with neutral atoms in addressable (large lattice constant) optical lattices. We have identified possible limits to the size of quantum computations, arising in 3D optical lattices from current limitations on the ability to perform single qubit gates in parallel and in 2D lattices from constraints on laser power. Our results suggest that 3D arrays as large as 100 x 100 x 100 sites (i.e., 106\sim 10^6 qubits) may be achievable, provided two-qubit gates can be performed with sufficiently high precision and degree of parallelizability. Parallelizability of long range interaction-based two-qubit gates is qualitatively compared to that of collisional gates. Different methods of performing single qubit gates are compared, and a lower bound of 1×1051 \times 10^{-5} is determined on the error rate for the error mechanisms affecting 133^{133}Cs in a blue-detuned lattice with Raman transition-based single qubit gates, given reasonable limits on experimental parameters.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures. Accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Improved end-member characterisation of modern organic matter pools in the Ohrid Basin (Albania, Macedonia) and evaluation of new palaeoenvironmental proxies

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    We present elemental, lipid biomarker and, in the supplement, compound-specific isotope (δ13C, δ2H) data for soils and leaf litter collected in the catchment of Lake Ohrid (Albania, Macedonia), as well as macrophytes, particulate organic matter and sediments from the lake itself. Lake Ohrid provides an outstanding archive of continental environmen- tal change of at least 1.2 million years and the purpose of our study is to ground truth organic geochemical proxies that we developed in order to study past changes in the terres- trial biome. We show that soils dominate the lipid signal of the lake sediments rather than the vegetation or aquatic biomass. There is a strong imprint of suberin monomers on the composition of total lipid extracts and chain-length distri- butions of n-alkanoic acids, n-alcohols, ω-hydroxy acids and α, ω-dicarboxylic acids. Our end-member survey identifies that ratios of mid-chain length suberin-derived to long-chain length cuticular-derived alkyl compounds as well as their av- erage chain length distributions can be used as new molecular proxies of organic matter sources to the lake. We tested these for the 8.2 ka event, a pronounced and widespread Holocene climate fluctuation. In SE Europe climate became drier and cooler in response to the event, as is clearly recognisable in the carbonate and organic carbon records of Lake Ohrid sed- iments. Our new proxies indicate biome modification in re- sponse to hydrological changes, identifying two phases of in- creased soil organic matter (OM) supply, first from soils with moderately degraded OM and then from more degraded soils. Our study demonstrates that geochemical fingerprinting of terrestrial OM should focus on the main lipid sources, rather than the living biomass. Both can exhibit climate-controlled variability, but are generally not identical

    Black strings with negative cosmological constant: inclusion of electric charge and rotation

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    We generalize the vacuum static black strings with negative cosmological constant recently discussed in literature, by including an electromagnetic field. These higher-dimensional configurations have no dependence on the `compact' extra dimension, and their boundary topology is the product of time and Sd3×S1S^{d-3}\times S^1 or Hd3×S1H^{d-3}\times S^1. Rotating generalizations of the even dimensional black string configurations are considered as well. Different from the static, neutral case, no regular limit is found for a vanishing event horizon radius. We explore numerically the general properties of such solutions and, using a counterterm prescription, we compute their conserved charges and discuss their thermodynamics. We find that the thermodynamics of the black strings follows the pattern of the corresponding black hole solutions in AdS backgrounds.Comment: 35 pages, 8 figures, final versio

    Charged-rotating black holes and black strings in higher dimensional Einstein-Maxwell theory with a positive cosmological constant

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    We present arguments for the existence of charged, rotating black holes in d=2N+1d=2N+1 dimensions, with d5d\geq 5 with a positive cosmological constant. These solutions posses both, a regular horizon and a cosmological horizon of spherical topology and have NN equal-magnitude angular momenta. They approach asymptotically the de Sitter spacetime background. The counterpart equations for d=2N+2d=2N+2 are investigated, by assuming that the fields are independant of the extra dimension yy, leading to black strings solutions. These solutions are regular at the event horizon. The asymptotic form of the metric is not the de Sitter form and exhibit a naked singularity at finite proper distance.Comment: 21 pages, 9 figure

    Assessing physiotherapists’ communication skills for promoting patient autonomy for self-management: reliability and validity of the communication evaluation in rehabilitation tool

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    Purpose: To assess the inter-rater reliability and concurrent validity of the Communication Evaluation in Rehabilitation Tool, which aims to externally assess physiotherapists competency in using Self-Determination Theory-based communication strategies in practice. Materials and methods: Audio recordings of initial consultations between 24 physiotherapists and 24 patients with chronic low back pain in four hospitals in Ireland were obtained as part of a larger randomised controlled trial. Three raters, all of whom had Ph.Ds in psychology and expertise in motivation and physical activity, independently listened to the 24 audio recordings and completed the 18-item Communication Evaluation in Rehabilitation Tool. Inter-rater reliability between all three raters was assessed using intraclass correlation coefficients. Concurrent validity was assessed using Pearson’s r correlations with a reference standard, the Health Care Climate Questionnaire. Results: The total score for the Communication Evaluation in Rehabilitation Tool is an average of all 18 items. Total scores demonstrated good inter-rater reliability (Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC)?=?0.8) and concurrent validity with the Health Care Climate Questionnaire total score (range: r?=?0.7–0.88). Item-level scores of the Communication Evaluation in Rehabilitation Tool identified five items that need improvement. Conclusion: Results provide preliminary evidence to support future use and testing of the Communication Evaluation in Rehabilitation Tool.Implications for RehabilitationPromoting patient autonomy is a learned skill and while interventions exist to train clinicians in these skills there are no tools to assess how well clinicians use these skills when interacting with a patient. The lack of robust assessment has severe implications regarding both the fidelity of clinician training packages and resulting outcomes for promoting patient autonomy.This study has developed a novel measurement tool Communication Evaluation in Rehabilitation Tool and a comprehensive user manual to assess how well health care providers use autonomy-supportive communication strategies in real world-clinical settings.This tool has demonstrated good inter-rater reliability and concurrent validity in its initial testing phase.The Communication Evaluation in Rehabilitation Tool can be used in future studies to assess autonomy-supportive communication and undergo further measurement property testing as per our recommendations