26 research outputs found

    Acute hepatic and renal toxicity assessment of Euphorbia huanchahana (Klotzsch & Garcke) Boissier (Huachangana) in Holtzman rats

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    Background: Euphorbia huachahana (Klotzch & Garcke) Boissier (Huachangana) (EhKGBh) has been used for over a century for medicinal purposes in the Peruvian population; however, its safety and possible toxic effects of use have not been reported. The purpose of this study was to determine the acute hepatic and renal toxicity of EhKGBh in Holtzman rats. Methods: Analytical and experimental study. The population consisted of 52 rats of both sexes weighing between 300 and 350 g divided into four groups: G1 and G2 EhKGBh groups (26 rats each) and two control groups (10 rats each). The experimental group was administered EhKGBh at a single dose of 2000 mg/kg P.O. to demonstrate toxicity during the 14-day follow-up. A daily assessment of alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), total bilirubin (TBIL), and conjugated bilirubin (CBIL) was performed. Results: Evaluation of the liver tissue showed mild changes in inflammation, predominantly vascular, with small clots. Kidney tissue did not show inflammatory or necrotic changes. However, we showed differences in the weight of the rats between both groups (p < 0.004) and significant increases in TBIL (0.98–1.07 mg/dL), CBIL (0.43–0.45 mg/dL), AST (126.4–141.8 U/L), and ALP (254–298 U/L) but not ALT (39.7–41.1 U/L) (p < 0.05). Conclusion: The single dose of EhKGBh extract at 2000 mg/kg has no toxicity, and there is no change in tissue toxicity during the 14-day follow-up.Campus Lima Centr

    Super-resolution imaging of live sperm reveals dynamic changes of the actin cytoskeleton during acrosomal exocytosis

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    Filamentous actin (F-actin) is a key factor in exocytosis in many cell types. In mammalian sperm, acrosomal exocytosis (denoted the acrosome reaction or AR), a special type of controlled secretion, is regulated by multiple signaling pathways and the actin cytoskeleton. However, the dynamic changes of the actin cytoskeleton in live sperm are largely not understood. Here, we used the powerful properties of SiR-actin to examine actin dynamics in live mouse sperm at the onset of the AR. By using a combination of super-resolution microscopy techniques to image sperm loaded with SiR-actin or sperm from transgenic mice containing Lifeact-EGFP, six regions containing F-actin within the sperm head were revealed. The proportion of sperm possessing these structures changed upon capacitation. By performing live-cell imaging experiments, we report that dynamic changes of F-actin during the AR occur in specific regions of the sperm head. While certain F-actin regions undergo depolymerization prior to the initiation of the AR, others remain unaltered or are lost after exocytosis occurs. Our work emphasizes the utility of live-cell nanoscopy, which will undoubtedly impact the search for mechanisms that underlie basic sperm functions.Fil: Romarowski, Ana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Velasco Félix, Ángel G.. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; MéxicoFil: Rodriguez, Paulina Torres. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; MéxicoFil: Gervasi, Mar?á G.. University Of Massachusetts Amherst;Fil: Xu, Xinran. School Of Biomedical Engineering;Fil: Luque, Guillermina Maria. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Contreras-Jiménez, Gastón. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; MéxicoFil: Sánchez-Cárdenas, Claudia. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; MéxicoFil: Ramírez-Gómez, Héctor V.. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; MéxicoFil: Krapf, Diego. School Of Biomedical Engineering;Fil: Visconti, Pablo E.. University Of Massachusetts Amherst;Fil: Krapf, Dario. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Rosario. Instituto de Biología Molecular y Celular de Rosario. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Bioquímicas y Farmacéuticas. Instituto de Biología Molecular y Celular de Rosario; ArgentinaFil: Guerrero, Adán. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; MéxicoFil: Darszon, Alberto. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; MéxicoFil: Buffone, Mariano Gabriel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Risk profiles and one-year outcomes of patients with newly diagnosed atrial fibrillation in India: Insights from the GARFIELD-AF Registry.

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    BACKGROUND: The Global Anticoagulant Registry in the FIELD-Atrial Fibrillation (GARFIELD-AF) is an ongoing prospective noninterventional registry, which is providing important information on the baseline characteristics, treatment patterns, and 1-year outcomes in patients with newly diagnosed non-valvular atrial fibrillation (NVAF). This report describes data from Indian patients recruited in this registry. METHODS AND RESULTS: A total of 52,014 patients with newly diagnosed AF were enrolled globally; of these, 1388 patients were recruited from 26 sites within India (2012-2016). In India, the mean age was 65.8 years at diagnosis of NVAF. Hypertension was the most prevalent risk factor for AF, present in 68.5% of patients from India and in 76.3% of patients globally (P < 0.001). Diabetes and coronary artery disease (CAD) were prevalent in 36.2% and 28.1% of patients as compared with global prevalence of 22.2% and 21.6%, respectively (P < 0.001 for both). Antiplatelet therapy was the most common antithrombotic treatment in India. With increasing stroke risk, however, patients were more likely to receive oral anticoagulant therapy [mainly vitamin K antagonist (VKA)], but average international normalized ratio (INR) was lower among Indian patients [median INR value 1.6 (interquartile range {IQR}: 1.3-2.3) versus 2.3 (IQR 1.8-2.8) (P < 0.001)]. Compared with other countries, patients from India had markedly higher rates of all-cause mortality [7.68 per 100 person-years (95% confidence interval 6.32-9.35) vs 4.34 (4.16-4.53), P < 0.0001], while rates of stroke/systemic embolism and major bleeding were lower after 1 year of follow-up. CONCLUSION: Compared to previously published registries from India, the GARFIELD-AF registry describes clinical profiles and outcomes in Indian patients with AF of a different etiology. The registry data show that compared to the rest of the world, Indian AF patients are younger in age and have more diabetes and CAD. Patients with a higher stroke risk are more likely to receive anticoagulation therapy with VKA but are underdosed compared with the global average in the GARFIELD-AF. CLINICAL TRIAL REGISTRATION-URL: http://www.clinicaltrials.gov. Unique identifier: NCT01090362

    O sítio Isla El Disparito (Iberá, Corrientes). Contribuições à arqueologia do Chaco úmido (Argentina)

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    The recently undertaken interdisciplinary study of the Iberá Macrosystem is aimed at increasing our understanding of regional archaeology, among other aspects. This paper presents the results of the analysis of the archaeological collection from the site Isla El Disparito. In addition, we present sedimentological, paleobotanical and mineralogical data, as well as radiocarbonic dates. The pottery fragments recovered are mostly undecorated, with smoothing as the most frequent surface treatment, but also corrugated. A few are decorated (incised and/or impressed). They would correspond to diverse vessels with both simple and complex contours. Different lithic artifacts and bone tools were recovered. The lithic artifacts, including projectile points with peduncles, straight and concave fins, spokeshave, knife and scraper, among others, are mostly made from sandstones. The bone tools included diverse morphological types of projectile points (i.e. convex, hollowed, flat and foliate). We also identified chisels, a tube and pendants. Furthermore, the faunal remains are characterized by high frequency of small mammals, especially coypu, as well as the mollusks Diplodon parallelopipedon, D. charruanus and Castalia sp. Until recently, these freshwater bivalves were not thought to occur in the study area. A minimum of 18 individuals were identified, with dental crown features characteristic of American Indian populations. The only primary burial identified has been dated (14C 960 BP). The results are discussed with reference to regional information and contribute to reconstruct the dynamics of ancient human populations.Las investigaciones interdisciplinarias que han comenzado recientemente en el Macrosistema Iberá buscan, entre otros aspectos, ampliar el conocimiento sobre la arqueología regional. En este artículo se dan a conocer los resultados de los análisis realizados sobre la colección de restos óseos humanos, faunísticos, líticos y cerámicos recuperados en el sitio Isla El Disparito. Sumado a esto se presentan los resultados sedimentológicos, paleobotánicos y mineralógicos del sitio, así como los fechados radiocarbónicos hasta ahora obtenidos. En los trabajos realizados se recuperaron fragmentos cerámicos alisados sin decoración, corrugados y decorados (por incisión y/o impresión), los que corresponderían a variados recipientes de contornos simples o complejos. A esto se suma un variado utillaje confeccionado tanto sobre hueso como sobre material lítico. Este último está elaborado principalmente sobre areniscas, conformado por puntas de proyectil con pedúnculo y aletas rectas o cóncavas; raederas; cuchillos; raspadores, entre otros artefactos. Entre el equipo óseo se cuentan puntas de diversos tipos morfológicos (i.e. convexas, ahuecadas, planas y foliáceas). También se identificaron biseles, un tubo y pendientes. El material faunístico se caracteriza por la elevada frecuencia de mamíferos de pequeño porte, especialmente coipo. Un aspecto particular de este registro es la presencia de Diplodon parallelopipedon, D. charruanus y Castalia sp., bivalvos dulceacuícolas que hasta hace poco tiempo se creía que no habitaban actualmente esta zona. El análisis bioarqueológico permitió identificar un número mínimo de 18 individuos; los mismos presentan rasgos morfológicos dentales coronales propios de poblaciones amerindias. Respecto de la asociación temporal del conjunto recuperado, para el único enterratorio primario identificado se obtuvo una antigüedad 14C de ca. 960 AP. A partir de esta primera cronología y de la caracterización realizada se puede comenzar a abordar el poblamiento y dinámica prehispánica del sector a la luz de nuevos modelos y discusiones actuales.As pesquisas interdisciplinares iniciadas recentemente no Macrossistema Iberá buscam, entre outros aspectos, ampliar o conhecimento sobre a arqueologia regional. Neste artigo se dão a conhecer os resultados das análises realizadas na coleção de restos ósseos humanos, faunísticos, líticos e cerâmicos recuperados no sítio Isla El Disparito. Somado a isso, são apresentados os resultados sedimentológicos, paleobotânicos e mineralógicos do local, bem como as datações de radiocarbono obtidas até o momento. Nos trabalhos realizados foram recuperados fragmentos cerâmicos alisados sem decoração, corrugados e decorados (por incisão e/ou impressão), que corresponderiam a vários recipientes de contornos simples ou complexos. Soma-se a isto um variado ferramental confeccionado tanto em osso quanto em material lítico. Este último é elaborado principalmente em arenitos, constituído por pontas de projétil com pedúnculos e aletas retas ou côncavas; raedeiras; facas; raspadores, entre outros artefatos. Entre os equipamentos ósseos encontram-se pontas de vários tipos morfológicos (i.e. convexas, ocas, planas e foliáceas). Também foram identificados biséis, um tubo e pendentes. O material faunístico é caracterizado pela alta frequência de mamíferos de pequeno porte, principalmente o ratão-do-banhado. Um aspecto particular deste registro é a presença de Diplodon parallelopipedon, D. charruanus e Castalia sp., bivalves de água doce que até recentemente se acreditava que não habitavam atualmente esta área. A análise bioarqueológica permitiu identificar um número mínimo de 18 indivíduos; os mesmos apresentam características morfológicas dentais coronais típicas de populações ameríndias. Em relação à associação temporal do conjunto recuperado, para o único cemitério primário identificado obteve-se uma idade 14C de ca. 960 AP. A partir desta primeira cronologia e da caracterização realizada, é possível começar a abordar o povoamento e dinâmica pré-hispânica do setor à luz dos novos modelos e discussões atuais

    O sítio Isla El Disparito (Iberá, Corrientes). Contribuições à arqueologia do Chaco úmido (Argentina)

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    Las investigaciones interdisciplinarias que han comenzado recientemente en el Macrosistema Iberá buscan, entre otros aspectos, ampliar el conocimiento sobre la arqueología regional. En este artículo se dan a conocer los resultados de los análisis realizados sobre la colección de restos óseos humanos, faunísticos, líticos y cerámicos recuperados en el sitio Isla El Disparito. Sumado a esto se presentan los resultados sedimentológicos, paleobotánicos y mineralógicos del sitio, así como los fechados radiocarbónicos hasta ahora obtenidos. En los trabajos realizados se recuperaron fragmentos cerámicos alisados sin decoración, corrugados y decorados (por incisión y/o impresión), los que corresponderían a variados recipientes de contornos simples o complejos. A esto se suma un variado utillaje confeccionado tanto sobre hueso como sobre material lítico. Este último está elaborado principalmente sobre areniscas, conformado por puntas de proyectil con pedúnculo y aletas rectas o cóncavas; raederas; cuchillos; raspadores, entre otros artefactos. Entre el equipo óseo se cuentan puntas de diversos tipos morfológicos (i.e. convexas, ahuecadas, planas y foliáceas). También se identificaron biseles, un tubo y pendientes. El material faunístico se caracteriza por la elevada frecuencia de mamíferos de pequeño porte, especialmente coipo. Un aspecto particular de este registro es la presencia de Diplodon parallelopipedon, D. charruanus y Castalia sp., bivalvos dulceacuícolas que hasta hace poco tiempo se creía que no habitaban actualmente esta zona. El análisis bioarqueológico permitió identificar un número mínimo de 18 individuos; los mismos presentan rasgos morfológicos dentales coronales propios de poblaciones amerindias. Respecto de la asociación temporal del conjunto recuperado, para el único enterratorio primario identificado se obtuvo una antigüedad 14C de ca. 960 AP. A partir de esta primera cronología y de la caracterización realizada se puede comenzar a abordar el poblamiento y dinámica prehispánica del sector a la luz de nuevos modelos y discusiones actuales.The recently undertaken interdisciplinary study of the Iberá Macrosystem is aimed at increasing our understanding of regional archaeology, among other aspects. This paper presents the results of the analysis of the archaeological collection from the site Isla El Disparito. In addition, we present sedimentological, paleobotanical and mineralogical data, as well as radiocarbonic dates. The pottery fragments recovered are mostly undecorated, with smoothing as the most frequent surface treatment, but also corrugated. A few are decorated (incised and/or impressed). They would correspond to diverse vessels with both simple and complex contours. Different lithic artifacts and bone tools were recovered. The lithic artifacts, including projectile points with peduncles, straight and concave fins, spokeshave, knife and scraper, among others, are mostly made from sandstones. The bone tools included diverse morphological types of projectile points (i.e. convex, hollowed, flat and foliate). We also identified chisels, a tube and pendants. Furthermore, the faunal remains are characterized by high frequency of small mammals, especially coypu, as well as the mollusks Diplodon parallelopipedon, D. charruanus and Castalia sp. Until recently, these freshwater bivalves were not thought to occur in the study area. A minimum of 18 individuals were identified, with dental crown features characteristic of American Indian populations. The only primary burial identified has been dated (14C 960 BP). The results are discussed with reference to regional information and contribute to reconstruct the dynamics of ancient human populations.As pesquisas interdisciplinares iniciadas recentemente no Macrossistema Iberá buscam, entre outros aspectos, ampliar o conhecimento sobre a arqueologia regional. Neste artigo se dão a conhecer os resultados das análises realizadas na coleção de restos ósseos humanos, faunísticos, líticos e cerâmicos recuperados no sítio Isla El Disparito. Somado a isso, são apresentados os resultados sedimentológicos, paleobotânicos e mineralógicos do local, bem como as datações de radiocarbono obtidas até o momento. Nos trabalhos realizados foram recuperados fragmentos cerâmicos alisados sem decoração, corrugados e decorados (por incisão e/ou impressão), que corresponderiam a vários recipientes de contornos simples ou complexos. Soma-se a isto um variado ferramental confeccionado tanto em osso quanto em material lítico. Este último é elaborado principalmente em arenitos, constituído por pontas de projétil com pedúnculos e aletas retas ou côncavas; raedeiras; facas; raspadores, entre outros artefatos. Entre os equipamentos ósseos encontram-se pontas de vários tipos morfológicos (i.e. convexas, ocas, planas e foliáceas). Também foram identificados biséis, um tubo e pendentes. O material faunístico é caracterizado pela alta frequência de mamíferos de pequeno porte, principalmente o ratão-do-banhado. Um aspecto particular deste registro é a presença de Diplodon parallelopipedon, D. charruanus e Castalia sp., bivalves de água doce que até recentemente se acreditava que não habitavam atualmente esta área. A análise bioarqueológica permitiu identificar um número mínimo de 18 indivíduos; os mesmos apresentam características morfológicas dentais coronais típicas de populações ameríndias. Em relação à associação temporal do conjunto recuperado, para o único cemitério primário identificado obteve-se uma idade 14C de ca. 960 AP. A partir desta primeira cronologia e da caracterização realizada, é possível começar a abordar o povoamento e dinâmica pré-hispânica do setor à luz dos novos modelos e discussões atuais.Dossier: Contribuciones antropológicas a la comprensión del pasado en el Gran Chaco sudamericano.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Psychosocial stress, bicultural identity integration, and bicultural self-efficacy among Hispanic emerging adults

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    Most studies on psychosocial stress among Hispanics have focused on risk factors. To better understand psychosocial stress among this population, this study aimed to examine components of bicultural identity integration and bicultural self-efficacy, that may be associated with lower psychosocial stress among Hispanic emerging adults (ages 18-25). This aim was tested on a cross-sectional sample of Hispanic emerging adults (M = 21.30, SD = 2.09) that included 200 participants (Arizona n = 99, Florida n = 101). The sample included men (n = 98) and women (n = 102). Most participants were US-born (70%), college students (69.5%), and of Mexican heritage (44%). Standardized coefficients from a hierarchical multiple regression model indicate that higher levels of the bicultural harmony component of bicultural identity integration (β = -0.26, p \u3c 0.001) and the social groundedness component of bicultural self-efficacy (β = -0.23, p \u3c 0.01) were associated with lower levels of psychosocial stress. To our knowledge, this is the first study to examine components of bicultural identity integration and bicultural self-efficacy and their respective associations with psychosocial stress among any racial/ethnic group. Thus, more studies are needed to replicate our findings to determine if bicultural identity integration and bicultural self-efficacy should be considered in psychosocial stress interventions for Hispanics