20 research outputs found

    Seasonal genotype dynamics of a marine dinoflagellate : Pelagic populations are homogeneous and as diverse as benthic seed banks

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    Genetic diversity is the basis for evolutionary adaptation and selection under changing environmental conditions. Phytoplankton populations are genotypically diverse, can become genetically differentiated within small spatiotemporal scales and many species form resting stages. Resting stage accumulations in sediments (seed banks) are expected to serve as reservoirs for genetic information, but so far their role in maintaining phytoplankton diversity and in evolution has remained unclear. In this study we used the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium ostenfeldii (Dinophyceae) as a model organism to investigate if (i) the benthic seed bank is more diverse than the pelagic population and (ii) the pelagic population is seasonally differentiated. Resting stages (benthic) and plankton (pelagic) samples were collected at a coastal bloom site in the Baltic Sea, followed by cell isolation and genotyping using microsatellite markers (MS) and restriction site associated DNA sequencing (RAD). High clonal diversity (98%-100%) combined with intermediate to low gene diversity (0.58-0.03, depending on the marker) was found. Surprisingly, the benthic and pelagic fractions of the population were equally diverse, and the pelagic fraction was temporally homogeneous, despite seasonal fluctuation of environmental selection pressures. The results of this study suggest that continuous benthic-pelagic coupling, combined with frequent sexual reproduction, as indicated by persistent linkage equilibrium, prevent the dominance of single clonal lineages in a dynamic environment. Both processes harmonize the pelagic with the benthic population and thus prevent seasonal population differentiation. At the same time, frequent sexual reproduction and benthic-pelagic coupling maintain high clonal diversity in both habitats.Peer reviewe

    Identification and genetic characterization of Saprolegnia parasitica, isolated from farmed and wild fish in Finland

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    Oomycete infections in farmed fish are one of the most significant disease issues in salmonid aquaculture worldwide. In the present study, Saprolegnia spp. in different farmed fish species in Finland were identified, and the molecular epidemiology of especially Saprolegnia parasitica was examined. We analysed tissue samples from suspected oomycete-infected salmonids of different life stages from a number of fish farms, as well as three wild salmonids. From collected oomycete isolates, the ITS1, 5.8S and ITS2 genomic regions were amplified, analysed phylogenetically and compared with corresponding sequences deposited in GenBank. Of the sequenced isolates, 91% were identified as S. parasitica. Isolates of yolk sac fry were identified as different Saprolegnia spp. Among the isolates from rainbow trout eggs Saprolegnia diclina dominated. In order to determine potential dominating clones among the S. parasitica, isolates were analysed using Multi Locus Sequence Typing (MLST). The results showed that one main clone contained the majority of the isolates. The MLST analysis showed four main sequence types (ST1–ST4) and 13 unique STs. This suggests that the Saprolegnia infections in farmed fish in Finland are not caused by different strains originating in the farm environment. Instead, one main clone of S. parasitica is present in Finnish fish farms.publishedVersio

    Towards Phytoplankton Parasite Detection Using Autoencoders

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    Phytoplankton parasites are largely understudied microbial components with a potentially significant ecological impact on phytoplankton bloom dynamics. To better understand their impact, we need improved detection methods to integrate phytoplankton parasite interactions in monitoring aquatic ecosystems. Automated imaging devices usually produce high amount of phytoplankton image data, while the occurrence of anomalous phytoplankton data is rare. Thus, we propose an unsupervised anomaly detection system based on the similarity of the original and autoencoder-reconstructed samples. With this approach, we were able to reach an overall F1 score of 0.75 in nine phytoplankton species, which could be further improved by species-specific fine-tuning. The proposed unsupervised approach was further compared with the supervised Faster R-CNN based object detector. With this supervised approach and the model trained on plankton species and anomalies, we were able to reach the highest F1 score of 0.86. However, the unsupervised approach is expected to be more universal as it can detect also unknown anomalies and it does not require any annotated anomalous data that may not be always available in sufficient quantities. Although other studies have dealt with plankton anomaly detection in terms of non-plankton particles, or air bubble detection, our paper is according to our best knowledge the first one which focuses on automated anomaly detection considering putative phytoplankton parasites or infections

    Towards Phytoplankton Parasite Detection Using Autoencoders

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    Phytoplankton parasites are largely understudied microbial components with a potentially significant ecological influence on phytoplankton bloom dynamics. To better understand the impact of phytoplankton parasites, improved detection methods are needed to integrate phytoplankton parasite interactions into monitoring of aquatic ecosystems. Automated imaging devices commonly produce vast amounts of phytoplankton image data, but the occurrence of anomalous phytoplankton data in such datasets is rare. Thus, we propose an unsupervised anomaly detection system based on the similarity between the original and autoencoder-reconstructed samples. With this approach, we were able to reach an overall F1 score of 0.75 in nine phytoplankton species, which could be further improved by species-specific fine-tuning. The proposed unsupervised approach was further compared with the supervised Faster R-CNN-based object detector. Using this supervised approach and the model trained on plankton species and anomalies, we were able to reach a highest F1 score of 0.86. However, the unsupervised approach is expected to be more universal as it can also detect unknown anomalies and it does not require any annotated anomalous data that may not always be available in sufficient quantities. Although other studies have dealt with plankton anomaly detection in terms of non-plankton particles or air bubble detection, our paper is, according to our best knowledge, the first that focuses on automated anomaly detection considering putative phytoplankton parasites or infections

    Sött och salt

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    Sött och salt – Innehållsförteckning: – Inledaren: På tröskeln till havets decennium / Cecilia Lundberg – Om vatten på öar / Christian Pleijel – Grundvattnet i skärgården / Egon Nordström – Utö gör sitt eget vatten / Erik Sjöberg – Att mäta vatten – Finlands havsplan skapar förutsättningar för en livskraftig skärgård / Marie Sjölind – Mareld gör havet till stjärnhimmel / Conny Sjöqvist – I Aura å mellan broarna / Tore Lindholm – Kan havtorn bidra till att rädda Skärgårdshavet? / Heikki Kallio – Skärgården i kläm mellan övergödning och klimatförändring / Camilla Gustafsson, Joanna Norkko och Alf Norkko – Landhöjningen – eller historien om vattnet som försvann / Liselott Nyström Forsén – Skärgård och ångare skapade familjeföretag / Thure Malmberg – ”Min ö” är artikelserien för alla nesofiler / Pia Prost – Min ö Björkö / Siv Fagerlund – Hur bobar är din ö? / Christian Pleijel – Skärgårds prenumerantkontakt Anita säger hej då! / Mia Henriksson – Skärinytt – Sista bilde

    Birth mode is associated with earliest strain-conferred gut microbiome functions and immunostimulatory potential

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    The effects of caesarean section delivery on mother-to-neonate transmission of microbiota are unclear. Here the authors show that caesarean section delivery can affect the transmission of specific microbial strains and the immunomodulatory potential of the microbiota

    Evolution of Phytoplankton as Estimated from Genetic Diversity

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    Phytoplankton are photosynthetic, single-celled organisms producing almost half of all oxygen on Earth and play a central role as prey for higher organisms, making them irreplaceable in the marine food web. As Global Change proceeds, imposing rapidly intensifying selection pressures, phytoplankton are forced to undergo evolution, local extinction, or redistribution, with potentially cascading effects throughout the marine ecosystem. Recent results from the field of population genetics display high levels of standing genetic diversity in natural phytoplankton populations, providing ample ‘evolutionary options’ and implying high adaptive potential to changing conditions. This potential for adaptive evolution is realized in several studies of experimental evolution, even though most of these studies investigate the evolution of only single strains. This, however, shows that phytoplankton not only evolve from standing genetic diversity, but also rely on de novo mutations. Recent global sampling campaigns show that the immense intraspecific diversity of phytoplankton in the marine ecosystem has been significantly underestimated, meaning we are only studying a minor portion of the relevant variability in the context of Global Change and evolution. An increased understanding of genomic diversity is primarily hampered by the low number of ecologically representative reference genomes of eukaryotic phytoplankton and the functional annotation of these. However, emerging technologies relying on metagenome and transcriptome data may offer a more realistic understanding of phytoplankton diversity

    Genetic diversity and phenotypic variability of phytoplankton populations in the Baltic Sea

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    En av naturens mest grundläggande aspekter är den enorma mängd av variation som existerar mellan arter. Denna variation har lett oss till att klassificera olika organismer på basis av morfologiska skillnader och på senare tid till att jämföra genetiska skillnader på individens nivå. Den marina kiselalgen Skeletonema marinoi är en av de vanligaste växtplanktonarter i Östersjön under vårblomningen och anses viktig för den årliga produktionen. En av mina främsta målsättningar var att beskriva den intra-specifika diversiteten hos denna art längs med miljögradienter i Östersjön. Ett annat mål var att klargöra de faktorer som eventuellt är involverade i konfigurationen av genetisk diversitet och differentiering. Med hjälp av genetiska markörer visade jag att den genetiska diversiteten hos S. marinoi populationer i Östersjön är lägre jämfört med populationer i östra delen av Nordsjön. Arten är genetiskt uppdelad så att en utpräglad population förekommer i Östersjön och en annan, genetiskt åtskild population förekommer norr om de Danska sunden. Resultaten visar att de genetiskt åtskilda populationerna är anpassade till lokala salinitetsförhållanden. Genflödet mellan populationerna korrelerade kraftigt med havströmmar i området. Mina studier avslöjade även omfattande variation av fenotypiska, ekologiskt vikitga särdrag hos olika kloner. Djurplankton som äter kiselalger kunde modifiera den klonala mångfalden av fenotypiskt variabla S. marinoi populationer. En ökad klonal mångfald ledde till högre prestationsförmåga i fråga om primär produktion och stabiliserade ekofysiologiska funktioner. Som visas i denna avhandling består en art allt som oftast av åtskilliga genetiska varianter med fenotypiska skillnader. Kunskap om sådana intra-specifika skillnader är en förutsättning för att vi skall kunna förstå var och varför arter förekommer. Denna kunskap utgör även en grund för prognoser som siktar på att förutspå huruvida arter kan anpassa sig till framtida miljöförhållanden. ------------------------------------------------------ Suunnaton määrä variaatioita eliölajien välillä on perustavanlaatuinen ominaisuus luonnossa. Perinteisesti tätä monimuotoisuutta on käytetty organismien luokittelemiseen eri lajeihin niiden morfologisten eroavaisuuksien perusteella. Hiljattain myös geneettisten erojen huomioimista yksilötasolla on hyödynnetty lajien luokittelemisessa. Merialueilla esiintyvä piilevä, Skeletonema marinoi on yksi Itämeren tavallisimmista kasviplanktonlajeista kevätkukinnan aikana. Tavoitteenani oli selventää geneettistä ja fenotyyppistä monimuotoisuutta pitkin Itämeren ympäristögradienttejä. Geneettisen monimuotoisuuteen ja erkaantumiseen vaikuttavien tekijöiden selvittäminen oli tärkeä aspekti väitöstutkimuksessani. Geneettisiä markkereita käyttämällä pystyin toteamaan, että S. marinoi levän geneettinen monimuotoisuus on Itämeressä merkittävästi alhaisempi kuin läheisessä Pohjanmeren itäosassa. Tutkittu laji jakautuu geneettisesti yhteen erilliseen populaatioon Itämeressä ja toiseen selvästi erottuvaan populaatioon Tanskan salmien pohjoispuolella. Kokeellisten tulosten perusteella nämä geneettisesti erilaistuneet populaatiot ovat kumpikin sopeutuneet paikalliseen veden suolapitoisuuteen. Populaatioiden välisen geenivirran ja merivirtojen luoman yhteyden välillä havaittiin vahva korrelaatio. Tutkimukseni paljastivat myös laajaa vaihtelua Skeletonema-kloonien ekologisesti tärkeissä ominaisuuksissa. Kokeellisten tutkimusteni perusteella laiduntajat pystyivät muuttamaan geneettisten kloonien lukumäärää monimuotoisissa S. marinoi populaatioissa. Lisääntynyt kloonien lukumäärä paransi perustuotantokykyä ja vakautti ekofysiologisia toimintoja. Kuten tässä väitöstutkimuksessa osoitetaan, lajit koostuvat useimmiten lukuisista geneettisistä muunnelmista, jotka eroavat usein fenotyypeiltään. Ymmärtääksemme missä tietyt lajit esiintyvät ja miksi, tarvitsemme tietoa lajien sisäisistä vaihteluista. Tämä tieto on tarpeellista, jotta voimme ennustaa lajien sopeutumista tuleviin ympäristönmuutoksiin.

    Data from: Local adaptation and oceanographic connectivity patterns explain genetic differentiation of a marine diatom across the North Sea-Baltic Sea salinity gradient

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    Drivers of population genetic structure are still poorly understood in marine micro-organisms. We exploited the North Sea–Baltic Sea transition for investigating the seascape genetics of a marine diatom, Skeletonema marinoi. Eight polymorphic microsatellite loci were analysed in 354 individuals from ten locations to analyse population structure of the species along a 1500-km-long salinity gradient ranging from 3 to 30 psu. To test for salinity adaptation, salinity reaction norms were determined for sets of strains originating from three different salinity regimes of the gradient. Modelled oceanographic connectivity was compared to directional relative migration by correlation analyses to examine oceanographic drivers. Population genetic analyses showed distinct genetic divergence of a low-salinity Baltic Sea population and a high-salinity North Sea population, coinciding with the most evident physical dispersal barrier in the area, the Danish Straits. Baltic Sea populations displayed reduced genetic diversity compared to North Sea populations. Growth optima of low salinity isolates were significantly lower than those of strains from higher native salinities, indicating local salinity adaptation. Although the North Sea–Baltic Sea transition was identified as a barrier to gene flow, migration between Baltic Sea and North Sea populations occurred. However, the presence of differentiated neutral markers on each side of the transition zone suggests that migrants are maladapted. It is concluded that local salinity adaptation, supported by oceanographic connectivity patterns creating an asymmetric migration pattern between the Baltic Sea and the North Sea, determines genetic differentiation patterns in the transition zone

    oceanographic connectivity

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    This file contains matrices of oceanographic connectivity between the ten sampling stations. More information in the associated ReadMe file