2,321 research outputs found

    Scenario Modeling for the Management of International Bond Portfolios

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    We address the problem of portfolio management in the international bond markets. Interest rate risk in the local market, exchange rate volatility across markets, and decisions for hedging currency risk are integral parts of this problem. The paper develops a stochastic programming optimization model for integrating these decisions in a common framework. Monte Carlo simulation procedures, calibrated using historical observations of volatility and correlation data, generate jointly scenarios of interest and exchange rates. The decision maker's risk tolerance is incorporated through a utility function, and additional views on market outlook can also be incorporated in the form of user specified scenarios. The model prescribes optimal asset allocation among the different markets and determines bond-picking decisions and appropriate hedging ratios. Therefore several interrelated decisions are cast in a common framework, while in the past these issues were addressed separately. Empirical results illustrate the efficacy of the simulation models in capturing the uncertainties of the Salomon Brothers international bond market index.

    The Value of Integrative Risk Management for Insurance Products with Guarantees

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    Insurers increasingly offer policies that converge with the products of the capital markets, and they face a need for integrative asset and liability management strategies. In this paper we show that an integrative approach -- based on scenario optimization modeling -- adds value to the risk management process, when compared to traditional methods. Empirical analysis with products offered by the Italian insurance industry are presented. The results have implications for the design of competitive insurance policies, and some examples are analyzed.

    Asset and Liability Modeling for Participating Policies with Guarantees

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    We study the problem of asset and liability management of participating insurance policies with guarantees. We develop a scenario optimization model for integrative asset and liability management, analyze the tradeoffs in structuring such policies, and study alternative choices in funding them. The nonlinearly constrained optimization model can be linearized through closed form solutions of the dynamic equations. Thus large-scale problems are solved with standard methods. We report on an empirical analysis of policies offered by Italian insurers. The optimized model results are in general agreement with current industry practices. However, some inefficiencies are identified and potential improvements are highlighted.

    Transformations of Logic Programs on Infinite Lists

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    We consider an extension of logic programs, called \omega-programs, that can be used to define predicates over infinite lists. \omega-programs allow us to specify properties of the infinite behavior of reactive systems and, in general, properties of infinite sequences of events. The semantics of \omega-programs is an extension of the perfect model semantics. We present variants of the familiar unfold/fold rules which can be used for transforming \omega-programs. We show that these new rules are correct, that is, their application preserves the perfect model semantics. Then we outline a general methodology based on program transformation for verifying properties of \omega-programs. We demonstrate the power of our transformation-based verification methodology by proving some properties of Buechi automata and \omega-regular languages.Comment: 37 pages, including the appendix with proofs. This is an extended version of a paper published in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, see belo

    How Does Learning Affect Market Liquidity? A Simulation Analysis of a Double-Auction Financial Market with Portfolio Traders.

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    We study the relationship between liquidity and prices in an artificial financial market where portfolio traders with limited resources interact through a continuous, electronic open book. We depart from the standard asset pricing framework in two ways. First, we assume that investors have incomplete information about the distribution of returns. Second, we model the portfolio choice problem using prospect-type preferences. We model the utility function in terms of deviations of the portfolio growth rate from a specified target growth rate, and we assume that investors are more sensitive to downside movements. We show that the parameters defining the learning process affect the price dynamics through their impact on the variability of the market liquidity

    Electrodeposited inorganic separators for alkaline batteries

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    Coating electrodes of silver-cadmium cells with thermostable electrodeposits of calcium hydroxide or magnesium hydroxide reduces silver migration and increases cell life. Absence of organic matter enables assembled cells to be sterilized without oxidation of the material of the separators

    Stochastic debt sustainability analysis for sovereigns and the scope for optimization modeling

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    We argue that sovereign debt sustainability analysis must be augmented by stochastic correlated risk factors and a risk measure to capture tail effects. Crisis situations can thus be adequately specified and analyzed with sufficient accuracy to warrant the relevance of policy decisions. In this context there is significant scope for optimization modeling for both strategic planning and operational management. We discuss diverse aspects of the problem of debt sustainability and highlight modeling approaches that can be brought to bear on the problem. Results with the fictitious, but nor unrealistic, Kingdom of Atlantis, which is sinking under excessive debt, illustrate the proposed models

    Study of nickel-cadmium cells Final report

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    Effects of variations in positive electrode behavior and selected impurities on performance of sealed nickel-cadmium cell

    Study of the use of auxiliary electrodes in silver cells

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    Auxiliary electrodes in silver-cadmium and silver zinc cells for hydrogen and oxygen recombination, and hydrogen combination cell desig

    Characterization of nickel-cadmium electrodes final report, 1 jul. 1963 - 31 dec. 1964

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    Characterization of electrodes in nickel-cadmium spacecraft batteries prior to and after cyclic testin
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