1,962 research outputs found

    Evolution of Protein Ductility in Duplicated Genes of Plants

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    Previous work has shown that ductile/intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) and residues (IDRs) are found in all unicellular and multicellular organisms, wherein they are essential for basic cellular functions and complement the function of rigid proteins. In addition, computational studies of diverse phylogenetic lineages have revealed: (1) that protein ductility increases in concert with organismic complexity, and (2) that distributions of IDPs and IDRs along the chromosomes of plant species are non-random and correlate with variations in the rates of the genetic recombination and chromosomal rearrangement. Here, we show that approximately 50% of aligned residues in paralogs across a spectrum of algae, bryophytes, monocots, and eudicots are IDRs and that a high proportion (ca. 60%) are in disordered segments greater than 30 residues. When three types of IDRs are distinguished (i.e., identical, similar and variable IDRs) we find that species with large numbers of chromosome and endoduplicated genes exhibit paralogous sequences with a higher frequency of identical IDRs, whereas species with small chromosomes numbers exhibit paralogous sequences with a higher frequency of similar and variable IDRs. These results are interpreted to indicate that genome duplication events influence the distribution of IDRs along protein sequences and likely favor the presence of identical IDRs (compared to similar IDRs or variable IDRs). We discuss the evolutionary implications of gene duplication events in the context of ductile/disordered residues and segments, their conservation, and their effects on functionality

    In vivo chromatin targets of the transcription factor Yin Yang 2 in trophoblast stem cells

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    Background: Yin Yang 2 (YY2) is a zinc finger protein closely related to the well-characterized Yin Yang 1 (YY1). YY1 is a DNA-binding transcription factor, with defined functions in multiple developmental processes, such as implantation, cell differentiation, X inactivation, imprinting and organogenesis. Yy2 has been treated as a largely immaterial duplication of Yy1, as they share high homology in the Zinc Finger-region and similar if not identical in vitro binding sites. In contrast to these similarities, gene expression alterations in HeLa cells with attenuated levels of either Yy1 or Yy2 were to some extent gene-specific. Moreover, the chromatin binding sites for YY2, except for its association with transposable retroviral elements (RE) and Endogenous Retroviral Elements (ERVs), remain to be identified. As a first step towards defining potential Yy2 functions matching or complementary to Yy1, we considered in vivo DNA binding sites of YY2 in trophoblast stem (TS) cells. Results: We report the presence of YY2 protein in mouse-derived embryonic stem (ES) and TS cell lines. Following up on our previous report on ERV binding by YY2 in TS cells, we investigated the tissue-specificity of REX1 and YY2 binding and confirm binding to RE/ERV targets in both ES cells and TS cells. Because of the higher levels of expression, we chose TS cells to understand the role of Yy2 in gene and chromatin regulation. We used in vivo YY2 association as a measure to identify potential target genes. Sequencing of chromatin obtained in chromatin-immunoprecipitation (ChIP) assays carried out with aYY2 serum allowed us to identify a limited number of chromatin targets for YY2. Some putative binding sites were validated in regular ChIP assays and gene expression of genes nearby was altered in the absence of Yy2. Conclusions: YY2 binding to ERVs is not confined to TS cells. In vivo binding sites share the presence of a consensus binding motif. Selected sites were uniquely bound by YY2 as opposed to YY1, suggesting that YY2 exerts unique contributions to gene regulation. YY2 binding was not generally associated with gene promoters. However, several YY2 binding sites are linked to long noncoding RNA (lncRNA) genes and we show that the expression levels of a few of those are Yy2-dependent

    MEBS, a software platform to evaluate large (meta)genomic collections according to their metabolic machinery: Unraveling the sulfur cycle

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    The increasing number of metagenomic and genomic sequences has dramatically improved our understanding of microbial diversity, yet our ability to infer metabolic capabilities in such datasets remains challenging. We describe the Multigenomic Entropy Based Score pipeline (MEBS), a software platform designed to evaluate, compare, and infer complex metabolic pathways in large "omic" datasets, including entire biogeochemical cycles. MEBS is open source and available through https://github.com/eead-csic-compbio/metagenome Pfam score. To demonstrate its use, we modeled the sulfur cycle by exhaustively curating the molecular and ecological elements involved (compounds, genes, metabolic pathways, and microbial taxa). This information was reduced to a collection of 112 characteristic Pfam protein domains and a list of complete-sequenced sulfur genomes. Using the mathematical framework of relative entropy (H''), we quantitatively measured the enrichment of these domains among sulfur genomes. The entropy of each domain was used both to build up a final score that indicates whether a (meta)genomic sample contains the metabolic machinery of interest and to propose marker domains in metagenomic sequences such as DsrC (PF04358). MEBS was benchmarked with a dataset of 2107 non-redundant microbial genomes from RefSeq and 935 metagenomes from MG-RAST. Its performance, reproducibility, and robustness were evaluated using several approaches, including random sampling, linear regression models, receiver operator characteristic plots, and the area under the curve metric (AUC). Our results support the broad applicability of this algorithm to accurately classify (AUC = 0.985) hard-to-culture genomes (e.g., Candidatus Desulforudis audaxviator), previously characterized ones, and metagenomic environments such as hydrothermal vents, or deep-sea sediment. Our benchmark indicates that an entropy-based score can capture the metabolic machinery of interest and can be used to efficiently classify large genomic and metagenomic datasets, including uncultivated/unexplored taxa

    Comparative plastome genomics and phylogenomics of Brachypodium: flowering time signatures, introgression and recombination in recently diverged ecotypes

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    Few pan-genomic studies have been conducted in plants, and none of them have focused on the intraspecific diversity and evolution of their plastid genomes. We address this issue in Brachypodium distachyon and its close relatives B. stacei and B. hybridum, for which a large genomic data set has been compiled. We analyze inter- and intraspecific plastid comparative genomics and phylogenomic relationships within a family-wide framework. Major indel differences were detected between Brachypodium plastomes. Within B. distachyon, we detected two main lineages, a mostly Extremely Delayed Flowering (EDF+) clade and a mostly Spanish (S+) – Turkish (T+) clade, plus nine chloroplast capture and two plastid DNA (ptDNA) introgression and micro-recombination events. Early Oligocene (30.9 million yr ago (Ma)) and Late Miocene (10.1 Ma) divergence times were inferred for the respective stem and crown nodes of Brachypodium and a very recent Mid-Pleistocene (0.9 Ma) time for the B. distachyon split. Flowering time variation is a main factor driving rapid intraspecific divergence in B. distachyon, although it is counterbalanced by repeated introgression between previously isolated lineages. Swapping of plastomes between the three different genomic groups, EDF+, T+, S+, probably resulted from random backcrossing followed by stabilization through selection pressure

    Comparative genomics, evolution, and drought-induced expression of dehydrin genes in model Brachypodium grasses

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    Dehydration proteins (dehydrins, DHNs) confer tolerance to water-stress deficit in plants. We performed a comparative genomics and evolutionary study of DHN genes in four model Brachy-podium grass species. Due to limited knowledge on dehydrin expression under water deprivation stress in Brachypodium, we also performed a drought-induced gene expression analysis in 32 ecotypes of the genus’ flagship species B. distachyon showing different hydric requirements. Genomic sequence analysis detected 10 types of dehydrin genes (Bdhn) across the Brachypodium species. Domain and conserved motif contents of peptides encoded by Bdhn genes revealed eight protein architectures. Bdhn genes were spread across several chromosomes. Selection analysis indicated that all the Bdhn genes were constrained by purifying selection. Three upstream cis-regulatory motifs (BES1, MYB124, ZAT) were detected in several Bdhn genes. Gene expression analysis demonstrated that only four Bdhn1-Bdhn2, Bdhn3, and Bdhn7 genes, orthologs of wheat, barley, rice, sorghum, and maize genes, were expressed in mature leaves of B. distachyon and that all of them were more highly expressed in plants under drought conditions. Brachypodium dehydrin expression was significantly correlated with drought-response phenotypic traits (plant biomass, leaf carbon and proline contents and water use efficiency increases, and leaf water and nitrogen content decreases) being more pronounced in drought-tolerant ecotypes. Our results indicate that dehydrin type and regulation could be a key factor determining the acquisition of water-stress tolerance in grasses. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Loss of neuronal 3d chromatin organization causes transcriptional and behavioural deficits related to serotonergic dysfunction

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    The interior of the neuronal cell nucleus is a highly organized three-dimensional (3D) structure where regions of the genome that are linearly millions of bases apart establish sub-structures with specialized functions. To investigate neuronal chromatin organization and dynamics in vivo, we generated bitransgenic mice expressing GFP-tagged histone H2B in principal neurons of the forebrain. Surprisingly, the expression of this chimeric histone in mature neurons caused chromocenter declustering and disrupted the association of heterochromatin with the nuclear lamina. The loss of these structures did not affect neuronal viability but was associated with specific transcriptional and behavioural deficits related to serotonergic dysfunction. Overall, our results demonstrate that the 3D organization of chromatin within neuronal cells provides an additional level of epigenetic regulation of gene expression that critically impacts neuronal function. This in turn suggests that some loci associated with neuropsychiatric disorders may be particularly sensitive to changes in chromatin architecture

    Managing ethnic conflict : the menu of institutional engineering

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    The debate on institutional engineering offers options to manage ethnic and other conflicts. This contribution systematically assesses the logic of these institutional designs and the empirical evidence on their functioning. Generally, institutions can work on ethnic conflict by either accommodating (“consociationalists”) or denying (“integrationists”) ethnicity in politics. Looking at individual and combined institutions (e.g. state structure, electoral system, forms of government), the literature review finds that most designs are theoretically ambivalent and that empirical evidence on their effectiveness is mostly inconclusive. The following questions remain open: a) Is politicized ethnicity really a conflict risk? b) What impact does the whole “menu” (not just single institutions) have? and c) How are effects conditioned by the exact nature of conflict risks

    Candidate genes underlying QTL for flowering time and their interactions in a wide spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) cross

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    Response to vernalization and photoperiod are the main determinants controlling the time to flowering in temperate cereals. While the individual genes that determine a plant's response to these environmental signals are well characterized, the combinatorial effect on flowering time of allelic variants for multiple genes remains unresolved. This study investigated the genetic control of flowering-time in a biparental population of spring barley, derived from a wide cross between a late-flowering European and an early-flowering North-American cultivar. While the major flowering time genes are not segregating in the Beka × Logan cross, large variation in flowering was observed. We identified five QTL, with both parents found to contribute early alleles. The catalog of QTL discovered aligns with several candidate genes affecting flowering time in barley. The combination of particular alleles at HvCEN, HvELF3 and HvFT1 in Logan are responsible for the earliness of this cultivar. Interestingly, earliness for flowering could be further enhanced, with Beka found to contribute three early alleles, including a QTL co-locating with a HvFD-like gene, suggesting that there are diverse aspects of the flowering-time pathway that have been manipulated in these two cultivars. Epistatic interactions between flowering-time QTL or candidate genes were observed in field data and confirmed under controlled conditions. The results of this study link photoperiod-dependent flowering-time genes with earliness per se genes into a single model, thus providing a unique framework that can be used by geneticists and breeders to optimize flowering time in barley.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (grant numbers AGL2010-21929 and AGL2013-48756-R), the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, the Agencia Estatal de Investigación, and the European Regional Development Fund (grant number AGL2016–80967-R), and Government of Aragon (Research Group A08_20R)

    A roadmap for gene functional characterisation in wheat

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    To adapt to the challenges of climate change and the growing world population, it is vital to increase global crop production. Understanding the function of genes within staple crops will accelerate crop improvement by allowing targeted breeding approaches. Despite the importance of wheat, which provides 20 % of the calories consumed by humankind, a lack of genomic information and resources has hindered the functional characterisation of genes in this species. The recent release of a high-quality reference sequence for wheat underpins a suite of genetic and genomic resources that support basic research and breeding. These include accurate gene model annotations, gene expression atlases and gene networks that provide background information about putative gene function. In parallel, sequenced mutation populations, improved transformation protocols and structured natural populations provide rapid methods to study gene function directly. We highlight a case study exemplifying how to integrate these resources to study gene function in wheat and thereby accelerate improvement in this important crop. We hope that this review provides a helpful guide for plant scientists, especially those expanding into wheat research for the first time, to capitalise on the discoveries made in Arabidopsis and other plants. This will accelerate the improvement of wheat, a complex polyploid crop, of vital importance for food and nutrition security

    In silico pathway reconstruction: Iron-sulfur cluster biogenesis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    BACKGROUND: Current advances in genomics, proteomics and other areas of molecular biology make the identification and reconstruction of novel pathways an emerging area of great interest. One such class of pathways is involved in the biogenesis of Iron-Sulfur Clusters (ISC). RESULTS: Our goal is the development of a new approach based on the use and combination of mathematical, theoretical and computational methods to identify the topology of a target network. In this approach, mathematical models play a central role for the evaluation of the alternative network structures that arise from literature data-mining, phylogenetic profiling, structural methods, and human curation. As a test case, we reconstruct the topology of the reaction and regulatory network for the mitochondrial ISC biogenesis pathway in S. cerevisiae. Predictions regarding how proteins act in ISC biogenesis are validated by comparison with published experimental results. For example, the predicted role of Arh1 and Yah1 and some of the interactions we predict for Grx5 both matches experimental evidence. A putative role for frataxin in directly regulating mitochondrial iron import is discarded from our analysis, which agrees with also published experimental results. Additionally, we propose a number of experiments for testing other predictions and further improve the identification of the network structure. CONCLUSION: We propose and apply an iterative in silico procedure for predictive reconstruction of the network topology of metabolic pathways. The procedure combines structural bioinformatics tools and mathematical modeling techniques that allow the reconstruction of biochemical networks. Using the Iron Sulfur cluster biogenesis in S. cerevisiae as a test case we indicate how this procedure can be used to analyze and validate the network model against experimental results. Critical evaluation of the obtained results through this procedure allows devising new wet lab experiments to confirm its predictions or provide alternative explanations for further improving the models