104 research outputs found

    Multi-decadal Reduction in Glacier Velocities and Mechanisms Driving Deceleration at Polythermal White Glacier, Arctic Canada

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    Annual and seasonal surface velocities measured continuously from 1960 to 1970 at White Glacier, a 14 km long polythermal valley glacier spanning ~100–1800 m a.s.l., provide the most comprehensive early record of ice dynamics in the Canadian Arctic. Through comparison with differential GPS-derived velocity data spanning 2012–16, we find reductions in mean annual velocity by 31 and 38% at lower elevations (600 and 400 m a.s.l.). These are associated with decreased internal ice deformation due to ice thinning and reduced basal motion likely due to increased hydraulic efficiency in recent years. At higher elevation (~850 m a.s.l.) there is no detectable change in annual velocity and the expected decrease in internal deformation rates due to ice thinning is offset by increased basal motion in both summer and winter, likely attributable to supraglacial melt accessing a still inefficient subglacial drainage system. Decreases in mass flux at lower elevations since the 1960s cannot explain the observed elevation loss of ~20 m, meaning that ice thinning along the glacier trunk is primarily a function of downwasting rather than changing ice dynamics. The current response of the glacier exemplifies steady thinning, velocity slowdown and upstream retreat of the ELA but, because the glacier has an unstable geometry with considerable mass in the 1300–1500 m elevation range, a retreat of the ELA to >1300 plausible within 25–40 years, could trigger runaway wastage

    Contemporary Glacier Processes and Global Change: Recent Observations from Kaskawulsh Glacier and the Donjek Range, St. Elias Mountains

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    With an extensive ice cover and rich display of glacier behaviour, the St. Elias Mountains continue to be an enviable natural laboratory for glaciological research. Recent work has been motivated in part by the magnitude and pace of observed glacier change in this area, which is so ice-rich that ice loss has a measurable impact on global sea level. Both detection and attribution of these changes, as well as investigations into fundamental glacier processes, have been central themes in projects initiated within the last decade and based at the Kluane Lake Research Station. The scientific objectives of these projects are (1) to quantify recent area and volume changes of Kaskawulsh Glacier and place them in historical perspective, (2) to investigate the regional variability of glacier response to climate and the modulating influence of ice dynamics, and (3) to characterize the hydromechanical controls on glacier sliding. A wide range of methods is being used, from ground-based manual measurements to space-based remote sensing. The observations to date show glaciers out of equilibrium, with significant ongoing changes to glacier area, volume, and dynamics. Computer models are being used to generalize these results, and to identify the processes most critical to our understanding of the coupled glacier-climate system.Grâce à leur importante couverture de glace et au riche étalage de comportement des glaciers, les monts St. Elias continuent de servir de laboratoire naturel enviable pour la recherche glaciologique. Des études récentes ont été motivées, en partie, par la magnitude et la vitesse des changements observés dans les glaciers de l’endroit, qui sont riches en glace au point que la perte de glace a une incidence mesurable sur le niveau général de la mer. La détection et l’attribution de ces changements de même que les recherches à l’égard des processus des glaciers ont servi de thème central à des projets qui ont été mis en oeuvre au cours de la dernière décennie à la station de recherche du lac Kluane. Les objectifs scientifiques de ces projets consistent (1) à quantifier les changements récents relativement à l’aire et au volume du glacier Kaskawulsh, puis à les mettre dans une perspective historique, (2) à faire enquête sur la variabilité générale de la réaction du glacier vis-à-vis du climat et de l’influence modulatrice de la dynamique de la glace, et (3) à caractériser le contrôle hydromécanique par rapport au glissement du glacier. Une vaste gamme de méthodes est employée pour parvenir à ces fins, allant des mesures manuelles sur le terrain à la télédétection spatiale. Jusqu’à maintenant, les observations indiquent que les glaciers ne sont pas en équilibre et que d’importants changements se produisent quant à l’aire, au volume et à la dynamique du glacier. Des modèles informatiques sont utilisés pour généraliser ces résultats ainsi que pour cerner les processus les plus critiques à notre compréhension du système couplé glacier-climat

    Loss of multiyear landfast sea ice from Yelverton Bay, Ellesmere Island, Nunavut, Canada

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    For much of the 20th century, multiyear landfast sea ice (MLSI) formed a permanent ice cover in Yelverton Bay, Ellesmere Island. This MLSI formed following the removal of ice shelf ice from Yelverton Bay in the early 1900s, including the well-documented Ice Island T-3. The MLSI cover survived intact for 55-60 years until 2005, when >690 km2 (90%) of MLSI was lost from Yelverton Bay. Further losses occurred in 2008, and the last of the Yelverton Bay MLSI was lost in August 2010. Ground penetrating radar (GPR) transects and ice cores taken in June 2009 provide the first detailed assessment of MLSI in Yelverton Inlet, and indeed the last assessment now that it has all been replaced with first-year ice. A detailed history of ice shelf, glacier, and MLSI changes in Yelverton Bay since the early 1900s is presented using remotely sensed imagery (air photos, space-borne optical, and radar scenes) and ancillary evidence from in situ surveys. Recent changes in the floating ice cover here align with the broad-scale trend of long-term reductions in age and thickness of sea ice in the Arctic Ocean and Canadian Arctic Archipelago

    Evolution of the dynamics of Airdrop Glacier, western Axel Heiberg Island, over a seven decade long advance

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    Various remotely sensed data, including historical aerial photographs, declassified intelligence satellite photographs, optical satellite imagery, and synthetic aperture radar data, were used to undertake the first comprehensive reconstruction of the dynamics of Airdrop Glacier on Axel Heiberg Island, Nunavut. Observations show a continuous terminus advance totalling ∼6 km since 1950 and notably less variability in its surface velocities in comparison to adjacent Iceberg Glacier. This advance is concurrent with relatively high flow rates over its entire surface, resulting in significant thickening near the terminus and thinning at higher elevations. Velocities have more than halved from the mid-2000s to 2021, but without any definitive evidence of previous flow instabilities, we cannot confirm whether Airdrop's behaviour is cyclic in nature and therefore characteristic of a surge. Instead, Airdrop Glacier could be experiencing a delayed response to the positive mass balance conditions of the Little Ice Age, which could also explain the advance of other nearby glaciers. Its recent slowdown could then be indicative of a gradual adjustment to recent climatic conditions. This study highlights the need for comprehensive studies of glacier dynamics in the Canadian Arctic to improve our understanding of the factors triggering dynamic instabilities and causing the observed variety of behaviours

    Glacier velocities and dynamic ice discharge from the Queen Elizabeth Islands, Nunavut, Canada

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    Recent studies indicate an increase in glacier mass loss from the Canadian Arctic Archipelago as a result of warmer summer air temperatures. However, no complete assessment of dynamic ice discharge from this region exists. We present the first complete surface velocity mapping of all ice masses in the Queen Elizabeth Islands and show that these ice masses discharged ~2.6 ± 0.8 Gt a−1 of ice to the oceans in winter 2012. Approximately 50% of the dynamic discharge was channeled through non surge-type Trinity and Wykeham Glaciers alone. Dynamic discharge of the surge-type Mittie Glacier varied from 0.90 ± 0.09 Gt a−1 during its 2003 surge to 0.02 ± 0.02 Gt a−1 during quiescence in 2012, highlighting the importance of surge-type glaciers for interannual variability in regional mass loss. Queen Elizabeth Islands glaciers currently account for ~7.5% of reported dynamic discharge from Arctic ice masses outside Greenland.We thank NSERC, Canada Foundation for Innovation, Ontario Research Fund, ArcticNet, Ontario Graduate Scholarship, University of Ottawa and the NSERC Canada Graduate Scholarship for funding. RADARSAT-2 data were provided by MacDonald, Dettwiler and Associates under the RADARSAT-2 Government Data Allocation administrated by the Canadian Space Agency. Support to DB is provided through the Climate Change Geosciences Program, Earth Sciences Sector, Natural Resources Canada (ESS Contribution #20130293). We also acknowledge support from U.K NERC for grants R3/12469 and NE/K004999 to JAD.This is the accepted version of an article published in Geophysical Research Letters. An edited version of this paper was published by AGU. Copyright (2014) American Geophysical Union. The final version is available at http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/2013GL058558/abstract;jsessionid=6A3AD907C4383DA5D4E20C4924D6EC18.f02t02

    Terminus advance, kinematics and mass redistribution during eight surges of Donjek Glacier, St. Elias Range, Canada, 1935 to 2016

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    Donjek Glacier has an unusually short and regular surge cycle, with eight surges identified since 1935 from aerial photographs and satellite imagery with a ∼12 year repeat interval and ∼2 year active phase. Recent surges occurred during a period of long-term negative mass balance and cumulative terminus retreat of 2.5 km since 1874. In contrast to previous work, we find that the constriction where the valley narrows and bedrock lithology changes, 21 km from the terminus, represents the upper limit of surging, with negligible surface speed or elevation change up-glacier from this location. This positions the entire surge-type portion of the glacier in the ablation zone. The constriction geometry does not act as the dynamic balance line, which we consistently find at 8 km from the glacier terminus. During the 2012–2014 surge event, the average lowering rate in the lowest 21 km of the glacier was 9.6 m a−1 , while during quiescence it was 1.0 m a−1 . Due to reservoir zone refilling, the ablation zone has a positive geodetic balance in years immediately following a surge event. An active surge phase can result in a strongly negative geodetic mass balance over the surge-type portion of the glacier
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