127 research outputs found

    A 2‐year randomized blinded controlled trial of a conditionally licensed Moraxella bovoculi vaccine to aid in prevention of infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis in Angus beef calves

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    Background Infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis (IBK) in beef cattle has major welfare and production implications. Effective vaccination against IBK would also reduce antibiotic use in beef production. Objective/Hypothesis To evaluate the efficacy of a conditionally licensed commercial IBK vaccine containing Moraxella bovoculi bacterin. Primary working hypothesis was that animals vaccinated with 2 doses of the commercial M. bovoculi vaccine would have a lower risk of disease. Animals Spring born calves at a university cow‐calf herd. After excluding animals with ocular lesions, calves eligible for prevention assessment in 2017 and 2018 were 163 (81 vaccinated, 82 unvaccinated) and 207 (105 vaccinated, 102 unvaccinated). One hundred sixty two and two hundred and six calves completed the follow‐up period in 2017 and 2018, respectively. Methods A randomized controlled trial. The trial design was a 2‐arm parallel trial with a 1:1 allocation ratio. Results In both years, calves receiving the vaccine had more IBK. This effect was small. The pooled risk ratio was 1.30 (95% confidence interval 0.84–2.01). The pooled unadjusted difference in mean weight (kg) at weaning was −0.88 (95% confidence interval—7.2‐5.43). Conclusions and Clinical Importance We were unable to document that the M. bovoculi bacterin vaccine had a protective effect for the incidence of IBK in our single herd in a 2‐year study

    Acute changes in striatal microstructure predict the development of interferon-alpha induced fatigue

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    BACKGROUND Interferon-alpha (IFN-α) is a key mediator of antiviral immune responses used clinically for hepatitis C treatment. Though effective, IFN-α induces marked behavioral changes that, when severe, can appear indistinguishable from major depression. Curiously, fatigue and motivational impairment evolve rapidly, suggesting acute engagement of immune-brain communicatory pathways, yet mood impairments typically emerge later, after weeks of treatment. Whether this reflects prolonged modulation of motivational processes underpinning fatigue or separate neurobiological mechanisms is currently unclear. METHODS Here, we used quantitative magnetization transfer (qMT) imaging, an advanced microstructural neuroimaging technique sensitive to effects of inflammation, in a prospective study design to measure acute brain changes to IFN-α and relate these to later development of discrete behavioral changes. Twenty-three patients initiating IFN-α treatment for hepatitis C underwent qMT imaging and blood sampling at baseline and 4 hours after their first IFN-α injection. Comprehensive behavioral and psychological assessments were completed at both scanning sessions and at treatment weeks 4, 8, 12, and 24. RESULTS IFN-α injection stimulated an acute inflammatory cytokine response and evoked fatigue that peaked between 4 and 12 weeks, preceding mood change by 4 weeks. In the brain, IFN-α induced an acute change in striatal microstructure that additionally predicted development of fatigue but not mood symptoms. CONCLUSIONS Our findings highlight qMT as an in vivo biomarker of central effects of peripheral inflammation. We demonstrate exquisite sensitivity of the striatum to IFN-α, implicate striatal perturbation in IFN-α-induced fatigue, and dissociate this from mechanisms underlying IFN-α-induced mood symptoms, providing empirical support for distinct neural substrates mediating actions on motivation and mood

    Quantitative magnetization transfer imaging as a biomarker for effects of systemic inflammation on the brain

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    BACKGROUND Systemic inflammation impairs brain function and is increasingly implicated in the etiology of common mental illnesses, particularly depression and Alzheimer's disease. Immunotherapies selectively targeting proinflammatory cytokines demonstrate efficacy in a subset of patients with depression. However, efforts to identify patients most vulnerable to the central effects of inflammation are hindered by insensitivity of conventional structural magnetic resonance imaging. METHODS We used quantitative magnetization transfer (qMT) imaging, a magnetic resonance imaging technique that enables quantification of changes in brain macromolecular density, together with experimentally induced inflammation to investigate effects of systemic inflammatory challenge on human brain microstructure. Imaging with qMT was performed in 20 healthy participants after typhoid vaccination and saline control injection. An additional 20 participants underwent fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography following the same inflammatory challenge. RESULTS The qMT data demonstrated that inflammation induced a rapid change in brain microstructure, reflected in increased magnetization exchange from free (water) to macromolecular-bound protons, within a discrete region of insular cortex implicated in representing internal physiologic states including inflammation. The functional significance of this change in insular microstructure was demonstrated by correlation with inflammation-induced fatigue and fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography imaging, which revealed increased resting glucose metabolism within this region following the same inflammatory challenge. CONCLUSIONS Together these observations highlight a novel structural biomarker of the central physiologic and behavioral effects of mild systemic inflammation. The widespread clinical availability of magnetic resonance imaging supports the viability of qMT imaging as a clinical biomarker in trials of immunotherapeutics, both to identify patients vulnerable to the effects of systemic inflammation and to monitor neurobiological responses

    Waiting Impulsivity: The Influence of Acute Methylphenidate and Feedback.

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    BACKGROUND: The ability to wait and to weigh evidence is critical to behavioral regulation. These behaviors are known as waiting and reflection impulsivity. In Study 1, we examined the effects of methylphenidate, a dopamine and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor, on waiting and reflection impulsivity in healthy young individuals. In study 2, we assessed the role of learning from feedback in disorders of addiction. METHODS: We used the recently developed 4-Choice Serial Reaction Time task and the Beads task. Twenty-eight healthy volunteers were tested twice in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled cross-over trial with 20mg methylphenidate. In the second study, we analyzed premature responses as a function of prior feedback in disorders of addiction. RESULTS: Study 1: Methylphenidate was associated with greater waiting impulsivity to a cue predicting reward along with faster responding to target onset without a generalized effect on reaction time or attention. Methylphenidate influenced reflection impulsivity based on baseline impulsivity. Study 2: More premature responses occurred after premature responses in stimulant-dependent subjects. CONCLUSIONS: We show that methylphenidate has dissociable effects on waiting and reflection impulsivity. Chronic stimulant exposure impairs learning from prior premature responses, suggesting a failure to learn that premature responding is suboptimal. These findings provide a greater mechanistic understanding of waiting impulsivity.VV and NAH are Wellcome Trust (WT) intermediate Clinical Fellows. LSM is an MRC student. The BCNI is supported by a WT and MRC grant. The authors report no conflicts of interest. TWR consults for Cambridge Cognition, Lundbeck, Teva, Shire Pharmaceuticals, Otsuka, has research grants from Lundbeck, GSK. Royalties Cambridge Cognition and receives editorial honoraria from Springer, Elsevier.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Oxford University Press via http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/ijnp/pyv07

    Interferon and anti-TNF therapies differentially modulate amygdala reactivity which predicts associated bidirectional changes in depressive symptoms.

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    A third of patients receiving Interferon-α (IFN-α) treatment for Hepatitis-C develop major depressive disorder (MDD). Conversely, anti-Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF) therapies improve depression providing key empirical support for the "inflammatory theory" of depression. Heightened amygdala reactivity (particularly to negatively valanced stimuli) is a consistent finding within MDD; can predict treatment efficacy and reverses following successful treatment. However, whether IFN-α and anti-TNF enhance/attenuate depressive symptoms through modulation of amygdala emotional reactivity is unknown. Utilizing a prospective study design, we recruited 30 patients (mean 48.0 ± 10.5 years, 21 male) initiating IFN-α treatment for Hepatitis-C and 30 (mean 50.4 ± 15.7 years, 10 male) anti-TNF therapy for inflammatory arthritis. All completed an emotional face-processing task during fMRI and blood sampling before and after their first IFN-α (4-h) or anti-TNF (24-h) injection and follow-up psychiatric assessments for 3 months of treatment. IFN-α significantly increased depression symptoms (Hamilton Depression Rating Scale HAM-D) at 4 weeks (p  0.1). Conversely, anti-TNF significantly improved depressive symptoms (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Rating Scale HADS) at both 24-h (P = 0.015) and 12 weeks (p = 0.018). In support of our a-priori hypothesis, both IFN-α and anti-TNF significantly modulated amygdala reactivity with IFN-α acutely enhancing right amygdala responses to sad (compared with neutral) faces (p = 0.032) and anti-TNF conversely decreasing right amygdala reactivity (across emotional valence) (p = 0.033). Furthermore, these changes predicted IFN-induced increases in HAM-D 4 weeks later (R2 = 0.17, p = 0.022) and anti-TNF-associated decreases in HADS at 24-h (R2 = 0.23, p = 0.01) suggesting that actions of systemic inflammation on amygdala emotional reactivity play a mechanistic role in inflammation-associated depressive symptoms

    Direct and indirect cardiovascular and cardiometabolic sequelae of the combined anti-retroviral therapy on people living with HIV

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    With reports of its emergence as far back as the early 1900s, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) has become one of the deadliest and most difficult viruses to treat in the era of modern medicine. Although not always effective, HIV treatment has evolved and improved substantially over the past few decades. Despite the major advancements in the efficacy of HIV therapy, there are mounting concerns about the physiological, cardiovascular, and neurological sequelae of current treatments. The objective of this review is to (Blattner et al., Cancer Res., 1985, 45(9 Suppl), 4598s–601s) highlight the different forms of antiretroviral therapy, how they work, and any effects that they may have on the cardiovascular health of patients living with HIV, and to (Mann et al., J Infect Dis, 1992, 165(2), 245–50) explore the new, more common therapeutic combinations currently available and their effects on cardiovascular and neurological health. We executed a computer-based literature search using databases such as PubMed to look for relevant, original articles that were published after 1998 to current year. Articles that had relevance, in any capacity, to the field of HIV therapy and its intersection with cardiovascular and neurological health were included. Amongst currently used classes of HIV therapies, protease inhibitors (PIs) and combined anti-retroviral therapy (cART) were found to have an overall negative effect on the cardiovascular system related to increased cardiac apoptosis, reduced repair mechanisms, block hyperplasia/hypertrophy, decreased ATP production in the heart tissue, increased total cholesterol, low-density lipoproteins, triglycerides, and gross endothelial dysfunction. The review of Integrase Strand Transfer Inhibitors (INSTI), Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors (NRTI), and Non-Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors (NNRTI) revealed mixed results, in which both positive and negative effects on cardiovascular health were observed. In parallel, studies suggest that autonomic dysfunction caused by these drugs is a frequent and significant occurrence that needs to be closely monitored in all HIV + patients. While still a relatively nascent field, more research on the cardiovascular and neurological implications of HIV therapy is crucial to accurately evaluate patient risk

    You turn me cold: evidence for temperature contagion

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    Introduction During social interactions, our own physiological responses influence those of others. Synchronization of physiological (and behavioural) responses can facilitate emotional understanding and group coherence through inter-subjectivity. Here we investigate if observing cues indicating a change in another's body temperature results in a corresponding temperature change in the observer. Methods Thirty-six healthy participants (age; 22.9±3.1 yrs) each observed, then rated, eight purpose-made videos (3 min duration) that depicted actors with either their right or left hand in visibly warm (warm videos) or cold water (cold videos). Four control videos with the actors' hand in front of the water were also shown. Temperature of participant observers' right and left hands was concurrently measured using a thermistor within a Wheatstone bridge with a theoretical temperature sensitivity of <0.0001°C. Temperature data were analysed in a repeated measures ANOVA (temperature × actor's hand × observer's hand). Results Participants rated the videos showing hands immersed in cold water as being significantly cooler than hands immersed in warm water, F(1,34) = 256.67, p0.1). There was however no evidence of left-right mirroring of these temperature effects p>0.1). Sensitivity to temperature contagion was also predicted by inter-individual differences in self-report empathy. Conclusions We illustrate physiological contagion of temperature in healthy individuals, suggesting that empathetic understanding for primary low-level physiological challenges (as well as more complex emotions) are grounded in somatic simulation

    Reducing the Gap in Knowledge and Expectations between Clinicians and People with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome or Adrenal Conditions:Simulation via Instant Messaging—Birmingham Advance: Patient and Public Involvement (SIMBA-PPI) Study

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    Background: To evaluate the efficacy of SIMBA as an educational intervention for both HCPs and people with either PCOS or adrenal conditions and to study the change in knowledge of people with PCOS or adrenal conditions about the conditions and expectations from the HCPs involved in their care following SIMBA-PPI sessions. Methods: Two SIMBA-PPI sessions (SIMBA-PPI Polycystic ovary syndrome (SIMBA-PCOS) and SIMBA-PPI Adrenal conditions (SIMBA-Adrenal conditions)) were conducted in September 2021 and March 2022. In both sessions, HCPs interacted with moderators on patient management through WhatsApp. Patients with respective conditions underwent workshop-style learning in the same cases. SIMBA-PCOS transcripts were also translated into Brazilian Portuguese and workshops were held in both Brazilian Portuguese and English. The two groups (HCPs and patients) were then brought together to discuss exploring gaps in knowledge and expectations. The Wilcoxon Signed-Rank test compared differences in pre- and post-SIMBA self-reported confidence levels in HCPs and patients. Qualitative data from the online recordings were transcribed and analysed with inductive thematic analysis to identify gaps in knowledge and expectations from managing the cases. Results: 48 HCPs and 25 patients participated in our study. When compared to pre-SIMBA confidence levels, SIMBA-PPI sessions effectively improved clinicians’ confidence in managing PCOS (40.5%, p &lt; .001) and adrenal conditions (23.0%, p &lt; .001) post-SIMBA. Patient participants’ confidence in HCPs significantly increased in the PCOS session (SIMBA-PCOS: 6.25%, p = 0.01). Conclusions: Integration of PPI into SIMBA improved HCPs' confidence in managing PCOS and adrenal conditions. SIMBA-PPI also improved patients’ confidence in HCPs. Our findings suggest that participating in SIMBA-PPI sessions can reduce the gap in knowledge and expectations between patients and HCPs involved in their care