18 research outputs found

    Mécanismes de régulation post-transcriptionnelle de l'expression des mucines par la galectine-3

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    Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma is characterized by a neo expression of the membrane-bound mucin MUC4 and an overexpression of membrane-bound mucins MUC1 and MUC16. These high molecular weight O-glycoproteins are encoded by mRNA sharing unusual features among human transcripts, such as a long half-life and a very large size. Galectin-3, an endogenous lectin frequently over-expressed in pancreatic cancer, has many biological functions, especially in intracellular glycoprotein trafficking and pre-mRNA splicing. However, the involvement of this lectin in another step of mRNA life cycle has not been explored in literature yet. Previous works performed in the laboratory have demonstrated that LGALS3 gene knock-down in a human cancerous pancreatic cancer cell line is followed by a decrease of the expression of several membrane-bound mucin mRNAs. The aim of this present work was to study the mechanism of the regulation of mucins expression, especially for MUC4, by galectin-3.We have demonstrated that galectin-3, in vitro, regulates MUC4 expression at the post-transcriptionnal level through the stabilization of the transcripts of this mucin. Galectin-3 potentiates the binding of hnRNP-L, a RNA-Binding protein, on the CA repeat region present in MUC4 3’UTR. Our results show that this regulation occurs physiologically in vivo in mice digestive epithelial tissues. Moreover, we have demonstrated that galectin-3 interacts with hnRNP-L in cell cytoplasm but scarcely with protein markers of P-Bodies or stress granules markers. Regarding the influence of galectin-3 in mRNA life cycle, our results suggest that it binds to mature MUC4 transcripts in the perinuclear area, probably in storage granules whose type should to be determined. We have also broadened our results by studying this lectin’s involvement in the metabolism of other mRNA. Our analyzes suggest that galectin-3 could be involved in the positive or negative post-transcriptionnal regulation of a mRNA subset whose functions are linked to unfolded protein response (UPR) and Endoplasmic-reticulum-associated protein degradation (ERAD) pathways, but also more generally towards protein processing in response to endoplasmic reticulum stress.In conclusion, our work highlights a new function for galectin-3 as a RNA binding protein in the stabilization of MUC4 mRNA, but also a new function in the coordination of the expression of repertories of mature transcripts with shared functions or (RNA regulon) allowing morphological, biological and metabolic cell adaptation to physiopathological changes. These results strengthen the interplay between mucins, galectin-3 and cellular functions which are disturbed in cancer.L’adénocarcinome pancréatique canalaire s’accompagne d’une néoexpression de la mucine membranaire MUC4 et d’une surexpression des mucines membranaires MUC1 et MUC16. Ces O-glycoprotéines de haut poids moléculaire sont codées par des ARNm possédant des particularités inhabituelles par rapport aux autres transcrits humains, comme une longue demi-vie et une très grande taille. La galectine-3, une lectine endogène également surexprimée au cours du cancer pancréatique, exerce de très nombreuses fonctions biologiques, en particulier dans le domaine du trafic intracellulaire des glycoprotéines et de l’épissage des pré-ARNm. Cependant, l’implication de cette galectine à un autre niveau du cycle de vie des ARNm n’avait pas été explorée jusque-là dans la littérature. De précédents travaux du laboratoire ont démontré que la suppression de l’expression de la galectine-3 dans la lignée cellulaire cancéreuse pancréatique humaine CAPAN-1 s’accompagne d’une diminution de l’expression des transcrits de certaines mucines membranaires. L’objectif de ce travail a donc été d’étudier les mécanismes de régulation de l’expression des mucines membranaires, et plus particulièrement MUC4, par la galectine-3.Nous avons démontré que la galectine-3, in vitro, régule l’expression de MUC4 au niveau post-transcriptionnel en stabilisant les transcrits de cette mucine. Ceci passe par la potentialisation de la fixation de la RNA Binding Protein hnRNP-L sur l’élément cis-régulateur CA repeat présent dans le 3’UTR de MUC4. Nos résultats indiquent que cette régulation est présente in vivo au niveau physiologique dans des tissus épithéliaux digestifs murins. Par ailleurs, nous avons mis en évidence que la galectine-3 interagit avec hnRNP-L dans le cytoplasme mais qu’elle interagit faiblement avec des marqueurs de P-Bodies ou de granules de stress. Concernant le rôle de la galectine-3 dans le cycle de vie des ARNm, nos données révèlent que celle-ci se lie à aux transcrits matures de MUC4 au niveau périnucléaire, probablement dans des granules de stockage qui ne sont ni des granules de stress ni des P-bodies et dont le type reste à déterminer. Nous avons également élargi nos résultats en étudiant l’implication de cette lectine dans le métabolisme d’autres ARNm et nos analyses indiquent que la galectine-3 serait impliquée dans la régulation post-transcriptionnelle positive ou négative d’un ensemble de transcrits dont les fonctions convergent vers les voies UPR (Unfolded protein response) et ERAD (Endoplasmic-reticulum-associated protein degradation) mais également plus généralement vers le processing des protéines en réponse au stress du réticulum endoplasmique.En conclusion, nos travaux mettent en évidence un nouveau rôle de la galectine-3 en tant que RNA binding protein dans la stabilisation des ARNm de MUC4 mais aussi un nouveau rôle dans la coordination de l’expression de répertoires de transcrits matures ayant des rôles biologiques communs (RNA regulon) permettant à la cellule de s’adapter au plan morphologique, métabolique et biologique à des changements physiopathologiques. Ceci renforce les interconnexions largement décrites dans la littérature entre mucines, galectine-3 et les grandes fonctions cellulaires qui sont perturbées en situation cancéreuse

    Mechanisms of post-transcriptional regulation of mucins expression by galectin-3

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    L’adénocarcinome pancréatique canalaire s’accompagne d’une néoexpression de la mucine membranaire MUC4 et d’une surexpression des mucines membranaires MUC1 et MUC16. Ces O-glycoprotéines de haut poids moléculaire sont codées par des ARNm possédant des particularités inhabituelles par rapport aux autres transcrits humains, comme une longue demi-vie et une très grande taille. La galectine-3, une lectine endogène également surexprimée au cours du cancer pancréatique, exerce de très nombreuses fonctions biologiques, en particulier dans le domaine du trafic intracellulaire des glycoprotéines et de l’épissage des pré-ARNm. Cependant, l’implication de cette galectine à un autre niveau du cycle de vie des ARNm n’avait pas été explorée jusque-là dans la littérature. De précédents travaux du laboratoire ont démontré que la suppression de l’expression de la galectine-3 dans la lignée cellulaire cancéreuse pancréatique humaine CAPAN-1 s’accompagne d’une diminution de l’expression des transcrits de certaines mucines membranaires. L’objectif de ce travail a donc été d’étudier les mécanismes de régulation de l’expression des mucines membranaires, et plus particulièrement MUC4, par la galectine-3.Nous avons démontré que la galectine-3, in vitro, régule l’expression de MUC4 au niveau post-transcriptionnel en stabilisant les transcrits de cette mucine. Ceci passe par la potentialisation de la fixation de la RNA Binding Protein hnRNP-L sur l’élément cis-régulateur CA repeat présent dans le 3’UTR de MUC4. Nos résultats indiquent que cette régulation est présente in vivo au niveau physiologique dans des tissus épithéliaux digestifs murins. Par ailleurs, nous avons mis en évidence que la galectine-3 interagit avec hnRNP-L dans le cytoplasme mais qu’elle interagit faiblement avec des marqueurs de P-Bodies ou de granules de stress. Concernant le rôle de la galectine-3 dans le cycle de vie des ARNm, nos données révèlent que celle-ci se lie à aux transcrits matures de MUC4 au niveau périnucléaire, probablement dans des granules de stockage qui ne sont ni des granules de stress ni des P-bodies et dont le type reste à déterminer. Nous avons également élargi nos résultats en étudiant l’implication de cette lectine dans le métabolisme d’autres ARNm et nos analyses indiquent que la galectine-3 serait impliquée dans la régulation post-transcriptionnelle positive ou négative d’un ensemble de transcrits dont les fonctions convergent vers les voies UPR (Unfolded protein response) et ERAD (Endoplasmic-reticulum-associated protein degradation) mais également plus généralement vers le processing des protéines en réponse au stress du réticulum endoplasmique.En conclusion, nos travaux mettent en évidence un nouveau rôle de la galectine-3 en tant que RNA binding protein dans la stabilisation des ARNm de MUC4 mais aussi un nouveau rôle dans la coordination de l’expression de répertoires de transcrits matures ayant des rôles biologiques communs (RNA regulon) permettant à la cellule de s’adapter au plan morphologique, métabolique et biologique à des changements physiopathologiques. Ceci renforce les interconnexions largement décrites dans la littérature entre mucines, galectine-3 et les grandes fonctions cellulaires qui sont perturbées en situation cancéreuse.Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma is characterized by a neo expression of the membrane-bound mucin MUC4 and an overexpression of membrane-bound mucins MUC1 and MUC16. These high molecular weight O-glycoproteins are encoded by mRNA sharing unusual features among human transcripts, such as a long half-life and a very large size. Galectin-3, an endogenous lectin frequently over-expressed in pancreatic cancer, has many biological functions, especially in intracellular glycoprotein trafficking and pre-mRNA splicing. However, the involvement of this lectin in another step of mRNA life cycle has not been explored in literature yet. Previous works performed in the laboratory have demonstrated that LGALS3 gene knock-down in a human cancerous pancreatic cancer cell line is followed by a decrease of the expression of several membrane-bound mucin mRNAs. The aim of this present work was to study the mechanism of the regulation of mucins expression, especially for MUC4, by galectin-3.We have demonstrated that galectin-3, in vitro, regulates MUC4 expression at the post-transcriptionnal level through the stabilization of the transcripts of this mucin. Galectin-3 potentiates the binding of hnRNP-L, a RNA-Binding protein, on the CA repeat region present in MUC4 3’UTR. Our results show that this regulation occurs physiologically in vivo in mice digestive epithelial tissues. Moreover, we have demonstrated that galectin-3 interacts with hnRNP-L in cell cytoplasm but scarcely with protein markers of P-Bodies or stress granules markers. Regarding the influence of galectin-3 in mRNA life cycle, our results suggest that it binds to mature MUC4 transcripts in the perinuclear area, probably in storage granules whose type should to be determined. We have also broadened our results by studying this lectin’s involvement in the metabolism of other mRNA. Our analyzes suggest that galectin-3 could be involved in the positive or negative post-transcriptionnal regulation of a mRNA subset whose functions are linked to unfolded protein response (UPR) and Endoplasmic-reticulum-associated protein degradation (ERAD) pathways, but also more generally towards protein processing in response to endoplasmic reticulum stress.In conclusion, our work highlights a new function for galectin-3 as a RNA binding protein in the stabilization of MUC4 mRNA, but also a new function in the coordination of the expression of repertories of mature transcripts with shared functions or (RNA regulon) allowing morphological, biological and metabolic cell adaptation to physiopathological changes. These results strengthen the interplay between mucins, galectin-3 and cellular functions which are disturbed in cancer

    Messenger RNA Life-Cycle in Cancer Cells: Emerging Role of Conventional and Non-Conventional RNA-Binding Proteins?

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    Functional specialization of cells and tissues in metazoans require specific gene expression patterns. Biological processes, thus, need precise temporal and spatial coordination of gene activity. Regulation of the fate of messenger RNA plays a crucial role in this context. In the present review, the current knowledge related to the role of RNA-binding proteins in the whole mRNA life-cycle is summarized. This field opens up a new angle for understanding the importance of the post-transcriptional control of gene expression in cancer cells. The emerging role of non-classic RNA-binding proteins is highlighted. The goal of this review is to encourage readers to view, through the mRNA life-cycle, novel aspects of the molecular basis of cancer and the potential to develop RNA-based therapies

    TGF-βRII Knock-down in Pancreatic Cancer Cells Promotes Tumor Growth and Gemcitabine Resistance. Importance of STAT3 Phosphorylation on S727

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    Pancreatic adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is one of the most deadly cancers in the Western world because of a lack of early diagnostic markers and efficient therapeutics. At the time of diagnosis, more than 80% of patients have metastasis or locally advanced cancer and are therefore not eligible for surgical resection. Pancreatic cancer cells also harbour a high resistance to chemotherapeutic drugs such as gemcitabine that is one of the main palliative treatments for PDAC. Proteins involved in TGF-β signaling pathway (SMAD4 or TGF-βRII) are frequently mutated in PDAC (50–80%). TGF-β signalling pathway plays antagonistic roles during carcinogenesis by initially inhibiting epithelial growth and later promoting the progression of advanced tumors and thus emerged as both tumor suppressor and oncogenic pathways. In order to decipher the role of TGF-β in pancreatic carcinogenesis and chemoresistance, we generated CAPAN-1 and CAPAN-2 cell lines knocked down for TGF-βRII (first actor of TGF-β signaling). The impact on biological properties of these TGF-βRII-KD cells was studied both in vitro and in vivo. We show that TGF-βRII silencing alters tumor growth and migration as well as resistance to gemcitabine. TGF-βRII silencing also leads to S727 STAT3 and S63 c-Jun phosphorylation, decrease of MRP3 and increase of MRP4 ABC transporter expression and induction of a partial EMT phenotype. These markers associated with TGF-β signaling pathways may thus appear as potent therapeutic tools to better treat/manage pancreatic cancer

    Antagonistic Roles of the Tumor Suppressor miR-210-3p and Oncomucin MUC4 Forming a Negative Feedback Loop in Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma

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    International audienceBackground: Pancreatic adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is a deadly cancer with an extremely poor prognosis. MUC4 membrane-bound mucin is neoexpressed in early pancreatic neoplastic lesions and is associated with PDAC progression and chemoresistance. In cancers, microRNAs (miRNAs, small noncoding RNAs) are crucial regulators of carcinogenesis, chemotherapy response and even metastatic processes. In this study, we aimed at identifying and characterizing miRNAs activated downstream of MUC4-associated signaling in pancreatic adenocarcinoma. MiRnome analysis comparing MUC4-KD versus Mock cancer cells showed that MUC4 inhibition impaired miR-210-3p expression. Therefore, we aimed to better understand the miR-210-3p biological roles. Methods: miR-210-3p expression level was analyzed by RT-qPCR in PDAC-derived cell lines (PANC89 Mock and MUC4-KD, PANC-1 and MiaPACA-2), as well as in mice and patients tissues. The MUC4-miR-210-3p regulation was investigated using luciferase reporter construct and chromatin immunoprecipitation experiments. Stable cell lines expressing miR-210-3p or anti-miR-210-3p were established using CRISPR/Cas9 technology or lentiviral transduction. We evaluated the biological activity of miR-210-3p in vitro by measuring cell proliferation and migration and in vivo using a model of subcutaneous xenograft. Results: miR-210-3p expression is correlated with MUC4 expression in PDAC-derived cells and human samples, and in pancreatic PanIN lesions of Pdx1-Cre; LstopL-KrasG12D mice. MUC4 enhances miR-210-3p expression levels via alteration of the NF-κB signaling pathway. Chromatin immunoprecipitation experiments showed p50 NF-κB subunit binding on miR-210-3p promoter regions. We established a reciprocal regulation since miR-210-3p repressed MUC4 expression via its 3′-UTR. MiR-210-3p transient transfection of PANC89, PANC-1 and MiaPACA-2 cells led to a decrease in cell proliferation and migration. These biological effects were validated in cells overexpressing or knocked-down for miR-210-3p. Finally, we showed that miR-210-3p inhibits pancreatic tumor growth and proliferation in vivo. Conclusion: We identified a MUC4-miR-210-3p negative feedback loop in early-onset PDAC, but also revealed new functions of miR-210-3p in both in vitro and in vivo proliferation and migration of pancreatic cancer cells, suggesting a complex balance between MUC4 pro-oncogenic roles and miR-210-3p anti-tumoral effects

    Should the GCM2 gene be tested when screening for familial primary hyperparathyroidism?

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    International audienceObjective: Primary hyperparathyroism (PHPT) is a disease with either sporadic or inherited presentation. Germline mutations responsible for this disease can be found in different genes, the most frequently involved being MEN1, CDC73 = HRPT2 and CASR. During the last few years, new genes have been described as responsible for the development of PHPT such as GCM2. These genes are not systematically included in PHPT genetic screening yet. The aim of this work was to assess the importance of GCM2 genetic analysis in PHPT to determine if this gene should be included in gene panel investigated for this disease. Design and methods: The TENGEN network (French Oncogenetic Network of Neuroendocrine Tumors) collected and interpreted allelic variants according to the clinical characteristics of the GCM2-positive patients identified through genetic testing performed in French laboratories (713 patients with PHPT). Results: From 713 patients with PHPT included in this study, 85 (6.6%) carried at least one GCM2 variant. A total of 12 variants classified as uncertain significance or likely pathogenic were reported in 47 patients. Their mean age at PHPT diagnosis was 49 years. Additionally, the investigation of a large family showed that GCM2 variants could be associated with low penetrance. Conclusion: We provide a description and interpretation for GCM2 variants identified in a French population. We suggest that this gene should be included in genetic screening of patients with PHPT and propose the follow-up of asymptomatic patients carrying such variants for calcemia

    Systematic detection of mosaicism by using digital NGS reveals three new MEN1 mosaicisms

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    International audiencePurpose Mosaicism is a feature of several inherited tumor syndromes. Only a few cases of mosaicism have been described in multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN1). Next-generation sequencing (NGS) offers new possibilities for detecting mosaicism. Here, we report the first study to systematically look for MEN1 mosaicism, using blood DNA, in MEN1-suspected patients but without MEN1 pathogenic variants (PV) in a heterozygous state. Methods Digital targeted NGS, including unique molecular identifiers (UMIs), was performed in routine practice, and the analytic performance of this method was verified. Results Among a cohort of 119 patients harboring from 2 to 5 MEN1 lesions, we identified 3 patients with MEN1 mosaic PVs. The allele frequencies ranged from 2.3 to 9.5%. The detection rate of MEN1 mosaicism in patients bearing at least 3 MEN1 lesions was 17% (3/18). No cases were detected in patients with two lesions. Conclusion We report here three new cases with MEN1 mosaicism. This study examined the performance of UMI in the diagnosis of MEN1 mosaicism in routine practice, and our results underline that the frequency of mosaicism is probably underestimated in patients with suspected MEN1

    Proposition of adjustments to the ACMG-AMP framework for the interpretation of MEN1 missense variants

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    International audienceIn 2015, the ACMG-AMP guidelines provided a general procedure for the objective and reproducible classification of genomic variants. While the benefits of this framework are of major importance, its adaptation for locus-specific use is needed. Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia type 1 (MEN1) occurs due to inactivating mutations in the tumour suppressor gene MEN1, including 20% of missense variants. The classification of these variants may be extremely challenging. Here, we compared the interpretation of the 122 MEN1 missense variants, identified in the French population over the past 15 years by the TENGEN network (French oncogenetics network of neuroendocrine tumors) versus by using the ACMG-AMP guidelines, and analyzed the causes of discordance. A total of 59.8% of missense variants were termed as (likely)-pathogenic variants by TENGEN versus only 28.7% using ACMG-AMP guidelines. Actually, 53.4% (39/73) of TENGEN (likely)-pathogenic variants were declassified in variant of uncertain significance (VUS) by using ACMG-AMP guidelines, thereby affecting the clinical management of patients and their families. Twenty of these ACMG-AMP VUS were found in patients with a clinically authentic MEN1 disease. Here, TENGEN proposes adjustments to the ACMG-AMP framework for the interpretation of MEN1 missense variants. These propositions merge both the classification systems, and are particularly interesting, as MEN1 is included in the ACMG secondary findings list for reporting in clinical genomic sequencing